View Full Version : Looking for script for Secondary Account Swinger

08-25-2013, 12:09 AM
So I do a bit of hunting in warcamps with my alter ego and my main (Wizard) and I used to have a script that I got from someone many moons ago that had the alter ego basically swinging whenever there was a critter in the room.. I'm hoping someone has the script or commandline for this. I wanted it pretty mindless since I'm runnin a warmage while hasting my alter also, so I"m pretty busy on my warmage to alt-tab over or send other commands through crosscharcom.lic..

Thanks or any help.

Jace Solo
08-25-2013, 12:12 AM
It's pretty easy just to use shift+F1 etc. keys to trigger scripts via crosscharcom

08-25-2013, 11:41 AM
Just an idea... I know bigshot supports follower characters in a group, though I haven't tried that feature myself. The follower characters should just follow the leader and attack according to how you have the script set up. You could run it on your alt while you control your main character.

I'm sure there are other options out there too.

08-25-2013, 01:20 PM
Set up bigshot for both characters just like you would if they were running by themselves, then on the follower issue ;bigshot tail and on the leader with ;bigshot head. They must be grouped at the time. They should then hunt together grouped. It's not perfect, but it works decently.

08-25-2013, 02:51 PM
I'll take a look into that... Thank you.

08-28-2013, 03:41 PM
Set up bigshot for both characters just like you would if they were running by themselves, then on the follower issue ;bigshot tail and on the leader with ;bigshot head. They must be grouped at the time. They should then hunt together grouped. It's not perfect, but it works decently.

It's not perfect seems to be an understatement... Decided to try this out an had it running around Wind Witches and THunder Trolls... While it worked for the first couple of times after that it just went to the area and ran around bypassing critters that it should have been attacking.. Had i set up to approach lone targets and then it stopped working so I swapped it to flee if >1

So I will give it a few more tries with some tweeks, but so far not looking good for bigshot.