View Full Version : watch coins go down in price..

08-06-2013, 10:21 PM
more will sell and less will buy, watch... the price will go down dramatically this month


08-06-2013, 10:22 PM
Get out!

08-06-2013, 10:23 PM
Hopefully you're right, but I don't think so.

08-06-2013, 10:24 PM
And this guy will be buying. Good move warren buffet.

08-06-2013, 10:36 PM
For now they're still selling at 13 as fast as I can put them up, so whatevs.

Also, these RtCF runs are pulling billions and billions of silvers out, EG will take some as well...I wouldn't be surprised if they stay at a decent rate for quite some time, until the overall available silver gets saturated again.

08-06-2013, 10:45 PM
I believe Thond is right. It will probably roll down a little, but the third run is right on the heels of the second, so there isn't much breathing room for those trying to gather coins. Then we're only a month and a half or so from EG. So I see prices dropping a little between runs, but not much and basically staying high till that's done... then it will taper slowly till after EG.

08-06-2013, 10:52 PM
I'll probably sell my next block of 50m for 15, just to see if it'll go. I think with it being the last run, a lot of people will go all out at some of the auctions, will probably be the last chance for something like a spirit bow for many years. So much silver has already went out of the game from the first two runs, people are going to be looking for more. We'll see.

Suppressed Poet
08-06-2013, 11:05 PM
I don't understand your logic or why you would post a thread with that comment.

The final run is upon us. I'm not an economist, but I learned in the third grade this little concept called supply and demand in relation to the price of goods/services... Silver supply is low right now. Demand for it is high. That leads me to believe we are not going to see a drop in the next month, when all signs point to demand continuing to increase and supply shortening as they hoard for the final run.

For my own self interests, and perhaps yours thus why you would start this thread, you are correct. But one thing I am pretty certain of is you don't have magical voodoo powers to change how the rules of a free market work.

08-06-2013, 11:07 PM
Are you asking IW for logic?

Suppressed Poet
08-06-2013, 11:12 PM
I don't know him as well as everyone else I guess. I remember he was kind of annoying but I never had an issue with him. I'd like to believe he is an intelligent reasonable person. It's not really difficult to piss people off on the pc. I do it quite often.

In any case, bold statement and hope he is right as I will inevitably need to buy silvers now having scored a ticket.

08-06-2013, 11:14 PM
People get pissed of on the PC? You, sir, tell many falsities.

08-06-2013, 11:16 PM
I'd like to believe he is an intelligent reasonable person.




In all seriousness, he is rather intelligent. He just chooses to use his powers for evil...in this case being a complete and total unapologetic troll 95% of the time.

But he usually does good business, and as far as PC goes that's all I really care about.

08-06-2013, 11:17 PM
I can write a Whirlin's Guide to Economics 101 for the low low price of only 10m.

Guaranteed to have as many words in it as my profession guides.

And isn't this just a way for you to bipass your ban of the normal forums by making a discussion thread in a merchant folder?

08-06-2013, 11:18 PM
I can write a Whirlin's Guide to Economics 101 for the low low price of only 10m.

Guaranteed to have as many words in it as my profession guides.

And isn't this just a way for you to bipass your ban of the normal forums by making a discussion thread in a merchant folder?

It is, lets report him.

08-06-2013, 11:33 PM
just a bit curious really but when Buck starts selling big time you know its time to liquidate.

also i need coins cheap!

Suppressed Poet
08-06-2013, 11:42 PM
I can write a Whirlin's Guide to Economics 101 for the low low price of only 10m.

Guaranteed to have as many words in it as my profession guides.

Nah - somebody will piss you off in the creation process and you'll just end it with: Eff you all. Write your own damn Economics 101 Guide!! :p

08-07-2013, 08:33 AM
just a bit curious really but when Buck starts selling big time you know its time to liquidate.

also i need coins cheap!

That is not correct. When I start selling its time to start buying. I don't horde high end items because I would prefer the overall player base have epic shit to use. Right now I am not planning on attending RtCF round three. So I have items that were either created/improved at RtCF that someone really should think long and hard about taking to RtCF 3 to make even better.

The prices on stuff at this past event were readily available for work to be done and I suspect it will be similar if not better at RtCF 3. People should be buying stuff like 5x VHCW lances and making them uber. They should be buying plain 10x soft leather armor, the premium points to make them HCP, and then purchase a padding slot at RtCF 3 to make them masterfully padded 10x soft leather.

Now is the time to be buying. I am only selling because, as I said, I currently am not planning on attending. Many of my friends who are going to RtCF 3 already have good to great gear they want to get services on and so I am trying to spread the wealth around the players to truly make some kickass stuff.

Look at how the prices DRASTICALLY changed if the enchant was lower but the weighting/padding was higher. Use the system to your advantage in run three. We have had two runs to cry over 250m plate slots and we now know the changes they are making. Really sit down and think about certain stats on items that normally can't be increased. TD, Weighting, Padding, Banes and find items that could really benefit from them and then be further improved through Premium Points enchanting.

They wouldn't put HCW on the 10x returner. But Helsfeld had 10 more points of weighting added to his 5x returner for a total of 20 points. He can now, over time, make that a 10x masterfully weighted returner.

I think it is foolish to not take in items like Kerl's 2x TD shield(unless you have a 2x already or better) to make it 4x and then level out the enchant with PPs or EG.

08-07-2013, 10:08 AM
That is not correct. When I start selling its time to start buying. I don't horde high end items because I would prefer the overall player base have epic shit to use. Right now I am not planning on attending RtCF round three. So I have items that were either created/improved at RtCF that someone really should think long and hard about taking to RtCF 3 to make even better.

The prices on stuff at this past event were readily available for work to be done and I suspect it will be similar if not better at RtCF 3. People should be buying stuff like 5x VHCW lances and making them uber. They should be buying plain 10x soft leather armor, the premium points to make them HCP, and then purchase a padding slot at RtCF 3 to make them masterfully padded 10x soft leather.

Now is the time to be buying. I am only selling because, as I said, I currently am not planning on attending. Many of my friends who are going to RtCF 3 already have good to great gear they want to get services on and so I am trying to spread the wealth around the players to truly make some kickass stuff.

Look at how the prices DRASTICALLY changed if the enchant was lower but the weighting/padding was higher. Use the system to your advantage in run three. We have had two runs to cry over 250m plate slots and we now know the changes they are making. Really sit down and think about certain stats on items that normally can't be increased. TD, Weighting, Padding, Banes and find items that could really benefit from them and then be further improved through Premium Points enchanting.

They wouldn't put HCW on the 10x returner. But Helsfeld had 10 more points of weighting added to his 5x returner for a total of 20 points. He can now, over time, make that a 10x masterfully weighted returner.

I think it is foolish to not take in items like Kerl's 2x TD shield(unless you have a 2x already or better) to make it 4x and then level out the enchant with PPs or EG.

My respect has been earned.

08-07-2013, 10:41 AM
That is not correct. When I start selling its time to start buying. I don't horde high end items because I would prefer the overall player base have epic shit to use.

If having the overall player base was honestly your goal, you would simply give high end stuff away.

Don't pretend to be anything more than you are in this case.. a merchant... buying / attaining items and selling them to make money.

08-07-2013, 10:43 AM
If having the overall player base was honestly your goal, you would simply give high end stuff away.

Don't pretend to be anything more than you are in this case.. a merchant... buying / attaining items and selling them to make money.

I do give high end stuff away. I gave someone a 10x shield to improve during the event because banshee flares on a 10x shield are better than on anything less. I didn't profit at all on the deal. So your statement is bullshit. In fact, I am currently at a loss in the deal. So hey fuck you.

08-07-2013, 11:35 AM
oh buck forgot to mention... now is the time to be buying 7x perfect mcw mattocks

08-07-2013, 02:44 PM
I do give high end stuff away. I gave someone a 10x shield to improve during the event because banshee flares on a 10x shield are better than on anything less. I didn't profit at all on the deal. So your statement is bullshit. In fact, I am currently at a loss in the deal. So hey fuck you.

LOL. Someone's butt hurt because the truth hurts.

Ardwen and Neimanz has probably given me millions of silvers worth of shit over the years.. that doesn't make them philanthropists in any way.

Like I said.. if your true goal was to just put epic items in the hands of the poor masses.. you could do it today by giving all of your stuff away.

I'm not knocking what you are doing at all, by the way.. but let's call a spade a spade. You are a merchant, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

08-07-2013, 03:28 PM
Who said it was my item? I buy/sell shit for a ton of people. My most epic item is the 10x HCP 5 pound plate I just had made. Otherwise all my guys are in plain 7x gear I enchanted myself and three of them use bandoliers that I paid for..myself.

Every "epic" item I have ever owned has been sold or given away.

08-07-2013, 03:31 PM
The game is too easy with normal gear anyway!

08-07-2013, 03:58 PM
Like I said.. if your true goal was to just put epic items in the hands of the poor masses.. you could do it today by giving all of your stuff away.This is like what you said, but there is a crucial difference that I have taken the liberty to bold. Buckwheet totally satisfied the criterion of your first criticism. How this makes him "butt hurt" is a mystery.

08-07-2013, 04:14 PM
If having the overall player base was honestly your goal, you would simply give high end stuff away.

Don't pretend to be anything more than you are in this case.. a merchant... buying / attaining items and selling them to make money.

Didn't they stop calling charities nonprofits and start calling them not-for-profit (imply they need some sort of margin) because you know... Giving stuff away isn't sustainable?