View Full Version : Unsung 272 Gem Pack

08-08-2013, 01:56 PM
MB: 1m
CB: 1m to Anebriated SOLD

You ask Lornkrek to appraise the contents of a pack.
The dwarven clerk takes the pack and inspects the contents carefully before saying, "I did find 272 gems that I'll give you 942067 silver for, if you want to sell."
The dwarven clerk then returns a pack to you.
>l in pack
In the pack:
gem (272): a chameleon agate (5), a mottled agate (2), some polished blue coral (3), a glaesine crystal (2), a rock crystal (3), a quartz crystal, a blue diamond (8), an uncut diamond (17), a black dreamstone, a dragonfire emerald (7), a star emerald (9), an uncut emerald (34), a firestone (7), an almandine garnet, a small blue geode, a small purple geode (2), a grey moonstone (4), a blue moonstone (7), a cats-eye moonstone (4), a white opal (5), a dragonfire opal (8), a large black pearl, a medium black pearl, a small black pearl (2), a medium pink pearl, a large pink pearl (2), a tiny black pearl, a frosty pale violet pearl, a small pink pearl, a tiny pink pearl, some pyrite, an irregular cluster of blue quartz, some asterfire quartz (7), some leopard quartz (6), some dragonfire quartz (6), a piece of rose quartz (2), a star ruby (6), an uncut ruby (7), a violet sapphire (10), a yellow sapphire (8), a pink sapphire (5), a green sapphire (14), a dragonsbreath sapphire (7), a star sapphire (5), a green starstone (13), a red starstone (13), a turquoise stone (3), a white sunstone (4), a red sunstone (8), a yellow sunstone (2), a brown zircon (2).

08-08-2013, 06:57 PM
bumpdate bid

08-09-2013, 03:03 PM
unsung teras valuable gems going once!

08-10-2013, 05:08 PM
unsung teras gem pack going twice! called in 24 hours

08-10-2013, 06:45 PM
Heh How many ranks of trading and what INF bonus did that appraise have?

08-11-2013, 12:14 AM
60 ranks, level 60 bard, possibly capped INF

(those highlighted gems often times start/finish purified at 5-10k+ and about half are likely to orb)

and theres 25 diamonds, 50 emeralds totaling 75/272 gems that sell at 10k all day everyday or 750k

08-13-2013, 02:15 AM