View Full Version : The fountain war: Goons vs Reddit (Eve online)
So I figured I might make a thread dedicated to this since it's the biggest thing going on in Eve right now. Here's my battle report on a fight I participated in today:
CFC (Goons et al) fought Test (Reddit et al) and N3 in 9-VO0Q (two systems from the new staging point for the CFC). CFC had Lazarus Telraven, Vily, and Reagalan all present for the fight with Lazarus Telraven in overall command. CFC brought baltec fleet (Megathrons) fitted with close range blasters. Test brought a new build consisting of Geddons, Abbadons and APocs. N3 was in a separate zealot fleet. During the formup Laz called for refit to blasters and micro jump drives. We ran out of MJDs but had a carrier cyno in with a boat load of them and finally set off. After a feeling out period Laz warped us 150km off the test fleet who were sitting in a shield of bubbles. N3 had their zealots unbubbled in an attempt to bait us to warp at zero and then bubble us and bomb us. We did not take it. We had an initial bad warp in when an enemy bubble came up at the perfect time separating our fleet into 2, Laz warped us off and the ships that had warped onto the enemies activated their MJDs and mostly got away unscathed and were able to reform with us, showing that the MJD was an excellent call. After a bit more waiting we got an excellent warp in and landed almost on top of the enemy fleet.
Goons on top, Test below us.
Initial fighting was extremely pitched as both fleets were catching reps effectively and switching targets at a furious pace trying to outpace the logi. This was extremely hectic as a logi because the calls for armor reps were coming incredibly quick and you had to be on your A game to keep up with it. I think Test started to realize that even though the initial fighting was fairly even they didn't have the upper hand and began to burn down away from us. Baltec fleet puts bubbles and warp scramblers on them and chased them down brawling the whole time:
Test heading straight down as Baltec fleet chases
Same timeframe but with HUD on.
In the above picture you'll see the aftermath of one of the events that makes playing logi extremely satisfying: the enemy fleet primaried Arianna Comnenus in a megathron (one of the bad things about having a name that starts with an A, lazy FCs are more likely to call you primary). I was locking the ship up and when the lock finished it showed up in half structure and dropping. But our logi got reps on it and overpowered the Test damage with the mega with 5% structure left. After the fight I asked Arianna Comnenus about catching the reps and he said that he thought he was for sure dead and yelled out loud when his ship was saved.
Throughout the fight the N3 zealots had stayed well off not wanting to engage our blaster megas up close and spending their time aiming only at our logi and support ships trying to split our reps and allow some megathrons to be blown up. Luckily they were almost entirely ineffective and we ignored them till the majority of the test battleship fleet was destroyed then ran them off the field. In the end Test lost the fight, losing perhaps 50 battleships at least for about half that number on the CFC side. Unfortunately eve-kill is down currently and zkillboard is not doing a good job of updating so an accurate battle report isn't available yet. After the battle the trail of wrecks left a clear log of how the fight had progressed, with a blob shaped field of wrecks near the top then a line of wrecks running down as Test burned away from the CFC fleet.
Credit has to be given to CCP, the server did a really good job and ti-di was minimal.
07-22-2013, 01:08 AM
I have no idea what the fuck you just said but it certainly sounds interesting.
Lord Orbstar
07-22-2013, 04:07 AM
Meanwhile, I ran level 1 sisters of eve missions to train to get reputation with them. I outfitted an assault frigate, my Jaguar, and named it "Checkmate".
^^ sounds pathetic in comparison^^
07-22-2013, 07:29 AM
If you broadcast again I will rape your ass with a broom handle laden with nails. That's all I got out of the op.
07-22-2013, 08:01 AM
You are sure it wasn't weekly weather and solar flare forecast for television, internet, and satellite?
If you broadcast again I will rape your ass with a broom handle laden with nails. That's all I got out of the op.
That's pretty tame for what you normally hear in fleet actually.
07-22-2013, 02:44 PM
That's pretty tame for what you normally hear in fleet actually.
If you get them to follow you because they respect you the next best thing to do is yell and be vulgar. Those are the best raid leaders ever.
If you get them to follow you because they respect you the next best thing to do is yell and be vulgar. Those are the best raid leaders ever.
Also I think you a word.
07-22-2013, 03:11 PM
I think you right.
You know how annoyed raid leaders are trying to organize 30-50 neck beards to run a dungeon? Imagine the same guys doing it with 1500 people and you have a recipe for bitter bitter people.
07-22-2013, 03:19 PM
You know how annoyed raid leaders are trying to organize 30-50 neck beards to run a dungeon? Imagine the same guys doing it with 1500 people and you have a recipe for bitter bitter people.
I was one of those raid leaders...
But, there's a lot more incentive for people to follow orders in this type of event...
"Follow my damn orders, or everything you've worked towards for the last dozen years will be gone forever with no remorse"
If death was permanent in those raids I led, you'd have bet people would have listened!
Part of the reason I love goons, this guy posted in my thread on the goon forums with my battle report and was extremely shobon.
In the last 7 days Test has lost 24 systems. After the war was basically bottled up in the first 5 systems of fountain the CFC has been making a huge push. Basically this goes down to the traitor forcing N3 to go home and defend against Solar Fleet. Tonight CFC is going to make a push onto PNQY at 4am eastern (I still have no idea why Test is still setting their timers to Australian time zone).
Best propaganda I've seen recently:
Forming up for an epic battle vs Test in an hour. we already have 1900 in system and rising, I think Test is going to blueball us.
07-28-2013, 01:37 PM
Why is Pacman eating the chat?
Why is Pacman eating the chat?
That's the general chat information that loads when start the channel, someone made a pacman. It's pretty common to see stuff like that (usually dicks) in local chat during fights.
Goon local is over 2100 and still climbing. I heard Test has 1200 in Karan.
A fleet can hold 256 players/ships. So far CFC has 7 Baltec fleets, 2 bomber fleets, 1 fuckyou fleet, and 1 AHAC fleet for this fight. Should be interesting to see how that works if NCdot brings their supercaps on field.
Here's a pic of our camp on the station. We're waiting for test and friends to show up. The easier to see ship silhouettes are battleships, everything smaller like cruisers, interdictors, and down are tiny little black dots outlined against the planet.
You guys are making history.
07-28-2013, 07:58 PM
Are you drew_qt?
You guys made BBC News home page!
Eve players stage giant online space battle (
One of the largest video game space battles ever seen has taken place in the Eve Online game.For five hours on 28 July about 4,000 players took part in the epic battle between two of the game's biggest alliances.
The two sides were fighting for control of resources within several of the game's solar systems.
Time was slowed down in the virtual universe to help servers cope with the huge numbers of players and ships.
The battle pitted spaceships belonging to CFC against those from the Test Alliance in a region of space known as 6VDT. It ended in victory for CFC.
Eve Online is a detailed space simulation that sees players fly spaceships through thousands of virtual star systems, seeking resources they can use to prosper.
The resources can be found on planets and in asteroid fields or acquired through piracy or other underhand means.
Ships vary in size from small trading vessels to giant capital ships.
Erlendur Thorsteinsson, one of Eve Online's developers, confirmed in a tweet that the battle ( was the biggest ever seen in the game.
At its peak the battle involved 4,070 pilots and their ships.
Game time was slowed to 10% of normal to lighten the load on servers working out who was shooting at whom.
The pivotal moment in the battle took place two hours in, when CFC sent in a large fleet of capital ships - the most powerful in the game.
Their arrival prompted many members of the Test Alliance to try to flee.
By the end of the conflict thousands of ships are believed to have been destroyed (
Their destruction has a real-world cost as the game's internal currency can be bought with real money.
So far no-one has worked out the total value of the ships destroyed, but a far smaller battle earlier in 2013 laid waste to far fewer spacecraft that in total were estimated to be worth more than $15,000 (£10,000).
The giant battle was the culmination of a long campaign by CFC to force the Test Alliance out of 6VDT.
Some have speculated that it may be the only the first of a series of conflicts that seek to extinguish TEST (
"These kinds of conflicts are business as usual in Eve but this one was bigger than normal," said James Binns from the PCGamesN website.
Mr Binns said several big events had made the last few weeks in Eve absorbing to watch. During that time a giant ship was hijacked and then destroyed in a carefully co-ordinated ambush ( and a huge in-game corporation was disbanded and its resources stolen by a spy from a rival faction.
"It's a fascinating online world and its constant drama is nothing like any other game," he said.
07-30-2013, 09:27 AM
Damn all this sounds pretty epic. Wish I got into this when I liked space games a lot back in the day and had time to veg out and play non stop. How are the servers handling this? I read above that they slowed down time, how did that work out? Also does Goons have an age of wushu branch? j/w
Lord Orbstar
07-30-2013, 02:46 PM
it is cool. i got blown up tho for the first time in a Skiff..(expensive mining ship) i was mad.
07-30-2013, 03:10 PM
Is the motivation for CFC to push out Test related to activities in the game, or more to do with Test being from Reddit?
The motivation is, like most other things in life, money. The CFC used to be part of a cartel called OTEC along with Test and a few other coalitions that controlled the price of technitium, a bottleneck mineral in the production of some ships. Because tech comes only from moons in null sec and then only those in a certain (relatively broad) region the cartel was able to manipulate the price of tech to make every tech controlling alliance very wealthy. This wealth was used to fund lavish ship replacement programs (anyone in the alliance who loses a ship in PvP combat of any kind gets the replacement value, no questions asked), and other programs that made being a member desirable. During the last patch that rolled out on June 4th the developer of the game reseeded tech around the galaxy and made it less valuable, they also made the minerals from one of the least common moons (called R64s) much more valuable. The region of space being fought over was seeded with a ton of R64 moons. The CFC leadership had helped Test capture Fountain a few years ago but now Test was weak and it was clear that within the year we would run out of money for our ship replacement program if we didn't take the R64 moons in Fountain.
07-30-2013, 04:45 PM
That's awesome, kudos to Dev responding by seeding technitium around a bit, and CFC being motivated to maintain its 'free ship' program.
I used to play Vendetta. Had a great time with it. After seeing all this I've decided to take a dip into EVE.
Lord Orbstar
07-31-2013, 05:15 AM
I thought CFC was called "goonswarm" and were a bunch of griefers. Obviously, the person that told me that is in Test and may have a bias. Is it really as cut and dried as you listed it: expansionism and money? Or is there a bit of asshole/griefer in there too? I am curious since I have not heard the whole story and both points of view. Being told goonswarm were all griefers was enough stop me from applying to any corporation that had anything to do with them. I would prefer to not be ignorant.
Lord Orbstar
07-31-2013, 05:20 AM
BACK, if you decide to play and subscribe, let me know. I will help you out with a little ISK to start with. I recommend you down load EVEMON. that is a very nice character planner. You can pick a skill set or ship you want to play..and it will plan out your training path for you! Also, EBAY has some nice deals where you can get a "booster" that adds +9 to all your stats for a month. I think the package is like 20 bucks and comes with a ship and skill books to learn from. Just make sure you pick the right ship for your race so you can fly it. I blew that one when I started... Send an in-game email to The Bi5hop or Dartaghan Darkstar. Enjoy the study. This can be a very complex game.
07-31-2013, 01:10 PM
I thought CFC was called "goonswarm" and were a bunch of griefers. Obviously, the person that told me that is in Test and may have a bias. Is it really as cut and dried as you listed it: expansionism and money? Or is there a bit of asshole/griefer in there too? I am curious since I have not heard the whole story and both points of view. Being told goonswarm were all griefers was enough stop me from applying to any corporation that had anything to do with them. I would prefer to not be ignorant.
I don't know the CFC answer, I thought the same as you honestly. In groups of that size you're going to get a mix of nice person and asshole though. You're also going to get some people who are taking the game waaaay too seriously, which can be fun or frustrating depending on the day...
When I first charged into null, I set up camp in Blood Raider space, near TEST area. Thought it would be interesting to check them out, but after reading their app info it sounded like I needed an active Reddit account to even bother applying... Well, I don't find Reddit that interesting so I never did. Maybe that's a good thing now. :)
On the other hand, I started looking into Goons later and came across a lot of random info on Mittani. The anecdotal evidence convinced me that I didn't want any part of a group led by him, even if the chances of actual interaction with him were miminal.
I've enjoyed following this war and sometimes wished I was able to be a part of it. Not sure where I would fit in though, neither of those groups really seem to suit me, and I have a healthy dislike of Vent/TS/Mumble.
07-31-2013, 07:42 PM
Looks like the war is mostly over now.
Geijon Khyree
07-31-2013, 10:13 PM
Kotaku covered it also. The final battle was the largest in EVE history.
BACK, if you decide to play and subscribe, let me know. I will help you out with a little ISK to start with. I recommend you down load EVEMON. that is a very nice character planner. You can pick a skill set or ship you want to play..and it will plan out your training path for you! Also, EBAY has some nice deals where you can get a "booster" that adds +9 to all your stats for a month. I think the package is like 20 bucks and comes with a ship and skill books to learn from. Just make sure you pick the right ship for your race so you can fly it. I blew that one when I started... Send an in-game email to The Bi5hop or Dartaghan Darkstar. Enjoy the study. This can be a very complex game.
Right on. I got the 21 day free trial invite. Going to probably take the dive next week. I tend to play solo but I'll def hit you up with some questions at some point. Thanks, man.
08-02-2013, 12:40 AM
I tend to play solo but...
This is a hard game to play solo and actually accomplish anything. I guess you could mindlessly mine or station trade or make freighter runs...I did have an old corpie who went out on his own and was a one-man pirating maniac, but he had every combat skill maxed and tons of isk to blow on the best ships and fittings, so...for the most part Eve isn't very solo friendly.
This is a hard game to play solo and actually accomplish anything. I guess you could mindlessly mine or station trade or make freighter runs...I did have an old corpie who went out on his own and was a one-man pirating maniac, but he had every combat skill maxed and tons of isk to blow on the best ships and fittings, so...for the most part Eve isn't very solo friendly.
The docs show bounty hunters and scavengers. All I'm sayin.
08-02-2013, 12:51 AM
The docs show bounty hunters and scavengers. All I'm sayin.
Bounty hunting is still a joke, even with the changes to the system. You can place a billion isk bounty on someone and they still can't be attacked in high sec, so unless you're flying around low or null solo you can kiss that one goodbye. Not to mention that the people living in those areas with bounties on their head aren't going to to be flying around solo themselves. Salvaging isn't that lucrative, but certainly doable if you want to be a dick flying around stealing peoples' wrecks.
For "variety" i'd say mission running would be the best bet solo, but even then it's easier (or at least more efficient) with a group. I used to use two accounts to burn through missions pretty rapidly, one killing and one cleaning up.
Bounty hunting is still a joke, even with the changes to the system. You can place a billion isk bounty on someone and they still can't be attacked in high sec, so unless you're flying around low or null solo you can kiss that one goodbye. Not to mention that the people living in those areas with bounties on their head aren't going to to be flying around solo themselves. Salvaging isn't that lucrative, but certainly doable if you want to be a dick flying around stealing peoples' wrecks.
For "variety" i'd say mission running would be the best bet solo, but even then it's easier (or at least more efficient) with a group. I used to use two accounts to burn through missions pretty rapidly, one killing and one cleaning up.
Not in it yet. Will do next week. See how it does. Thanks for the advice.
Day off work, what better way to spend it then grinding down Test structures in Delve and listening to German and British CFC members argue over comms? The bad news is that this being a Test structure if there were anything valuable inside it someone would have stolen it already.
Are you in the Hound? Is that a Minmatar Hound?
Are you in the Hound? Is that a Minmatar Hound?
Yep. It's a very good grinding ship because the damage is (relatively) high against structures but it's really hard to kill. If enemies show up we just cloak up and ghost. Then we use a black ops battleship (BLOPS) to bridge into another system 15 jumps away and shoot the structures there. It's very demoralizing.
08-28-2013, 05:45 PM
I stopped caring about the Goon/Test crap about three days after I first heard about it. Blobbing, cloaky, run away crap is boring to me. And none of this really affects what I do. At least you guys aren't as boring as reading about failboat Marmite Collective or New Order "BUY A PERMIT OR WE SHOOTZ YOU" lame scams.
I stopped caring about the Goon/Test crap about three days after I first heard about it. Blobbing, cloaky, run away crap is boring to me. And none of this really affects what I do. At least you guys aren't as boring as reading about failboat Marmite Collective or New Order "BUY A PERMIT OR WE SHOOTZ YOU" lame scams.
So whats good? I'm getting a little tired of finding wormholes instead of data or relic sites and running missions.
I stopped caring about the Goon/Test crap about three days after I first heard about it. Blobbing, cloaky, run away crap is boring to me. And none of this really affects what I do. At least you guys aren't as boring as reading about failboat Marmite Collective or New Order "BUY A PERMIT OR WE SHOOTZ YOU" lame scams.
As long as you don't use any product that has caldari ice somewhere in the production or supply chain then you aren't being affected by goons. But yeah the war is over, has been for a while, Test doesn't even live in Null Sec anymore.
08-29-2013, 05:01 AM
Last rumor I heard, was that TEST has lost like 4,000 + members already.
08-29-2013, 01:52 PM
Bit of a decline.
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