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View Full Version : Gemstone Escape Codes

08-27-2004, 12:18 AM
These are from the Warlock FE project.

*** Original file taken from the Elmekia front end
*** http://anime.sigfs.org/elmekia/
*** Notes added by Chris Schantz and Marshall Culpepper

*** These codes may or may not be right, believe them at your own risk

Things I have discovered about logging into the Simutronics game(s):

If you log into [chimera-208.simutronics.com] and send the

*** Substitute the IP of the game you play, for Dragonrealms it is
***, port 4901

<key>\n <-- \n == newline

*** You only need to send the key once, just a plain newline for the second
*** line works fine

...turns off status strings... but...

If you log into [chimera-208.simutronics.com] and send the

/FE:WIZARD /VERSION:2.02 /P:WIN32\n <-- \n == newline

*** You only need to send /FE:WIZARD\n
*** anything else is just to tell the game what client/platform is connecting

...this will turn on status strings to the client. Status strings consist
of a new line and then ^\GSxxxxxxxx where the x(s) can range from 6 to 11

*** Some codes can be longer than 11 characters, such as the GSm and GSl codes

Some of the strings I have figured out are:

^\GSm<string> - What is contained in your right hand.

^\GSl<string> - What is contained in your left hand.

^\GSj<string> - The string will consist of the characters A-K, where each
letter means the following:
A - North
B - Northeast
C - East
D - Southeast
E - South
F - Southwest
G - West
H - Northwest
I - Up
J - Down
K - Out

Also - this signifies the end of the items in a room, and the beginning of the "Obvious exits" section

^\GSX<number> - The amount of hit points you currently have.
- The first digit can be '-', indicating negative hit points.
*** Not used in Dragonrealms

^\GSY<number> - The number of spirit points you currently have.
*** Not used in Dragonrealms

^\GSZ<number> - The amount of mana you currently have.
- The first digit can be '-', indicating negative mana.
*** Not used in Dragonrealms

^\GSg<number> - Current stance.
<number> == 000 - Offensive Stance
<number> == 020 - Advanced Stance
<number> == 040 - Forward Stance
<number> == 060 - Neutral Stance
<number> == 080 - Guarded Stance
<number> == 100 - Defensive Stance
*** Not used in Dragonrealms

^\GSP<string> - Similar to GSj, except its for conditions:
B - ?
C - Webbed
G - Lying down
H - Sitting
GH - Kneeling
I - Stunned
K - Sleeping?
M - ?
N - Hidden
O - Bleeding?
P - Joined to someone
T - Spell RT?
U - ???Bandaged???
W - Dead

^\GSw00003 - Sequence that shows up before a death.
^\GSw00004 - Sequence that shows up after a death.
*** These 2 tell the client that anything between them is a death and should
be displayed in the deaths window

^\GSa<number sequence> - Wounds/Severity?

^\GSb<number sequence> - Scars/Severity?

^\GSt - ?
*** seems to be sent whenever the items in your hands are changed (GSl and GSm

^\GSrA - ?

^\GSq<string> - ? - but has a time sequence...
*** These are used to setup the times for the roundtime graphical display.
*** If a GSQ is sent, then the roundtime is initiated.
*** To get the roundtime, you take the string from the GSQ and subtract the
*** next GSq string from it, ie.
*** ^\GSQ0972325053
*** ^\GSq0972325047
*** 0972325053 - 0972325047 = a roundtime of 6 seconds

*** The GSq code also tells the wizard to display the prompt "\n>"

^\GSA<string> - ? - maybe initial setting of ^\GSq<string>...
Has been seen with, and without the game name at the end.
Only seen at login.

^\GSn<string> - Spell being prepared.

^\GSB<number><name> - Don't know what the <number> is, but <name> seems to
be the characters first name...
Only seen at login.

^GSg<number> - ? - Only seen <number> be a long string of zeroes.
Only seen at login.

^GSV<really long number> - Tons of status info, maybe? The number is really
Only seen at login.

^\GSF<character><number> - Character has been seen to be B, M, and P - the
number has always been a long string of zeroes.
Only seen at login.
*** From what I have seen in Dragonrealms, the number has always been a string
*** of 10 zeroes.
*** Also, I have noticed that this code appears just before you enter a room,
*** and all 3 codes (GSFB, GSFM, GSFP) consistently appear together, in that
*** order.
*** Code GSFP is also sent when you "look" at a critter.
*** I'm thinking it is the code sent to display a picture.

^\GSL - Seen before news item (generic highlight?)

^\GSM - Seem after news item (ends generic highlight?)

^\GSC - Seen when you quit the game.
*** This tells the wizard to exit

^\GSo - ? - Seen before room title
*** I assume this is used to set the textcolor to White? I could be wrong.
*** Also used for the 'move' command in scripting

^\GSp - ? - Seen after room title
*** I assume this is used to set the textcolor back to the default, once again
*** I could be wrong.

^\GSH - ? - Seen after room title
*** This tells you that the room description is coming next

^\GSI - ? - Seen after room description (seperator between room and items?)
*** This seperates the room description and the items on the ground. However,
*** this follows the description directly, there is no newline between them.

^\GSW - ? - Seen when status changes with bleeders

08-27-2004, 12:32 AM
I just ate a Twix.

08-27-2004, 12:40 AM

08-27-2004, 12:46 AM
Of course, I owe a big thank you to Mistomeer for giving these to me.

Honestly, a big, big, thank you.

The Cat In The Hat
08-27-2004, 02:38 AM

Im clueless as to what that all means.

08-27-2004, 02:50 AM

08-27-2004, 02:57 AM
We've switched their regular gourmet coffee with Folgers crystals...lets see if anyone notices!

08-27-2004, 03:19 AM
I don't drink coffee :(

08-27-2004, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
We've switched their regular gourmet coffee with Folgers crystals...lets see if anyone notices!

This made me laugh out loud.


P. S. The Twix was a close second.

08-27-2004, 03:31 AM
Originally posted by Kranar

^GSV<really long number> - Tons of status info, maybe? The number is really
Only seen at login.

GSV00000001390000000132000000001000000000100000000 158000000003900010526720001398096

max HP, HP, max spirit, spirit, max mana, mana, something something

this appears whenever you get a pulse of something

08-27-2004, 09:22 AM
So basically these are all the packets that get sent to the FE to keep all the meters and shit updated?

rht who is NOT a coder and NEVER will be

08-27-2004, 11:47 AM
I don't know what these all means, but is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Is it something to maximize my stats at lower levels? if not, Get cracking, chop chop!

08-27-2004, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla
I don't know what these all means, but is it a good thing or a bad thing?Good thing.
Is it something to maximize my stats at lower levels?It's not a Game Genie. What it is is the key to making a scripting engine that uses a real programming language (somehow).

Pallon, did you check those last two numbers against your EXP and fame?

08-27-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Pallon, did you check those last two numbers against your EXP and fame?

Turns out the second to last number is a representation of scars and the last number is a representation of injuries

08-27-2004, 10:29 PM
Everyone else just move along. This is a message to Kranar in his native tongue. :)

01000111011100100110010101100101011101000110100101 10111001100111011100110010000001100111011100100110 01010110000101110100001000000100101101110010011000 01011011100110000101110010001000010000110100001010 00001101000010100100100100100000011101110110100101 11001101101000011001010110010000100000011101000110 11110010000001110100011010000110000101101110011010 11001000000111100101101111011101010010000001100110 01101111011100100010000001111001011011110111010101 11001000100000011001100110100101101110011001010010 00000111011101101111011100100110101100100000011011 11011011100010000001110100011010000110010101110011 01100101001000000110001001101111011000010111001001 10010001110011001011000010000001100001011011100110 01000010000001110111011010010111001101101000001000 00011110010110111101110101001000000110110001110101 01100011011010110010000001101111011011100010000001 11100101101111011101010111001000100000011100110110 00110111001001101001011100000111010000100000011001 01011011100110011101101001011011100110010100100000 01110000011100100110111101101010011001010110001101 11010000101110001000000010000001000010011001010111 00110111010000100000011011110110011000100000011101 11011010010111001101101000011001010111001100101110 00001101000010100000110100001010001011010100000101 10010001110010011001010110010001110010011010010110 1110

08-27-2004, 10:32 PM
The important factor to note is: Kranar's native tongue is still recovering from that utterance.


08-27-2004, 10:32 PM
I didn't know you spoke Kranar's native language (Dumbass-Latin)

08-28-2004, 01:51 AM
01010111011010000111100100100000011101000110100001 10000101101110011010110010000001111001011011110111 01010010000001001100011011110111001001100100001000 00010000010110010001110010011001010110010001110010 01101001011011100010110000001101000010100000110100 00101001001001001000000111011101101111011011100110 01000110010101110010001011000010000001110011011010 00011011110111010101101100011001000010000001010100 01001111010100110010000001110011011101000110100101 10110001101100001000000110000101110000011100000110 11000111100100100000011101000110111100100000011101 00011010000110111101110011011001010010000001110111 01101000011011110010000001110011011100000110010101 10000101101011001000000110100101101110001000000111 01000110100001101001011100110010000001110100011011 11011011100110011101110101011001010011111100001101 00001010000011010000101001001000011011010110110100 1011100010111000101110

08-28-2004, 02:25 AM
See? He agrees... he loooooooooooooves the cock.


08-28-2004, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
Everyone else just move along. This is a message to Kranar in his native tongue. :)

01000111011100100110010101100101011101000110100101 10111001100111011100110010000001100111011100100110 01010110000101110100001000000100101101110010011000 01011011100110000101110010001000010000110100001010 00001101000010100100100100100000011101110110100101 11001101101000011001010110010000100000011101000110 11110010000001110100011010000110000101101110011010 11001000000111100101101111011101010010000001100110 01101111011100100010000001111001011011110111010101 11001000100000011001100110100101101110011001010010 00000111011101101111011100100110101100100000011011 11011011100010000001110100011010000110010101110011 01100101001000000110001001101111011000010111001001 10010001110011001011000010000001100001011011100110 01000010000001110111011010010111001101101000001000 00011110010110111101110101001000000110110001110101 01100011011010110010000001101111011011100010000001 11100101101111011101010111001000100000011100110110 00110111001001101001011100000111010000100000011001 01011011100110011101101001011011100110010100100000 01110000011100100110111101101010011001010110001101 11010000101110001000000010000001000010011001010111 00110111010000100000011011110110011000100000011101 11011010010111001101101000011001010111001100101110 00001101000010100000110100001010001011010100000101 10010001110010011001010110010001110010011010010110 1110

Adredrin...leave the binary number's pick-up line to me, mmmkays? So what's up Kranar? 0011010100011000? :smilegrin:

08-28-2004, 06:53 PM
01010111011010000110000101110100001000000100000101 10010001110010011001010110010001110010011010010110 11100010000001110011011000010110100101100100

08-28-2004, 06:55 PM
Artha just admitted that he's spanking the monkey now. -_-

[Edited on 8-28-2004 by Lalana]

08-28-2004, 07:07 PM
50656F706C652077686F2073656E642062696E617279206D65 73736167657320617265206675636B696E6720737475706964 2E00

08-28-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
50656F706C652077686F2073656E642062696E617279206D65 73736167657320617265206675636B696E6720737475706964 2E00

People who send hex arn't much better bob ;)

Oh and...

10715704015315115415404017115716516216314515414605 6040040124150141156153163056

08-28-2004, 09:37 PM
Artha just admitted that he's spanking the monkey now. -_-

I'm spanking the monkey all the time.

08-28-2004, 09:43 PM
<<107157040153151154154040171157165162163145154146 056040040124150141156153163056>>


08-28-2004, 09:48 PM
11611711605510610112410111411413104013111712504012 71051051161111050560150120150121311571650401531561 57167040142157142054040146157162040163157155145157 15614504016415014116404014415714516304015015116304 01421451631640401641570401421621451411530401451661 45162171040162165154145040150145040143141156054040 17115716504016316516214504016314316214514115504014 21541571571441710401551651621441451620401671501451 56040163157155145157156145040145154163145040144157 145163056

08-28-2004, 09:56 PM
I don't break rules.

08-28-2004, 09:57 PM
How about stfu geeks?