07-31-2013, 07:24 AM
Selling a few neat items. Bids will go the usual once, twice, sold. Added OMG BOs to keep the auction open but I'm not going to refuse the silvers if offered!
Will consider cash bids at 12.5 per million.
1. Liabo chasuble, stole and prayer-feather set
MB: 10 million
BO: 50 million
(i) a gold-threaded ecclesiastical chasuble (shoulderworn, VLA, weighs 5lb, enhancive and scripted) with matching stole and prayer-feather.
>l my chasuble
Gold brocade falls in even lines around the v-shaped neckline of the loose chasuble, which is fashioned of white linen. Holy symbols are embroidered with heavy emerald and blue threads along the trailing hemline in a decorative display that is brilliant against the pristine fabric. Especially heavy with gold threads, the long sleeves are designed to fall across the back of the hand and taper into sharp points.
The chasuble resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Harness Power Bonus.
It provides a bonus of 3 to Spiritual Lore - Religion Bonus.
This enhancive item may not be used by the following professions: Warrior Rogue Wizard Empath Sorcerer Ranger Bard Monk Paladin Savant
The chasuble looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
You sense that the ecclesiastical chasuble will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.
1st Person: Murmuring softly, you lift your arms into the air, your ecclesiastical chasuble falling back to reveal the skin beneath, and softly intone a prayer of blessing.
3rd Person: Murmuring softly, Rohese waves her arms into the air, her ecclesiastical chasuble falling back to reveal the skin beneath, and softly intones a prayer of blessing.
Hidden: You hear the soft sound of someone intoning a prayer from somewhere nearby.
1st Person: Closing your eyes, you slip your hands into the sleeves of your ecclesiastical chasuble and softly murmur a silent prayer for destruction to meet your enemies.
3rd Person: Closing her eyes, Rohese slips her hands into the sleeves of her ecclesiastical chasuble and softly murmurs a silent prayer.
Hidden: From somewhere nearby, you hear someone whisper a soft prayer for serenity.
1st Person: Allowing your mind to wander, you gently trace the embroidered patterns on your ecclesiastical chasuble and find the exercise to be comforting.
3rd Person: Lifting her gaze to the heavens, Rohese gently traces the embroidered patterns on her ecclesiastical chasuble. Seconds later, a sense of calm touches her features.
You can tell that the chasuble is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
(ii) an embroidered pristine white stole decorated with ecclesiastical symbols of faith (neckworn)
1st Person: You momentarily brush your fingers against your stole, closing your eyes as your mind turns inward with pious thoughts.
3rd Person: Rohese momentarily brushes her fingers against her stole, closing her eyes in brief meditation.
1st Person: You adjust your stole with meticulous care, bowing your head as you touch the surface.
3rd Person: Rohese adjusts her stole with meticulous care, bowing her head as she touches the surface.
1st Person: You reverently touch the surface of your stole.
3rd Person: Rohese reverently touches the surface of her stole.
1st Person: Your fingers linger over your stole, and you whisper a brief, devout prayer.
3rd Person: Rohese's fingers linger over her stole, and her lips move as she whispers a brief prayer.
(iii) a gold and green parrot prayer-feather (pinworn)
1st Person: You gently slide your green parrot prayer-feather into your hair, tying it securely to a strand.
3rd Person: Rohese gently slides her green parrot prayer-feather into her hair, tying it securely to a strand.
1st Person: You carefully untie your green parrot prayer-feather from your hair and remove it.
3rd Person: Rohese carefully unties her green parrot prayer-feather from her hair and removes it.
1st Person: You carefully run your fingers along the length of your green parrot prayer-feather, gently re-securing a few out of place barbs.
3rd Person: Rohese carefully runs her fingers along the length of her green parrot prayer-feather, gently re-securing a few out of place barbs.
1st Person: You bring your green parrot prayer-feather to your lips, whispering a silent invocation.
3rd Person: Rohese brings her green parrot prayer-feather to her lips, whispering a silent invocation.
1st Person: You sweep your green parrot prayer-feather out before you in a gentle arc.
3rd Person: Rohese sweeps her green parrot prayer-feather out before her in a gentle arc.
1st Person: You reverently raise your green parrot prayer-feather above your head, pointing its tip to the heavens.
3rd Person: Rohese reverently raises her green parrot prayer-feather above her head, pointing its tip to the heavens.
2. a celestial blue-lacquered cittern painted with an array of silver shooting stars (randomly creates "some twinkling silver stars " in the room when PLAYed)
MB: 1 million
CB: 2 million tsk tsk SOLD
BO: 5 million
>play cittern joyful
With great skill you switch from strumming to fingerpicking, creating a joyous cascade of vibrant tones.
You modulate the song into a higher key, demonstrating your skillful fingerwork as you make the transition.
As you play your blue-lacquered cittern, some twinkling silver stars suddenly flow out of the instrument, pulled into existence from the magic of your song.
The silver stars swell with light as they spiral up, higher and higher.
Soaring with exhiliration, the silver stars glimmer and sparkle.
The silver stars coverge like a flock of birds, darting joyfully in the air. They twist and turn at a moment's notice, rolling over themselves in the other direction.
The silver stars waver slightly before fading away into nothingness.
3. a pair of rune-stitched blue silk gloves (creates a spectral butterfly in the room once an hour when TOUCHed)
MB: 5 million
CB: 5.5 million FlayedAngel SOLD
BO: 20 million
As you sing to the gloves, a soft chill passes over your skin. Strong, unusual spiritual magic dwells within the gloves, but you can determine no more than that over the course of the verse.
Small threads of frost creep over the surface of the gloves as you delve more deeply into its nature with your lore-commmanding music. There is a presence within the gloves -- a presence secured and bound by threads of spiritual magic more powerful than almost any soul keeper could command.
The same harmonies that reveal more of the gloves's nature affect the very air around you. The temperature drops distinctly, and you smell oncoming snow.
Your song awakens the magic of the gloves. Threads of spiritual enchantment coil around your senses, and the world around you fades away as visions melt through you like snowflakes melting on your skin.
Grass and flowers fade in a sudden flurry of feathers. Your body is broken, your wings are torn, and you are consumed....
A candle flame looms nearby, brilliant and beautiful beyond anything else in the world. Blinded, you approach; entranced, you burn....
Clear skies are suddenly blocked away by a silvery web, invisible until this very moment. Caught and bound, you struggle desperately, but every movement wraps you more tightly. The spider's bite flares through you....
Snowflakes tremble down from a grey sky. You have no more strength. You lie looking up at the greyness, thinking nothing at all, nothing at all....
There are more -- hundreds or thousands more, if not hundreds of thousands more -- but you remember yourself again at last, surfacing from visions of death like a swimmer surfacing from icy waters. The gloves lies cold in your hand, wrapped in the silvery gleam of already-melting frost.
The magic of the rune-stitched gloves responds again to your song, taking you away from this place and drawing you into the heart of a vision. Instinctively, you understand that this is not a literal recounting of events, but a translation -- the closest that you can understand, limited to mortal senses and mortal understanding.
Beneath a heavy grey sky, a skeleton garbed in a jet black robe stands in a meadow of ebony grass. Runes are engraved along the skeleton's polished white bones, and a blood-red scarab glitters from the center of its breastbone. The gloves lies at the skeleton's feet, and the cupped skeletal hands cradle a living scarlet lily, which the skeleton offers silently to the sky.
Hundreds of tiny, almost invisible forms come fluttering down from the sky, swirling about the lily and the skeleton. You perceive their hunger and their yearning, the desire of each ghostly butterfly, the wistfulness and the wishing for the lost world of mortality.
The conversation that passes between the skeleton and the butterflies is too arcane for you to follow, but you sense the striking of a bargain. With a master's power, the skeleton draws them all together in a net of spiritual magic, creating a single presence and power from the multitude of tiny spirits. Glowing brilliantly, the greater butterfly spirit settles upon the gloves, fusing into it and melding with its essence.
The magic fades away, releasing you from the vision.
1st Person: You press your gloved hands against one another and then open them outward. White light coalesces at the center of your cupped palms and flutters forth in the form of a spectral dragonwing butterfly.
3rd Person: Rohese presses her gloved hands against one another before opening them outward. White light coalesces at the center of her cupped palms and flutters forth in the form of a spectral dragonwing butterfly.
>l butterfly
The butterfly is faintly transparent, and its alabaster wings are edged with eldritch luminescence. Thin moonlight-hued streaks enclose white teardrops on its hindwings.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flutters languidly along, fading in and out of existence on alternate wingbeats.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flutters in a small loop-the-loop before drifting downward.
As a spectral dragonwing butterfly flies in a small, tight spiral, motes of ghostly luminescence scatter off its wings to create a miniature, ethereal snowstorm.
Streamers of eldritch light trail after a spectral dragonwing butterfly as it dances through the air.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flies toward you and passes straight through you. To your eyes, the world sparkles out in a wash of snowy white before rematerializing again. Your flesh feels terribly cold. The butterfly appears to have suffered no ill effects from its brief journey through you.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flies in a giddy spiral around you. A faint hint of frost shivers through the nearby air as the ghostly insect wings past.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flies toward xxx and then straight through her. It emerges from xxx's back and rematerializes with no apparent harm done.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flutters skyward, trailing snowflake-sized motes of luminescence from its faintly glowing wings.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly shimmers with white light before vanishing entirely. Nothing remains of the butterfly but a few faint, snowflake-sized motes of luminescence that fall through the air and glimmer out.
Will consider cash bids at 12.5 per million.
1. Liabo chasuble, stole and prayer-feather set
MB: 10 million
BO: 50 million
(i) a gold-threaded ecclesiastical chasuble (shoulderworn, VLA, weighs 5lb, enhancive and scripted) with matching stole and prayer-feather.
>l my chasuble
Gold brocade falls in even lines around the v-shaped neckline of the loose chasuble, which is fashioned of white linen. Holy symbols are embroidered with heavy emerald and blue threads along the trailing hemline in a decorative display that is brilliant against the pristine fabric. Especially heavy with gold threads, the long sleeves are designed to fall across the back of the hand and taper into sharp points.
The chasuble resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Harness Power Bonus.
It provides a bonus of 3 to Spiritual Lore - Religion Bonus.
This enhancive item may not be used by the following professions: Warrior Rogue Wizard Empath Sorcerer Ranger Bard Monk Paladin Savant
The chasuble looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
You sense that the ecclesiastical chasuble will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.
1st Person: Murmuring softly, you lift your arms into the air, your ecclesiastical chasuble falling back to reveal the skin beneath, and softly intone a prayer of blessing.
3rd Person: Murmuring softly, Rohese waves her arms into the air, her ecclesiastical chasuble falling back to reveal the skin beneath, and softly intones a prayer of blessing.
Hidden: You hear the soft sound of someone intoning a prayer from somewhere nearby.
1st Person: Closing your eyes, you slip your hands into the sleeves of your ecclesiastical chasuble and softly murmur a silent prayer for destruction to meet your enemies.
3rd Person: Closing her eyes, Rohese slips her hands into the sleeves of her ecclesiastical chasuble and softly murmurs a silent prayer.
Hidden: From somewhere nearby, you hear someone whisper a soft prayer for serenity.
1st Person: Allowing your mind to wander, you gently trace the embroidered patterns on your ecclesiastical chasuble and find the exercise to be comforting.
3rd Person: Lifting her gaze to the heavens, Rohese gently traces the embroidered patterns on her ecclesiastical chasuble. Seconds later, a sense of calm touches her features.
You can tell that the chasuble is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
(ii) an embroidered pristine white stole decorated with ecclesiastical symbols of faith (neckworn)
1st Person: You momentarily brush your fingers against your stole, closing your eyes as your mind turns inward with pious thoughts.
3rd Person: Rohese momentarily brushes her fingers against her stole, closing her eyes in brief meditation.
1st Person: You adjust your stole with meticulous care, bowing your head as you touch the surface.
3rd Person: Rohese adjusts her stole with meticulous care, bowing her head as she touches the surface.
1st Person: You reverently touch the surface of your stole.
3rd Person: Rohese reverently touches the surface of her stole.
1st Person: Your fingers linger over your stole, and you whisper a brief, devout prayer.
3rd Person: Rohese's fingers linger over her stole, and her lips move as she whispers a brief prayer.
(iii) a gold and green parrot prayer-feather (pinworn)
1st Person: You gently slide your green parrot prayer-feather into your hair, tying it securely to a strand.
3rd Person: Rohese gently slides her green parrot prayer-feather into her hair, tying it securely to a strand.
1st Person: You carefully untie your green parrot prayer-feather from your hair and remove it.
3rd Person: Rohese carefully unties her green parrot prayer-feather from her hair and removes it.
1st Person: You carefully run your fingers along the length of your green parrot prayer-feather, gently re-securing a few out of place barbs.
3rd Person: Rohese carefully runs her fingers along the length of her green parrot prayer-feather, gently re-securing a few out of place barbs.
1st Person: You bring your green parrot prayer-feather to your lips, whispering a silent invocation.
3rd Person: Rohese brings her green parrot prayer-feather to her lips, whispering a silent invocation.
1st Person: You sweep your green parrot prayer-feather out before you in a gentle arc.
3rd Person: Rohese sweeps her green parrot prayer-feather out before her in a gentle arc.
1st Person: You reverently raise your green parrot prayer-feather above your head, pointing its tip to the heavens.
3rd Person: Rohese reverently raises her green parrot prayer-feather above her head, pointing its tip to the heavens.
2. a celestial blue-lacquered cittern painted with an array of silver shooting stars (randomly creates "some twinkling silver stars " in the room when PLAYed)
MB: 1 million
CB: 2 million tsk tsk SOLD
BO: 5 million
>play cittern joyful
With great skill you switch from strumming to fingerpicking, creating a joyous cascade of vibrant tones.
You modulate the song into a higher key, demonstrating your skillful fingerwork as you make the transition.
As you play your blue-lacquered cittern, some twinkling silver stars suddenly flow out of the instrument, pulled into existence from the magic of your song.
The silver stars swell with light as they spiral up, higher and higher.
Soaring with exhiliration, the silver stars glimmer and sparkle.
The silver stars coverge like a flock of birds, darting joyfully in the air. They twist and turn at a moment's notice, rolling over themselves in the other direction.
The silver stars waver slightly before fading away into nothingness.
3. a pair of rune-stitched blue silk gloves (creates a spectral butterfly in the room once an hour when TOUCHed)
MB: 5 million
CB: 5.5 million FlayedAngel SOLD
BO: 20 million
As you sing to the gloves, a soft chill passes over your skin. Strong, unusual spiritual magic dwells within the gloves, but you can determine no more than that over the course of the verse.
Small threads of frost creep over the surface of the gloves as you delve more deeply into its nature with your lore-commmanding music. There is a presence within the gloves -- a presence secured and bound by threads of spiritual magic more powerful than almost any soul keeper could command.
The same harmonies that reveal more of the gloves's nature affect the very air around you. The temperature drops distinctly, and you smell oncoming snow.
Your song awakens the magic of the gloves. Threads of spiritual enchantment coil around your senses, and the world around you fades away as visions melt through you like snowflakes melting on your skin.
Grass and flowers fade in a sudden flurry of feathers. Your body is broken, your wings are torn, and you are consumed....
A candle flame looms nearby, brilliant and beautiful beyond anything else in the world. Blinded, you approach; entranced, you burn....
Clear skies are suddenly blocked away by a silvery web, invisible until this very moment. Caught and bound, you struggle desperately, but every movement wraps you more tightly. The spider's bite flares through you....
Snowflakes tremble down from a grey sky. You have no more strength. You lie looking up at the greyness, thinking nothing at all, nothing at all....
There are more -- hundreds or thousands more, if not hundreds of thousands more -- but you remember yourself again at last, surfacing from visions of death like a swimmer surfacing from icy waters. The gloves lies cold in your hand, wrapped in the silvery gleam of already-melting frost.
The magic of the rune-stitched gloves responds again to your song, taking you away from this place and drawing you into the heart of a vision. Instinctively, you understand that this is not a literal recounting of events, but a translation -- the closest that you can understand, limited to mortal senses and mortal understanding.
Beneath a heavy grey sky, a skeleton garbed in a jet black robe stands in a meadow of ebony grass. Runes are engraved along the skeleton's polished white bones, and a blood-red scarab glitters from the center of its breastbone. The gloves lies at the skeleton's feet, and the cupped skeletal hands cradle a living scarlet lily, which the skeleton offers silently to the sky.
Hundreds of tiny, almost invisible forms come fluttering down from the sky, swirling about the lily and the skeleton. You perceive their hunger and their yearning, the desire of each ghostly butterfly, the wistfulness and the wishing for the lost world of mortality.
The conversation that passes between the skeleton and the butterflies is too arcane for you to follow, but you sense the striking of a bargain. With a master's power, the skeleton draws them all together in a net of spiritual magic, creating a single presence and power from the multitude of tiny spirits. Glowing brilliantly, the greater butterfly spirit settles upon the gloves, fusing into it and melding with its essence.
The magic fades away, releasing you from the vision.
1st Person: You press your gloved hands against one another and then open them outward. White light coalesces at the center of your cupped palms and flutters forth in the form of a spectral dragonwing butterfly.
3rd Person: Rohese presses her gloved hands against one another before opening them outward. White light coalesces at the center of her cupped palms and flutters forth in the form of a spectral dragonwing butterfly.
>l butterfly
The butterfly is faintly transparent, and its alabaster wings are edged with eldritch luminescence. Thin moonlight-hued streaks enclose white teardrops on its hindwings.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flutters languidly along, fading in and out of existence on alternate wingbeats.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flutters in a small loop-the-loop before drifting downward.
As a spectral dragonwing butterfly flies in a small, tight spiral, motes of ghostly luminescence scatter off its wings to create a miniature, ethereal snowstorm.
Streamers of eldritch light trail after a spectral dragonwing butterfly as it dances through the air.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flies toward you and passes straight through you. To your eyes, the world sparkles out in a wash of snowy white before rematerializing again. Your flesh feels terribly cold. The butterfly appears to have suffered no ill effects from its brief journey through you.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flies in a giddy spiral around you. A faint hint of frost shivers through the nearby air as the ghostly insect wings past.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flies toward xxx and then straight through her. It emerges from xxx's back and rematerializes with no apparent harm done.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly flutters skyward, trailing snowflake-sized motes of luminescence from its faintly glowing wings.
A spectral dragonwing butterfly shimmers with white light before vanishing entirely. Nothing remains of the butterfly but a few faint, snowflake-sized motes of luminescence that fall through the air and glimmer out.