View Full Version : "Everything Must Go" Fluff and Random Auction: 10k and 35k MBs

08-07-2013, 02:59 PM
This auction is for a variety of items including some fluff and a few other items. Auction will go once, twice and sold. Delivery anywhere. Several items valued at over 35k are set at CB: 35k to the pawnshop and others MB: 10k. Buyout offers welcome on any of the items.

1) a sigil-etched wide silver armband - (Gold ring holder device)

CB: 50k cor aut mors SOLD!

2) a leather-lined steel plate gauntlet (Gold ring holder device)

CB: 36k The Devil you know... SOLD AND DELIVERED!

3) gem-inset dark oak candy box - opens/closes, holds SA

CB: 10k TastyD SOLD!

4) a sepia-hued rowan hand mirror with a spiral handle - 2 known zests, rub and peer

MB: 10k

>rub mirror
The rowan hand mirror trembles slightly in your hand. It says, "Oh ho! You should know that I'm ticklish!" It giggles a bit more before finally settling down.

>peer mirror
You look at yourself carefully in the rowan hand mirror...
You see Float the Rock Collector.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is very tall and appears to be very young. He has blue eyes and weathered and pock-marked skin. He has short, steel grey hair. He has very small ears with scarred, flat tops.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a sepia-hued rowan hand mirror with a spiral handle in his right hand.
He is wearing a Black Wolf pledge badge, a gold and silver sunstone bracelet, a silk-lined viper skin backpack, an ebony hooded linen cloak, some grey silver-threaded trousers, a pewter-bound bronze Adventurer's Guild badge, and a small golden Paupers pin.

5) violet villswood yo-yo with amethyst swirls - 3 known zests, turn, tap, and spin

CB: 10k TastyD SOLD!

>turn yo-yo
You spin your villswood yo-yo, and the small disk makes a few wide loops before it unerringly returns to your hand.

>tap yo-yo
You release your villswood yo-yo, and then just before it smashes into the ground you quickly flick your wrist. The spinning disk hovers at your feet, until you command it to return to your waiting hand with a soft tug.

>spin yo-yo
Throwing the yo-yo quickly downward, you grab the string with your free hand and move it away from your body. With a grin, you begin to whirl the yo-yo around like a pinwheel! At the final turn, you throw it forward and up, releasing the string and catching the yo-yo palm up in your hand.
6) glossy golden wicker basket - This was a prize at EG a year or so ago. Opens/closes, includes full picnic inside (see below for contents), holds SA

MB: 25k FlayedAngel SOLD!

In the golden wicker basket:
jewelry (4): a green-whorled ebon porcelain bowl (4).
other (13): a wedge of aged Illistim cheese, a handful of tiny salted crackers, a frosted ebon glass goblet etched with silver-inlaid crows (3), a leaf-wrapped tender rabbit morsel, a sugar-topped poached pear, an ebon porcelain plate painted with pale green whorls (4), a frosted bottle of white wine, a frosted bottle of red wine.

7) a painted light sepia envelope - opens/closes, holds SA

MB: 10k

Show description: Though the parchment of the envelope is painted with a variety of colorful pigments, the whole of the piece is overcast with a pale sepia tone, which gives it an aged and distinguished appearance. On the front of the piece, there is what appears to be a town square, bordered on all sides by buildings. Though, a tall tree takes precedence over the other images, and beneath its limbs is a stout well. On the reverse is a single building, people pouring in and out of its doors with silver-laden purses.

8) gold-edged peridot silk handkerchief

MB: 10k

9) a plain black raw silk handkerchief

MB: 10k

10) set of shan knucklebones - 1 known zest with multiple messages, flip

CB: 350k FlayedAngel SOLD!

>flip knuc
You balance one knucklebone on the back of your hand carefully, and flip it into the air. Turning your wrist deftly, you catch it successfully in your palm!

You have sixty seconds to make your next attempt!

>flip knuc
You place two knucklebones on the back of your hand and balance them evenly, then flip them into the air. With a quick turn of your hand, you catch them both!

You have sixty seconds to make your next attempt!

>flip knuc
Placing three knucklebones on the back of your hand, you arrange them carefully and flip them high. Dexterously you quickly turn your hand and catch them as they fall!

You have sixty seconds to make your next attempt!

>flip knuc
You hold your hand as steadily as possible, placing four knucklebones on the back. With a deep breath you flip them high and turn your hand over, catching all four with amazing agility!

You have sixty seconds to make your next attempt!

>flip knuc
You place all five shan knucklebones on the back of your hand, nearly covering it. Giving your wrist a flick, you send the knucklebones leaping into the air. With a nimble spin of your hand, you conquer the challenge of knucklebones as you recapture every last one! Congratulations!

11) black striped white linen towel - 1 known zest, rub

MB: 10k

>rub towel
You vigorously rub your hands with the towel until they're completely dry.

12) a cuddly midnight black toy wolf with sparkling green eyes

MB: 25k Flayed Angel SOLD!

13) an ebony leather ankle sheath with ora buckles w/ a serrated skinning knife - tappable

CB: 150k velderan SOLD AND DELIVERED!

>l in sheath
Inside the sheath, ready to access with a single tap, you see a serrated skinning knife.

>wear sheath
You slip the sheath into place and carefully buckle it.

>tap sheath
You slap at your leather ankle sheath and with a strident *click*, your skinning knife springs into your hand!

>put knife in sheath
You load your knife into the sheath where it *clicks* into place.

>remove sheath
You carefully unbuckle your leather ankle sheath and slip it off.

14) some silvery grey hoarbeam dice - 2 known zests, roll and swear

CB: 25k Fikes SOLD!

>roll dice
You give the dice a good shake for luck and roll them on the ground.
The dice bounce a few times and come to rest on 3 and 1.

>swear dice
You vividly accuse the gods of shoddy workmanship when it came time to create some silvery grey hoarbeam dice.

08-07-2013, 03:03 PM
Any and all bids will be updated to GOING ONCE this evening.

08-07-2013, 04:39 PM
mb on #13

08-07-2013, 05:09 PM
I bet you can hunt for coin faster then selling all this stuff :P

08-07-2013, 07:29 PM
Probably. But I'm leaving the lands, so why not? I set the MB at 10k because I'm too busy/lazy to bother with delivery for less than $.13. Lol. What doesn't get sold doesn't get sold.

08-07-2013, 07:38 PM
Probably. But I'm leaving the lands, so why not? I set the MB at 10k because I'm too busy/lazy to bother with delivery for less than $.13. Lol. What doesn't get sold doesn't get sold.


08-07-2013, 08:39 PM
Updated Going Once!

08-07-2013, 08:56 PM
6) glossy golden wicker basket - This was a prize at EG a year or so ago. Opens/closes, includes full picnic inside (see below for contents), holds SA

MB: 10k

In the golden wicker basket:
jewelry (4): a green-whorled ebon porcelain bowl (4).
other (13): a wedge of aged Illistim cheese, a handful of tiny salted crackers, a frosted ebon glass goblet etched with silver-inlaid crows (3), a leaf-wrapped tender rabbit morsel, a sugar-topped poached pear, an ebon porcelain plate painted with pale green whorls (4), a frosted bottle of white wine, a frosted bottle of red wine.

Is this the self-refilling kind?

08-07-2013, 09:00 PM
I honestly can not tell you as I have never used anything in it. For 10k you can find out. :)

08-07-2013, 09:14 PM
I'll do 15k on 13 and mb on 14

08-07-2013, 11:02 PM
I'll go 25 k on 13


08-08-2013, 05:54 PM
50k on 13.

The Devil you know...
08-08-2013, 06:44 PM
MB on: 1, 2, 6

08-08-2013, 07:06 PM
Hah, I'll do 25k on 6, 10, and 12... thanks!

08-08-2013, 07:11 PM
50k on 13

08-08-2013, 07:23 PM
10) set of shan knucklebones


08-08-2013, 07:45 PM
75k on 13

08-08-2013, 09:44 PM
I'll do 150k on 10, danke!

08-08-2013, 09:53 PM
6 - 10k =p

08-08-2013, 09:56 PM
6 - 10k =p

Jhynnifer - FlayedAngel has the high bid on 6 at 25k.

08-08-2013, 09:58 PM
Jhynnifer - FlayedAngel has the high bid on 6 at 25k.

He does! And I defer to him! I tried to delete my bid but you twere too quick sir!

08-08-2013, 10:53 PM
10) set of shan knucklebones

cor aut mors
08-08-2013, 10:55 PM
50k on 1
100k on 13

08-09-2013, 08:02 AM
Three-fiddy on 10, danke!

08-09-2013, 09:23 AM
150k on 13 plz

08-09-2013, 11:15 AM
14: 15k

08-09-2013, 07:18 PM
25k on 14.

08-09-2013, 08:14 PM
Official Update: All bids entered and unchanged since yesterday have been moved to Going Twice. They will sell tomorrow if there are no more bids.

08-10-2013, 08:55 PM
Official Update: Winners will be contacted by PM.

08-10-2013, 09:13 PM
mb #3 and #5

08-11-2013, 10:56 PM

08-12-2013, 06:10 PM
Auction over. Winners will receive a PM if they haven't already.