View Full Version : (changed) 2HE and plate wanted

08-26-2004, 12:04 AM
Looking to purchase a 7x-9x 2he, battle axe preferably. Toss me a u2u or whatever if you have one for sale.

[Edited on 8-27-2004 by Axhinde]

08-26-2004, 12:28 AM
How much you willin to dish out for it?

08-26-2004, 12:38 AM
Well, it all depends. If you're trying to sell me an 8x quarterstaff, I'd give you a quick kick to the shin. Tell me what you are willing to sell, and we'll discuss price.

08-26-2004, 03:03 AM
go for the groin man ! the groin !

08-26-2004, 03:06 AM
I got that +38 eahnor bastard sword if you want it. Altered if it matters with a show, 8 lbs (I think?) and 99/275. If you want it, it's yours for 8m.

08-26-2004, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
I got that +38 eahnor bastard sword if you want it. Altered if it matters with a show, 8 lbs (I think?) and 99/275. If you want it, it's yours for 8m.

The one from the paupers auction?

08-26-2004, 10:42 PM
Yeah, that's the one.

08-27-2004, 06:53 PM
Is it blessable?

08-27-2004, 08:00 PM
Changed the topic title, also looking for higher enchant plate 6x-8x. u2u or AIM me.

08-27-2004, 11:18 PM
Wulfhen's selling his 6x plate on the official boards if you're still looking, Ax.

08-29-2004, 02:53 AM
bump, still looking for 6-8x plate.

08-29-2004, 02:58 AM
Doesn't exactly fit your needs, but there's 5x somewhat padded plate on the official boards, only weighs 45, too.