View Full Version : ;go2 Randomly Being Stupid

08-13-2013, 02:31 PM
It will randomly do this, whether you use an alias or not. If I relog it fixes it, but I have no idea what causes it. It just happens randomly.

>;alias list

voln => ;go2 voln

--- Lich: go2 active.
7 matching rooms found:

1: [Ice Cave, Masters' Sanctum] (3561)
2: [Spider Temple, Leg of Volnar] (8330)
3: [Spider Temple, Leg of Volnar] (8331)
4: [Liabo Circle, Voln's Way] (8769)
5: [Liabo Circle, Voln's Way] (8770)
6: [Voln Forecourt] (10125)
7: [Voln Chapel] (15705)

select a room (;send <1-7>)

voln => ;go2 voln

After logging out and back in. . .

--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:00 (4 rooms to move through)]
[Icemule Trace, North Road - 2301]
Crowds of people bustle up this road, on their way to one place or another. Several groups of warriors stride to the north, clad in warm furs and mufflers, while others in cassocks and robes walk more slowly, making signs of blessing at expectant women and small children. You also see a gnomish contraption with a small sign on it and a gnome barker.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Temple Burrow, Oleani Way - 2303]
Small houses line the road. The dwellings follow no set plan, some with one story and others with two. The street is almost deserted at this time of day, with only an occasional halfling passing by with home and hot food clearly on their mind. You also see a black wrought iron gate.
Obvious paths: northeast, west
[go2]>go gate
[Temple Burrow, Oleani Way - 2304]
Pieces of ice dot the street and one yard sports a small, carrot-nosed snowman. To the north looms the glacier, above the dwellings on the streets, with the Temple sitting atop it. Carved from the ice, the Temple gleams in the moonlight, giving those who live here an impressive view. You also see a snow-covered stone path and a wrought-iron gate.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest
[Icemule Trace, Ice Garden - 3365]
Alpine flowerbeds ring this tucked-away courtyard, their bright colors a feast for the eyes in comparison to the white of all the snow that lies beyond the gate. Tamped snow paths keep footsteps soft in this small haven as travellers make their way to and from the chambers north of here. Centered in a bed of white edelweiss and aromatic purple-flowered calamintha is an ice fountain, its watery spray frozen in a sparkling plume. You also see a grieving mountain spirit that is flying around, a tiger incisor, a tiger incisor, a tiger incisor, a tiger incisor, a tiger incisor, an ice hound ear, a troll hide, a troll beard, a troll beard, an aivren gizzard, an aivren gizzard, a seeker eye, a seeker eye, a seeker eye, a seeker eye, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, a barbed cerebralite tentacle, the white Drafix disk, a large red-footed falcon that is flying around, a wrought-iron gate and a blanket of snow.
Also here: Drafix
Obvious paths: north

08-13-2013, 02:52 PM
Along similar lines lately go2 has just been dropping all saved rooms. So like ;go2 myshop used to be there and now there are is nothing.

08-14-2013, 09:29 AM

08-17-2013, 07:01 PM
If voln is not all lowercase, it will list matching rooms instead of using the rooms tagged as voln. I'm not exactly sure how this would cause your issue. I would guess that there's more than one voln alias and that reloading the aliases changes the order that they're matched against what you type. I wouldn't really expect that to be the case, but it's an idea.

08-17-2013, 07:04 PM
If voln is not all lowercase, it will list matching rooms instead of using the rooms tagged as voln. I'm not exactly sure how this would cause your issue. I would guess that there's more than one voln alias and that reloading the aliases changes the order that they're matched against what you type. I wouldn't really expect that to be the case, but it's an idea.

I always type it in all lowercase.

It doesn't do it with just voln though, it'll do of with anything, alias or no alias.

Like ;go2 pawnshop will usually take me to the closest pawnshop, but randomly it will instead pull up a list of everything with "pawnshop" in it. Same for ;go2 sunfist, ;go2 bank, etc. Pretty much anything other than ;go2 <room #>, and the only way to fix it is to relog.

08-17-2013, 07:12 PM
The next time it happens, type
;eq echo Map.tags.inspect
and tells me if it's a big long list of tags, or just empty brackets.

08-17-2013, 07:31 PM

08-18-2013, 12:07 AM
The next time it happens, type
;eq echo Map.tags.inspect
and tells me if it's a big long list of tags, or just empty brackets.

>;go2 voln
--- Lich: go2 active.
7 matching rooms found:

1: [Ice Cave, Masters' Sanctum] (3561)
2: [Spider Temple, Leg of Volnar] (8330)
3: [Spider Temple, Leg of Volnar] (8331)
4: [Liabo Circle, Voln's Way] (8769)
5: [Liabo Circle, Voln's Way] (8770)
6: [Voln Forecourt] (10125)
7: [Voln Chapel] (15705)

select a room (;send <1-7>)

>;eq echo Map.tags.inspect
[exec1: ["bank", "boutique", "bardguild", "advpickup", "advguard", "some ambrominas leaf", "tkaro root", "stick", "slender twig", "yew twig", "some angelica root", "luckbloom blossom", "handful of elderberries", "ironfern root", "bloodwood twig", "daggerstalk mushroom", "genkew mushroom", "some murkweed", "some tree bark", "oak twig", "honeysuckle vine", "sprig of holly", "ebony twig", "twisted twig", "blue trafel mushroom", "some sovyn clove", "some acantha leaf", "pepperthorn root", "heath aster", "small daisy", "crimson dragonstalk", "some wheat grass", "wood violet", "sprig of alyssum", "golden aster", "purple clover blossom", "some brostheras grass", "small violet", "wild chokecherry", "rose-marrow root", "sprig of ivy", "sprig of sneezeweed", "red clover blossom", "wavepetal blossom", "pink clover blossom", "white clover blossom", "yellow clover blossom", "sprig of jasmine", "stalk of goldenrod", "ear of corn", "murdroot", "fragrant white lily", "some motherwort", "sprig of Imaera's Lace", "some barley grass", "sprig of larkspur", "nettle leaf", "sprig of lavender", "wild orchid", "large sunflower", "yellow primrose", "handful of mustard seeds", "trollfear mushroom", "wolfsbane root", "withered black mushroom", "juicy plum", "fig", "some basal moss", "some calamia fruit", "blue whortleberry", "some bolmara lichen", "coppery rain lily", "some torban leaf", "lady slipper blossom", "broken twig", "silver-edged fern", "white baneberry", "some wolifrew lichen", "some haphip root", "nightbloom blossom", "bunch of wild grapes", "stalk of bluebells", "dark pink rain lily", "handful of blueberries", "sprig of sky-blue delphinuris", "wild pansy blossom", "some wild sage", "sprig of wild phlox", "sprig of columbine", "sprig of mournbloom", "some bur-clover root", "some talneo root", "some wingstem root", "wild gooseberry", "small wild rose", "wild beechnut", "golden buttercup", "stalk of cattail", "soft white mushroom", "handful of currants", "sprig of mistletoe", "wild pink geranium", "stalk of burdock", "moonlight cactus-bloom", "cactus flower", "stalk of chicory", "cluster of butterflyweed", "marallis berry", "some pennyroyal stem", "sassafras leaf", "some valerian root", "sweetfern stalk", "node", "sanctuary", "supernode", "empathguild", "some cactacae spine", "town", "ayana berry", "handful of raspberries", "small green olive", "small apple", "white begonia", "red begonia", "small rose", "stalk of wormwood", "white peony", "sprig of foxglove", "layer of onion skin", "fennel bulb", "pink hydrangea", "some thyme", "pink peony", "pink begonia", "iris blossom", "tendril of vinca", "large white gardenia", "light blue hydrangea", "hosta flower", "small turnip", "stargazer lily", "stem of verbena", "vermilion fire lily", "sprig of boxwood", "stem of freesia flowers", "blaestonberry blossom", "trash", "some ephlox moss", "wintergreen leaf", "bent stick", "bright red cranberry", "white hook mushroom", "fiddlehead fern", "short stick", "oxblood lily", "heavy stick", "pine cone", "handful of pinenuts", "some pine needles", "ginger root", "bright red teaberry", "wild carrot", "kylan berry", "sprig of wild lilac", "flathead mushroom", "some alder bark", "small flower", "ayana leaf", "ayana root", "silver-cost:19949:1", "some lettuce", "small pumpkin", "Elanthian snow rose", "orange tomato", "striped tomato", "pale yellow daffodil", "spearmint leaf", "green tomato", "yellow tomato", "small carnation", "red tomato", "sprig of bleeding-heart", "purple crocus", "orange tiger lily", "orris root", "herbalist", "armorshop", "weaponshop", "furrier", "pawnshop", "some wiregrass", "wild strawberry", "ayana weed", "some monkey grass", "traesharm berry", "wild tulip", "yabathilium fruit", "willow twig", "cuctucae berry", "some aloeas stem", "blue water lily", "white water lily", "water chestnut", "yellow water lily", "cluster of woad leaves", "sunburst blossom", "handful of walnuts", "some cothinar flower", "table", "some cave moss", "small dandelion"]]

08-18-2013, 10:13 AM
Apparently you have less than half as many tags as you should, and one of the ones that is missing is voln. Since go2 thinks "voln" doesn't match any tag anywhere in the database, it just does a search for it. I don't know what happened to your tags.. Maybe a random script is messing with them somehow.

08-18-2013, 02:46 PM
How do I go about fixing that

Is it possible that I'm somehow losing them? Because most of the time ;go2 will work fine, then out of nowhere it'll start doing that until I relog, which usually fixes it but sometimes takes a couple tries.

The scripts I typically have running when I log in are ;sort, ;whatlevel, and ;rnum. Pretty sure that's it.

08-19-2013, 11:54 PM
As far as I can tell, Map.tags can't be screwed up by scripts after it's loaded. It looks like it has to be screwed up with a race condition from two scripts causing the map database to load at the same time. Even then it doesn't seem very likely.

You only listed one script that would cause the map database to load (rnum). If you also had uberbar as a fav, that might be able to cause it. If ";favs list" really only shows three scripts, then maybe the database is actually corrupt somehow. I dunno.

08-20-2013, 02:04 AM
As far as I can tell, Map.tags can't be screwed up by scripts after it's loaded. It looks like it has to be screwed up with a race condition from two scripts causing the map database to load at the same time. Even then it doesn't seem very likely.

You only listed one script that would cause the map database to load (rnum). If you also had uberbar as a fav, that might be able to cause it. If ";favs list" really only shows three scripts, then maybe the database is actually corrupt somehow. I dunno.

I'm 99% sure that's all that's on my favs list. I actually started running ;rnum manually because it causes me to lag really bad for 20 seconds or so if I load it automatically on login. It does it sometimes when I do it manually too, but not that often. Guaranteed to lag me if its on favs though, but after those 20 or so seconds it doesn't do it anymore.

I'm using Wizard FE so ;uberbar doesn't get used at all.

Not sure if it's related but the first time I use ;go2 after logging in causes it to hang up for a while too. I can usually get around that by stopping and restarting it, but not always, or sometimes it takes multiple tries.

I'm not sure if go2 only messes up on its tags when rnum is running either. I'll try to test that some tomorrow.

08-20-2013, 10:07 AM
Killing go2 while it's trying to load the map database will easily cause all your problems.

08-20-2013, 12:00 PM
Killing go2 while it's trying to load the map database will easily cause all your problems.

That's just something I started doing recently. The other shit has been happening for a while. I'll keep a closer eye on what's running or what I've done/not done next time it happens.

>;favs list
--- Lich: Global favs: infomon, updater, lnet
--- Lich: Methais's favs: sexual-favors, whatlevel, prettybounty, sort