View Full Version : Your RtCF story.

08-07-2013, 11:08 AM
Not looking for the over the top brag fest that some folks like to turn these threads into. But I am curious what people got done and what they were going for. I will add mine in a bit!

08-07-2013, 11:12 AM
I didn't go.


08-07-2013, 12:37 PM
Like pretty much every other aspect of the game, I enjoyed the people most. I spent the whole weekend BS'ing with the same group of folks, playing Cards against Humanity online while waiting for raffles and lines, trading wins, and generally just goofing off. It was basically excellent.

I didn't go in hoping for any particular major, but I am happy with what I drew - armor resistances. I flopped on every minor raffle except armor flaring, but I did pretty good on spins. I thought Onetta was going to draw for 10 sonic alters but she seemed to go around to all the bards (guessing there fewer than 10 of us there maybe?), so my sonic set is complete. Got lucky picking up an Orbele fish-hook and made a nice gift bauble. Guiltily won an auction (sorry!) and got spun for the pre-approved sig verb package which are pretty cool. Other stuff like a petticoat unlock and a bauble unlock happened too, but it's sort of blurry just now...

Overall a tiring but enjoyable weekend, and I'm glad I took off work Monday and Tuesday just to recover!

08-07-2013, 12:43 PM
I didn't go.



08-07-2013, 12:55 PM
Like pretty much every other aspect of the game, I enjoyed the people most. I spent the whole weekend BS'ing with the same group of folks, playing Cards against Humanity online while waiting for raffles and lines, trading wins, and generally just goofing off. It was basically excellent.

I didn't go in hoping for any particular major, but I am happy with what I drew - armor resistances. I flopped on every minor raffle except armor flaring, but I did pretty good on spins. I thought Onetta was going to draw for 10 sonic alters but she seemed to go around to all the bards (guessing there fewer than 10 of us there maybe?), so my sonic set is complete. Got lucky picking up an Orbele fish-hook and made a nice gift bauble. Guiltily won an auction (sorry!) and got spun for the pre-approved sig verb package which are pretty cool. Other stuff like a petticoat unlock and a bauble unlock happened too, but it's sort of blurry just now...

Overall a tiring but enjoyable weekend, and I'm glad I took off work Monday and Tuesday just to recover!

Seo is just awesome to hang out with too. Didn't know you before the festival really but it was so much fun to hang out with you and Lance, Meta, Riend and the rest....

08-07-2013, 01:13 PM
It was kind of tough. This the first festival/pay event that I've been to and it was hard to keep up with all the different things going on then trying to figure out if it was worth it to make an offer or not.

That being said, it all worked out really well. Everyone was very open about telling people what events were taking place and answering the same questions over and over again.

All in all, this was my chance to step out of poverty and start to accumulate some serious gear and that was really successful.

08-07-2013, 01:46 PM
I had poor luck on the majors but won an undead bane Bergraham weapon that turned my frown upside down to say the least. Getting an undead bane/permabless weapon has been my top priority since I started playing. I knew I didn't have the money to work on my main's higher end gear so I just went in with the plan to work on alt gear, mainly 2 handers I could share with my main if I spec back to warmage.

I took 2 accounts (I personally clicked on ticket distribution for both, yay dumb luck) and won 2 majors and 3 minors heh. That doesn't include a few gald's and a nice Cidolfhus auto bundling skin bag. The bag, a feature concealing hood win and 2 galds all went to my friend. My friend also bought both the tickets for the weightless bag raffle since I couldn't afford'em.

I took in 4.5 million of my own money and ended up with 185k sunday night. I'm back up to 2 million now thanks to the above friend heh. So I guess I'd recommend that at minimum a person take in around 1.5 million alone for raffles. Another 2 million if you want to enter the 2 raffles that cost a million each (1 minor coraesine and 1 weightless bag). Plus more money for the actual services.

I had all my work done on 4x and below items, so its possible to go to the festival without much money and/or high end items and come out happy. The services on my items were all super cheap due to low enchant, I think like 600k total on the claidh, mattock and footwraps.

I didn't sell anything (heck I didn't even get offers for anything which tells you something about my wins heh), though I did trade the ohe undead bane weapon plus my minor weapon flare spot with the other undead bane winner since we both needed the other's weapon heh. I'll use everything I made for my alts and possibly my main.

Here's what I made/ended up with:

6x/7x undead bane greatsword (minor win, though in my book the best win of the festival for me)

+18 mattock, 30 points damage weighting, grimswarm bane (vhcw 12 points) - the bane was the major win

+5 claidhmore, magical creature bane (disintegration flares .. yeah, yeah I just like flares plus alot of crit immune critters on the list) - the bane was the major win

+20 UAC footwraps, bubble flares (minor service)

All but the greatsword I have second thoughts about, should I have swapped the banes, should I have put the bubble flares on handwraps, could I have put them on one of the weapons, etc. Who knows, I probably fucked up on all of them lol. The thing is that even though I thought I was prepared, in both this run and the plat run all of my plans went out the window with the first major/minor service. There's no way to prepare for every eventuality unless you go in with hundreds of millions of silvers to buy the services you want. In other words, random fun chaos!

So if you're like me with low funds and low to mid tier items just go in and roll the dice. :)

08-07-2013, 02:06 PM
Borrowed 50m from a friend as part of a deal to get my lint bag back on Friday, which is a whole other story on its own. I barely squeezed out the coins, the last of which I scraped together by making 20m scoring tickets for a couple people to the next run.

Banked on winning something good to pay the 50m back this week. Walked into the festival with about 3m left in my bank account.

Didn't win anything Friday except to have some glove fluff scripts unlocked. Figured oh well and went to bed.

Saturday I didn't win any raffles or spins or anything, except again, to have those same gloves further unlocked to have more fluff scripts. Entered everything except the weightless container raffle, because tickets were 1m each and I didn't want to run out of coins for other raffles. By that night, I was starting to think I was wasting the whole weekend on stupid consolation cloaks, and was gonna have to grind out a ton of shit to pay this 50m back.

Kicked Rumblestump in the shin after losing one of his raffles, promptly got bolted in the face. Considered Meteor Swarming the whole place until it was burned to the ground.

Sunday started off the same, losing everything I entered, etc. By that evening, I was just about ready to /wrists between the lack of sleep and lack of winning.

The day was brightened up some by this...

Orbele says, "Please make yourself familiar with the sign."

You nod at Orbele.

Speaking to a locket and box guidelines sign, you say, "Nice to meet you."

You nod to the box guidelines sign.

With a sudden flash of insight, you realize you now understand more of what you have experienced.....

(OOC) Orbele's player whispers, "I laughed."

...but still no wins.

Eventually won a splitter major on Methais, sold it for 20m. Figured cool I should at least break even, and paying back 30m isn't as bad as 50m, and maybe I'll be able to get 15m for the consolation cloak like I've been hearing.

Then I go to the Blink weapon raffle, and while tabbed over in another window, already resigned to the fact that I was gonna walk away with roughly the minimum and not paying much attention anymore, I see this, partially covered up by other windows I had open:

A huckster begins to spin the ticket barrel. After a moment, he stops it and pulls out a ticket. He examines it for a moment then announces, "The winner is Mellchiah!"

I'm like:

And then I was like:

Sold that for 100m. Spent the next hour or so jizzing my pants.

Won the super bubble flare raffle.

Bought a T2 Voln armor slot from someone.

Won some other small shit, enhancive swapping/permanence.

Both my major wins came from Mulentin, in the same room. Not that that means anything other than he's my favorite NPC of the event.

The whole event for me was centered around getting my bag back (spent the past 11 years trying to find it) and paying off the loan, and it all just happened to work out perfectly in the end with a big pile of coins leftover.



08-07-2013, 02:20 PM
Hehe, yeah as much as my run sucked in the luck department I always felt better seeing Methais communicating by screaming. :)

08-07-2013, 02:33 PM
My story starts like Alvius and ends like Methais.

- Bring all my 4.5 mil... that's the most I've ever had in the bank.

- Have relatively little idea how much various spots are worth, so sweat and feel clueless for a while.

- Sell off my major for 20m.

- Enter the 1m weightless container raffle... which without proceeds from my major slot I would not have even purchased.

- Flip back to the game because my name is popping up on all my windows.

- sitcomreaction.gif

- catreaction.gif


- Sell that shit unnecessarily fast (letting the winner do the customization cause I'm a nice guy/bad merchant)

- And then I spend the rest of the weekend like


- And then this "minor" win of a twohander from Siolan puts it all over the top:

Addiein asks, "What are you doing to it!?"
Siolan taps a slender razern warsword dyed a startling shade of pink, which is in her right hand.
>say =grunt ::add Improving it dramatically
Speaking to Addiein, you grunt, "Improving it dramatically."
Addiein scoffs.
>beam sio
You beam happily at Siolan!
Monotoli blinks.
Addiein gags.
Siolan says, "If I was not under contract to be here to provide this service, I'd kill you with this sword before I handed it over."
Siolan nods to you.
[grunt]>grunt amused
You grunt, amused.
>say =grumb ::sio Perhaps another time
Speaking to Siolan, you grumble, "Perhaps another time."
Siolan says, "Oh, you can count on it."
Siolan offers you a slender razern warsword dyed a startling shade of pink. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You accept Siolan's offer and are now holding a slender razern warsword dyed a startling shade of pink.
Siolan says, "You're officially on the list."


- Spend the rest of the fest getting shit from people for being a lucky bastard. Some good natured, some not. All well-deserved.

And now I reveal the secrets to winning the "act like Roxe" sig verb package win: http://sylvanfair.com/Verb_Scripts/Table/search_verbs.htm and very fast fingers. All skill.

08-07-2013, 02:44 PM
Kicked Rumblestump in the shin after losing one of his raffles, promptly got bolted in the face. Considered Meteor Swarming the whole place until it was burned to the ground.

I forgot there was a spin for the rune tattoos after the raffle, so instead I wandered off, stumbled over your corpse, and hung around to heal you. Woops. You did seem a bit frustrated before your megawin... glad it worked out.

08-07-2013, 03:02 PM
Seo is just awesome to hang out with too. Didn't know you before the festival really but it was so much fun to hang out with you and Lance, Meta, Riend and the rest....

True story, I'm sure. They're an awesome bunch of people. :D

08-07-2013, 03:16 PM
I went not caring what major I got, wanting only acuity flares, 4 times. Merchant had a rule of only one time per session, but had 4 sessions in Run 1, so figured I could buy my way into it.

That didn't happen (1 session in run 2). So got it done once (paid for). Need it done 3 more times at Run 3 to max it out.

My major ended up getting grimbane, put it on my grim weapon I already had to make it mcw, but of course I have no characters in sunfist so can only sell it. Also won and sold ironwright flares, and won a Bergraham. Really shitty luck this time. Entered every raffle, had my name read twice (ironwright, Bergraham), the grimbane hardly counts as luck because it was a spinner for 4 with 6 people in the room. Mostly didn't get spun for minors either.

08-07-2013, 03:44 PM
Spent the next hour or so jizzing my pants.That sounds excruciating.
Both my major wins came from Mulentin, in the same room. Not that that means anything other thanFAVORITISM

08-07-2013, 03:46 PM
I went not caring what major I got, wanting only acuity flares, 4 times. Merchant had a rule of only one time per session, but had 4 sessions in Run 1, so figured I could buy my way into it.

That didn't happen (1 session in run 2). So got it done once (paid for). Need it done 3 more times at Run 3 to max it out.

My major ended up getting grimbane, put it on my grim weapon I already had to make it mcw, but of course I have no characters in sunfist so can only sell it. Also won and sold ironwright flares, and won a Bergraham. Really shitty luck this time. Entered every raffle, had my name read twice (ironwright, Bergraham), the grimbane hardly counts as luck because it was a spinner for 4 with 6 people in the room. Mostly didn't get spun for minors either.

Huh. Money can't buy everything you want. Imagine that.

08-07-2013, 03:49 PM
I had plans going to help several people. I purchased three tickets and two accounts that had come with tickets.

First major was was for padding which I gave to friend in trade for the 7x per day 613 item and their leathers were bumped up to superior level of crit padding. I thought that was pretty epic. My second and third major wins were at the crit weigting and I had a friend who wanted both slots so I let them take them for the promised amount we agreed upon and they made some amazing items more amazing like masterful weighting or higher. And then I went on a cold streak not winning anything until the auctions showed up. Won the auction for the 608 cloak for a friend who wanted it pretty bad, and then we made our way to the returner raffle where I was able to make a bid on the slot and win.

I was pretty much done for the night or so I thought. So I moved to a room out of the way and next thing I know a hammer appears out of nowhere and I am sucked in for Ithzir flares and I had nothing with me I could put it on. So made the quick dash for some 7x doubles and thought why the hell not. Kitsun ran out of cloaks for the concealer merchant and I gave him a 1/100 I had on hand and he was able to make that a 1/180 concealer which was pretty sweet for him. I have never seen a GM flying through so many alters before. I couldn't keep up with how fast work was getting gone, it was simply overwhelming.

Then I went on a crazy streak and won the minor coraesine, rune tatoo and animal companion alterations for the ranger. Pretty damn amazing. I won a splitter spot for my last major and gave that to a friend. A friend won the auction for DB enhancement and put it on my ring which was great.

Won a bunch of minors like enhancive swapping that I let Neimanz use, but the biggest win of the whole event for me was making my +2 spirit regen +5 aura bonus enhancive permanent. Just knowing it can't randomly go poof was very satisfying. I did end up outbidding Fleurs on a 5x 3 slot fusion composite bow for my little rogue.

Loved the interaction with Rumblestump, Ledirth, and Iamal. I did not expect Iamal to let me go get armor after picking up the hammer. I honestly didn't know what the fish hook thing was until it happened. I had never seen that before.

I started the run out in a nice comfy lazy boy recliner playing the game on the TV, but I started falling asleep and just couldn't do it anymore. So the next 60+ hours were spent in a broke ass office chair I haven't used in a long, long time with alarms going off in different areas of the basement that were irritating to make sure I got up and moved to turn them off.

This was only the second ever pay merchant event I have gone too. I went to the Airship auction with the token bidding so maybe this is my third, but I don't consider the airship auction a "merchant" event since it was just items and not item enhancement. But other than this event I went to EG once maybe 4-5 years ago with Kitsun and after 3-4 hours my eyes wanted to bleed and I just decided these events are not for me.

That opinion was further reinforced after this event. Great event, really enjoyed the GMs who showed up and had a good time with them. I just can't deal with the craziness that happens after you win a slot and right there in front of the GM you got 10 people asking you to sell something. I much more enjoyed the AIM bantering.

Also, the guide you guys made for possible stuff that take up what slot came in great handy. Someone should post that up!

08-07-2013, 03:59 PM
Also, the guide you guys made for possible stuff that take up what slot came in great handy. Someone should post that up!

I think they did, I think I saw them post a krakii link. It is a good idea and I had fun watching them edit, re-edit and drag it out every time someone asked a question. OH well let's get out the chart!

08-07-2013, 04:02 PM
I went in with two of the three in sight - padding, resist, and enchant. Played my account and my friend's account.

Was disappointed when I didn't get picked or spun for padding the first night. Spirits were kinda low, and it got down to the last few people and I'd heard someone was selling their slot. I figured eh, what the heck, I'll talk to this person and see what kind of offers he's taking. So I offered what I could at the time, which was 20m and my major. He took a bit of time to deliberate, and to my surprise took the offer. I got my robes up to MCP for 9 million. Not only did I get the padding, but this awesome person told me to still try for what I wanted -and- they'd pay for my major if I won it. I was/still am on cloud nine. Never had an item this nice.

The next day I got up bright and early (6:30'ish) to try for the resist slot. My friend ended up winning, and we had the agreement that I could take their major if it was something I wanted and sell mine instead. So I added 15 fire/15 resist to said robes. I ended up winning the enchant on Sunday, but sold it per our agreement. Was still pretty awesome to win the trifecta of what I was shooting for.

Minor wise I didn't have much I wanted done. What I did win, I sold at a discount to people I knew would use the items and not turn them for a profit. I had things I was aiming for to help out friends who weren't able to attend, and thanks to the help of Riend, Metadi, and Seomanthe I was able to get everyone what they wanted. This group was awesome and truly a bunch of good people.

Great run, much better than I could have hoped for.

08-07-2013, 04:36 PM
Honestly, this weekend would have been terribly dull if it hadn't been for the great group of people I hung out with. CAH was probably the saving grace, because at one point or other every one of us was ready to throw in the towel, pour out the coffee and go sleep like a normal person. I was lucky enough to be spun for a T3 and T2 voln that I gave to the people I was with and ended up buying a third spot for someone else.

That being said! Going into RtCF I was more interested in minors than majors. I was extremely lucky to pull the gory weapon and blink weapon raffles. I sold those both off fairly quickly (and cheaply!!) and that allowed me to spend it all on the things I wanted. In the end I walked out with...

-Custom Perfume
-Signature Verb
-Stock Signature Verb Package
-Loresong Raffle
-T4 Voln armor
-T4 Hair Bauble (<3 Seo)
-Fully unlocked Petticoat (<3 Alasatia)
-Unlocked handwraps (<3Larienna)
-Traded T3 voln for the enhancive longbow (<3 <3 <3 Metadi)
-Bromin Potion
-Unlocked and altered Hurdragof crystal weapon

So all in all I walked away with 99% of what I wanted going in, I can't possibly be more pleased with that. Despite it being an exhausting weekend, I'm glad I went and spent time with the folks I did. =)

08-07-2013, 04:49 PM
I forgot my hair babule was already fully unlocked. I was a sad panda to find that out. I think that is my favorite item I own. That is a pretty sweet win in my book.

08-07-2013, 05:16 PM
I had really, really terrible luck, yet I still walked away with most of what I wanted. I just had to pay for it rather than winning it. Which left me feeling a little broke and opting out of outbidding two friends for things I wanted. You're only reinforcing my tendency towards introversion people! ;p
It was very draining but I was glad Riend kept forcing me to join her group.. ;)

08-07-2013, 05:21 PM
It was very draining but I was glad Riend kept forcing me to join her group.. ;)

I would like to hear more about this please.

08-07-2013, 05:27 PM
I would like to hear more about this please.

I'm sure you would. I'm sure you would...

Suppressed Poet
08-07-2013, 05:32 PM
Well, mine is yet to be written but this what I have: I didn't really expect to attend but just before they went on sale I decided to try and get a ticket. I am now a very lucky and proud ticket holder. I have only attended one other gsiv event in my life and that was EG recently when they released fusion. I am a casual player and amateur at best in merchants & events. I'm going with one character which is my mage and original (don't play him much anymore) for good luck. Hopefully some of my old peeps will be there and recognize him.

My goal for the event is to have fun and enjoy the experience. I have no other real expectations beyond that.

The primary majors I am targeting on order of preference are padding, enchanting armor, and resistances. I'm taking with me my black swan augmented chain, and if I am lucky I will get some work done to that. Beyond those majors, I'll likely trade/sell my spot or the product of whatever service/item I get.

I'm going after a lot of the minors, because why the hell not. I plan to unload whatever silvers I have so I might as well.

Looking forward to the experience and just glad to be a part of it.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the person who helped a regular dude like me get there - you know who you are.

08-07-2013, 05:33 PM
I'm sure you would. I'm sure you would...

You have the details?

08-07-2013, 05:49 PM
You have the details?

I might, for the right price.

08-07-2013, 05:50 PM
I want to take this opportunity to thank the person who helped a regular dude like me get there - you know who you are.

This. I know quite of people who wouldn't have had the opportunity to have gone, or go on the next run if it wasn't for people like said person.

08-07-2013, 06:01 PM
I went not caring what major I got, wanting only acuity flares, 4 times. Merchant had a rule of only one time per session, but had 4 sessions in Run 1, so figured I could buy my way into it.

That didn't happen (1 session in run 2). So got it done once (paid for). Need it done 3 more times at Run 3 to max it out.

My major ended up getting grimbane, put it on my grim weapon I already had to make it mcw, but of course I have no characters in sunfist so can only sell it. Also won and sold ironwright flares, and won a Bergraham. Really shitty luck this time. Entered every raffle, had my name read twice (ironwright, Bergraham), the grimbane hardly counts as luck because it was a spinner for 4 with 6 people in the room. Mostly didn't get spun for minors either.

Fell REALLY bad for you, considering I got spun/drawn 1 time again this run (not counting merchant unlocks where they did like 40-50 people total). The people I was with were somewhat lucky. Tho one did end up with a consolation cloak.

08-07-2013, 06:17 PM
The most important thing I took away from this weekend is that Methais is fucking retarded when it comes to walking around.


08-07-2013, 08:20 PM
The most important thing I took away from this weekend is that Methais is fucking retarded when it comes to walking around.



You also took away some lint!

08-07-2013, 08:22 PM
and their leathers were bumped up to superior level of crit padding. I thought that was pretty epic.

Superior is blue. Epic is purple.

WHICH IS IT?!?!?!?!?

08-07-2013, 08:25 PM
My story was that I managed to get a round one ticket, but even with two of us trying I was unable to win a ticket for Arwen's player... until this latest tiny release. Thank you Mr Automated Ticket Script.

08-07-2013, 08:29 PM

08-07-2013, 10:49 PM
I won a weather changing feature concealing cloak its great and I love it thats my story and I'm sticking to it

08-07-2013, 11:10 PM
We all know you lie though.

08-07-2013, 11:10 PM
Love this neg rep from someone who is apparently having difficulty with reading comprehension:

Fuck you. I don't care if you did only get one ticket. You still cheated to get it.

Yeah. So let me spell it out for you: someone ELSE attempted to use an automated script, got their hand slapped and the tickets went back up, where I managed to get one with my own two grubby little fingers... for someone else. So when I say "thank you Mr Automated Ticket Script," I was referring to the guy who screwed the pooch and had all his tickets pulled, not to my mostly futile method of trying to get tickets by clicking buttons.

08-07-2013, 11:21 PM
Love this neg rep from someone who is apparently having difficulty with reading comprehension:

Yeah. So let me spell it out for you: someone ELSE attempted to use an automated script, got their hand slapped and the tickets went back up, where I managed to get one with my own two grubby little fingers... for someone else. So when I say "thank you Mr Automated Ticket Script," I was referring to the guy who screwed the pooch and had all his tickets pulled, not to my mostly futile method of trying to get tickets by clicking buttons.

Actually, I thought you meant the same thing as the repper did until I read the other thread. I think you just didn't word it properly.

08-07-2013, 11:23 PM
If you also take into account who Archigeek is, even thinking he'd do something like that is rather silly.

08-07-2013, 11:27 PM
I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't know who he is.

08-07-2013, 11:29 PM
If you also take into account who Archigeek is, even thinking he'd do something like that is rather silly.Ask yourself this... what if that's exactly what he wanted you to think? Build up a reputation for over a decade, then no one will suspect you of haxxing the play.net.

08-07-2013, 11:35 PM
Clearly if ya read between the lines, make up words and add letters, that clearly says that Kerl is Solomon!

Geijon Khyree
08-07-2013, 11:40 PM
I guess I will share:

Evia and Geijon both went to RtCF 1 together. I am more dedicated than her in terms of raffling and energy into these things, but we had a plan for what to use on what for efficiency. This weapon, that plate, these items to encourage we used things properly. I was a bit of a guide for the first event, but the competition was too stiff and I didn't understand the buying and selling aspect. We also had *Heavy* hitters with money. RtCF 2 was half the price in terms of a lot of services.

Evia won the enchant, which we used on Geijon's maul to bring it to 9x. She won the acuity raffle on her 6x runestaff to bring to 6x/2x and she won the EZscript package. I, even though I entered every raffle and never slept with people feeling bad for me I got the consolation cloak. I had an altered cloak from 1998 and it only held about 80lbs so in the end the work Wyrom did on it was outstanding. He kept the main alter, added a hood and all the scripts and fixed it's container capacity. I had choice of banes or ASG charges, but I choose the cloak.

I had a paladin on a second account because I had started playing alts, but only on Lumnis. Since Geijon's account had about 4 on it and I was rotating through them I rolled a new account with a paladin around the beginning of the year. After a really bad experience I was hesitant to try again, but on the final ticket release I got the 100th ticket for RtCF 2.

I was prepared for RtCF 1, but I was ultra prepared for 2. I was going to be more aggressive with auctions and winning things outright because I couldn't rely on winning a raffle, even though I had entered every one the first time. I was going to be less choosy about majors even though I had entered abou 60/100 for the first event. My paladin was 24th so I was only concerned about holding a 10x weapon. Having this in mind I tried a second time. I took Monday off work this time because that was the real recoup phase. In RtCF 1 I had friday off.

Padding came up and I had bought some 7x fusion for 25 million and added HCP to it for 5500 PP I had saved preparing to make some amazing armor at MCP. I had played most of the game as a sword and board with a 4x falchion and shield. Prior to GSIV I had a 10x laen broadsword and 7x shield, but my armor was various forms of 4x sets up to plate, which was 5x. I had 96 million as my estimated cost. Any auction bid would apply. I had nothing to lose and could go basically to 100 million. Kaedra bid hard and I backed off because I didn't want to push the price. She got the first slot at 65. Bremerial bid next and I backed off at 55. I won the 3rd padding auction for 40 million. This was a big chunk of change, but I was well prepared and had calculated, asked, and hussled 100 million in collateral. I handed over my 7x HCP 2 slot fusion armor and Qortaz came back with a 200 million estimation...

I was shocked. I asked him to recalculate. I IM'd Kerl. Warriors with plate were getting screwed. Kaedra had just made some 8x ECP doubles for like 30 million. I sat down and blanked. I said OK. I'll check my backup plate. I had some 7x plate I had bought for 12 million and added T1 Voln blessings on in RtCF 1. This would surely be reasonable even though I didn't want a second set of HCP I'd probably give to Evia. The estimation came back at 100 million.

What! I was talking to Metadi and Kerl...I sighed and consigned myself to...giving up the slot. They raffled off the slot a few minutes later for 53 million on some leather armor. Qortaz was honestly sorry. I still am not sure the calculations were right. Jist of the story was you are screwed as a warrior if you want to make awesome plate armor. All of my preparation and expectation of 100 million for 7x, 2 slot fusion, with MCP was dashed.


Geijon Khyree
08-08-2013, 12:03 AM
RtCF 1 resulted in 4 solid wins between 2 people. An EzSCript, Enchant major, acuity flares raffle, and a consolation cloak. My thoughts were "I sure don't need a consolation cloak again on an alt..."

I figured it was Friday night. We had about 74 majors left. Worst case scenario I'd win an enchant raffle. I was honestly still really shocked. My luck turned when I hit the Ironwright raffle. I didn't have 7x project, but went with a 5x morning star for 500K. Fire for undead, Disintegration and Web for 500K. Reasonable and a great weapon. Otherwise I got a Gizwizit unlock. My 4th between the two. I went to bed at 2am somewhat apprehensive.

In RtCF 1 I had lost the white ora auction at 3.5 million. I had price shopped and searched with the weapon being really impressive even at 4x so I was willing to not pass this time. Up to this point I had gotten a petticoat unlock so the day wasn't going great. I was resigning myself to minor wins. Then I hit the black ora raffle straight up, which I had a wizard who it fit perfectly. Nhix took something like 2 hours nearly on RtCF 1 to unlock them. He must had not ever done it, but this was smoother. We went over to the white ora and I lost them. Bidding started basically between Riend and I then she bowed out at 800K. Great. This looks like a good price, but then someone else bid when it seemed settled. All in all we ended at 2.6 million with my winning bid. I had arrange to buy a spinner win, but wasn't certain it would pan out for 2 million. I had the outright bid win at 2.6 and the spin win at 2. I ended up buying them both and ended up with 2 5x true white ora falchions on top of the black ora. Fantastic weapons and I play a paladin and cleric who use the sanctified.

Reasonable items, but not spectacular. I entered all the majors that day and lost. Consolation cloak here we come. I checked on permablessing with 16 tickets and enchanting with 22 tickets. Good odds. I had calculated 2900PP for the enchant on the maul from 9-10x so it was doable. I lost permabless and hit on the 4th enchant raffle for my Major. Saving some PP for padding on T1 voln armor. I can live with that. Jumped on it in maxing my weapon. I play an offense heavy warrior so it was a nice cap off for me. I could accept a few OK wins and a nice 10x maul. It was better than a 2nd consolation cloak.

Around 3am Hurdragof did a bit of RP and we built a helm. I had a ton of fun at this and Roxe's Roshamobo. I had unlocked a falchion at RtCF 1 so he cuztomized it into a nice warblade. 4x with some attunment and customization, but not as good as 4x white ora. I enjoyed the interaction truthfully and was resigned with this being the end of my event and worth the ticket price.

Day 3 started. I had been chasing Gizwizit to unlock his gloves fully. No luck, but on day 3 with his boot unlocking maxed, but me wanting gloves anyways I won a spin for his full unlock. I was concerned he'd run out of allowances to unlock gloves that far since I was 4/5, but I made it. I have a monk too and the, what we learned to be anfelt, scripts are pretty good. He always said fantabulous though. NPC was a riot honestly.

I continued to enter every raffle that made sense. I think I slept through the small minor coraesine, which I'd have liked a lot on a paladin, and something else around 9am Sunday, but oh well. I was beat. Then I hit the adamantine spikestar with first choice. Oh a nice raffle win. Then I hit the acuity raffle to bring Evialla's runestaff to 6x/4x for 10 million! pricy, but another nice win.

Lucky continued when I won the armor flare raffle. I had skipped bubble flares and weapons because I didn't have project gear for them. Nice service though honestly. I hedged, but I was going to sell this one. Got a real nice bid for 5 million, but Thargion was delayed and I asked if we could leave without waiting and go to the Voln T3 spin. Turned out the winner of the voln armor was my flare trade. I mixed and matched and bought the Voln slot from him on my armor for T3 for his flares for 15 million. Voln armor is awesome! This is finally paying off on karma.

He got my armor done and we tried to flare his armor..denied. Ithzir flares. Merchant isn't approved to work with that script. Thats disappointing. It remeinded me of the padding win, not entirely the same, but similar. Another plate user getting screwed. Hm. Flares on this Voln armor? May as well. 7x, T3, grapple flaring platemail. Is it my backup or my main set? It's more character driven. My backup is 7x HCP 2 slot fusion? What!? This is wild. I'm sitting on 10 CM and 10 THW orbs. Then the flare is broken during testing and it won't loresing. Is their a Voln script and flare compatiblity issue. I think it's a bug,but Metadi has identical armor besides enchant and I narrow it down to a flare add issue. I get it fixed the next day after winning a permanence on a 12 intuition stickpin for an ensorcel set with Evialla. My warmage uses it for the +2 strength.

At the end of RtCF 2 I ended up with 7 fantastic wins compared to 4 between 2 people in RtCF 1 so my luck turned. Relief. I dont think I'd do it again though. I am not going to RtCF 3.

Jace Solo
08-08-2013, 12:11 AM
Can you sell of the minor coraesine raffles or do only those who can use it enter it?

08-08-2013, 12:12 AM
Can you sell of the minor coraesine raffles or do only those who can use it enter it?


Jace Solo
08-08-2013, 12:17 AM
I know it is attuned but I didn't know if they would let you opt to give it to someone else.

08-08-2013, 12:18 AM
I came into the event with a little different plan. I didnt have a ton of available coins so I planned on grinding minors and services to pay for what I actually wanted. Also, rather than having my head set on getting certain things done, I laid out paths depending on how the raffles fell since I was willing to change my character around to fit the right item (ie. a Voln path if I managed Undead Bane for my claid, a thrown/shield path if I won the returner, etc.) Once the raffles started pulling though, planning went to shit and I was trying to piece things together.

Overall I did decent given I had two accounts there. Majors I won padding (which I sold) and TD Boost (added to my 7x ensorcelled plate). Minors I won and sold Ironwright, Banshee, and acuity flares, a custom perfume. I'm keeping the custom Dhyne scripting for my armor, and still have the auto-bundling sack that was given out. I also managed some lightening, two rounds of Anfelt scripts.

My only major peeve of the event was with the "Plate tax" as it was my first time dealing with it. I won the auction for my TD boost for about 12m I think, and had figured that would cover about half the cost (since I figured 25m was about what it would cost to put HCP on similar plate). The GM came back with a charge of 45m. Nowhere near the 200m quoted above, but still a shit-ton more than what I had planned to spend on it. Based on what was said on the Officials I was under the impression that if you dont use your major, you lose it, so I coughed up the cash. I then watched the person who won the TD raffle not 5 minutes later turn down the service and get another major slot. Overall I was happy with the item, but I spent the next day + of the event with a bad taste in my mouth over it.

08-08-2013, 12:21 AM
I know it is attuned but I didn't know if they would let you opt to give it to someone else.

No they make it clear that you can't sell it, if you win the raffle/auction then you're getting the weapon, period. :)

08-08-2013, 12:21 AM
My story is I managed to buy 7 tickets but for some unknown reason I won't be able to attend....

08-08-2013, 12:25 AM
Clearly if ya read between the lines, make up words and add letters, that clearly says that Kerl is Solomon!

Oh hey now, that is just uncalled for.

08-08-2013, 12:34 AM
I feel lucky not to have any characters in plate, hearing about that.

My experience was pretty good. I would never have gotten a ticket without the help of a friend. Just too slow! But I got lucky in friendship if not with my own timing so I got to go to run 2. I mostly went for minor services so I sold my major (weighting) to get more minors and that worked out well. Walking away with another enchant on my katana/yoribo combo thingie, a 2x defender bonus on my no-dachi, an EZ script package, disintegration-flaring 6x augmented chain and an AC grooming (I never make it to the raffles).

Was that everything I wanted? Nah. But I've been a merchant hunter for long enough to know these things have their ups and downs. I've figured for years that my luck was at an end the day I won a full glamour tattoo so anything I get beyond that is bonus. It's a good event. I don't love the ticket distribution but the event itself was aces.

08-08-2013, 01:19 AM
Went in with one account and was hopping to get weighting for a lance but no go. I didn't feel like spending money to buy the spot and pay to get the weighting. I ended with sighting which I didn't think I would win but lo and behold there where only 3 tickets for 2 slot. Sighting went on 6X fusion longbow. I really never won any major raffle from my many years of playing this game. I ended with couple of minors. Hooded cloak, Acuity flare, Weapon flare, enhansive swap, enhansive perm.

08-08-2013, 08:55 AM
Thanks, everyone, for sharing this info. Now I know not to bother with trying to upgrade my warrior's plate armor in RtCF 3. I also have only 14m silver to my name so there's a lot I won't be able to do, but it still looks like there's a lot of fun to be had even if all you get are minor services.

My big decision is what character to take to the event. My main two-hand warrior (35), my TWC-MOC halfling warrior (22), or my rogue (26) that I flip between bows and two-handers yearly. It will probably be the halfling, because that's who could attune to a minor Coraesine weapon and not have to sacrifice something else.

Geijon Khyree
08-08-2013, 11:29 AM
Yep. The first Rtcf cost about 3.5 million. I think you need about that for raffles and shopping that should result in a nice time. It escalates after that depending on buying power or level of gear you are working on to the 15 million range. After that it becomes buying power and playing an auction intensive win angle.

08-09-2013, 03:00 AM
Well I went there wanting just two things. Padding and Title. Got both through auction process. The first on the first day and last on the last. Geijon was right about the cost for plate. I did a double take when told how much. Nigh on wiped me out financially and I went through the rest of the evening and the next day thinking 'crap - can't afford anything else'. Luckily I managed to acquire silvers to keep me going.

But, I wouldn't change the plate for all the tea in china. And my title as 'Ale Specialist' is gonna add to my RPing for decades. (Was a close run thing between Ale Historian and Ale Enthusiast... Anyone who remotely knows me knows the significance of the title(s) hehe)

Got a bunch of other really really neat stuff - which i wont bore you with - but those were my two peronal favourites.

Next time they run this or a comparable event - and they will at some point no doubt - I'm going in with 100 billion and pocket change... Am saving NOW.. one coin at a time. :D

08-09-2013, 07:34 PM
What'd you make Brem and if you don't mind how much did it cost? Just been comparing costs to the all brig cost chart Wyrom posted before run 1 trying to get a feel for how much to extrapolate the brig costs.

09-09-2013, 03:24 PM
Since I didn't go, what did everyone get done at the fest for the last run? I know Virilneus got his runestaff topped out on acuity flares.

09-09-2013, 03:35 PM
I stole Ohr's undead bane win when they denied Kerl's axe and added it to the Lochaber. Otherwise basically did nothing, helped friends with other stuff too though. Aluvius has a damned nice greatsword now!

09-09-2013, 04:07 PM
Traded enchant major for padding major, took 6x hcp doubles to 6x mcp

Bergraham fusion lor staff won in raffle, upped it to 5x/6x acuity
7x/2x acuity fusion staff upped to 7x/4x
4x aura/HP enhancive, 1 mana flare staff upped to 2 mana flare
6x fusion staff given disruption flares
4x aura enhancive defender staff increased in defender bonus, seems to be +17 now (but might be +15, have to get it sung)

put T1 voln 4x dcp brig
enhancive permanence

2 cloak of shadows imbeds charged (will be for sale)
black ora functionality to black ora lance (will be for sale)

fully unlocked petticoat
2 sets of unlocked void flaring gizwidget boots/handwraps

Siolan lockpicking gloves raffle
some plum-hued kidskin gloves
>l at my glov
Dyed a shade of red-purple like the skin of a plum at the height of ripeness, the kidskin from which these gloves are tailored is supremely supple. For added durability, all of the seams are double-stitched, and the pads of the fingers as well as the palms have been made of textured suede to enhance the wearer's grip. Slender silken threads splay across the back of the fingers and hand, webbed throughout the kidskin as if coated in a thin, gauze-like veil of spiderwebs.

Custom logon/off (empath, it's going to get really annoying when I need to get the mules out)
Custom loresong (given to Twilight Hall)
EZ Script package

lorae'tyr-igaesha and abyran'sa runes

Sold/shared a lot of slots, only purchased 2 of the runestaff acuity/mana slots.

by far the best I've ever done at an event. I pretty much got shut out at the last Coraesine Field event.

09-09-2013, 04:24 PM
Entered wanting three things:
Self Charger (either offensive or defensive)
Rune Tattoo (haha, yeah right)
3 slot fusion longbow (pretty much been saving my money for this, went in with 2x sale price from runs 1/2)

Left the weekend with
A pissed off girlfriend
Defensive self-charger auction for 15m. (Major)
Lost auction of 3 slot fusion longbow... the main reason I was in attendance... Buyer went up to 57m. Thanks to Ardwen for offering a loan on the spot.

Won a 5x, +10 AGL Bonus, +5 Ambush, +10 Stalking and hiding (80 charges) Dagger. (No Lvl Req)
Orbed the dagger for the +10 AGL Bonus Orb
Paid 750k to get it converted into +10 Dex Bonus Orb (yes... 20 stat)... with no level Req.

Sold Acuity flare to Allereli.
Took proceeds and bought normal quality bubble Flares for my Paladin brother's 7x Perfect Greataxe (3m surcharge)

Got some UAC style scripts added to my pin-worn, pocketed gloves... two tiers of them... Although, they don't really fit my character at all... but even if I never use them, kinda feel like an upgrade?
Added some zests to my armor, since I'm not a volner.

Honestly, wasn't worth it. Way too much stress during the event, and it really pissed off the GF that i was basically unavailable. Spins and raffles always seeming to go to the same 10 people about 80% of the time. The blatant MA'ing that was apparently enough to get Kitsun banned, yet every other attendee had either been to all the other runs, or was actively being multi-boxed. The pacing of the event had more highs and lows than Lindsay Lohan or Britany Spears, with minimal leadtime or scheduling of most events, followed by an ungodly amount of overlapping stuff to deliver on SLAs on Sunday night.

09-09-2013, 04:34 PM
I tried to get two tickets, one for my account and one for my IRL wife's account, but only managed to get one (the second to last ticket sold). Spent the majority of the week running around with Leloo and Bellaja, had a good time overall. I went in looking for padding for 10x hcp fulls as my main goal...I didn't win the raffle, and in the last auction I was up against a plate user that I knew would go way higher than I would. I decided to not be a dick and stopped bidding around 55m, everyone else had already dropped out so they got it for like 58, whatever their next bid was. My secondary goal was for a coraesine weapon, which is why I took my twc warrior to the event instead of my wizard or Thond. This I managed to get, although it's a lesser...weeks later i'm still trying to attune to it. My tertiary goal was undead bane on a 4x claid...I somehow missed this raffle/auction completely. I ended up winning enchanting as my major, and I sold it to Leloo for silvers and some other service trades.

Overall I didn't have nearly the luck i've had in past events...i'm not normally superstitious but this will most likely be the last event I ever take Jimbrov to. The coraesine was a pretty amazing win, but besides that I only personally got a couple spins for unlocks (hurdragof twice, gizwizit once). My enchant major was 10 draws with only 16 people in it.

I ended up with a lot of minor services, including flares added to my wife's 8x runestaff, some 6x full plate, and a 7x perfect katar, several unlocks, recharges, couple other things, but all of that I either bought or got from Leloo (<3).

Biggest mistake I made from the event was buying an ironwright slot for 6 or 7 mill. I ended up having Ledirth remove it the next day to put something else on it, total waste.

09-09-2013, 04:45 PM
and it really pissed off the GF that i was basically unavailable.

You're supposed to handle that ahead of time, i.e. "Hey, in like 2 weeks I'm gonna be unavailable for a couple days."

If she still resists, dress it up as "I could potentially win a couple thousand dollars in the process!" and she'll stop bitching, at least until after the event when you don't have a wad of cash in your pocket, but who cares then, because you made it through the weekend. And you did say "potentially."

Spins and raffles always seeming to go to the same 10 people about 80% of the time.

Was the same deal on the second run. Literally couldn't keep track of how many times some of them got picked because it was so much. Still not totally sold that they're random (I know there's no such thing as a true digital RNG, but whatever) even if they're intended to be. I call alphabet shenanigan bugs.

09-09-2013, 04:58 PM
You're supposed to handle that ahead of time, i.e. "Hey, in like 2 weeks I'm gonna be unavailable for a couple days."

Tried it... would normally work, however, she's a full time student who works retail part time, and usually works all weekend. Of course, except for this last weekend, where it's been the first weekend she's ever had full off in like, five months.

Was the same deal on the second run. Literally couldn't keep track of how many times some of them got picked because it was so much. Still not totally sold that they're random (I know there's no such thing as a true digital RNG, but whatever) even if they're intended to be. I call alphabet shenanigan bugs.

If this is really what they call random... then they need to recode to make less random. Put negative modifiers on people's odds that had already received services. If they're able to track if people got majors, they can do the same for minors.

Suppressed Poet
09-09-2013, 04:58 PM
I'll share my experience now that it is over...

So I traded access to my account. Yeah I know, but hear me out...

I was really excited when I got a ticket, but then reality set in. I don't have the luxury of getting away from the real world for 2 + full days. Even if I could, I don't think I would enjoy it that much. When I got the ticket, I had about 2.5 mil to my name and only one nice piece of equipment worthy of having work done (armor). So this meant I'd need to acquire more silvers and more gear to take to an event I couldn't fully take advantage of anyways.

So I traded access to it with someone really cool that didn't get a ticket and wanted to attend. This person has the coins, gear, and time to make it worthwhile. In exchange I received:

1) Premium points to enchant my blackswan armor to 5x (this is really what I wanted from RtCF, and work was done weeks ago)

2) 10 mil in silvers. With the market like it was/is, I was able to make this stretch to get some nice stuff. With that and my on hand coins, I walked away with: T0 to T3 ensorcell to my armor, a 4x perfect lance for an enchant project, one of those blackswan encumbrance reducing backpacks, and some other little odds&ends.

3) Access to orbing npc to get some items orbed that I've been wanting to do.

4) Max lighten for above armor. I won't be able to attend EG, and this person is going to do that for me then.

I couldn't have done that well at the event. I didn't lose any sleep, piss off my fiancée, or neglect my children. All this, and a deserving good person got to attend in my place that has been a pleasure to work with. RtCF was great for me.

09-09-2013, 05:01 PM
what kind of event is it if ya can't piss off significant others and abandon children?!?!? Glad it worked out for ya

09-09-2013, 05:09 PM
Entered wanting three things:
Honestly, wasn't worth it. Way too much stress during the event, and it really pissed off the GF that i was basically unavailable. Spins and raffles always seeming to go to the same 10 people about 80% of the time. The blatant MA'ing that was apparently enough to get Kitsun banned, yet every other attendee had either been to all the other runs, or was actively being multi-boxed. The pacing of the event had more highs and lows than Lindsay Lohan or Britany Spears, with minimal leadtime or scheduling of most events, followed by an ungodly amount of overlapping stuff to deliver on SLAs on Sunday night.

See, what you gotta do is let her know what to expect ahead of time then take her somewhere fancy to apologize for being unavailable that weekend then take her somewhere nice the weekend AFTER RTCF to make up for it again!

09-09-2013, 05:26 PM
Tried it... would normally work, however, she's a full time student who works retail part time, and usually works all weekend. Of course, except for this last weekend, where it's been the first weekend she's ever had full off in like, five months.

I guess you'll just have to apologize by offering her some penis. In her mouth.

If this is really what they call random... then they need to recode to make less random. Put negative modifiers on people's odds that had already received services. If they're able to track if people got majors, they can do the same for minors.

I don't think I illustrated just how bad it was. There was this one character (I think it was one of Kaedra's alts, or someone she was running around with all weekend, I'm not sure which. Started with a B I wanna say, and now it's driving me nuts because I can't remember the name. Anyway....I've never seen a character get "randomly" picked so much in my life in such a short span of time. It didn't matter if there were 10 people in the room or all 100. If spins were happening, (s)he was getting picked at least once. Riend was getting picked 723098472390 times too if I'm remembering correctly.

I don't fault the character or the player or anything like that, I just don't think the code on the spinners are as random as Simu thinks. Mainly because it's not confined to just this event. It seems like the same characters get picked almost all the time in any spinner event.

During that week long festival thing between runs 1 and 2 or whenever it was, Reagan was another spinner magnet. Pretty sure she was getting picked so much that they were having to re-spin sometimes because she was getting picked twice in the same batch of spins. Some other time during that week, her and I walked into the room like 3 seconds before they spun, and bam, she gets picked again. It was like for every time she got picked, she got a passive +50 on a d100 to get picked again. Even she was eventually like wtf is going on here?

The obvious solution is for Simu to live stream the GM picking random ping pong balls out of a lottery machine.

09-09-2013, 05:31 PM
I don't think I illustrated just how bad it was. There was this one character (I think it was one of Kaedra's alts, or someone she was running around with all weekend, I'm not sure which. Started with a B I wanna say, and now it's driving me nuts because I can't remember the name. Anyway....I've never seen a character get "randomly" picked so much in my life in such a short span of time. It didn't matter if there were 10 people in the room or all 100. If spins were happening, (s)he was getting picked at least once.

Just going to take a wild guess that the name you're looking for here is Banty, and no he/she is not my alt.

09-09-2013, 05:32 PM
Just going to take a wild guess that the name you're looking for here is Banty, and no he/she is not my alt.

Yeah that's it. Now I can die in peace.


09-09-2013, 05:34 PM
If this is really what they call random... then they need to recode to make less random. Put negative modifiers on people's odds that had already received services. If they're able to track if people got majors, they can do the same for minors.People are really, really, really, really bad at doing statistics in their head. They don't remember all the data, a lot of what they do remember is just wrong, and while the math isn't complicated it does involve a square root.

I encourage you to tabulate the data in your logs, all of you, I think you will be pleasantly surprised by how random it actually is.

09-09-2013, 05:35 PM
People are really, really, really, really bad at doing statistics in their head. They don't remember all the data, a lot of what they do remember is just wrong, and while the math isn't complicated it does involve a square root.

I encourage you to tabulate the data in your logs, all of you, I think you will be pleasantly surprised by how random it actually is.

In before link to bard renewal thread?

09-09-2013, 05:36 PM

GM alt of course!

09-09-2013, 05:38 PM
In before link to bard renewal thread?

Curses! Foiled again!

09-09-2013, 05:43 PM
Curses! Foiled again!


09-09-2013, 05:53 PM
(grey)Thread: Your RtCF story.


(grey)Thread: Your RtCF story.


http://static2.fjcdn.com/comments/You+can+t+fool+me+N.+Korean+citizen+_b84568b28baa6 1e0e5849182dbce6bf5.jpg

09-09-2013, 05:57 PM
That's fucked up, Tisket.

09-09-2013, 07:13 PM
I don't know about the raffles and the spinners. I know most of the time I'm spinner repellant, but every once in awhile I'll get picked for something really nice. I also find that different characters have different luck. My empath at the last EG couldn't get spun to save her life but my wee bardess won a raffle and managed a couple of alterations.

Sheer dumb luck, bad or good.

09-09-2013, 07:21 PM
Allereli hardly ever wins shit at fests, this time was an exception. She never won anything until I rolled up Lasentra. Everyone hated Lasentra this weekend, I'm sorry.

09-09-2013, 07:49 PM
The obvious solution is for Simu to live stream the GM picking random ping pong balls out of a lottery machine.

Hey, but how do we get our number or our name in the lottery machine, and how do we know they haven't weighted some balls and then how do we know Methais doesn't have 20 more balls in there than anyone else and then....

See, there will always be doubts.

Suppressed Poet
09-09-2013, 07:53 PM
I will teach you all the magic to beating the code of Simutronics spinners. You must follow these three steps EXACTLY. It works 60% of the time, everytime:

1). Be in the top 10 in room order

2). As soon as you arrive, immediately stand up and take 2 steps back from your computer

3). Continually rub your pubes in a circular motion with your left hand while marching in place until you see your character's named called a winner from your monitor

The distant faint static electricity you generate will find it's way to cyberspace and change the coding of The Matrix. Doing this will also increase the length of your bard's songs by 7 seconds and decrease your multi-song penalty by 3 mana.

Do this quickly before they fix the glitch. You are all welcome.

09-09-2013, 08:03 PM
Pretty decent weekend for me. I traded favors with my wife to get the whole weekend which was great. I'll have to say, though, that the majority of the festival was BORING. I spent a lot of the night on Friday trying to find a fun group of people to run around with, but didn't have any luck. I'll admit I'm not so great at making new friends, but I was really pretty surprised how "cliquey" most groups seemed to be. So, I spent the majority of the festival with the one person I did know, but he had been here a few times before and was mostly just interested in the raffles. The majority of the time there was absolutely nothing going on - which meant I spent most of the time with GS on my second monitor while I did something else.

As for my wins...
- Sold +5 enchant slot for 30m.
- Bought a splitting weapon spot for 15m

- Got spun for epic deepening and put it on one of my cloaks.
- Got unlocking service from Hurdragorf for one of his air-infused weapons. I honestly have no idea what the unlocking does.
- Got spun for an armor flaring raffle and sold that for 3m.
- The next night, I bought a weapon flaring raffle from the same person I sold the armor flaring raffle spot too.
- Got a set of signature verbs done.

The major I won was on the bottom of the list of majors I was hoping to win, so hard to complain about that. There were a lot of other minors I was hoping to win (or at least purchase), but the big spenders completely priced me out of anything. I still can't believe that people had so much silver to burn. At least I'll have more realistic expectations about buying something the next time around!

09-09-2013, 08:07 PM
I stole Ohr's undead bane win when they denied Kerl's axe and added it to the Lochaber. Otherwise basically did nothing, helped friends with other stuff too though. Aluvius has a damned nice greatsword now!

Hehe, man I appreciate it even though it cost about 4x what I expected lol. I had been grumbling for weeks because I wanted disintegration flares and was gonna settle for putting earth or acid flares on it with PP points. I just love the messaging with those flares and I think they go better with its alter. Fire would probably go with it the best, but it has downsides/immunes. :)

09-10-2013, 02:33 AM
I will teach you all the magic to beating the code of Simutronics spinners. You must follow these three steps EXACTLY. It works 60% of the time, everytime:

1). Be in the top 10 in room order

2). As soon as you arrive, immediately stand up and take 2 steps back from your computer

3). Continually rub your pubes in a circular motion with your left hand while marching in place until you see your character's named called a winner from your monitor

The distant faint static electricity you generate will find it's way to cyberspace and change the coding of The Matrix. Doing this will also increase the length of your bard's songs by 7 seconds and decrease your multi-song penalty by 3 mana.

Do this quickly before they fix the glitch. You are all welcome.

Glad I read ahead before testing your theory. Haha. I shouldn't have found the above funny....but dammit, I DID!

In general, sounds like most people got something positive out of it. I am glad I didn't try for the third run though. The second run took a whole bunch of sleep, and 65 hours out of my life away from the people I loved. It was hard to explain to folks why I was cloistered in a room in front of a computer for 3 days, growling at kids and parents that interrupted my thought processes, and distracted me from raffles etc. Couldn't and wouldn't have gone through that more than once. I love the game and will play it until I die or Simu goes belly up, which ever comes first, but there are limits.

On a good note, lets hope the rate of exchange for coins begging to drop now. 14+ per is frigging nuts!

09-10-2013, 07:51 AM
I think I am going to start hiring myself out at festivals as Anti-luck to increase people's chances.

Me and 2 friends went, tho I ended up having to run them around most of the time due to 1 of them working all weekend.

Got 1 Major I didnt really want, but could use.

The other two majors I ended up being a proxy for because our names are apparently unable to be drawn from a raffle.
Entered every single minor raffle. Name pulled zero times.

Got one Minor spin, and bought a minor. Sold the spin because i was just passing thru the room when spun.

The only other time my name was spun was when there was less people there then the GM was spinning.

So.. Best reason to not be in my group at a pay fest like this?

3 Runs.. 7 tickets between 4 friends.

3 useful/used majors. 1 cloak, 3 sold spots cause I didnt want another cloak.

3 won and used minors. 2 sold minors. Bought 4 minors.

All in all, between us, 7 tickets, 10 wins, 1 consolation. I think that's pretty fucking horrible luck on my part.

Hell, there are some people here that got more wins then that in just 1 run.

09-10-2013, 07:58 AM
I think I saw some people get more than that in the first night....

Ended up with some decent minors and a major I could use since selling it fell through.

All in all was a good run, nothing spectacularly huge to increase my bank roll, but some decent stuff and had a good time.

09-10-2013, 09:52 AM
Hey, but how do we get our number or our name in the lottery machine, and how do we know they haven't weighted some balls and then how do we know Methais doesn't have 20 more balls in there than anyone else and then....

See, there will always be doubts.

The GM will also stream him/herself writing each person's name that's in the room on a ping pong ball and individually placing it into the lottery machine, before the drawing. Each ball will also be weighed on a digital scale before being placed into the machine.

09-10-2013, 10:03 AM
But Lotteries are audited by an independent third party... usually one of the big CPA firms!

Clearly, they need to do the same for Gemstone Raffles!

09-10-2013, 10:05 AM
But Lotteries are audited by an independent third party... usually one of the big CPA firms!

Clearly, they need to do the same for Gemstone Raffles!

Tsin will be the independent third party.

Suppressed Poet
09-10-2013, 11:18 AM
I caught up with the person who I worked with in my access (got his ok to let the cat out of the bag - Koops). Glad to hear he got what he came for and enjoyed the event. I have to say, my entire experience with him throughout this process has been phenomenal. He is a true gentleman. My character was his one and only access to the event and he deserves to go.

And on that note, he also informed me that after winning a T2 voln armor raffle/auction, he gave it back by requesting a room spin. He could have added it on something for resell, but instead decided to give others the opportunity having already won the T4. Koops / Grim Reaper is the anti-Kitsun. Please don't go randomly hugging my character Deowolf post RtCF. :p

Lord Orbstar
09-10-2013, 11:33 AM
i enjoyed it. The first day was frustrating, but saturday ended nice. I had to leave so I missed almost all of Sunday.

I won at auction (paid 17m out of the 20m I had): an onyx Ur-Daemon pin. 7x/day BRAVERY recharges upon use, not a 24 hour clock
Paid another person 3m silvers for a flaring spot. I had GRAPPLE Flares put on a 4x/4x Acuity runestave. This was gonna be my main weapon and I was happy.
I won an impure Coraesine weapon. The GM altered for me to reflect my hatred of Koar. This was possible because the person that won was a Sorceror and had nothing to make the weapon into. There was banter about a coraesine skinning knife. She graciously threw it back into the pool. Kyntair and I were talking about her doing that when I looked up and saw my name scrolling off the screen. I had no idea I won. There was some jealous grumblers and a Lot of congratulations. I wish I had brought my paladin to the fest...

I won the really nice Runestaff. 5x, +10 harness power, +5 aura, +10 mana recovery. It is a gorgeous Illthorn runestave (forget the description). I wanted to put acuity or bubble or grapple flares, but I had to leave on mission and didnt get that done.

I enjoyed speaking and interacting with everyone and want to give a special thanks to Whirlin. With my job requirements, I barely had time to do stuff. He took me on a walk and basically got me the will o wisp pet. I would NOT have got one without him. He did this while raffles were going on and twice we Familiar Gated back with seconds to spare for the drawings. hehe. Thank you much, bro.

Me and a few people were in the UAC merchant room when she came in to spin. Since there were only like 10 of us...she locked the tent and just did work for everyone twice. We all got a pair of the gloves fully unlocked. THey are 4x with vacuum flares and totally useless to a wizard, but the scripts are nice RP bait. Who knows..maybe i should brawl now. lol

I also want to thank the people that had kind words and Jarvan who sold me some silvers during the fest. I had 20m and it was not enough. 26m was enough.

Thank you for Iorake Warhammer... buying my robes gave me the coin to do this even with the mistake I made as to their properties.

My mage is pretty special with a Rapture Cloak and a Coraesine weapon. I had hoped to get a spell tattoo, but as it turned out, I would not have won I am sure any bid war.

My only regret is being forced, because only an asshole would NOT use the sword after so many others were disappointed, to become a warmage. That is something I have resisted and scorned for RP reasons since 1995. The other regret comes with my 66 strength and +6 str bonus. Ohshit. Now I need a FIXSTAT.

Suppressed Poet
09-10-2013, 11:49 AM
Glad to hear it went well for you Orb, and you did it for freedom.

My mage was entered in that coraesine. I'm glad he didn't win that, because I face exactly the same issues you have. I'd have to warmage just because, but others would enjoy that a lot more than I would. Also, I think his total strength bonus at 44 is maybe 1 if not 0.

09-10-2013, 12:07 PM
anyone know where the autoflare tent is at?

09-10-2013, 12:24 PM
I stole Ohr's undead bane win when they denied Kerl's axe and added it to the Lochaber. Otherwise basically did nothing, helped friends with other stuff too though. Aluvius has a damned nice greatsword now!

You can only imagine what a letdown this was for me. I was turned down for weighting in round 1, so I went to the trouble to ask Wyrom if undead bane would be ok and he said it should be... and boom, denied without so much as an explanation. Unbelievable. But yeah, a 10x mcw bastard axe is ok for the same service, or Hoy's blink spear of doom, and making 10x self know zealot gloves from scratch? Sure, that's AOK. How about some consistency fellas? This was basically the anti-Kerl event: won't work on any of my gear.

The real shame of this event though, has been the "screw you plate wearers" attitude towards armor. The whole service pricing model was completely a giant mess. Basing cost of service on sung value and AsG is absurd, and a recipe for disaster. Using a chart that doubles the price with each successive enchant possibly makes even less sense. No, I take it back. It ignores a ton of factors, but doesn't approach the stupidity of whatever multiplier they were using for armor.

09-10-2013, 12:34 PM
You can only imagine what a letdown this was for me. I was turned down for weighting in round 1, so I went to the trouble to ask Wyrom if undead bane would be ok and he said it should be... and boom, denied without so much as an explanation. Unbelievable. But yeah, a 10x mcw bastard axe is ok for the same service, or Hoy's blink spear of doom, and making 10x self know zealot gloves from scratch? Sure, that's AOK. How about some consistency fellas? This was basically the anti-Kerl event: won't work on any of my gear.

The real shame of this event though, has been the "screw you plate wearers" attitude towards armor. The whole service pricing model was completely a giant mess. Basing cost of service on sung value and AsG is absurd, and a recipe for disaster. Using a chart that doubles the price with each successive enchant possibly makes even less sense. No, I take it back. It ignores a ton of factors, but doesn't approach the stupidity of whatever multiplier they were using for armor.

It's actually 4x the price for each group upgrade past leathers.

It KINDA makes sense, yet at the same time, PP cost is the same, I don't see why Silver cost can't be. A 7x dagger getting a flare added would be the same price as a 7x Lance getting a flare added. So frankly it should be the same for armor.

I am just pissed that someone didnt gather up 100% worth of discount vouchers, then do a set of plate that would have cost 250 mill, just so they could say after... FUCK YOU SIMU.

09-10-2013, 12:40 PM
The absurdly harsh pricing scheme of plate really hurts any sort of normal player, and alienates them by essentially denying them from improving their gear. Especially after they have probably shown loyalty for a decade of premium subscription to make their plate or other higher AsG armor nice.

They really geared stuff like the only people going were the 1 percenters.

09-10-2013, 12:51 PM
The absurdly harsh pricing scheme of plate really hurts any sort of normal player, and alienates them by essentially denying them from improving their gear. Especially after they have probably shown loyalty for a decade of premium subscription to make their plate or other higher AsG armor nice.

They really geared stuff like the only people going were the 1 percenters.

That's life tho. Honestly, if prices were much cheaper. The 1%'s would have just bought more slots from people is all. As it is, it's highly likely that the majority of the services went to a small group of people.

Not Kerl maybe... but a small group of people.

09-10-2013, 01:02 PM
That's life tho. Honestly, if prices were much cheaper. The 1%'s would have just bought more slots from people is all. As it is, it's highly likely that the majority of the services went to a small group of people.

Not Kerl maybe... but a small group of people.

This is not how it works. For starters, prices WERE much cheaper for those who don't wear heavy armor. Unless you're contending that the 1% only wears plate. Yeah, I didn't think so. You're just wrong in your assertion. When you have game mechanics that basically require certain classes to wear certain armor, it's more than a little unfair to charge many times more for service on that armor. A little more? Sure. Fine. But 10x more? No. Not fine.

09-10-2013, 01:14 PM
How about some consistency fellas?Hi welcome to Gemstone.

09-10-2013, 01:19 PM
I think that's pretty fucking horrible luck on my part.


09-10-2013, 01:25 PM
That's life tho. Honestly, if prices were much cheaper. The 1%'s would have just bought more slots from people is all. As it is, it's highly likely that the majority of the services went to a small group of people.

Not Kerl maybe... but a small group of people.

That doesn't make any sense.

If prices were cheaper, some people that won the slots would have improved their own gear. If they can't afford to do the work the want, they are pretty much guaranteed to sell...to someone with a lot of coins/cash sitting around.

Obviously some would sell anyway because rich people can be persuasive, but it is ridiculous to think that by giving the casual player the option of being able to afford work on his 8x hcped plate he upped with his pps, it is going to make it more likely that 1% will buy his slot from him.

09-10-2013, 01:31 PM
I caught up with the person who I worked with in my access (got his ok to let the cat out of the bag - Koops). Glad to hear he got what he came for and enjoyed the event. I have to say, my entire experience with him throughout this process has been phenomenal. He is a true gentleman. My character was his one and only access to the event and he deserves to go.

And on that note, he also informed me that after winning a T2 voln armor raffle/auction, he gave it back by requesting a room spin. He could have added it on something for resell, but instead decided to give others the opportunity having already won the T4. Koops / Grim Reaper is the anti-Kitsun. Please don't go randomly hugging my character Deowolf post RtCF. :p

So you scalped your ticket; breaking one more rule than I did and yet I'm the bad guy? This whole thread is full of people with multiple ticket purchases. I don't see you calling them out on it.

09-10-2013, 01:51 PM
How about some consistency fellas?

Inconsistency is the only thing Simu is consistent with.

09-10-2013, 02:03 PM
So you scalped your ticket; breaking one more rule than I did and yet I'm the bad guy? This whole thread is full of people with multiple ticket purchases. I don't see you calling them out on it.

Kit, look at who you're talking to. Don't even bother.

Just be thankful you weren't sitting there in church. You know. Sitting there. In church.

09-10-2013, 02:07 PM
Or anywhere near Dean Winchester. You know how he is about kitsune.

Suppressed Poet
09-10-2013, 02:12 PM
Kitsun - I didn't even call you out so much when that whole thing was going on. Go back and read it. I blamed simu more than anything for making such a jacked up ticket purchase system. You just happen to be one of many that exploited it. Part of me can't blame you, but the other part is you kinda pissed on the community for your own self greed with however many multiple tickets over 2 and almost 3 runs you had.

I think my situation is much different than yours, and I'm sorry if you can't see that. Yes I probably broke rules and scalping is a fair way to put it, but it's not quite like trying to monopolize the whole thing which prevents others from going. In my anti-Kitsun comment, I said that because he was community conscious and generous vs your obvious greed.

09-10-2013, 02:13 PM
ironwright flares (won, sold)
resistance (won, kept)
bromin potion (won, kept (so far))
acuity flares (purchased)
acuity flares (purchased)
acuity flares (purchased)
acuity flares (won, kept)

Not the best luck, statistically, picked 4 times, with 400+ services available, so slightly below average. But I got what I wanted.

09-10-2013, 02:19 PM
Kitsun - I didn't even call you out so much when that whole thing was going on. Go back and read it. I blamed simu more than anything for making such a jacked up ticket purchase system. You just happen to be one of many that exploited it. Part of me can't blame you, but the other part is you kinda pissed on the community for your own self greed with however many multiple tickets over 2 and almost 3 runs you had.

I think my situation is much different than yours, and I'm sorry if you can't see that. Yes I probably broke rules and scalping is a fair way to put it, but it's not quite like trying to monopolize the whole thing which prevents others from going. In my anti-Kitsun comment, I said that because he was community conscious and generous vs your obvious greed.Oh, Lord.

09-10-2013, 02:19 PM
Kitsun - I didn't even call you out so much when that whole thing was going on. Go back and read it. I blamed simu more than anything for making such a jacked up ticket purchase system. You just happen to be one of many that exploited it.

Wouldn't it have been more appropriate then to say Koops is the anti-Kitsun-and-many-others?

Part of me can't blame you, but the other part is you kinda pissed on the community for your own self greed with however many multiple tickets over 2 and almost 3 runs you had.

[quote]but it's not quite like trying to monopolize the whole thing which prevents others from going. In my anti-Kitsun comment, I said that because he was community conscious and generous vs your obvious greed.

Technically, selling your ticket to Koops prevented others that aren't Koops from going.


09-10-2013, 02:37 PM
So you scalped your ticket; breaking one more rule than I did and yet I'm the bad guy? This whole thread is full of people with multiple ticket purchases. I don't see you calling them out on it.

Because the degree of the action taken has no affect on anything, right?

Drinking one beer isn't different than being a raging alcoholic?
Someone who commits vehicular manslaughter is no different than a mass murderer?
My sexual prowess is directly equivalent to Wilt Chamberlin's?

It's subjective, but there's a line in the sand for ticket purchases where you cease to be someone gaming the system a little bit and cross into WTF territory. I can't tell you where that line is exactly, but it's somewhere before 16

Suppressed Poet
09-10-2013, 02:51 PM
I'll admit that in all fairness, Kitsun is just one of several and the anti-Kitsun comment may have lacked tact on my part. Because I'm so well known for my tactfulness, I sincerely appologize. Kinda the whole kindergarten argument "but everyone else was doing it and you didn't say anything to them!". Whatever, you get the point. Just so happens Kitsun was made an example of so thus the easiest to think of.

09-10-2013, 03:52 PM
Because the degree of the action taken has no affect on anything, right?

In this case, no it really shouldn't.

I'm not suggesting that anyone should have gotten in any trouble, mainly because this is all a result of Simu being fail when it was so incredibly easy to not be fail.

09-10-2013, 03:59 PM
Simu was warned before one ticket was sold that this sales setup was a joke and wouldn't cause major issues and refused to fix it, after run 1 proved the issues they still let it continue. Do I blame us the players for part of it, sure, but Simu is at least 75 percent if not more of the problem, did they expect people to not see the amazing opportunity thsi was to either vastly improve their characters or a giant cash cow? This was like dropping matchbooks in a schoolyard full of children and expecting not one of them to get burned.

09-10-2013, 04:04 PM
Simu was warned before one ticket was sold that this sales setup was a joke and wouldn't cause major issues and refused to fix it, after run 1 proved the issues they still let it continue. Do I blame us the players for part of it, sure, but Simu is at least 75 percent if not more of the problem, did they expect people to not see the amazing opportunity thsi was to either vastly improve their characters or a giant cash cow? This was like dropping matchbooks in a schoolyard full of children and expecting not one of them to get burned.


It must be nice to have a product that is so in demand that your customers get angry at you for running out of it constantly. No one would complain about release method if demand wasn't there, but it is, and without fail they screw up release methods more often than not. This was pretty much the cherry on top of all other fubar'd releases. I can't for the life of me think of a worse way to do it.

09-11-2013, 01:11 PM
Had a great Saturday, strike out on every thing on Sunday so it all balanced out in the end, enjoyed the event in general and has me looking forward to EG again.

09-12-2013, 10:16 PM
I thought envelopes stopped going out a few days ago? I know I haven't found any in forever.

I just found one...I'm almost afraid to open it...it might explode on me as an early April Fool's joke.

09-12-2013, 10:29 PM
Oh, this explains it.

Later today, envelopes will be turned back on for the final Lite run. These envelopes won't include discount vouchers and will hopefully give out special vouchers at a higher than normal rate.

These vouchers will be nontransferable and can only be redeemed at the last RtCF Lite run starting on the 20th!

Due to your feedback, some changes were plugged into our PrizeTicket system (the system that hands out the envelopes) that will hopefully allow for a better overall experience with finding special prizes. And more tools for the GMs to see how many special things have gone out to better track unopened PrizeTickets (envelopes).

Old envelopes should expire on September 14th at 00:00 CDT, or September 13th at 10pm PDT. There are at least 30 winning envelopes left in players' inventory/lockers with vouchers that would also be good at the last Lite run, so be sure to open those if you wish to claim anything.

~Wyrom, SGM

This message was originally posted in Quests/Sagas/Events, Returning to Coraesine Field. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


09-13-2013, 11:41 AM

It must be nice to have a product that is so in demand that your customers get angry at you for running out of it constantly. No one would complain about release method if demand wasn't there, but it is, and without fail they screw up release methods more often than not. This was pretty much the cherry on top of all other fubar'd releases. I can't for the life of me think of a worse way to do it.

This is exactly why I roll my eyes whenever people try to pull the 'GS is dying, the sky is falling' routine. When a company can make over $20,000 in roughly 12 seconds from their somewhat limited playerbase? That's impressive.

As far as the 'furbar'd release, I think people need to give them a break. This was Wyrom's first huge event as a SGM wasn't it? So they tried something different and it didn't really work out. People still had a decent time and got their money worth it sounds like. It's people like Jarvan who chose to bitch all summer long that caused the real issues, and they would have bitched and moaned no matter how tickets were released.

Get the fuck over it.

And while I'm at it, I thought feedback's message to Kitsun was pretty clear. Over 200 pings a second? That certainly would count as a DOSA attack. Believe what you want, but it's pretty :tinfoilhat: to think that they'd just make shit up to try to save face in some way, and only lose money in the process. But maybe they KNEW Kitsun would post on the PC!!@312

09-13-2013, 11:47 AM
This is exactly why I roll my eyes whenever people try to pull the 'GS is dying, the sky is falling' routine. When a company can make over $20,000 in roughly 12 seconds from their somewhat limited playerbase? That's impressive.

As far as the 'furbar'd release, I think people need to give them a break. This was Wyrom's first huge event as a SGM wasn't it? So they tried something different and it didn't really work out. People still had a decent time and got their money worth it sounds like. It's people like Jarvan who chose to bitch all summer long that caused the real issues, and they would have bitched and moaned no matter how tickets were released.

Get the fuck over it.

And while I'm at it, I thought feedback's message to Kitsun was pretty clear. Over 200 pings a second? That certainly would count as a DOSA attack. Believe what you want, but it's pretty :tinfoilhat: to think that they'd just make shit up to try to save face in some way, and only lose money in the process. But maybe they KNEW Kitsun would post on the PC!!@312

GS is dying or has been for years. We don't mean the game itself however, we mean the playerbase and active subscription numbers. It's kind of tapered off to a steady rate for now, but over the past it's clearly been dying since it's no where near what it used to. Not to mention, GMs always drop like flies anymore it seems.

Regardless, they still do fine because of their ticket and sub pricing, and the fact addiction helps sustain them. In a smart world, people wouldn't be paying nearly as much as they do now for this game. Problem is they are dumb enough to do it and continue doing it, which is why we don't see a drop in sub costs etc still.

Had people refused to pay 20 a month for the game and Simu lost pretty much all subs, I'm sure they'd be singing a different tune right now in regards to billing and costs. That or just shut down GS/form a new business model.

Personally, I wish it were F2P with the aid of the Simustore. I'm hoping the store is just something they wanted to test first to see how much income it brings in, before either eventually dropping pricing or making it finally restricted F2P like all the other games out there

09-13-2013, 12:28 PM
GS is dying or has been for years.


09-13-2013, 12:29 PM

Good response.

09-13-2013, 01:10 PM
I went to the first run.

Minor Wins

Tier 1 voln flares
Impure Coraesine no-dachi

Major Win

Crit weighting spot - auctioned off for 50 mil silvers

I also paid for a tier 2 voln spot on the decently padded robes i got the tier 1 put on
I then bought a tier 3 voln spot for 20m at run 2 that someone sold on Lnet.

In had alot of fun

09-13-2013, 01:22 PM
Realy good point about the F2P Gizmo. So if they went F2P. When what else would be sold in the simustore? Would premium points be sold in the simustore? If F2P did happen then how large would the player base become?

09-13-2013, 01:33 PM
Realy good point about the F2P Gizmo. So if they went F2P. When what else would be sold in the simustore? Would premium points be sold in the simustore? If F2P did happen then how large would the player base become?

I personally wish it would work kinda how DDO did.

Back when I wasp laying DR and the Pay-Quests were only there, I assumed that was what Simu was testing before ever going F2P. Once the Quests came here, I figured it was only a matter of time.

I'd like to see a complete F2P model, but with restrictions. For those who don't wish restrictions, there would be a VIP/Premium membership you'd be monthly, lifting the restrictions and allowing you things F2P players would not, in this case, premium points and simucoins.

The Simustore could then sell things it already sells currently, along with tickets for the paid quests and so forth.

Restricted F2P accounts would not have access to free monthly points and coins and all the current premium only things accounts get. However, can still access things via the Simucoin store should they want certain things like extra locker space etc.

I think if F2P did happen, you'd see quite an influx of returning players. This game has a HUGE following, while not everyone was driven away by pricing let's admit it, as of now Simu isn't exactly competing against other larger MMOs out there in regards to business model and prices. I think if it did happen, we'd see alot of returning players and even new players sticking to the F2P movement.

09-13-2013, 01:43 PM
Knowing Simu, they'll make GS F2P and then sell a month of access for the equivalent of current prices, but in Simucoins.

Then they'll be all like BUT WE'RE F2P GUYS!!!!11

09-13-2013, 02:47 PM
This is exactly why I roll my eyes whenever people try to pull the 'GS is dying, the sky is falling' routine. When a company can make over $20,000 in roughly 12 seconds from their somewhat limited playerbase? That's impressive.

As far as the 'furbar'd release, I think people need to give them a break. This was Wyrom's first huge event as a SGM wasn't it? So they tried something different and it didn't really work out. People still had a decent time and got their money worth it sounds like. It's people like Jarvan who chose to bitch all summer long that caused the real issues, and they would have bitched and moaned no matter how tickets were released.

Get the fuck over it.

And while I'm at it, I thought feedback's message to Kitsun was pretty clear. Over 200 pings a second? That certainly would count as a DOSA attack. Believe what you want, but it's pretty :tinfoilhat: to think that they'd just make shit up to try to save face in some way, and only lose money in the process. But maybe they KNEW Kitsun would post on the PC!!@312

It is though, sort of. I mean, it might take for fucking ever because their overhead is basically 0 but, it becomes a delicate balance when your business model is based on low subscribers, high income per each subscriber, in a highly competitive market where your retention is based in no small part to social interactions between characters.

So kisun is selling out, for instance, that's what...10 accounts or more gone or something? And a guaranteed bagillion tickets sold per event (even when not h4x0ring with the leet FPS skills) those are non trivial amounts of their income potential. People generally leave games in groups, one friend leaves then the people who interacted with them most have a less enjoyable experience and less reason to stay, etc.

So dying might not be right, but through exceedingly poor management decisions they've put themselves in a precarious market position for no reason. The game could be so much more healthier, from a revenue and gameplay perspective, than it actually is. With little effort, really.

09-13-2013, 02:57 PM
So dying might not be right, but through exceedingly poor management decisions they've put themselves in a precarious market position for no reason. The game could be so much more healthier, from a revenue and gameplay perspective, than it actually is. With little effort, really.

The problem with Simu is cocaine.

09-13-2013, 05:05 PM
Believe what you want, but it's pretty :tinfoilhat: to think that they'd just make shit up to try to save face in some way, and only lose money in the process.You may not have been here for it, but a year or so ago there was a problem with ticket sales and a cool guy in Billing gave people refunds. Straightforward customer service, right? You don't know Simu: Solomon reverted all refunds and angrily (and incoherently) criticized the players who sought them.

Put another way: he made shit up to try to save face in some way. Whether they net lost money in the process I can't say, but I also can't make that assessment for the Kitsun disciplinary action.

09-14-2013, 07:27 PM
Prime Run III

Two complete sets of "Adventure Wear" unlocked
Will'o'wisp and holder altered
Removed zests from armor (dyhne to be added)
Chronomage scripts added to a 3x HCW dagger
"Named" ensorcelled knuckle-duster brought to 20 points weighting and 12 points Triton Bane and Gore
+10 TD put on a 7x fusion shield
Air flares added to a 7x ensorcelled fusion runestaff
Grapple Flares added to 4x fusion knuckle-duster
Lighting/Cold/Implode Switching Flares added to a 4x rolaren knuckle-duster
Minor Bubble Flares added to a 4x perfect knuckle-blade
Unlocked a 'scintillating' slash-fist
"Acquired" a Blackworks Original: +17 adamantine fusion unbalance flaring Lightning Magical Creature Bane"
"Acquired" a 3-slot fusion shortbow
Perm'd and filled a 117 MC +8 to Dex, +2 to AGI bracer
Perm'd a +8 to dex band
Converted a +10 to CON helm to a +10 to DEX helm
Upgraded? an iasha white ora to 5x

Was turned down on adding weighting to a chronomage and forgot to play with the gnomish auto-alterer.

PS: pissed b/c I just found out that weighted UAC held weapons only give HALF weighting so I am getting 16 of my 32 points on punches.

09-14-2013, 10:26 PM
It is though, sort of. I mean, it might take for fucking ever because their overhead is basically 0 but, it becomes a delicate balance when your business model is based on low subscribers, high income per each subscriber, in a highly competitive market where your retention is based in no small part to social interactions between characters.

So kisun is selling out, for instance, that's what...10 accounts or more gone or something? And a guaranteed bagillion tickets sold per event (even when not h4x0ring with the leet FPS skills) those are non trivial amounts of their income potential. People generally leave games in groups, one friend leaves then the people who interacted with them most have a less enjoyable experience and less reason to stay, etc.

So dying might not be right, but through exceedingly poor management decisions they've put themselves in a precarious market position for no reason. The game could be so much more healthier, from a revenue and gameplay perspective, than it actually is. With little effort, really.

You saying Simu's policy of keeping around GMs/staff who are abusive towards their customers isn't a workable business strategy? Get the fuck out of here!