View Full Version : Good-bye Post from Sabreon
08-21-2013, 01:13 AM
Below is a post from Sabreon on the officials. Sure it will get deleted over there saving it here.
Hello Alliance,
I guess I can not put it off any longer. The time has come for my last post, as many of you have heard I have sold all my characters and I am leaving GS. My last account (This one) will be transferred over after this post. I just wanted to say a few things before I left.
I wanted to thank all of our members who have been with us in many cases over a decade. The most fun I got to have in gemstone was all the interactions with all of you both Alliance and group and personal conversations. I will miss playing with all of you more then you know.
I apologize for not getting to say goodbye in person to most of you but when the time came.. it came very suddenly.
The main reason I have stayed so long was because of the time invested in both my characters but more importantly the Alliance and all of you in it, but I reached my breaking point over the current GM's constantly making up rules that apply only to our groups over and over. Along with changing things that have been both planned and agreed to by previous gms.
So I had to ask myself how long am I going to let the fact that I love this game keep being my excuse to overlook how badly it is run. I can easily put my effort and time behind a game that has employees who are accountable to reach the goals they say they will, and have to run the game by a set of standards that are applied the same across the board.
Instead we have basically unpaid players that become GMs who do as much or as little work as they wish. Each with their own friends/grudges that they carry over with them, the whole time smirking and pretending that it never effects anything they do. Of course there are some great GMs, though sadly not all of them are.
So as much as I hate to say it, it is time to go.
I will not be able to view any replies to this post so if anyone wants to get in touch with me I can be reached on AIM "Housedreadnaught" which is invisible but always signed on. I will leave it for a week or so before I close it out and use my other screen name.
I hope to keep in touch and would love nothing more then to hear a year or two from now how great the Alliance is doing and about all the success you all are having.
I am confident we have the right people in charge to see that it happens. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you all have a great time in GS.
So to the new Commander Dragauth the Alliance is yours now. Rule it well old friend.
Nice knowing all of you.
Sean Evans
Reply Reply
08-21-2013, 02:04 AM
Not that I disagree with the points but, specifics? or just general "gettin real tired of your shit, simu"
08-21-2013, 02:07 AM
Not that I disagree with the points but, specifics? or just general "gettin real tired of your shit, simu"
When in doubt, blame Emeredan, usually works for me.
08-21-2013, 04:08 AM
I prefer to blame the proletariat.
08-21-2013, 09:06 AM
Never thought Sab would hang it up. OTF just got a difficulty nerf, heh.
08-21-2013, 09:21 AM
I'm sure someone else will fill in the gap, always have before.
08-21-2013, 10:37 AM
It's still just as swarmy as ever imo.
08-21-2013, 10:43 AM
Actually... OTF is much worse off without him there... There's not enough hunters to cover or rescue eachother. The rate of item loss has increased
08-21-2013, 11:42 AM
Unfortunately I'm only around during the daytime, and I don't know everyone that hunts OTF yet. But if someone dies I try to save them and their gear if necessary.
08-21-2013, 11:58 AM
His leaving brought me back to Illistim as I had gone to Teras. I thought with him not there it would cause more trouble getting rescued. That's what I thought except every time I go to get someone Whirlin beats me there so I just get to come along for the ride, but that's ok, at least people are getting rescued.
I haven't noticed a decrease at all in the swarms. There are other groups that are about and just having two groups can cause a lot of creature generation.
08-21-2013, 12:04 PM
I do my best to keep my nose out of game politics, but I can say that Sabreon (et al) was (were) never anything but kind and helpful to me.
08-21-2013, 12:15 PM
I do my best to keep my nose out of game politics, but I can say that Sabreon (et al) was (were) never anything but kind and helpful to me.
Sean was always very kind to me. I'm sad to see him go, I don't know who the new leader of Dreadnaught is, we will see if the organization can survive his leaving. It might be good for it, as it will allow others to get involved, but it might be the death of it. I hope he doesn't later regret it though. We all seem to come back to GS.
His post is correct though, you make an enemy of someone ingame and they become a GM later, you aren't going to know if they will abuse the power or not.
08-21-2013, 12:31 PM
What is the alliance?
08-21-2013, 01:09 PM
I got into a minor tiff with his group back in the day, and he is right, his group definitely got to play by a different set of rules then a mouth-breathing heathen like me.
08-21-2013, 01:13 PM
I got into a minor tiff with his group back in the day, and he is right, his group definitely got to play by a different set of rules then a mouth-breathing heathen like me.
This. Sabreon and his first 2 alts(was only a group of 3 at the time) found me afk and proceeded to kill me, raise me, kill me, raise me, kill me, then left me. I might have killed a member of his house(before it was a MHO) who deserved it and that is how he decided to retaliate. Maybe Im holding a grudge too long but good I am not sad to see him go.
08-21-2013, 01:25 PM
Sean seems like a nice guy on here. I bet he has some great knowledge and history that will be lost.
That being said I've never heard a positive thing about Sabreon and his Alt/MA army. Always wondered if it's even possible to actually play 10 characters at one time without scripts. You certainly can't RP all ten or develop each character as it's own unique persona. It's really flirting with the line between being engaged IG and AFK.
All in all I bet we're better off without him. Less competition for merchants, less zombies, less of a drain on resources by one player.
08-21-2013, 02:07 PM
All in all I bet we're better off without him. Less competition for merchants, less zombies, less of a drain on resources by one player.
In fairness, Sabreon et al hardly ever went to events or merchants, if at all, and when he rested he did so in his own structure so can't really be accused of being a zombie. He was extremely passionate about GS and his MHO which may have been a little over zealous at times but I respected that and he could always be counted on to help the fallen in OTF.
GS aside, Sean is a very nice guy, he taught me how to play poker - and by play, I mean lose magnificently - I wish him all the best for the future. :heart:
08-21-2013, 02:20 PM
The Alliance is three? different groups in Illistim/Landing that work together including Dreadnaught. That's the one that I was loosely involved with. Dreadnaught swore alliance to Illistim and would be called on to defend the city if needed.
Sabreon never hoarded merchant events like some do and he never sat at the dais or in the open with his group as zombies. When he was in public he was always helping other people. I never got on his bad side so I can't comment about that. I hope he is happy and also wish him the best.
08-21-2013, 02:26 PM
In fairness, Sabreon et al hardly ever went to events or merchants, if at all, and when he rested he did so in his own structure so can't really be accused of being a zombie. He was extremely passionate about GS and his MHO which may have been a little over zealous at times but I respected that and he could always be counted on to help the fallen in OTF.
This, I never once found Sabreon to be anything other than completely nice and always willing to to help out if he could. There's a lot more to the story (on both sides) then anyone's letting on but it all boils down to being a sad day.
08-21-2013, 02:49 PM
Sabreon was an example of how to MA the right way. The swarms in OTF were just a side effect of the game's mechanics. Swarms are awesome by the way.
If the game had the population it used to, there would be just as much if not more traffic in OTF, and the swarms would still be there.
I haven't been to OTF in a while. Does it still swarm now that Sabreon is gone?
08-21-2013, 03:10 PM
Sabreon was an example of how to MA the right way.
I understand what you're saying. If someone's MA'ing I appreciate that they use some discretion. I did hear a lot about Sabreon and his MA army ewaving everybody while hunting which is pretty uncool but probably inevitable with a group of that composition and all scripted.
I'm wondering if there is a way to MA the right way. When push comes to shove I'd have to say that the RP environment/spirit of the game and MA are mutually exclusive. Mechanically it's awesome. Spell ups and enchanting from pocket wizards, not waiting or looking for a healer/cleric, getting your boxes opened by your MA rogue. It does make for self sufficiency and has helped me out greatly. It is a fine line though.
08-21-2013, 03:14 PM
I'm wondering if there is a way to MA the right way.
Of course there is, I run six characters and most people are only aware of two.
08-21-2013, 03:23 PM
Of course there is, I run six characters and most people are only aware of two.
I'm not trying to be a smart ass here but I doubt that you can play six characters at a time as well as you can play one at a time. There's just too much going on to do that well. I'm not talking about having 6 accts logged into the game at once. That's easy. I'm saying it's just not possible to be engaged with 6 unique characters at once.
08-21-2013, 03:24 PM
I'm not trying to be a smart ass here but I doubt that you can play six characters at a time as well as you can play one at a time. There's just too much going on to do that well. I'm not talking about having 6 accts logged into the game at once. That's easy. I'm saying it's just not possible to be engaged with 6 unique characters at once.
Shows what your know! I'm going to make another six accounts and run 12 characters at a time.
08-21-2013, 03:29 PM
Of course there is, I run six characters and most people are only aware of two.
Thread: Good-bye Post from Sabreon
Dreaven Boscher Ryjin Vonaq Are you sure they are only aware of two?
Now now, I did say "most" people, but I figure whoever left me this rep probably doesn't do too well in the reading department. Also you missed two. Also the only reason anyone knows about Ryjin and Vonaq was because I was stupid enough to trust someone with that information, it's not like anyone just figured it out.
Anyone have a breakdown of why he left? I always felt he was one of the pillar accounts (would never quit until gs shut down).
08-21-2013, 03:37 PM
Anyone have a breakdown of why he left? I always felt he was one of the pillar accounts (would never quit until gs shut down).
did you read post 1 of this thread?
08-21-2013, 03:38 PM
No real issues with him inside the game, but I'm not so inclined to come out and say he is/was a nice guy. Not sad to see him go.
did you read post 1 of this thread?
I did, but no real specifics given. All the reasons he gave have been a drum that has been beaten on for a long time.
I would think something more specific happened that made him finally decide to quit.
08-21-2013, 03:44 PM
I haven't been to OTF in a while. Does it still swarm now that Sabreon is gone?
Yes it does. It depends on how many people are in there. There is a group of 5 that goes in there and they always say on lnet they are going in. If you have two or three groups of two people you'll get a nice swarm going. Does it swarm like when he was provoking? No...but I've almost died a couple of times due to stacked roundtime and seer dispell since he left.
I've gotten ewaved by him a few times when I walked into a room but he's quick to pull you to your feet and apologize. It happens to everyone that uses ewave eventually. I ususally would just join the hunting party for awhile.
08-21-2013, 03:45 PM
I understand what you're saying. If someone's MA'ing I appreciate that they use some discretion. I did hear a lot about Sabreon and his MA army ewaving everybody while hunting which is pretty uncool but probably inevitable with a group of that composition and all scripted.
I'm wondering if there is a way to MA the right way. When push comes to shove I'd have to say that the RP environment/spirit of the game and MA are mutually exclusive. Mechanically it's awesome. Spell ups and enchanting from pocket wizards, not waiting or looking for a healer/cleric, getting your boxes opened by your MA rogue. It does make for self sufficiency and has helped me out greatly. It is a fine line though.
I ewave people all the time when I'm hunting solo. Shit just happens sometimes.
When I say MA'ing the right way, I mean not being all disruptive about it, like parking all your zombies in a populated area and spamming the screen scroll while everyone spells each other up at the same time or taking up the first 483204923 slots at a merchant like people like Fleurs are infamous (like El Guapo) for.
The only real complaint I've ever heard about Sabreon was due to the swarms it caused in OTF, which is more of a game mechanics issue, and not really the player being a dick.
08-21-2013, 03:49 PM
Yes it does. It depends on how many people are in there. There is a group of 5 that goes in there and they always say on lnet they are going in. If you have two or three groups of two people you'll get a nice swarm going. Does it swarm like when he was provoking? No...but I've almost died a couple of times due to stacked roundtime and seer dispell since he left.
I've gotten ewaved by him a few times when I walked into a room but he's quick to pull you to your feet and apologize. It happens to everyone that uses ewave eventually. I ususally would just join the hunting party for awhile.
Nice. Plane 5 had a small MA crew (only like 3 people) last night and it was swarming like crazy. It was awesome, and I needed quick favor.
I wish OTF had undead.
08-21-2013, 03:56 PM
I did, but no real specifics given. All the reasons he gave have been a drum that has been beaten on for a long time.
I would think something more specific happened that made him finally decide to quit.
The main reason I have stayed so long was because of the time invested in both my characters but more importantly the Alliance and all of you in it, but I reached my breaking point over the current GM's constantly making up rules that apply only to our groups over and over. Along with changing things that have been both planned and agreed to by previous gms.
pretty specific
08-21-2013, 04:01 PM
pretty specific
No that's pretty much the definition of vague.
08-21-2013, 04:05 PM
No that's pretty much the definition of vague.
umm, no, his group was approved for specific things that new GMs cancelled. New GMs made up rules he felt were targeting his group. not so hard.
08-21-2013, 04:06 PM
umm, no, his group was approved for specific things that new GMs cancelled. New GMs made up rules he felt were targeting his group. not so hard.
08-21-2013, 04:09 PM
umm, no, his group was approved for specific things that new GMs cancelled. New GMs made up rules he felt were targeting his group. not so hard.
What specific things? Which GMs? What rules?
08-21-2013, 04:10 PM
Nice. Plane 5 had a small MA crew (only like 3 people) last night and it was swarming like crazy. It was awesome, and I needed quick favor.
I wish OTF had undead.
I'm trying! I bug them every so often to upgrade OTF and throw in some undead! The Nations need some post cap undead, even two new undead in some building in OTF would be awesome.
08-21-2013, 04:10 PM
You can play 6 characters pretty easily with macros and scripts and crosscharcom.
I don't know what you mean by "more effective" but you probably have never been in a warcamp that is locked down with breeze, mass silence, and 5-6 111s/908's going off and splash damage killing everything in a few seconds. Add in the grenade gems and provoke in OTF and well, I have never seen anything that efficient.
That is the guide I used to make my autohotkeys to send keystrokes to all the windows at the same time. Which are complex macros using crosscharcom or keys to launch lich scripts to send a series of commands.
08-21-2013, 04:12 PM
if you go to MHO website, which I don't have the link for right now, you would see how specific that is.
08-21-2013, 04:13 PM
While it is pretty vague, what does it matter?
08-21-2013, 04:15 PM
I don't even know all the situations and issues and I can be very specific.
Sabreon invested a ton of time into his MHOs because it was his enjoyment in Gemstone. He had a dream of what he wanted to build and it seems like when the new MHO Guru came around he wasn't going to get his dream and hence he had no more enjoyment from working on it. So he quit.
08-21-2013, 04:15 PM
While it is pretty vague, what does it matter?
It's the PC, gossip is our favorite pastime.
08-21-2013, 04:24 PM
08-21-2013, 04:26 PM
It's the PC, gossip is our favorite pastime.
dont forget hating. we love to do that too.
08-21-2013, 04:33 PM
Is the whole Illistim restriction new?
08-21-2013, 04:38 PM
Is the whole Illistim restriction new?
not #6
08-21-2013, 07:50 PM
I always wondered how well it would go over if I invented my own Continent in GS and named it Merica and called my MHO the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet. You know, I'd totally want to 1 up the Dreadnaughts.
08-21-2013, 08:41 PM
I always wondered how well it would go over if I invented my own Continent in GS and named it Merica and called my MHO the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet. You know, I'd totally want to 1 up the Dreadnaughts.
Why not? Starsnuffer invented a whole new subrace of dark elves...and now it is official.
08-21-2013, 08:48 PM
Why not? Starsnuffer invented a whole new subrace of dark elves...and now it is official.
I'd have to resub to GS and create a new character though! It would be fun to have the NPC leaders of the various nations of Elanthia sign the Writs of Compliance though.
08-21-2013, 09:20 PM
What specific things? Which GMs? What rules?
Dude, that one guy clearly changed the rules regarding that thing his group was doing. You guys are so dense, I swear!
08-21-2013, 09:35 PM
Why not? Starsnuffer invented a whole new subrace of dark elves...and now it is official.
Except for the demon-semen sex thing, or whatever it was.
Never go full retard.
08-21-2013, 09:44 PM
Except for the demon-semen sex thing, or whatever it was.
Never go full retard.
Yeahh.. no excusing that. That said, the fact that it was a player created culture was sort of a driving factor in my interest. Because of it, there is far more lore and many more stories than just a standard Simu culture. Ingenuity with the culture has died down quite a bit in the past 5-7 years, no debating that, but that may be attributed to Simu adopting the culture - sadly. It's never been treated with the same fairness as their own creations either.
08-21-2013, 09:46 PM
It was very creative before Simu took it as an official culture because, well, everything was unofficial. There was a little society of folks that played by the background and rules that Starsnuffer (and others) created, but for the most part there wasn't really any official documentation saying "No, it happened like this." While I generally DO like things to have as much official documentation as possible, I do see the detriment and the leash it puts on player creativity regarding stories about their characters.
Interesting ways I've always found to RP around rigid official documentation and histories in the game is by playing them off purely as propaganda and full of half truths and outright falsities. If you notice on most of the official docs, it is written by a made up character in Elanthia, as opposed to GM Soandso.
08-21-2013, 10:39 PM
"you've gone full retard. read the officials"
Nigga please. I don't play Prime and barely even Shattered anymore, so... uh... why would I give a shit about any of this?
08-21-2013, 11:13 PM
Whatever. People that crazy to pay for that many accounts always come back. Read it on the interwebz.
08-30-2013, 05:56 PM
Well crap, another great player is gone.
09-04-2013, 12:49 AM
umm, no, his group was approved for specific things that new GMs cancelled. New GMs made up rules he felt were targeting his group. not so hard.
Definitely wasn't just targeting his group. The new MHO Guru has different ideas and standards. And while I spent a few hours inventing fun and new insults for her, she is following the rules already laid down. Just.. closer than most do.
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