View Full Version : Bush sucks at covering things up.

08-26-2004, 03:16 PM
I'm sure you've all heard that one of Bush's re-election campaign lawyers has been directly tied to funding a group that is rallying against Kerry/Edwards.

Here's the link: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/08/24/veterans.group.ap/index.html

Stupid, stupid, stupid.


[Edited on 8-26-2004 by Tirayana]

08-26-2004, 03:20 PM
I keep thinking that everytime I see something like this, the house of cards that makes up Bush Administration, the Repubs, and the NeoCons will finally fall in on itself.

That the pretty much half the Country buys into these crooks never ceases to amaze me.


[Edited on 8-26-2004 by Prestius]

08-26-2004, 03:23 PM
Ok, I'm not exactly up on my campaign laws, but how is this wrong? There's someone who has an interest in getting Bush reelected who is donating money to help get Bush reelected.

08-26-2004, 03:25 PM
Oh yes.. and Kerry is as clean as a whistle.

You both are hypocrites or stupid.. take your pick. Thanks.

08-26-2004, 03:27 PM
I am far from a Bush fan.

This isn't a big deal except to the lefty press. A lawyer has many clients this isn't exactly watergate lol.

How much money have the dems given to moveon.org?

08-26-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Ok, I'm not exactly up on my campaign laws, but how is this wrong? There's someone who has an interest in getting Bush reelected who is donating money to help get Bush reelected.

Personally, I believe all those groups should be banned from placing advertising which bypasses the campaign reform. But it's Kerry, not Bush that has done more in that area.. raising over 60 million for organizations like Moveon.org

Oh but wait.. we can't talk about that! I keep forgetting the basic formula that Bush = Evil and Kerry = Good.


08-26-2004, 03:28 PM
I don't like Bush (or his politics)

I don't like Kerry (or his politics)

Bush campaign members have ties to anti-Kerry 527's

Kerry campaign members have ties to anti-Bush 527's

Is this really how we want to choose a President?


08-26-2004, 03:30 PM
So what someone from the Bush side is attacking Kerry. It's an election thats what happens. Kerry has just got to suck it up. Also, Kerrys crew attacked Bush's military service a while back. So why is Kerry whining when someone does it to him?

08-26-2004, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Chelle
So what someone from the Bush side is attacking Kerry. It's an election thats what happens. Kerry has just got to suck it up. Also, Kerrys crew attacked Bush's military service a while back. So why is Kerry whining when someone does it to him?

My thinking is because the Swift Boat crew is blatantly taking lines out of context. While the anti-bush people are just wondering how Bush's service documents were *destroyed*

08-26-2004, 03:42 PM
That the pretty much half the Country buys into these crooks never ceases to amaze me.

No offense prestius, but the dems are just as crooked if not more. No one is arguing either side are a bunch of saints, but the other half of the country buys into an equally crooked organization

08-26-2004, 03:45 PM
Because there is actually something stinky about Bush's military service, and Kerry, every where they turn they find more evidence that what he said was the truth.

So, that's your answer Chelle.


08-26-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Chelle
So what someone from the Bush side is attacking Kerry. It's an election thats what happens. Kerry has just got to suck it up. Also, Kerrys crew attacked Bush's military service a while back. So why is Kerry whining when someone does it to him?

My thinking is because the Swift Boat crew is blatantly taking lines out of context. While the anti-bush people are just wondering how Bush's service documents were *destroyed*

If someone were to ask me to provide paystubs from 35 years ago... no way in hell I could get them. It's not like it is today man.. with everything computerized and saved. It was a complete paper system back then. He has provided the public with plenty of documentation that proves he did indeed serve.. but because there are gaps, the Democratic Propaganda Machine (DPM) tries to make people believe that he was AWOL when he wasn't.

Weird.. didn't John Kerry miss 2 years worth of documentation from 1970-1972 when he was supposed to be reporting?

Personally, I think we should concentrate on the issues and not worry about what someone did or didn't do 35 years ago. Let's take a close look at John Kerry's distinguished career in Congress and all of the legislation he authored to help the American People.

08-26-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane
Because there is actually something stinky about Bush's military service, and Kerry, every where they turn they find more evidence that what he said was the truth.

So, that's your answer Chelle.


Actually, you've once again proven yourself incorrect Ilvane.

Two words.. Cambodia and Christmas.

Thanks for playing.

08-26-2004, 03:50 PM
Cambodians don't celebrate Christmas so what you say is meaningless!!!!!!!

08-26-2004, 03:54 PM
<Cambodians don't celebrate Christmas so what you say is meaningless!!!!!!!>

Excuse me, my pen pal Liqk Wang from Cambodia celebrates Christmas and has kindly asked that you not speak on behalf of all Cambodians. Thanks.

08-26-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Personally, I think we should concentrate on the issues and not worry about what someone did or didn't do 35 years ago. Let's take a close look at John Kerry's distinguished career in Congress and all of the legislation he authored to help the American People. Ed Gillespie beat you to it.

08-26-2004, 04:03 PM
I agree that attention should be taken away from little stupid things in these campaigns like who did what 30 years ago and who didn't.

I'm not saying Kerry's a saint either, but he's addressing important issues like health care and job restoration. What's Bush addressing?

I also read on an activism site that the same thing that happened in Florida in 2000 is happening again, black Americans are being intimidated and not being shown the correct way to vote. It's an issue that Governor Jeb Bush has still not addressed.

Food for thought.


08-26-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Tirayana
What's Bush addressing? His workload, I would hope.

Also, let's try to be a little fair here. Kerry didn't say anything about anything before his convention. Bush's is coming right up.

08-26-2004, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Tirayana

I also read on an activism site that the same thing that happened in Florida in 2000 is happening again, black Americans are being intimidated and not being shown the correct way to vote. It's an issue that Governor Jeb Bush has still not addressed.

Food for thought.


This was bullocks in 2000 and it is bullocks now. These were & are unfounded allegations. Let me recap briefly

In the Florida counties that had the election problems in 2000. In both counties the election supervisor was a Democrat. Both of those Democrats approved the ballot that everyone used there. Each registered voter was mailed 2 copies of a brochure with instructions on how to vote and a phone number to call if they had any questions. At the actual election stations were numerous people to assist if voters had any questions.

08-26-2004, 04:18 PM
<This was bullocks in 2000 and it is bullocks now. These were & are unfounded allegations. Let me recap briefly >

XTC, maybe you missed this portion of her post:

<I also read on an activism site >

OBVIOUSLY it's true and you are wrong, as it was written on a website. /sarcasm

Seriously though, how does an entire segment of the voting population get "intimidated"? Were they burning crosses and snapping nooses at the booths? I don't get it.

08-26-2004, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Tirayana
I agree that attention should be taken away from little stupid things in these campaigns like who did what 30 years ago and who didn't.

I'm not saying Kerry's a saint either, but he's addressing important issues like health care and job restoration. What's Bush addressing?

I also read on an activism site that the same thing that happened in Florida in 2000 is happening again, black Americans are being intimidated and not being shown the correct way to vote. It's an issue that Governor Jeb Bush has still not addressed.

Food for thought.


I wouldn't put too much faith into an activism website actually telling the truth. If you believe your civil rights are being supressed, take it to the authorities.

And not being shown how to vote correctly? Are you implying that black people are not as smart as white people and thus need special instructions on how to vote properly?

Come on.. bring on something I can debate with because that load of shit isn't worth my time.


08-26-2004, 04:22 PM
Seriously though, how does an entire segment of the voting population get "intimidated"? Were they burning crosses and snapping nooses at the booths? I don't get it.

Well, maybe if a member from the Senate would have signed the complaintants allegations that they were treated unfairly in the election, we'd have launched an investigation to figure all that horse shit out.


08-26-2004, 04:35 PM
I wouldn't put too much faith into an activism website actually telling the truth. If you believe your civil rights are being supressed, take it to the authorities.


There's the link. Judge for yourself. I'm not saying I trust everything I read, but I definitely know Governor Jeb Bush hasn't addressed the freaking issue.

And not being shown how to vote correctly? Are you implying that black people are not as smart as white people and thus need special instructions on how to vote properly?

What I'm SAYING is that there were racial agendas present in Florida in the election of 2000. Black Americans were treated different than white Americans, and here's a nice little link so you can understand it. http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=217&row=2

Annnd here's another link to show you what goes on when people vote: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/VOTEFRAUD/


P.S. You're a dick.

08-26-2004, 04:36 PM
Oh, and another thing, why would Bush's re-election lawyer, Benjamin Ginsberg, *resign* if he did nothing wrong? Seems awfully fishy to me.


08-26-2004, 04:45 PM
Two newspapers in Florida recounted every ballot and Bush won both times. Not one claim of racism was ever even brought forward to be substantiated in the 2000 election in Florida. Convicted criminals don't get to vote in Florida what is the contention by Democrats that if criminals could vote in Florida they would vote Democrat.

I covered the 2000 election very closely for work reasons in 2000 Bush won end of story. He lost the popular vote but won the electoral college vote.

It is my understanding Florida has brought in automated machines for voting which we use in Canada with no problems. I am going to bet that professional agitators will be at it again in Florida in November

08-26-2004, 04:50 PM
Dear Tirayana;

Get a real source for your information and stop relying on completely retarded sites for your so called proof.


The Dick

08-26-2004, 04:53 PM
Hey, they are sites. I'm not saying I believe them either, but the questions remain, and that's my point.

There are unanswered questions that millions of Americans like myself have. So far, Bush has done nothing but lie to me and the rest of my fellow Americans. So fuck him.


08-26-2004, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by xtc
Convicted criminals don't get to vote in Florida what is the contention by Democrats that if criminals could vote in Florida they would vote Democrat.

No, the contention - quite accurate too - is that a great number of people were denied a vote because they were stricken from the ballot incorrectly. The were denied their vote because a "mistake" labeled them convicted felons when they were not. Many merely shared a name with those who were but no one bothered to check social security numbers or dates of birth. Many were also black. Hence the charge of racism.

Or such is my understanding of it. If there's a credible site stating otherwise, I wouldn't mind seeing it.

Originally posted by Parkbandit
Get a real source for your information and stop relying on completely retarded sites for your so called proof.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing when you cited Worldnet Daily. :)


08-26-2004, 05:06 PM

Thanks for speaking more clearly than I can. :)


08-26-2004, 05:10 PM
[i]Originally posted by Ravenstorm

No, the contention - quite accurate too - is that a great number of people were denied a vote because they were stricken from the ballot incorrectly. The were denied their vote because a "mistake" labeled them convicted felons when they were not. Many merely shared a name with those who were but no one bothered to check social security numbers or dates of birth. Many were also black. Hence the charge of racism.


Is there are a credible site or news source that PROVES this contention not just poses it. Secondly who is responsible for voter roles in Florida? certainly not the Repub party. It sounds like a baseless claim to me.

In Canada Elections Canada, which is non partisan manages voter roles. If you aren't on the voter list you can show up on voting day with proper ID and proof of residence in that area and you can vote. Does this not exist in Florida. No voter role is ever perfect.

The Cat In The Hat
08-26-2004, 05:12 PM
Ok, I don't follow politics, in fact, I don't think I can even spell the word! So this is a VERY uninformed post.

I really don't see what's so bad about Bush...
It seems to me like he accomplished quite a bit, certainly more than Clinton did.

*Edited to add - Please don't flame me, I just really don't see how he's so bad, aside from playing dumb, which he does very well.

[Edited on 8-26-2004 by The Cat In The Hat]

08-26-2004, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by xtc
Is there are a credible site or news source that PROVES this contention not just poses it.

This good enough for you? It's pretty common knowledge.



edited to address your second question since I shouldn't assume you know who Katherine Harris is:

Originally posted by xtc
Secondly who is responsible for voter roles in Florida? certainly not the Repub party.

Katherine Harris. Secretary of State of the State Dubya brother is governor (Florida). She also was co-chair of Bush's campaign in Florida. Quite convenient, wasn't it? Not that I subscribe to any conspiracy theory or anything. I'm just presenting the stark facts.

[Edited on 8-26-2004 by Ravenstorm]

08-26-2004, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
Ok, I don't follow politics, in fact, I don't think I can even spell the word! So this is a VERY uninformed post.

I really don't see what's so bad about Bush...
It seems to me like he accomplished quite a bit, certainly more than Clinton did.

*Edited to add - Please don't flame me, I just really don't see how he's so bad, aside from playing dumb, which he does very well.

[Edited on 8-26-2004 by The Cat In The Hat]

Well, I personally hate Bush for the following reasons:

1. He is firmly against abortion.

2. He is firmly against gay marriage.

3. He has flip-flopped on independent 9/11 commissions, and even a commission that was to be set up by the Senate.

4. He supports outsourcing.

5. He has completely ignored increasing cost of college tuition.

6. He has completely ignored the unemployment epidemic that plagues our nation.

7. He is fighting a war in Iraq over oil.

8. He is a failed businessman, a C student, and an overall disgrace to America.

9. He stole the 2000 Presidental election.

10. He helped the bin Laden's get out of America where they should have been detained and questioned.

11. He has completely ignored the fact that millions of Americans are going without health insurance.

12. He has ignored the fact that social security provides nearly nothing to retired citizens, and that the age of retirement is rising in recent years.

13. He hasn't done anything to improve America, in fact the situations we are facing in America today have only worsened since he has been in office.

14. He has plummeted our economy into a shit hole that will have to struggle to recover. Please view this link as a reference: http://www.americanprogress.org/site/pp.asp?c=biJRJ8OVF&b=34039

Umm..I think that's it? :)


The Cat In The Hat
08-26-2004, 05:49 PM
Ok! Holy shit...

If all that's true then yeah, I guess he would be a poor choice to run the country for the next four years. I read about the banning voters thing someone else posted a link to, that was pretty fucked up.

I guess I should read more about it but politics just really never interested me. But I can see now why people hate bush, again, if all the above is true.

08-26-2004, 05:49 PM
In response:

1) Good. I hate abortion.

2) No comment.

3) I wouldn't say its "flip-flopping", his opinion has changed as the plan has been developed and redeveloped.

4) The jobs losts aren't important and were doomed to be shipped overseas. The fact is less than 3% of all job loss in the last four years has come from outsourcing.

5) This shoudln't be a government concern anyway. Education should be handled privately, and thankfully in twenty years it will be at this rate. The primary benafactors of education should pay for it (ie those recieving it).

6) This "plague" is not even verified. There are two measure of unemployment, the one done by the payroll survey, which isn't very comprehensive since it *only* counts the amount of jobs on payroll, and the one conducted by the Bureau of Labor (I think?) which works on weighed surveys by area. Both show opposite signals.

7) Oil is a good thing to fight for. You would not be living in the world we live in now if it were not for oil.

8) Who says you have to be successful in school to be a good President?

9) Get over yourself.

10) No comment, but sounds like false Farenhient (sp?) 9/11 propaganda.

11) If you can't afford it, tough shit. I shouldn't have to pay for it for you.

12) Social security? To the RICHEST percent of our population by age? Who have recieved the pentions at an interest rate HIGHER than any other interest rate in the United States? I hardly feel sorry.

13) I disagree for various reasons.

14) Our economic situtation is the result of a naturally reoccuring business cycle. The good times from the clinton administration couldn't go on forever, no matter who is involved. Not to mention that EVERY recession since the Great Depression in the United States has been caused by sudden unexpected increases in oil prices, which have also plagued his administration. His economic policy, while not the best, is not to blame for the brief depression. How do you think anyone can cause a depression 30 days after he enters office (because that is when it started, march of 2000)?

The Cat In The Hat
08-26-2004, 05:52 PM
I got a social security statement the other day, for some reason they send them to me like once a year. If I never work again, and I retire at 65 I get a whole $372 a month.

Not liek I'll ever see it though, SS will be dried up by the time im 65.

08-26-2004, 06:00 PM
I'll vote for the first candidate to donate all those millions upon millions to orphanages, to insurance hospitals, etc....

Watching anyone pay millions so they can bash someone else on TV makes my stomach turn.

[Edited on 8-26-2004 by Caiylania]

08-26-2004, 07:02 PM
In response to your response:

1) Good. I hate abortion.

Well that's fine and dandy, as you are entitled to your opinion. However, I don't think the women that get raped are being considered in this particular situation. Who the fuck wants to give birth to a child that was made out of a rape? That's a horrible, horrible thing. And the child would have to live knowing that his/her 'father' was a rapist..Seems wrong to me.

2) No comment.

I recognize the fact that not all people support gays and/or gay marriage. That's fine. But, in my opinion, I think that when the whole issue was addressed by Bush, he handled it like a true bigot. Does it SERIOUSLY have to be amended in the Constitution that marriage = man + woman? :eye roll: That's just a bit too much. Now, I can also see the other side of this issue, that if gay marriage were to be allowed, insurance premiums will rise. However, I think that's a small price to pay for happiness. And if a guy is happy with another guy or a girl with another girl, then who the fuck cares? It's happening all over the place as it is, what's it gonna matter if they're allowed to get married?

3) I wouldn't say its "flip-flopping", his opinion has changed as the plan has been developed and redeveloped.

Are you trying to tell me that he is systemically flip flopping on the issue? I don't care what you call it, I think it should have been a GO from the beginning. People demand answers about their dead 9/11 loved ones, and they are not getting them. Bush certainly isn't helping obtain any answers any faster.

4) The jobs losts aren't important and were doomed to be shipped overseas. The fact is less than 3% of all job loss in the last four years has come from outsourcing.

It doesn't really matter if the lost jobs are important or not. It will be increasing over time, and more and more jobs will continue to be shipped overseas because it is cheaper! I think it should be stopped before it becomes a problem. I don't think it's helping our economy any, and I don't think it's enabling a creation of more jobs in the United States (where it is needed).

5) This shoudln't be a government concern anyway. Education should be handled privately, and thankfully in twenty years it will be at this rate. The primary benafactors of education should pay for it (ie those recieving it).

But it IS a government concern. Financial aid is federally funded. And there are privately funded areas too. Every child has a right to an education, whether or not he or she has money should not matter. That is where the federal education system is failing - children ARE going without the education they deserve because they can't afford it, and financial aid is not kicking in like it should be. Shouldn't have to put a price on education anyway.

6) This "plague" is not even verified. There are two measure of unemployment, the one done by the payroll survey, which isn't very comprehensive since it *only* counts the amount of jobs on payroll, and the one conducted by the Bureau of Labor (I think?) which works on weighed surveys by area. Both show opposite signals.

Well when I was referring to this, I was actually referring to where I live, more than a national problem. I live in a Metropolitan area, where I am competing with hundreds of people just for one job. Makes it very hard to get a job around here. Moreover, the unemployment rate in July was 6.2%, which, even though that's the 'average' still feels pretty high, considering I've been looking for work for the past 2 months. And it's a hell of a lot worse in many other areas in the United States.

7) Oil is a good thing to fight for. You would not be living in the world we live in now if it were not for oil.

Oil is a horrible thing to fight for. Car manufacturers are slowly but surely working on getting hybrid cars out onto the road so we can cut oil costs and not have to deal with something like a war over oil, because innocent lives shouldn't be lost over something that could easily be replaced by a bike or your own legs.

8) Who says you have to be successful in school to be a good President?

Nobody, but it's just another negative thing to tack onto Bush's shitty resume.

9) Get over yourself.


10) No comment, but sounds like false Farenhient (sp?) 9/11 propaganda.

While I don't have concrete proof, I still have questions. Why weren't they stopped? Who authorized them to leave? Why were they here to begin with? And more importantly, why can't we find them now?

11) If you can't afford it, tough shit. I shouldn't have to pay for it for you.

A human life is more valuable than money. And just for the record, it is a problem lately because employers are no longer offering health coverage, not as much as they used to. Why? Trying to cut costs wherever they can. We need help!

12) Social security? To the RICHEST percent of our population by age? Who have recieved the pentions at an interest rate HIGHER than any other interest rate in the United States? I hardly feel sorry.

What the fuck are you talking about? Social security is federally funded, pensions are not. And not all retired citizens have pensions, FYI. My mom knows a 67 year old woman working at Wal-Mart because social security won't help her hardly as much as she needs. Nobody should have to work past retirement age.

14) Our economic situtation is the result of a naturally reoccuring business cycle. The good times from the clinton administration couldn't go on forever, no matter who is involved. Not to mention that EVERY recession since the Great Depression in the United States has been caused by sudden unexpected increases in oil prices, which have also plagued his administration. His economic policy, while not the best, is not to blame for the brief depression. How do you think anyone can cause a depression 30 days after he enters office (because that is when it started, march of 2000)?

I'm not saying Bush's administration is single-handedly responsible for our economy as it is right now. There are a lot of factors that are involved in the way the economy works, politics being one of them. But what I AM saying is that he hasn't done any good for it, and from what I can tell, he hasn't even given a shit. Outsourcing, in my opinion, certainly won't help it (though many may disagree). Our lack of jobs certainly won't help it. Gotta work to get money into the economy, ya know.


08-26-2004, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Cat In The Hat
I really don't see what's so bad about Bush...Neither of the major candidates are that bad, honestly, unless you freak out about stuff like the economy. I personally don't think the President has all that much impact on the economy, especially not with a paltry 8 years at most to work with.
If all that's true Far from it. :)


Originally posted by Tirayana
It doesn't really matter if the lost jobs are important or not.It doesn't matter if it's important? Are you high?

And if you honestly think legs can replace a car, you haven't tried walking any long distance.

[Edited on 8-26-2004 by Latrinsorm]

08-26-2004, 07:08 PM
"A human life is more valuable than money" "We should abort a fetus if it was concieved through rape".


08-26-2004, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Nakiro
"A human life is more valuable than money" "We should abort a fetus if it was concieved through rape".


I never said we should abort a fetus if it was conceived through rape. I said it's a horrible thing, in my opinion, to bear a child that was conceived out of a rape. The point is that the woman should have the option to choose either way. It's her child, she'll most likely be the one that raises it, and it's her finances that go into helping to raise it.


08-26-2004, 07:13 PM
It doesn't matter if it's important? Are you high?

And if you honestly think legs can replace a car, you haven't tried walking any long distance.

Um, if you bothered to read the rest of my response, you'd realize that your point is moot and has nothing to do with the issue I addressed. The point I was trying to make is that it is a problem and will likely be an increasing problem over the next few years if our economy continues to be crappy.

And I realize that bikes or legs do not compare to a vehicle, but I'd gladly bike 20 miles to work if I had to if it meant saving American lives. Would you not?
And that's not really the point either, the point is that there are alternatives to gas-run vehicles.


08-26-2004, 07:19 PM
Oil is not just about whether or not you can use your motor vehical. It determines the total aggorgate output of our economy, as well as our ability to expand our short run production function.

In short, it is what keeps us alive economically.

Everything you see is produced using oil in some portion of its production. Its not about walking, its about being able to maintain the level of goods and services currently available and available in the future.

08-26-2004, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Nakiro
Oil is not just about whether or not you can use your motor vehical. It determines the total aggorgate output of our economy, as well as our ability to expand our short run production function.

In short, it is what keeps us alive economically.

Everything you see is produced using oil in some portion of its production. Its not about walking, its about being able to maintain the level of goods and services currently available and available in the future.

Okay, but that doesn't mean that we can't actively work to replace oil, in our homes, in production, in everyday use. We have become heavily dependent on it, and it's obviously a bad thing because we're going to wars over it. While it is a precious resource, I think it pales in comparison to that of human beings.


08-26-2004, 07:23 PM
I read every word of every post I respond to. Never suggest I do otherwise, and you'll always be at least partially right.

You said: It doesn't really matter if the lost jobs are important or not.

Then you went on into predictable jingoist tripe. I didn't feel the need to respond to that, which is why I only quoted the first statement, because in my mind it's the same thing as saying: "It doesn't matter if I lose a penny or a hundred dollar bill."

08-26-2004, 07:26 PM
Well you're turning your attention away from the real issue I was addressing.

Do what you want. :shrug:


08-26-2004, 07:26 PM
<blah blah oil...and it's obviously a bad thing because we're going to wars over it.>

Then I guess love is a bad thing, religion is a bad thing (well, yes, actually I guess it is), land is a bad thing, freedom is a bad thing...etc. I'll tell you what IS a bad thing- reading your posts. They make my brain want to commit suicide.

08-26-2004, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
<blah blah oil...and it's obviously a bad thing because we're going to wars over it.>

Then I guess love is a bad thing, religion is a bad thing (well, yes, actually I guess it is), land is a bad thing, freedom is a bad thing...etc. I'll tell you what IS a bad thing- reading your posts. They make my brain want to commit suicide.

People don't deserve to die over something so ludicrous. And if it's making your fat head hurt so much then quit whining and move onto another post, asshole.


08-26-2004, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Tirayana

Originally posted by Nakiro
Oil is not just about whether or not you can use your motor vehical. It determines the total aggorgate output of our economy, as well as our ability to expand our short run production function.

In short, it is what keeps us alive economically.

Everything you see is produced using oil in some portion of its production. Its not about walking, its about being able to maintain the level of goods and services currently available and available in the future.

Okay, but that doesn't mean that we can't actively work to replace oil, in our homes, in production, in everyday use. We have become heavily dependent on it, and it's obviously a bad thing because we're going to wars over it. While it is a precious resource, I think it pales in comparison to that of human beings.


I think we need to do both, which for the most part, we are.

08-26-2004, 07:36 PM
I don't believe I was whining. I was merely pointing out that you're an idiot. Chill.

08-26-2004, 07:57 PM
For all you Pro-Bush economists out there...

Census: More Americans living in poverty (http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/08/26/census.poverty.ap/index.html)

Yep, with the current tax cuts, we can see who is winning.

08-26-2004, 08:30 PM
ok regarding the link to the story about convicted felons not getting to vote in Florida. Here are some quotes from the article which is speculation at best.

"Miami Herald revealed last Friday that 2,100 eligible voters, mostly black, COULD be barred from voting because they were incorrectly placed on the state’s new purge list of 47,000 “ineligible” voters who are ex-felons."

There are no Election Officials quoted in the piece anywhere only a paper that is known for it's Democratic Party bias. They have always supported the Democratic party. There is no evidence at all in the article to support the Miami Heralds claim.

Greg Palast who is a writing a book and is making these claims is a known lefty and has been a card carrying member of the communist party in Britain.

There is absolutely no evidence in that article at all.

Once again it seems the Democratics biggest contention is that convicted criminals are being left off voter registration role as per Florida law. It would lead one to believe that the Democratic Party is sure that convicted felons like the Democratic party.

Regarding backlash's comment about tax cuts and more Americans living in poverty. Thanks for the laugh. Poverty increases in poor economic times. You may have noticed that since 1999-2000 to present the whole world had been in a bit of a slump. This was well before the Bush tax cuts using your line of illogic it would be safe to blame that slump and the resulting increase in poverty on Bill Clinton's economic policy

08-26-2004, 08:35 PM
That is one news story among many that state more or less the same thing. Feel free to counter it with fact if you dispute it. Or not. Convincing you isn't anywhere near one of my top ten things to do today.


[Edited on 8-27-2004 by Ravenstorm]

08-27-2004, 03:47 AM

The commission's report found that voter disenfranchisement was "widespread" and that state and county officials, including Bush and Secretary of State Katherine Harris, "failed to fulfill their duties in a manner that would prevent this disenfranchisement."

The report said "countless unknown eligible voters" were wrongfully turned away from the polls or purged from voter registration lists because of procedures and practices used by election officials.

Among the practices criticized in the report was an effort to purge convicted felons and other ineligible voters from registration roles. Lists of ineligible voters, compiled by a private firm, had an error rate of at least 14 percent, and black voters had a "significantly greater chance" of appearing on the inaccurate lists than white voters, the report said.

Also, the report found that black voters were nine times more likely than white voters to have their ballots rejected during the counting process. Faulty voting systems were more likely to be used in areas with higher percentages of minority voters, but even in counties where the voting systems were the same, black voters still had a higher rejection rate than white voters, the report said.

08-27-2004, 02:05 PM
<Faulty voting systems were more likely to be used in areas with higher percentages of minority voters,>

Ooh, there's one for all the conspiracy theorists. Do you think Jeb specifically sent the faulty machines there JUST TO SCREW THE MINORITIES? /sarcasm

08-27-2004, 02:18 PM
I've decided to simply let the ignorance continue as far as the conspiracy theorists go. It does no good because their ignorance is too great.

So yes.. Jeb Bush, under direct orders from George W Bush, sent all the faulty voting machines to the hispanic and black voting areas.. because we all know they are just too stupid to figure out the master plan.

08-27-2004, 06:37 PM
It's not a theory, it's a known fact that handfuls of black representatives from Florida poured into Senate to try and get their votes correctly figured out, and not ONE fucking person would help them.


08-27-2004, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by xtc
Regarding backlash's comment about tax cuts and more Americans living in poverty. Thanks for the laugh. Poverty increases in poor economic times. You may have noticed that since 1999-2000 to present the whole world had been in a bit of a slump. This was well before the Bush tax cuts using your line of illogic it would be safe to blame that slump and the resulting increase in poverty on Bill Clinton's economic policy

You’re welcome, though I fail to see whats so funny about it. And I didn’t write that article so thank the reporter.

08-27-2004, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Tirayana
It's not a theory, it's a known fact that handfuls of black representatives from Florida poured into Senate to try and get their votes correctly figured out, and not ONE fucking person would help them.Guess you can't vote for Senator Kerry then. What with him being such an obvious racist.