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08-01-2013, 12:05 PM
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Wehnimer's Landing: The Way Forward on 08/01/2013 08:54 AM PDT
Time is flying by! There’s only four months left in the year! I will probably not be having a Landing OOC Meeting until December, so I wanted to cover some of the things still in the pipe for Wehnimer’s Landing this year!

Fall Storyline
GM Haliste will be running a storyline from Sept 30th to Nov 30th in Wehnimer’s Landing. Mystery, intrigue and lots of roleplaying!

Cross into Shadows
The final part of my ongoing saga will begin in December and last 12-14 months, give or take. Honestly, this is what I will be spending most of my time on in the next few months as I work to get a lot of the preparation completed for this storyline. There’s a huge amount of rooms needing created, and a lot of props, creatures, NPC’s and shops. I’ll still be releasing 4 more storyline teasers as well.

Festival Planning
The annual Festival of Frost is still opening up in November through the holidays, and while this area is typically just open for players to have fun in whenever they want, I’m trying to add a few more touches to liven up the experience.

I’m also working on securing some more shop creation and items for a festival I’m planning as part of the Cross into Shadows storyline. This festival will last for many weeks in Feb 2014 and take place in a currently inaccessible area of the Turamzzyrian Empire. OH MY!

Cobbling Shop
I’ve got the designs, I’ve got the new materials, I’ve got the approvals. I just need to set aside some time and finish this. My goal is by year’s end to see the Cobbling Shop opened in Wehnimer’s Landing, with exclusive new materials and dyes for our town.

Rumor Mill
I’ll be releasing an NPC dockworker that will be a nice single source for all things rumors and gossip in Wehnimer’s Landing. The NPC will be able to be asked a variety of things and share some information. Some will be true, some will be false, some will be a mix of both. The rumors will change over time, as I add and remove them. I will also use this automated NPC as a way to release storyline information, or build up to it, etc. In the further future, I’d love to have more NPC’s be able to do this, even existing ones, so I can build a town rumor mill.

Wandering NPC’s
My final project for coding is almost complete, and my high hope is to break in my new found powers by finally releasing new wandering NPC’s in town, some of them that won from the contest last year.

Here’s to the rest of the year! Before darkness descends on us all!

-GM Kenstrom-
Wehnimer's Landing Guru
Giantmen Guru


I'm not even a cobbler, but I'm vicariously excited for you shoemakers because I keep hearing pleas for more cobbling support. Also my little human heart is fluttering about weeks-long access to a new Empire city.