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08-27-2004, 12:22 AM
a high-waisted pale silk gown with a front-split overskirt of sheer wispy gossamer.

holds 100lbs
MB: 3m

a black leather pouch

The deep pouch has been sewn together with extreme care and accuracy, which can be seen by the incredible detailing on the pouch itself. A tiny crimson threaded fire-breathing dragon is embroidered on the pouch, its paws clutching a faceted firestone, which serves as a clasp.

holds 50-60lbs
belt worn

MB: 300k

a razor-sharp white ora lance with a flame-etched sturdy steel shaft

acid flaring

MB: 1.5m

a silver-veined blue vultite wakizashi

The vultite used to forge this magnificent weapon is preserved in its natural state. Numerous shining silver veins are still visible running up and down the blade. The bluish material left in the vultite gives off a blue hue when struck with light. The hilt is capped with a faceted blue sapphire.

short sword
85/225 breakage

MB: 750k

a sunset red vultite wakizashi

Shades of crimson, scarlet, vermilion, and amber course over the razor-honed vultite blade. In contrast to the flame-hued blade, the hilt is wrought of polished silver and brilliant gold, and it has been crafted in the shape of two sleek serpents twining about one another, each from a different metal. The engraved scales of their sinuous bodies provide a rough texture to add surety to a wielder's grip. Perched between their opposite-facing heads, there sits a tiny onyx spider with serrated vultite legs.

85/215 breakage
short sword

MB: 750k

a dark-hooded green-grey cloak

The cloak is made with fuzzy satin, and stitched with darkly-hued green-grey threads. The cloak appears to have extra padding for a more comfortable fit. A gold-edged emerald-hued leaf pendant clasps the cloak at the neck.

holds 100lbs

MB: 750k

a katana

The blade of the katana exhibits the typical precision of Erithi workmanship and forging. Its highly reflective surface is polished to a mirror sheen, with a line of distinct semi-circular patterns where the steel transitions between hardened edge and flexible sides. The hilt is wrapped in red silk braid and bears two small silver wagon ornaments. The butt cap is of ora and engraved with a fox head.

75/225 breakage

MB: 1m

08-27-2004, 12:23 AM
feel free to post the bids directly on the thread

or U2U me or find me in game... ( September 7th is the deadline)

08-27-2004, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by Brimz
a high-waisted pale silk gown with a front-split overskirt of sheer wispy gossamer.

How thoughtful of you to give me such a beautiful gown! :D


The Cat In The Hat
08-27-2004, 02:17 AM
I hate you....

08-27-2004, 02:22 AM
Selling a katana for 1 million that anyone can get for free?

08-27-2004, 06:02 PM
a black leather pouch

The deep pouch has been sewn together with extreme care and accuracy, which can be seen by the incredible detailing on the pouch itself. A tiny crimson threaded fire-breathing dragon is embroidered on the pouch, its paws clutching a faceted firestone, which serves as a clasp.

holds 50-60lbs
belt worn

300,000 silvers to Kaeral

(will be sold in 3 days including today if no one bids)

09-03-2004, 10:24 AM
Uhm.. kind of still waiting on the pouch, Brimzstone..