View Full Version : Why genetic research is important.

08-28-2004, 03:04 PM

Imagine being able to grow a new heart, or other organ -- or limb -- the possibilities are endless. People are afraid things are going to turn 'sci fi', and the cloning of people will run rampant. I think it's bullshit. I think we need to look forward to a new age of medicine.


08-28-2004, 03:08 PM
We do...we also need to realise that medicines that work on animals may not work the same, or even at all on humans, so we need to give up on such cruel and pointless forms of research.

08-28-2004, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
We do...we also need to realise that medicines that work on animals may not work the same, or even at all on humans, so we need to give up on such cruel and pointless forms of research.
Yeah, I do hate animal research. I sell all kinds of animal testing equipment. I firmly believe people would be much more fun and productive to torture.

08-28-2004, 03:12 PM
Yes. Let's stop animal testing. I'm sure we all want the dozens of diseases it's cured to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

haha just kidding, only you want that.

08-28-2004, 03:26 PM
So killing things that might be people is ok, but killing things that certainly aren't people is a big no-no. Check.

08-28-2004, 03:29 PM
This isn't an abortion thread. You want an abortion thread, start your own. :down:

08-28-2004, 08:51 PM
I wasn't talking about abortion.

08-28-2004, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
We do...we also need to realise that medicines that work on animals may not work the same, or even at all on humans, so we need to give up on such cruel and pointless forms of research.

It's always nice to know that when someone is so convoluted in "stupid-thought" regarding this issue, that I know for a fact, how wholeheartedly the NIH disagrees with you :smilegrin:

08-28-2004, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
This isn't an abortion thread. You want an abortion thread, start your own. :down:

Nice Zing.

08-28-2004, 09:57 PM
Whatever happened to natural selection?

08-28-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell

Originally posted by Maimara
This isn't an abortion thread. You want an abortion thread, start your own. :down:

Nice Zing.

Thanks! <3

08-28-2004, 10:20 PM
I'm in favor of genetic research.

08-28-2004, 10:33 PM
Wow he now has a jaw. That's freakin' great. I'm all for it.

08-29-2004, 03:24 AM
Genetic research is definitely in the future.

Animal research is a necessary evil, for certain.

08-29-2004, 11:27 AM
Some animal testing is a necessary evil. Some isn't. Cosmetic companies that dose monkeys, rats, and other critters with caustic solutions and acids to see how high a dose it takes for 50% of them to die - is unneccessary. That's called the LD-50 test and from what I understand is still used.

A lot of companies have lauded their "No Animal Testing" decree - but you have to consider that many of those companies are subsidiaries of larger corporations, whose OTHER companies -do- test. Origins and Estee Lauder comes to mind. Origins doesn't test. EL does. Both are owned by the same parent company.

Both sell things that no one truly "needs," but rather they sell the "look good, feel good" concept. You can't sell youth in a jar, no matter how much you hype your latest chemical discovery. Age WILL catch up with you eventually.

I won't be a hypocrite though - while I find the notion of animal testing distasteful, I'd rather turn my head and buy whatever I feel makes my skin look and feel softer. I'm vain like that. FORTUNATELY - the company whose products I prefer doesn't do animal testing or use animal by-products in their ingredients. I pay through the nose for this stuff but I haven't found any better, and I've tried dozens.

But I don't buy the stuff because of the no-kill policy. I buy it because it works perfectly for me, and if it had to kill a few rats to achieve those results, I'd buy it anyway.

As for stem cell research, I'm all for it. I don't care how many rats or rhesus monkeys you gotta kill to restore a spine to someone whose back was crushed in a car accident. I'll be the selfish one and say - loudly - sorry you had to die, monkey, but your death just saved 1000 other lives, or more.

08-29-2004, 11:39 AM
Most 'no animal testing' products have a disclaimer: They don't test the FINISHED PRODUCT, but they will test the ingredients.

I love Aveda, but I don't know much about the corporations behind it, either.

08-29-2004, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Maimara

Imagine being able to grow a new heart, or other organ -- or limb -- the possibilities are endless. People are afraid things are going to turn 'sci fi', and the cloning of people will run rampant. I think it's bullshit. I think we need to look forward to a new age of medicine.


I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I don't think the fears about it are "bullshit." When you consider the Brave New World aspect of creating tissue factories and create life just to harvest tissue and stem cells, it is a real concern given that alot of that testing is headed in that direction.

Also, animal testing is good and when all the PETA idiots start volunteering to be the test subjects, I'll be all for ending it. Until that time comes, I'd much rather test it on an animal before testing it on people.