View Full Version : EVE: Pilot Tactics

08-13-2013, 08:56 PM
So after finishing the starter tutorials I thought I'd try some legit solo exploration. Sent out probes in the newbie sector and everything was training anomalies. Jumped one sector over and ended up finding an unstable wormhole. Saved the location then went back to home base to get a throw away ship. Jumped back to the wormhole and took the plunge.

Found a few anomalies that were huge asteroids, a couple of unscanned anomalies, and a player wreck with Japanese characters in it's name. Nothing else around. Headed to the asteroids to mine some ores I'd never heard of. Filled half my ship then moved on to another asteroid. Everything went fine until I noticed two ships 13km away.

Well, within 30 second they were firing, lost my ship, and caught a pod death. Had a clone but lost my cybernetics.

Anyway, not crying over it. But it does lead to some questions.

I didn't see the ships on my radar until they were 13km away. Is there a way to increase that range?

Not that I know anything about anything at this point but they may have been cloaked the whole time and dropped it when they started firing. What is the most common method of quick escape? Do you have a destination set that you can macro and it will start the warp?

I've seen other ships as far away as 130km and can get their info. Is there a way to scan other ships to see how they are fitted?

08-14-2013, 12:37 AM
Fun story, exploration followed by death is usually the best time I have in EVE.

I didn't see the ships on my radar until they were 13km away. Is there a way to increase that range?

Directional scanner, do much reading and practicing with it.


I've seen other ships as far away as 130km and can get their info. Is there a way to scan other ships to see how they are fitted?

You can, but they're modules you need to fit on your ship to use.


08-14-2013, 12:52 AM
I didn't see the ships on my radar until they were 13km away. Is there a way to increase that range?

There's no way to increase the range, but you can see things 200km+ away without issue. These guys were for sure cloaky ships.

What is the most common method of quick escape?

Make sure you use the 'align to' option so that you can almost instantly warp away when in danger. Either align to a planet, or even the worm hole (that you should have bookmarked when you entered that area.) There's still a good chance you'll get warp scrambled though, but it does increase your chances of escape.

Do you have a destination set that you can macro and it will start the warp?

Not sure about the macro, but the 'align to' option and then 'w' for warp I believe is a good start.

I've seen other ships as far away as 130km and can get their info. Is there a way to scan other ships to see how they are fitted?

You can't see their fit, but you can see their cargo if you have a scanner.


A few other pointers:

- Wormhole space is extra dangerous simply because nobody shows up in local, so it's hard to tell if anyone is in system with you.
- Your D-scan (directional scanner) is absolutely vital for surviving in w-space. (Use alt-d to pull it up.) You can set it to scan up to 14.5 AU in 360 degrees to pick up any ships, structures, etc in the system. You can then set it to like 30 degrees and point your camera at a planet or direction and d-scan that direction to see if something is there. This takes practice to get used to, but it's a tool you NEED for pvp.
- Even with d-scan, cloaked up ships won't show up on your d-scan except for the split second they have to uncloak upon entering or leaving the system. If they were already cloaked up when you entered the system, you won't see them until it's too late.
- Most worm holes have a corporation with a pos(player owned station) in them and they tend to guard it pretty closely.
- When in w-space, spam your d-scan. If you see a ship on it, you probably should get the hell out of there unless you're the one doing the hunting.

Welcome to the learning curve, it's steep, but it's fun.

Edit: I missed glitches links. Read those for sure.

08-15-2013, 05:56 PM
Join Faction Warfare. You'll learn all the essentials to survive quick. Find a corp (Like mine) That specializes in FW.

08-15-2013, 06:37 PM
Thanks for the advice all. Directional scanning is not something I had been introduced to yet. Very helpful. I have to experiment more with "align to" to see how it works. Also looking into getting that ship scanner module.

Jumped to another newbie system and going through all the associate missions again just to get back implants, loot, and ISK. Will probably then move to the Sister's arc to raise faction before I try more wormhole exploration.