View Full Version : Where did the Jants go?

08-24-2003, 05:25 PM
So I decided that I missed roleplaying so I reactivated my account on Friday. I go in today to try out a little hunting. The last thing I remember hunting were the Jantalarians in the tower at Solhaven. I knew that they had invaded the town at one point and then left and the mandis crystal being destroyed. That's all fine and good. So why did they remove all the Jant creatures from the tower?

Now all that's left in the tower are raider orcs that are nowhere near the level that the Jants were. Can someone tell me why, if they were part of a quest, didn't they get replaced with another creature that could still be hunted at the same level range? I don't understand why they had to go, since other creatures invade towns all the time and their hunting areas still have them.

This is ridiculous. If someone has read any GM reason why this was done, could someone tell me? This royally pissed me off to wander around in an empty tower. Don't tell me that they created a whole hunting area solely for a quest because I'll just go on a murdering rampage. This makes no sense to me. The least they could have done was just leave the creatures as they were and change their name to something else, like raider warriors or whatever. All that time they took to create that huge area and then take the creatures away. WTF?!

08-24-2003, 05:30 PM
They were there for the quest. The quest is over. They are now gone.

I can't go around hunting Banaltras, can I?

Edit: Welcome back though :)

[Edited on 8-24-2003 by Artha]

08-24-2003, 06:22 PM
I'm not aware of how the Jant invasion played out in Solhaven.. but if 'we' won.. why would the jants still be hanging out there?

They were defeated and fled would be my guess.

Weedmage Princess
08-24-2003, 06:40 PM
Really? The crystal was destroyed in Plat too, but as far as I know, there are still Jants in the tower there. Only change is now you can use magic in there, which you couldnt before (due to the crystal in Mestanir)

08-24-2003, 06:59 PM
Supposidly the Jants were ordered to withdraw from the Region by the Empire's Northern Sentinal. However according to a Gnome informant on the Official boards, The Jants stopped their retreat in an anti-magic area not far from the Landing. They've been building up a fortress there, and Hochsitb himself performed some ritual. The gnome said that we haven't seen the last of them.

08-24-2003, 07:30 PM
I guess that's my point. They created an entire hunting area strictly for a quest? Couldn't they have replaced them with something else? Am I the only one that sees something wrong with that?

[Edited on 8/24/2003 by CrystalTears]

08-24-2003, 07:34 PM
It doesn't bother me...probably because I don't and didn't hunt them. What level are they, I can probably think of a few things you can hunt besides them.

08-24-2003, 07:45 PM
Yes I know lots of places to hunt. Although I can't hunt Bonespear by myself, I know I can hunt there. It was just nice to have someplace else to hunt around Solhaven.

It really wasn't the point of whether I don't have something to hunt or not. I just thought it was ridiculous to create a whole hunting area specifically for a quest and then it be bare of creatures afterwards except for one that you can't learn from if you were there before.

But I guess no one's getting the gist of what I'm trying to say. GMs say all the time that they don't have the time or resources to keep adding new places to hunt and new critters. They do that then take away after a quest. I just can't comprehend that. Never once considering the people who don't follow these stupid quests. But alas, I'll keep trecking for something else once again. It's a shame too. They were really fun to hunt.

08-24-2003, 08:28 PM
Think of it as the jants invading the orcs place. Now people who should can hunt there.

08-24-2003, 09:43 PM
What level are these orcs, and what kinds of things do they do?

08-24-2003, 09:57 PM
Probably removed due to balance issues or something. When the anti-magic field dropped I could go into the manor with my self-spelled 38 train bard and slaughter everything up to men-at-arms with minimal difficulty. Which, I'm guessing, was not the original intent of the area.

08-24-2003, 10:41 PM
I'm not sure how old they are. Can't be older than 20, although I can't really tell. And from what I've seen, they don't really do anything other than swing at you.

08-26-2003, 10:23 PM
They sailed away on a yellow submarine.

08-27-2003, 08:01 AM
That's lame. The jant tower is no longer magic-resistant? Talk about a cake walk now. Hopefully when GS4 hits, they'll have some nice new manuever attacks to make them better.

- N

08-27-2003, 08:03 AM
Can't call it the jant tower anymore since there aren't any jants! :D