View Full Version : Industry Alt

08-27-2013, 12:52 PM
So I'm looking for the opinions of anyone with industry experience here.

I'm planning to make an alt to get more into the industry side of EVE and I need help deciding what training focus it should have. Right now I have a market character who has almost completed all the trade/social skills and already has moderate combat skills (so I can grind standing easier). This character will soon be switching over to industry as well.

I have no experience with manufacturing, invention, or POSs, but those are the three things I want to delve into. Specifically I want to check out the invention process, but then obviously I'll want to be able to build my researched BP's.

Which skill path make the most sense to train towards with a random alt, and which ones would I be happier with adding onto my already capable market character? Since I can grind standing with my current market character, are any of the industry skills going to be more useful on that one vs. a nub with no standing?

08-27-2013, 03:39 PM
So I'm looking for the opinions of anyone with industry experience here.

I'm planning to make an alt to get more into the industry side of EVE and I need help deciding what training focus it should have. Right now I have a market character who has almost completed all the trade/social skills and already has moderate combat skills (so I can grind standing easier). This character will soon be switching over to industry as well.

I have no experience with manufacturing, invention, or POSs, but those are the three things I want to delve into. Specifically I want to check out the invention process, but then obviously I'll want to be able to build my researched BP's.

Which skill path make the most sense to train towards with a random alt, and which ones would I be happier with adding onto my already capable market character? Since I can grind standing with my current market character, are any of the industry skills going to be more useful on that one vs. a nub with no standing?

I'm also looking for advice on getting into industry- I mean, I've only been playing for like four months but my primary skill set is frigate flying with a minor in mining. Alts seem to be the way to go for different career paths, I guess.

08-29-2013, 04:40 AM
Invention Tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtobICoRnQo

There's a LOT to this aspect of the game, but this guy covers the basics pretty good. Get some food or at least a drink, this is a 30 minute video. He has a lot of other helpful videos too.

Edited to add:

As far as advice, it largely depends on what you want to do. Keep in mind that even if you're going Industrial, having the core ship skills is still going to be hugely beneficial and even necessary to do what you want to do long term. For example, to get up to where you can get your own research agents and datacores coming in, that takes a lot of Research skill points, but also good rep which you typically get from mission running.

My Indy character started out mining for basic income, and then worked into higher tier mining ships, and got my core skills down. Drone skills are also pretty valuable for a Indy character, and they let you jump over to a Navy Vexor or Dominix and suddenly you have a decent combat ship too in a pinch if your corp/alliance needs it, and sentry drones make missions pretty easy in most cases. Just sit in a fully tanked ship and blap away targets before they even get in range of you in a lot of cases. Later I added the research skills for invention/copying etc.

POS's are a much larger investment because you have to spend anywhere from 100-500mil in fuel per month just to keep them running, depending on the size. (And they can still get blown up by a very determined enemy alliance.) That doesn't count the cost of the rigs, guns and research or manufacturing facilities you put in or around it.

Planetary Interaction is a good way to get some passive income going, but does take some time to research what you're doing. However, with maxed skills and a wormhole my corp owns with corp controlled customs offices, I can make a LOT of ISK via PI if I spend time to ship materials in/out of the wormhole everyday.