View Full Version : Curious

08-31-2004, 03:32 PM
I'm betting people like PB and such will discount this video as bullshit. Still incredibly cool though. I'm gonna go do some reading, online, to see if any of the facts match up:


08-31-2004, 03:33 PM

Um... I can't view it at work, but as soon as I get home, I'll confirm that it's bullshit.


08-31-2004, 03:35 PM
Thanks PB.

08-31-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Thanks PB.

I'm here for you man.. I never want to let my fan base down.


08-31-2004, 03:58 PM
It asks a lot of questions but dosen’t really offer any answers. I mean, if it wasn’t a jet, what happened to Flight 77 and the people on board?

Looks like kooky conspiracy theory to me.

08-31-2004, 04:01 PM
Well, by the evidence its displaying, I'm inclined to believe that it wasn't a boeing 747 that hit the pentagon. Where's the passengers? Wheres the three different video tapes showing the impact?

08-31-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Well, by the evidence its displaying, I'm inclined to believe that it wasn't a boeing 747 that hit the pentagon. Where's the passengers? Wheres the three different video tapes showing the impact?

Well, right, where is the plane? We know it crashed somewhere. It would be pretty hard to cover up if it had crashed somewhere else. All the debris is probably inside the building.

Besides, there are tons of other people who say they did see a plane.

08-31-2004, 04:05 PM
Why then is there minimal evidence of such a huge aircraft hitting the building?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-31-2004, 04:08 PM
I think the better question is, if it wasn't Flight 77, where is flight 77 and all it's passengers?

08-31-2004, 04:10 PM
Well that big hole in the building looks like some pretty convincing evidence. I hear what you are saying, and the way it was presented, it had me wondering also. But based on the fact that Flight 77 was hijacked, crashed and there is a huge f-ing hole in the building, I’m going to have to go with conventional wisdom on this one.

08-31-2004, 04:20 PM
I watched the thing up until the point it started flashing images of wrecked planes. Very respectful, that.

So I don't know if it goes into this later, but two obvious answers are the Pentagon blew up the incoming plane with a missile or eyewitness accounts were (as they often are) wrong.

Nothing says "decorum" like crappy flash.

08-31-2004, 04:40 PM
Nothing says smart guy than not actually watching it all, but choosing to comment anyway. I didn't find it very respectful for American troopers to take pride in abusing Iraqi POW's, but hey, can't have everything can you?

08-31-2004, 05:07 PM
Wow, some Americans are bad people. That obviously has something to do with anything.

One can't surround a gem of investigative journalism in dog shit and expect people to find it. Learn how to be a human being, then I'll pay attention to what you say.

I never saw all of Crooklyn either. That doesn't mean I can't say it's a Godawful movie.

08-31-2004, 05:31 PM
ok, haven't watched the video (at work, and stupid nazi Computer guys won't let us view any clips or stuff like that) but i will tell you right now, my ncoic's brother is also an MP, and he was working the back gate of Ft. mcnair when the plane hit the pentagon, my NCOIC was on the phone with him just before and during the incident, a plane DID hit the pentagon.

08-31-2004, 05:34 PM
I saw some security video of the plane crashing into the pentagon on some TV show on the history channel recently.. I would have to say it's most likely bullshit aswell.

wait they show the that video in here... I dunno...

[Edited on 8-31-2004 by Meos]

08-31-2004, 05:47 PM

That off my chest, I seriously don't know, nor do I give much of a damn. IF it is a conspiracy by the government, we might just find out 30 years down the road. If it's just some bullshit tape made up to get people to be all "OMG THE GOVERNMENT IS LYING", then it will disappear and no one will every see or hear about the video again.

08-31-2004, 05:47 PM
<I didn't find it very respectful for American troopers to take pride in abusing Iraqi POW's, but hey, can't have everything can you?>

And the "Most irrelevant statement ever brought into an argument award" goes to Stay. Congratulations.

08-31-2004, 05:50 PM
And on topic, I think this is all pretty fucking stupid. They kept alluding to the fact that there was no wreckage from the plane, that the damage to the Pentagon was more consistent with a bomb going off than a plane crash, and topped it all off with quotes about video footage of a plane crashing into the building. Well, which fucking conspiracy theory are they sticking to? Was it a plane, or a bomb?

08-31-2004, 06:23 PM
well I had to watch it a few times, because some of the screens went by so quickly i didn't get to really read it...

but the conspiracy that they're eluding to is that it was a military plane that crashed into the pentagon, not an airliner.

a miltary plane would sound more like a missle, and it could maneuver at 530 miles an hour, 20 feet off the ground...not an american airline jet being piloted by someone who could barely fly a plane.

I don't know though...because where did flight 77 go? I mean, airplanes just don't disappear...and weren't there phone calls made from the plane to loved ones saying they had been hijacked and were going down? Where did it go down?

08-31-2004, 06:31 PM
<but the conspiracy that they're eluding to is that it was a military plane that crashed into the pentagon, not an airliner.

a miltary plane would sound more like a missle, and it could maneuver at 530 miles an hour, 20 feet off the ground...not an american airline jet being piloted by someone who could barely fly a plane.

I don't know though...because where did flight 77 go? I mean, airplanes just don't disappear...and weren't there phone calls made from the plane to loved ones saying they had been hijacked and were going down? Where did it go down? >

They were alluding to three different, and conflicting, theories. The first was that it wasn't a jumbo jet, but rather a private airliner (hence the 7 or 8 passengers). The second was that it was a military jet. The third was that it wasn't a plane at all, but rather a bomb. Hence, they are fucking retards.

08-31-2004, 06:35 PM
Airplanes pretty much disintegrate on contact with anything. Also, the burning jet fuel would turn the aluminum covering of an aircraft into ash, it burns so hot. When there's an aircraft crash involving a lot of jet fuel and a small area (Not an open airfield where there's a debris field) it really isn't uncommon to find very, very little evidence.

Edited to add:
I guess a good comparison would be -- how much actual aircraft debris was pulled out of the Twin Towers? We KNOW the planes crashed there...

[Edited on 8-31-2004 by Maimara]

08-31-2004, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
They were alluding to three different, and conflicting, theories. The first was that it wasn't a jumbo jet, but rather a private airliner (hence the 7 or 8 passengers). The second was that it was a military jet. The third was that it wasn't a plane at all, but rather a bomb. Hence, they are fucking retards.

Well, I guess this is where interpretations differ...

it seemed to me that the point of saying that the plane, upon first glance, looked like a small 8 seater plane was that if the plane was going by someone's window at 600 mph, they could absolutely tell it was a small plane, not a Boeing 757. But it didn't neccessarily mean it WAS a 8 seater plane...and that it could very well BE a military plane.

The bomb issue, to me, was that military jets usually do carry explosives. An account was that the plane hit the building THEN exploded. I assume that it was the explossives carried on the military plane exploding while inside. Perhaps a missle firing off which caused the "small" hole damage 3 levels into the pentagon.

Everything they mentioned could tie back into a military plane.

So what exactly would they be covering up? That it was an American military plane and they didn't have enough security or there were traitors among us....OR that it was a military jet from elsewhere that we didn't catch in time?

but still...flight 77 disappeared off radar 45 minutes before the plane hit. Where did it disappear to?

08-31-2004, 08:29 PM
<but still...flight 77 disappeared off radar 45 minutes before the plane hit. Where did it disappear to? >

Just out of curiousity, since I can't remember the details from 9-11, but is this info true or is just something contained in that flash animation? I kinda remember the plane having only been off the radar for a minute before it crashed, back when I first heard it on the news as it happened.

08-31-2004, 08:32 PM

Dissenters!! Call the Department of Homeland Security!!!

JK. :devil: