View Full Version : Seeking 10x OHE, Shield, Armor

08-18-2013, 06:06 AM
Simple as title states.

Looking more for cash deals (like on paypal) or could possibly also trade premium points to some extent. I have roughly 8k (half on each of two accounts, so keep that in mind when calculating, pm for specifics) of those that have not already yet been promised.

Doesn't need to be fancy past 10x. Infact I would prefer it not to be, as I want to get armor, shield, and weapon with the resources I have to spend. Don't want to pay for all the fancing bubbling, fusion, enhansive, popping, snap, crackle, whatsits. Just want nice 10x gear.

Would much prefer handaxe or falchion for OHE
Would much prefer medium shield
Would much prefer Hard Leather Breastplate for armor

Willing to consider others.

Let me know what you have. Will update if PPs get traded away.

08-18-2013, 09:55 AM
I have a 10x medium shield for sale in the auction folder. There is a plain 10x handaxe in there as well.