View Full Version : Alters, Ice Age, and other Acquired sh...

07-27-2013, 10:50 AM


1. a crimson and jet bourde gem pouch woven with gilded embroidery.

weighs 3, can store a medium-sized amount of gems, able to lighten or have its pockets deepened

creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You sense that the pouch can be altered. It must remain a "gem pouch," "gem purse," or something very similar. There are some aspects, such as the velvet-lined compartments, that cannot be

changed, no matter how talented a merchant is.

You can try to PUT <item> IN, WEAR, REMOVE, LOOK, SHOW, COVER, TOUCH, and TAP the pouch.

you could wear the pouch, attaching it to your belt.


2. a salt-stained leather pouch

weighs under a pound, can store a very small amount with enough space for one item, is as light as it can get and could not possibly get any deeper

the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

Scripted and seems to have some sort of shamanistic theme to it here are a few examples while it is empty (Unaware of any change with proper item inside)

You wave your leather pouch vigorously in the air, hoping to spread its warding powers over as great an area as possible

You hold your leather pouch out in front of you, hoping to ward off any malign entities

You grip your leather pouch tightly for reassurance and protection

you could wear the pouch, attaching it to your belt.


3. a smooth ebonwood case inlaid with a labyrinth of silvery vaalin wire
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
~ Droughtman's Challenge 5011 ~

In the ebonwood case you see a carved stone dwarf statue.

The small dwarf statue has a coppery sheen across the smooth stone surface of his skin. A strong, square-jawed face with a hooked nose and a long beard of braided mithril wires top the carved

statue. He wears a tiny hip-length fringed doeskin vest embroidered with elaborate maze-like patterns and hefts a large forging hammer in one hand. Tiny grey moonstone cabochons peek out from

his eye sockets.

Scripted, here are some script examples

As you pull on the arm of the stone dwarf statue, it gets flustered and loudly proclaims, "Look, I gave you just enough rope to hang yourself with!"

As you push at the stone dwarf statue, it gets a wry look in its moonstone eyes and shouts, "Come down to Droughtman's Pet Shop! We've got a special on scarabs and spiders who would love a new

home with you!"

weighs 2, cannot be inspected, holds 22, is as light as it can get and could not possibly get any deeper

Scripted open and close

You pore over the maze-like surface of your ebonwood case, running your fingers deftly along its lines until you find the hidden catch. With a twist of your wrist, you pull one segmented piece

while pushing on another, and the case's cover pops open!

With great precision, you press down on the cover of your ebonwood case while holding a segmented bar on its back firmly in place. The cover slides into place and seals itself with a small


you could wear the case, attaching it to your belt.


4. a black leather treasure sack

weighs 5, can store a medium-sized amount with enough space for any number of items, able to lighten or have its pockets deepened

you could wear the sack, attaching it to your belt


5.a gold-inset onyx cabochon pin

Smooth and slightly raised, the onyx cabochon is held in place by a setting of polished gold. Thin, greyish lines decorate the ebon-hued stone and give it a banded effect that is enhanced by the

golden gates that are inset into its silky surface. A ring of tiny, fine lettering has been etched in an arc over the internal decorations.

There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
~*~ Ebon Gate 5110 ~*~
Sign Me An Epitaph

weighs under a pound, can store a very small amount with enough space for one item, as light as it can get and could not possibly get any deeper

opens and closes

you could wear the pin anywhere on your body


6. a gold-inset onyx cabochon pin

Smooth and slightly raised, the onyx cabochon is held in place by a setting of polished gold. Thin, greyish lines decorate the ebon-hued stone and give it a banded effect that is enhanced by the

golden gates that are inset into its silky surface. A ring of tiny, fine lettering has been etched in an arc over the internal decorations.

There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
~*~ Ebon Gate 5110 ~*~
Bubbling Brews Survivor

weighs under a pound, can store a very small amount with enough space for one item, as light as it can get and could not possibly get any deeper

opens and closes

you could wear the pin anywhere on your body


7. a gold-inset onyx cabochon pin

Smooth and slightly raised, the onyx cabochon is held in place by a setting of polished gold. Thin, greyish lines decorate the ebon-hued stone and give it a banded effect that is enhanced by the

golden gates that are inset into its silky surface. A ring of tiny, fine lettering has been etched in an arc over the internal decorations.

There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
"~*~ Ebon Gate 2010 ~*~
Death Dirges"

weighs under a pound, can store a very small amount with enough space for one item, as light as it can get and could not possibly get any deeper

opens and closes

you could wear the pin anywhere on your body


8. a coal black orc hide pack

weighs 13, can store a very large amount with enough space for any number of items, holds 109, able to lighten or have its pockets deepened



1. some ora-banded pyrothag hide brigandine

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the pyrothag hide brigandine in your hand, and you learn something about it...

The first thing that strikes you about the brigandine is the weight, which is about 25 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 550,000 silvers. You can also tell that there is some

type of metal in the structure of the pyrothag hide brigandine.

It has a bonus of +15 from a normal brigandine, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it is rigid leather armor.The pyrothag hide brigandine seems to have some sort of

unusual protection against damage.

As your song penetrates the pyrothag hide brigandine, you determine that it is moderately resistant to fiery attacks, slightly vulnerable to frigid attacks, and slightly resistant to scalding



2. some veniom banded half plate

weighs about 32, 5x, so it has a bonus of +25 from a normal plate, able to lighten, plate that covers torso, arms, and legs,


3. some tenebrous grey scalemail

Overlapping scales of ash grey meld perfectly together to form the body of this mail. They flow over one another, designed to offer seamless protection without hindrance to movement or stealth.

Two spherical depressions adorn the tenebrous grey scalemail, approximately the size and shape of a small gem. All of the gem chambers are currently empty.

weighs about 14, 4x, so it has a bonus of +20 from a normal scalemail, able to lighten, rigid leather armor that covers torso, arms, legs, neck, and head.



1: an off-white theatre mask

Scripted, morphing mask, seems like 6 different descriptions.


2: a suede-tied theatre mask

Scripted, a few actions.'


3: a growling jester mask

Scripted, morphs between expressions when tapped seemingly at random, here a few examples;

a howling jester mask, a snorting jester mask, a sleeping jester mask.


4. a grimacing dancer mask

Scripted, morphs between expressions when tapped seemingly at random, here a few examples;

a grinning dancer mask, a sneezing dancer mask, a frowning dancer mask



1. a gruesome glistening black warhelm hammered into a demonic visage

weighs 4, covers head and neck, able lighten

You also notice that it is spiked

you could wear the warhelm on your head


2. some rounded rolaren-veined pauldrons

The pauldrons are rounded plates of highly polished black metal veined with rolaren, designed to be fastened to the shoulders with silver-rimmed black suede straps. The bottom edges of each

pauldron are anchored to the arms with stiffened black linen strips embroidered with silver, tied upside down so the loose ends flare upwards, displaying their simple patterns.

weighs about 2, able to lighten

you could wear the pauldrons anywhere on your body


3. some veil-iron plated arm guards

Plated with darkened veil-iron, these guards serve their purpose in protecting the wearers forearms. Black leather cushions the inside and strong mithril rings secure them in place. Intricate

runes and inscribings can be faintly seen on the outside of the bracers, their purpose unknown.

weighs about 4, can store a very small amount with enough space for a couple of items, able to lighten or have its pockets deepened

you could wear the guards around your arms


4. some wrapped black linen fingerguards

These fingerguards are made from lengths of thick ebony linen that are designed to wrap around the hand and in between each of the digits several times. Carefully interspersed along the fabric

are thin chains of black steel which serve to connect to a filigree piece of steel that would rest on the back of the hand. The fabric encircles the edges of the steel, holding it in place, before

fastening with a knot at the wrist.

weigh under a pound, can store a very small amount with enough space for one item, is as light as it can get and could not possibly get any deeper

you could wear the fingerguards anywhere on your body


5. a lacquered ironwood back scabbard

weighs about 3, can store a medium-sized amount with enough space for a couple of items, able to lighten or have its pockets deepened

you could wear the scabbard on your back


6. some dark sectioned thigh-guards

Black silk strands are tightly woven together to create thigh pads. Thick black leather is banded around the underlying silk in three separate, overlapping sections. Nearly invisible a series of

runes has been inked across their surface in a deep ebon hue.

weigh about 5, covers legs, able to lighten

you could wear the thigh-guards around your legs


7. a pair of dark suede footwraps

weighs about 2, can store a very small amount with enough space for a couple of items, is as light as it can get and could not possibly get any deeper

you could wear the footwraps on your feet


Ice Age:

8. a gold-trimmed xenium scabbard

weighs about 2, can store a small amount with enough space for one item, is as light as it can get and could not possibly get any deeper

you could wear the scabbard, attaching it to your belt


9. a shaalk helm

weighs about 2, 4x so it has a bonus of +20 from a normal helm


10. a light steel alloy shouler sheath

weighs about 3, can store a medium-sized amount with enough space for one item, able to lighten or have its pocketed deepened at the almost certain risk of it being converted from its current Ice

Age metal.

you could wear the sheath , slinging it across your shoulders and back
