View Full Version : RtCF Third Run

07-29-2013, 11:02 AM
So the third run is going up for sale this week. August 1st and August 2nd. First day for premium and second day for everyone.

25 tickets up for sale at 12 pm and 8 pm Eastern Daylight Time.
Central time 11 am and 7 pm
Mountain time 10 am and 6 pm
West Coast 9 am and 5 pm
Hawaii is 6 am and 2 pm

If you live Arizona or another place that doesn't use daylight savings time you are on your own for figuring it out.

Just thought I'd start a thread for those that will be trying for tickets. Any bets on how many Virilneus will snag this time :)

07-29-2013, 11:20 AM
10m for anyone wanting me to try to score them a ticket.

Paid in advance, refunded if unsuccessful. Will only accept one person per batch to maximize their chances.

I scored two tickets last run, and would have on the first run also if I knew to leave the name box blank.

PM me if interested.

07-29-2013, 11:47 AM
I am also offering this service for the same price. I am 3 for 3 and will use the same terms as Methais.

07-29-2013, 11:58 AM
And as the original purveyor of such service I too am offering it on the same terms, I have some people who contacted me a month ago about getting on my list and I am waiting to confirm with them, though you can get in line if they do not confirm.

07-29-2013, 12:30 PM
Ditto that. I may not have the impressive track record that these others do but I did manage to get ticket #7 on my first try for prime run #2.

Same terms as above folks. You can contact me here, on AIM, or in game.

Have fun out there!

07-29-2013, 06:08 PM
Someone tell Solomon so they all get banned and we have a chance to buy tickets for ourselves

07-29-2013, 06:10 PM
Uh wut. Buying tickets for others isn't a bannable offense.

07-29-2013, 06:42 PM
Someone tell Solomon so they all get banned and we have a chance to buy tickets for ourselves

If your fingers aren't fast enough, you do have a chance to buy a ticket for yourself. You just need to pay someone to do it.

And I may get flamed for selling that, and I know 75 is a lot to pay to begin with, but the event can be pretty lucrative as evidenced by the first run and people paying for use of accounts. Supply and demand, and all that good stuff.

07-29-2013, 06:51 PM
Someone tell Solomon so they all get banned and we have a chance to buy tickets for ourselves

I bought tickets for others and I didn't use a script or anything. I actually had fun trying to get tickets for my friends. I only have Orbstar left to try to get a ticket for. I am really hoping to get one for him because he is in Iraq and his internet is so bad he has no chance at all.

I sure hope I wouldn't get banned because I logged into someone's account to try to get them a ticket because they are serving overseas in a war zone with crappy internet...or they would be banned because I was trying to be nice.

This makes no sense at all. Not everyone that manages to get a ticket is using some sort of cheating software. I know I'm not and from reading the boards, a lot of normal we just were fast and lucky people have gotten tickets.

07-29-2013, 07:07 PM
I am really hoping to get one for him because he is in Iraq and his internet is so bad he has no chance at all

His chances would probably be better if there wasn't an army of people trying to make money off of getting tickets for other people.

Sure, there's nothing bannable or illegal here, just some general douchebaggery. To the OP, i'll be trying for the third run on my wife's account, I barely got in (third to last ticket sold) on the second round with my account, no chance in hell of getting both in the same run.

07-29-2013, 08:30 PM
His chances would probably be better if there wasn't an army of people trying to make money off of getting tickets for other people.

Someone who pays someone to get them a ticket actually has more of a chance to get one, especially if they're trying to get one from their PC too. 2 people trying to score a ticket for the same account = better chances of getting a ticket.

07-29-2013, 08:39 PM
That's not so smart considering the chance you could both get a ticket on the same account, and both could get tossed (thrown out by the system due to two tickets being present on one account)

07-29-2013, 08:47 PM
Not even sure the system would allow the same account to be signed in two places at the same time like that, but then again, I never tried. No reason to.

07-29-2013, 08:50 PM
Even barring that, a lot of people aren't able to be on at the time tickets go up for sale, which having someone else try and get it for them can do nothing but increase their chances, since otherwise their chances are 0 due to not even being able to try.

07-29-2013, 08:53 PM
Not even sure the system would allow the same account to be signed in two places at the same time like that, but then again, I never tried. No reason to.

It is possible. Beldin had his document challenged workers at internet café working for him! he was paying them less then the internet café but that is another story

07-30-2013, 11:03 AM
It is possible. Beldin had his document challenged workers at internet café working for him! he was paying them less then the internet café but that is another story

Beldin did get a ticket this last time, but it wasn't one of his document challenged workers at an internet cafe that got him one. I'm looking forward to seeing what the ebow goes for. I think that it will go for more than the last time and that the one on the 3rd run will go for even more. That's the way it was in 2009. The prices went up because the chances to get a service was diminishing with each run.

Lord Orbstar
07-30-2013, 11:19 AM
I had two accounts and cancelled one in disgust over this event and the ugliness it has revealed. I recommend EVE online. You can have, and they encourage, cut throat douchebag behavior. It is like a shattered in outer space. I hold out hope for one ticket still this run; otherwise it will be time for another long break I think.

07-30-2013, 11:22 AM
When does the 2nd prime run actually happen?

07-30-2013, 11:26 AM
The whole idea of a limited event is that... it's limited. Not everyone will get to go. They can't limit it one per person, because people who pay for more accounts naturally have a right to bring more accounts. They pay more monthly, they get more access. More chances at tickets, too. That's just how the world works.

If you were really disgusted, you'd have cancelled both accounts and not still be trying to buy a ticket.

07-30-2013, 11:26 AM
When does the 2nd prime run actually happen?

It starts Friday.

07-30-2013, 12:03 PM
I had two accounts and cancelled one in disgust over this event and the ugliness it has revealed. I recommend EVE online. You can have, and they encourage, cut throat douchebag behavior. It is like a shattered in outer space. I hold out hope for one ticket still this run; otherwise it will be time for another long break I think.

Suppose you lucked out and scored a ticket. What would your opinion change to?

07-30-2013, 12:19 PM
I had two accounts and cancelled one in disgust over this event and the ugliness it has revealed. I recommend EVE online. You can have, and they encourage, cut throat douchebag behavior. It is like a shattered in outer space. I hold out hope for one ticket still this run; otherwise it will be time for another long break I think.

Hey Orbstar, they said we can both try for a ticket at the same time on one account. I'm still willing to try to get you a ticket if you still want me to :) My internet speed at work is much better than home so it works out since I'm on pacific time.

07-30-2013, 12:33 PM
(red) Thread: RtCF Third Run
It would change to, "You still smell like a bag of crap." At least you lost most of the retarded gifs.

Temper temper...

07-30-2013, 12:45 PM
I predict that it will take 0.1 seconds for the tickets to sell out each time they become available.

Also I predict that it will snow somewhere in the US by next Spring, and some people won't like Candor.

07-30-2013, 01:06 PM
I had two accounts and cancelled one in disgust over this event and the ugliness it has revealed. I recommend EVE online. You can have, and they encourage, cut throat douchebag behavior. It is like a shattered in outer space. I hold out hope for one ticket still this run; otherwise it will be time for another long break I think.

I made my character, got in my little pod and flew around. That's been all. I need a full weekend and the motivation to really get into it. I've begun the process however.

07-30-2013, 08:36 PM
I made my character, got in my little pod and flew around. That's been all. I need a full weekend and the motivation to really get into it. I've begun the process however.

Eve is way more than that. It really is the best MMO ever...naturally that's my opinion (also from the guy who is selling out and not playing anymore) though mainly because i'm now playing box games....i'm done with MMOs in general, except for GS (if you can call that an MMO) I just don't have the time. Used to love MMOs because I felt like I was building something....accomplishing something...now I know better....I just play box games to have fun. When I have time. I blame Paupers...taking over as co-chair has killed all of my free time...not that that's a bad thing, it is what it is.

07-30-2013, 09:05 PM
Temper temper...To be fair, a bag of crap doesn't smell nearly as bad as a pile of crap. That's the whole point of the flaming bag of crap, or diapers (usually flameless). You've taken out the trash with diapers in it, right? Doesn't smell nearly as bad if someone just came into your house and pooped on your prize dinette set. We've all been there.

07-31-2013, 10:49 AM
To be fair, a bag of crap doesn't smell nearly as bad as a pile of crap. That's the whole point of the flaming bag of crap, or diapers (usually flameless). You've taken out the trash with diapers in it, right? Doesn't smell nearly as bad if someone just came into your house and pooped on your prize dinette set. We've all been there.

What if the bag is open though? Theoretically it would still smell just as bad, it would just disperse either more slowly and/or in a smaller radius, wouldn't it?

07-31-2013, 11:44 AM
I had two accounts and cancelled one in disgust over this event and the ugliness it has revealed. I recommend EVE online. You can have, and they encourage, cut throat douchebag behavior. It is like a shattered in outer space. I hold out hope for one ticket still this run; otherwise it will be time for another long break I think.
What ugliness has it revealed?

07-31-2013, 12:38 PM
What ugliness has it revealed?


07-31-2013, 12:44 PM
What ugliness has it revealed?

I think it is the idea that people with 8 accounts are using software to get all the tickets. I'm not sure if this is true or not but it has been talked about so much that many believe it as fact. It is frustrating when you really want to go and can't get a ticket but someone is bragging about having 3 characters going on 3 seperate accounts or knowing some like Fleurs that does not brag but show up with a whole party at the events.

People selling the account with a ticket, people selling access to their account that has a ticket etc....

BTW Orbstar, do you want me to try for you? Send me a PM if you do, if not I'll offer a free service to someone else. It's fun trying!

07-31-2013, 12:53 PM
I think it is the idea ...
Interesting. Thanks for the explanation.

07-31-2013, 12:56 PM
Let us sacrifice those that are unwilling to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. To the pyres.

07-31-2013, 01:14 PM
At last count I have 22 open accounts. I in fact did not buy all the tickets. So I don't know where the idea of someone with 8 is buying them all. I only ended up with 11.

07-31-2013, 03:51 PM
At last count I have 22 open accounts. I in fact did not buy all the tickets. So I don't know where the idea of someone with 8 is buying them all. I only ended up with 11.

Well clearly with 22 accounts and only 11 tickets I was not referring to you. I was referring to the other 35 people that have 8 accounts. Only 50 percent ticket acquirement? You are slacking! I fully expect at least 80 percent by Friday when the last 25 go out!

07-31-2013, 05:07 PM
At last count I have 22 open accounts. I in fact did not buy all the tickets. So I don't know where the idea of someone with 8 is buying them all. I only ended up with 11.

Amateur, on run 2 alone I have over 250 tickets.

07-31-2013, 05:11 PM
I heard next event they are just going to call it the "crb Fest" since he's the only person at this event.

07-31-2013, 05:25 PM
I heard next event they are just going to call it the "crb Fest" since he's the only person at this event.

Isn't that what the C in RtCF stands for?

Suppressed Poet
07-31-2013, 05:34 PM
Which Superman movie was it where you had that black guy on unemployment, found out he was good at computers and software, and built a super computer for Lex Luthor that almost killed the demi-god + enslave humanity?

Yeah.. It's like that.

RTCF ticket acquiring is serious beezneese.

I tip my hat to the great ones that built the best. You may have doomed us all to getting butt raped by t100s, but there is no denial of your skills or epeen.

07-31-2013, 05:56 PM
What if the bag is open though? Theoretically it would still smell just as bad, it would just disperse either more slowly and/or in a smaller radius, wouldn't it?Who would crap in a bag and leave it open? You might as well suggest someone would leave the toilet seat up, it's inconceivable.

07-31-2013, 06:33 PM
Which Superman movie was it where you had that black guy on unemployment, found out he was good at computers and software, and built a super computer for Lex Luthor that almost killed the demi-god + enslave humanity?

Yeah.. It's like that.

RTCF ticket acquiring is serious beezneese.

I tip my hat to the great ones that built the best. You may have doomed us all to getting butt raped by t100s, but there is no denial of your skills or epeen.

Superman 3.


Richard Pryor was so awesome he didn't believe in saying "nigga".


Best scene of the movie:


08-01-2013, 11:15 AM
Orbstar if you're around check your PM.

08-01-2013, 11:33 AM
Ok who got a ticket?

Lord Orbstar
08-01-2013, 12:11 PM
Thanks to you, I did. my sub was cancelled and ran out on the 3rd. Guess I have to go change THAT real fast.

08-01-2013, 12:14 PM
Uhmm yeah you got 2 days. I'm sure that if you don't do it, someone will be more than happy to grab the ticket that appears because it was freed up.

I know CRB got at least one!

08-01-2013, 12:15 PM
Well, I lucked out. I had a ticket for the first run and had to turn it in due to a weekend work commitment. I managed to score a ticket again for the third run. I guess it helps to be sitting on a fast pipe at work.

08-01-2013, 12:19 PM
Well, I lucked out. I had a ticket for the first run and had to turn it in due to a weekend work commitment. I managed to score a ticket again for the third run. I guess it helps to be sitting on a fast pipe at work.

Oh that's fantastic! Congrats!

Lord Orbstar
08-01-2013, 12:20 PM
already done, Moonwitch. heh. that was the first thing I did after thanking you!

08-01-2013, 12:22 PM
Awesome, I'm glad you got one. The second was the only run I can feasibly attend so I won't be trying for more tickets. But if anyone needs help trying to get one I am happy to help. I snagged 4 tickets for this weekend's run for friends and what-not.

08-01-2013, 01:08 PM
I know CRB got at least ten!


08-01-2013, 02:35 PM
Thanks to you, I did. my sub was cancelled and ran out on the 3rd. Guess I have to go change THAT real fast.

Does this mean you're gonna stop complaining about people who got tickets now? :tongue:

Suppressed Poet
08-01-2013, 03:09 PM

Congrats man.

Lord Orbstar
08-01-2013, 03:10 PM
lol to you both. I got it because of the elite skills of another, so I am lucky & thankful. I still rail against the system.

08-01-2013, 04:11 PM
lol to you both. I got it because of the elite skills of another, so I am lucky & thankful. I still rail against the system.

Yeah fuck bitches. I'm sick if bitches

08-01-2013, 04:44 PM
...if bitches what???

Suppressed Poet
08-01-2013, 05:04 PM
All my bitches love me and I teach them how to dougie.

08-01-2013, 05:18 PM
...if bitches what???

Don't scissor in front of him.

08-01-2013, 08:02 PM
That was my first experience at speed-buying a ticket. You guys weren't joking about it being a couple of seconds. Nice work everybody.

08-01-2013, 08:03 PM
I managed to get ticket #6... I'm pretty stoked... Just hope I can convince my GF to let me go and such

08-01-2013, 08:05 PM
I managed to get ticket #6... I'm pretty stoked... Just hope I can convince my GF to let me go and such

Try the pre-emptive strike. "Hey, I got this ticket to an online game event. It's like the equivalent to going away for a weekend. I don't need your permission, I just need you not to bother me for oh.. 60 hours or so."

Should work well.

08-01-2013, 08:18 PM
Just hope I can convince my GF to let me go and such

Please say you're kidding.

08-01-2013, 08:21 PM
#14 here, in the one second or so it took to click "Purchase Ticket." Going to be a busy weekend of GS4, I get the feeling I might mysteriously be "sick" on the following Monday and cured by Tuesday.

08-01-2013, 08:36 PM
I helped someone get a ticket today, I'll be happy to help anyone else out tomorrow! Not charging 10 million (though I'll gladly accept silvers!).

08-01-2013, 08:38 PM
I helped someone get a ticket today, I'll be happy to help anyone else out tomorrow! Not charging 10 million (though I'll gladly accept silvers!).

How dare you. What are you, some kind of benefactor?

In seriousness, awful nice of you.

08-01-2013, 08:45 PM
How dare you. What are you, some kind of benefactor?

In seriousness, awful nice of you.

I remember how pissed off I was at the system during the first set of ticket sales, I'm trying to be nice and lower other people's stress levels for the final one. =)

08-02-2013, 02:25 AM
I remember how pissed off I was at the system during the first set of ticket sales, I'm trying to be nice and lower other people's stress levels for the final one. =)
How nice of you! :heart:

Just for that, I promise to stop sending you pictures of my weiner.

...maybe. :smilegrin:

08-02-2013, 08:53 AM
How nice of you! :heart:

Just for that, I promise to stop sending you pictures of my weiner.

...maybe. :smilegrin:


08-02-2013, 11:53 AM
How nice of you! :heart:

Just for that, I promise to stop sending you pictures of my weiner.

...maybe. :smilegrin:

but the ones with you and Seo were just SO good!

08-02-2013, 12:00 PM
Also, I've managed to get tickets for the last two people who asked for them (last night's set and this mornings) so if you still need/want a ticket and want help getting one let me know.

08-02-2013, 12:01 PM
Just got someone a ticket. I have another opening for tonight's batch if anyone's interested.

Same deal....10m up front, will be refunded if I am unsuccessful.

PM or IM me if interested.

08-02-2013, 12:08 PM
I guess it is a sad state when you actually have to get someone else to get you a ticket. It is all just chance, poor people with horrid internet. I hope Simu doesn't ever do it this way again.

08-02-2013, 12:11 PM
I'll offer ticket attempting to purchase services for 5m. I managed one last night... can't hurt to try again!

Reach out to me via PMs.

And, it's not just a matter of horrid internet, but the timetable is a popular eatting time, or go-out-and-have-fun on a Friday night kinda time. Or late night at work if you're on the west coast! Or date night...

08-02-2013, 12:12 PM
I guess it is a sad state when you actually have to get someone else to get you a ticket. It is all just chance, poor people with horrid internet. I hope Simu doesn't ever do it this way again.

Barring a bad connection, it's not really as much chance as you might think.

All 3 tickets I've scored so far I did the exact same way....set a timer on my phone (Simu seems to sync to whatever clock iPhones sync to), click SIGN UP when the timer it has 1-2 seconds left on it, and....

08-02-2013, 12:16 PM
I do hope they never do it this way again. It's idiotic. Honestly, I think they should raise the price of a ticket and just sell them all by lottery. A lot less stress that way and no one has to tell their boss, "just a minute while I attempt to get a ticket to an online game event."

08-02-2013, 12:18 PM


08-02-2013, 12:18 PM
That's awesome, Whirlin.

08-02-2013, 12:22 PM
That is pretty much perfect. Love it.

Suppressed Poet
08-02-2013, 08:24 PM
I'm going. Wohoo!

Didn't think it was possible for a casual playing peon like me, but turns out you just need to know the right resources.

Now... I'm a complete amateur to events. I went to EG a few years back and that's it. Can anyone point me to a good guide for RtCF or tips? I know I need to bring lots of coins and my gear. I know the services offered major & minor. I know I will need to sit in front of PC awake for hours and I prepped my soon to be wife that I'll be on a "digital vacation". That's about it. Orb, can I group up with you at the event and tag along where you go?

Holy crap I need to make preparations. I need more coins. I need to find one of those special envelopes for a discount on my major win. I need to find a good high enchant perfect lance. I need to stock up on monster energy drinks, skittles, and cocaine...

I'm so excited!!!

08-02-2013, 10:09 PM
Actually the spider you use to robo-buy a ticket has a switch on it to change it to "win everything at RtCF" mode. It's right inside the hood.

08-18-2013, 03:00 AM
So, any peeps of mine going on this run? :D

08-18-2013, 08:22 AM
I'm going. Wohoo!

Didn't think it was possible for a casual playing peon like me, but turns out you just need to know the right resources.

Now... I'm a complete amateur to events. I went to EG a few years back and that's it. Can anyone point me to a good guide for RtCF or tips? I know I need to bring lots of coins and my gear. I know the services offered major & minor. I know I will need to sit in front of PC awake for hours and I prepped my soon to be wife that I'll be on a "digital vacation". That's about it. Orb, can I group up with you at the event and tag along where you go?

Holy crap I need to make preparations. I need more coins. I need to find one of those special envelopes for a discount on my major win. I need to find a good high enchant perfect lance. I need to stock up on monster energy drinks, skittles, and cocaine...

I'm so excited!!!

1. Bring an item for epic deepening if you want it done.
2. Get into chat room for tons of info from others
3. Download the map with merchant locations
4. Consolidate your coins into one bank and then enter from that town.
5. Print the services list off wiki and go through your gear picking items for your preferred majors. Minors are unlimited so plan well.
6. Plan out alterations ahead of time, bring lots to lighten/deepen.
7. Join RtCF channel if you use lnet.
8. Bring magical items for recharging. This is for spells. Break out the mangled spoons.
9. Bring crumbly enhancives to make perm as well as really costly rechargeable enhancives. He did it for flat 200k to fully charge last time.
10. Find a group of fun people. They help when you're waiting around.
11. The wiki page has so much good info, use it. Mark the page for easy reference.
12. Check the official boards often, sometimes the GMs will post their schedule there, check here too if someone makes a raffle thread.
13. If you can nap on Friday before the event do so. I slept more than most at about 6 hours a night but being on the computer so much is exhausting. Don't sleep during daylight hours from when it opens until Sunday late unless you have someone to wake you. Trust me you will miss something. Raffles are set up from 30 min to 24 hours ahead of time and spinning can be announced and over before you can log back into the game.

If you plan on buying and selling spots you should be on both lnet and in the chat room. Having a fun group of people to hang out with made the second run a blast. Also you can use a group for greater chance at getting things you want done. We entered minors for others in our group and they did the same for us.
Make sure you get up and walk around when you can. You can also team up with someone you know well to text or call you so you can sleep. Sounds kind of silly but it works. You can sleep in shifts. Works out well if you are in different time zones. Usually the safest time to sleep is from about 2 am to 7 am eastern. It is the slowest time but you never know how things will be for the third run.

08-18-2013, 08:30 AM
Oh and bring back up gear!!! If they say no to something or if it will cost you 200 million...you won't waste your win or be forced to sell it. Don't enter every major raffle unless you really want it, you just might win it. You will get less picky as majors get picked and you have not won but be picky in the beginning.

For example, unless you want to win bow sighting don't enter. Last time there were two tickets in the barrel for two winners. That was for Friday night. If you win you're done with the majors so make sure you really want the win.

08-19-2013, 07:23 PM
I've found its safest to sleep Friday night late after say 3am est, but once things pick up again on Saturday morning you need to stay glued to your computer until Sunday night.

08-20-2013, 10:17 AM
In retrospect, I would probably have been happier on Run 2 if I'd slept 1am-9am both nights. Less sleep deprivation, and there was very little going on after midnight or before 10am.

08-20-2013, 11:44 AM
In retrospect, I would probably have been happier on Run 2 if I'd slept 1am-9am both nights. Less sleep deprivation, and there was very little going on after midnight or before 10am.

GMs have to sleep too, this is true though. I would say sleeping from 1 am eastern until 8 am is probably safe.

08-20-2013, 12:15 PM
In retrospect, I would probably have been happier on Run 2 if I'd slept 1am-9am both nights. Less sleep deprivation, and there was very little going on after midnight or before 10am.

I slept a solid 7 or so hours each night on run two and missed exactly 1 minor spinner who was doing sheath or clothing work, something silly like that. I cant imagine doing the marathon thing when there was literally nothing going on most of the time.

My suggestion would be if you're that concerned about missing something important, find a buddy and have them text you if something is going to happen and you may miss it.

08-20-2013, 09:18 PM
Yeah that's true its definitely safe to go to bed around 1am est both nights if you don't want any minor services. I worded it oddly, you wouldn't miss anything either night after 3 am for sure. :)

08-21-2013, 02:46 AM
During Plat's run, nothing happened before 9-10am eastern, and only once did we get a service of any importance after midnight eastern.

09-03-2013, 01:32 AM
Did anyone further pad 7x, 30 percent resistance hcp armor to bring it to mcp? I'm trying to figure!out the cost.

09-03-2013, 04:12 PM
I'll be out of town until Sunday evening, so the Zealot Gory Weapon major service and the Defender minor services will be given out Sunday night.

Bard sonics and sorcerer nightmares will go out sometime next week. PLEASE be prepared with ideas!



09-03-2013, 08:27 PM
Did anyone further pad 7x, 30 percent resistance hcp armor to bring it to mcp? I'm trying to figure!out the cost.

It depends, highly, on the AsG.

Also I'm told its ridiculously much much cheaper to pad, then resist, rather than try to pad resistance armor.

09-03-2013, 08:28 PM
I'll be out of town until Sunday evening, so the Zealot Gory Weapon major service and the Defender minor services will be given out Sunday night.

Bard sonics and sorcerer nightmares will go out sometime next week. PLEASE be prepared with ideas!



Wasn't she the one out of town on run 2 too?

09-03-2013, 08:56 PM
Wasn't she the one out of town on run 2 too?

I think that was Valkria or something like that

09-03-2013, 10:51 PM
Yeah, was Valyrka who was out of town on run 2

Lord Orbstar
09-04-2013, 05:58 AM
I am trying to finagle it so I have free time for this event, but it will be tight. Is there a reliable listing somewhere that shows what vendors selling what items will be where at what time for this run. I have like 12 million silvers and little time, so I have to be very focussed on what I go for. The damn internet has been off an on all week and that, coupled with rocket attacks, makes this weekend worrisome. :(

I have some decent items I am taking in hopes of getting "something" done, but am not sure what it will cost. 10x DCP full leather, 6x runestaff, 7x morningstar, 4x perfect acid/cold flaring short sword, 6x robes with perm. 30% resists (fire, cold, electricity). I wish I had not been forced to sell off my plate armor...the 6x HCP would've been a nice project too. I would hate to win the blink raffle then have nothing decent to put it on. a vanilla 7x star is really shitty for that...

also, if someone has a map they could send to me at rchappell77@yahoo.com I would really appreciate it. I can print from work, but cannot access gaming related websites other than this one. I guess the army wants me to earn my pay.

09-04-2013, 06:09 AM
gsguide.wikia.com/wiki/Return_to_Coraesine_Field (http://gsguide.wikia.com/wiki/Return_to_Coraesine_Field)

That's the site with all the map and stuff. For this run the GMs are slowly trickling out information on when they'll be doing things.

Lord Orbstar
09-04-2013, 06:17 AM
Thank you, I actually can get to that site without it getting blocked!

09-04-2013, 09:19 AM
Has RTCF been mapped on Narost? Just wondering if I should set up go2 targets when I first get access.

09-04-2013, 10:59 AM
Thank you, I actually can get to that site without it getting blocked!

Q posted times as did a few other GMs. Go look at the officials. I hope you get something nice! Even if you don't get the major you want there are some serious awesome minors! Good luck!

09-04-2013, 11:00 AM
Not to my knowledge Whirlin. I am map stupid so I wouldn't even try it. The first few days you don't have time, literally, you are running around trying to get to every place you need to be.

09-04-2013, 11:05 AM
Not to my knowledge Whirlin. I am map stupid so I wouldn't even try it. The first few days you don't have time, literally, you are running around trying to get to every place you need to be.

Yeah... Was just wondering.. Cause anything you can do to prep to alleviate crunch time, the better

09-04-2013, 11:18 AM
Yeah... Was just wondering.. Cause anything you can do to prep to alleviate crunch time, the better

I wrote a stupid script for trying to get around RTCF called ;rtcfind... I don't remember whether I put it up on the repo or not, but I can check on it later today.

;rtcfind walks through preprogrammed paths leading from room 7 (outside the bank/down the spire) to other rooms based on map room numbers, some merchants' usual haunts, and shop descriptors. It requires ;trust so that you can use the abbreviation library, because I'll be damned if I can reliably type Bergraham and Hurdragof.

09-04-2013, 11:26 AM
Bergraham and Hurdragof.

Bless you.

09-04-2013, 03:33 PM
Besides general LNet, are there specific lnet chat rooms or other chat rooms that most folks are going to use? This is my first RTCF and I'd love to get into a group who might be willing to "share" minor wins amongst themselves.

09-04-2013, 03:34 PM
RtCF chat. There really is no info to share. Raffles are announced, and general merchants tend to announce as well.

Lord Orbstar
09-05-2013, 02:40 AM
air-infused weapon's are at Hurdragof's shop...what are they? They are very cheap so it cannot be TOO good!

09-05-2013, 08:12 AM
air-infused weapon's are at Hurdragof's shop...what are they? They are very cheap so it cannot be TOO good!
4x, vacuum flares, and zesty. Just like in that thread (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?85326). If they are unlocked, you get another verb or two and the possibility to attune.

Attuning just means that after you use the scripts a lot (maybe 50-100 times?) the first descriptor becomes scintillating (e.g., "a scintillating twisted steel slash-fist" from the default "a white-runed twisted steel slash-fist"). In the process of this, the scripts read as a little more powerful. For example:

With a flick of your wrist, you draw the blade of your twisted steel slash-fist parallel to your body. The air around you churns listlessly and a subtle shudder travels from the grip of your slash-fist to its edge, and then dissipates rapidly.


With a flick of your wrist, you draw the blade of your twisted steel slash-fist parallel to your body. The air around you churns sinuously, raising the hairs on the back of your neck. A profound shudder from the grip of your slash-fist travels to its edge and ceases as the slash-fist emits a brief, metallic buzzing sound.

If you think churning air is the bee's knees, and you're really into 4x flaring weapons, here's a good one for you to have.

09-05-2013, 02:20 PM
they're also sanctified, at least the sledgehammer that I bought is according to its loresong info

09-05-2013, 05:58 PM
the schedules are going up awfully slow

09-06-2013, 07:14 PM
Did my best to put a schedule together from what has been posted. if there was no time next to it, it hasn't been specified, just given a general time.

Friday 9pm-??
Gambling Kit raffle

09:30 PM - Spirit Bow Auction (1) – Auction (major)

ASAP after Spirit Bow: Pure Coraesine Weapon (major)

9:45 PM Sighting raffle (2) (major)

10:00 PM - Padding (10) - 4 Auction 4 Raffle 2 Spin (major)

10:15 PM – Enchanting slots (10) (major)

11:00 PM S Class Siegery Raffle (minor)

11:30 PM Weightless container raffle (minor)

11:45 PM Weightless container auction (minor)

Saturday 9am-12pm

10:00 AM - Resistances (10) 4 Auction 4 Raffle 2 Spin (major)

11:30 AM - Self Chargers (5) 2 Auction 2 Raffle 1 Spin (major)

Saturday 12pm-6pm

1:00 PM – Creature banes (major)

After Banes: 5 spots of weight reducing containers (1 auction/4 raffle/spin) (major)

After containers: Expensive Impure Coraesine raffle (minor, attuned)

3:00 PM Sighting raffle (2) (major)

Saturday 6pm-??

8:00 PM Banshee flare raffle (3) (minor)

Armor, runestaff, acuity/mana and weapon flares (1/2) (minor)

9:00 PM “super” bubble flare raffle (minor), spin for regular bubble flare (5) (minor)

10:00 PM - DB Item Creation (2) 1 Auction 1 Raffle (major)

10:00 PM Sighting auction (major)

10:30 PM - Rune Tattoo (3) Minor Win - 1 Auction 1 Raffle 1 Spin (minor)

Late - Weighting (10) raffle (major)

(unspecified) Armor, runestaff, acuity/mana and weapon flares (1/2) (minor)

(unspecified) Ithziri armor flares

(unspecified, not morning) rotating flares – 4 raffle, 1 auction (minor)

12:00 PM – Inexpensive Impure/Minor Coraesine raffle (minor, attuned)

Sunday evening-late

8:00 PM Blink weapon (3) raffle (major)

9:00 PM Splitter weapon (5) raffle (major)

Make a returner (major)

Adding Feature-concealing Hoods. A few reminders -- (1) these are NOT the hoods that go on armor-concealers! (2) this requires adding a script. If the cloak-like item you have in mind already has a script on it, I will need to strip the existing script (non-fluff scripts may not be eligible for this, though -- but it doesn't hurt to ask!) (minor)

Pre-QCed Sig Verbs. This will be the final service to go out. As some of you know from past runs, the selection process can take some time, so bear that in mind. Once everyone is selected, however, redemption is now a fairly quick business. (minor)

Zealot Gory Weapon (major)

Add to defender (minor)

10:00 PM - Sorcerer Runes (9) - 3 Auction 3 Raffle 3 Spin (minor)

09-07-2013, 02:20 AM

09-08-2013, 08:50 AM

09-08-2013, 02:33 PM
Note: these are only services that have been mentioned by GMs or appeared in game in raffles.


3:30 PM Defensive self-charger auction (major)

3:45 PM Izthir flares raffle (minor)

5:30 PM Climate cloak auction 608 self charger (major)

5:59 PM Armor/shield flare (7) raffle/1 auction (minor)

6:00 PM rotating flares (4) raffle/1 auction (minor)

6:30 PM Gory weapon raffle (major)

6:59 PM Weapon flares (7) raffle/1 auction (minor)

7:00 PM defender adding (2) raffle (minor)

7:30 PM Voln Armor T4 auction (minor)

8:00 PM Blink weapon (3) raffle (major)

8:00 PM Voln Armor T3 raffle (minor)

8:00 PM Runestaff flares common/disrupt/grapple (7) raffle/1 auction (minor)

8:30 PM Voln Armor T2 raffle (minor)

9:00 PM Splitter weapon (5) raffle (major)

9:00 PM mana/acuity flares (7) raffle/1 auction (minor)

9:00 PM Super bubble flare raffle, spin for 5 lesser (minor)

9:30 PM +10 TD auction (last one) (major)

10:00 PM Self Charger defensive spell auction (major)

10:00 PM post name title, sig verb and spell prep auction (minor)

10:00 PM custom lore songs (5) raffle (minor)

10:00 PM - Sorcerer Runes (9) - 3 Auction 3 Raffle 3 Spin (minor)

10:00 PM animal companion grooming (3) (minor)

10:45 PM Custom perfume raffle (minor)

Make a returner (major)

Adding Feature-concealing Hoods. A few reminders -- (1) these are NOT the hoods that go on armor-concealers! (2) this requires adding a script. If the cloak-like item you have in mind already has a script on it, I will need to strip the existing script (non-fluff scripts may not be eligible for this, though -- but it doesn't hurt to ask!) (minor)

Pre-QCed Sig Verbs. This will be the final service to go out. As some of you know from past runs, the selection process can take some time, so bear that in mind. Once everyone is selected, however, redemption is now a fairly quick business. (minor)

Zealot Gory Weapon (major)

Add to defender (minor)

09-08-2013, 02:40 PM
Whoever wins the T4 Voln slot, stall the merchant until I get home from work, and then sell it to me.

09-10-2013, 09:01 AM
So who won the spirit bow this time around? Ardwen? Neimanz?

09-10-2013, 09:02 AM
So who won the spirit bow this time around? Ardwen? Neimanz?

Not sure, but it went for the most out of all the runs.

09-10-2013, 09:26 AM
It went to Deowolf, who SuppressedPoet stated on another thread that he had loaned out for the weekend due to IRL conflicts.
I think it went for 480m?

09-10-2013, 09:36 AM
480, yes.