View Full Version : 20m for a blessable perfect handaxe weapon 8x?

07-21-2013, 10:34 PM
Yeah I might be asking for a bit much or might be down right crazy. Just curious if anyone is willing to let an 8x perfect handaxe go for 20m? I've hunted with a plain 4x for far too long. Just seeing what I can get.


08-12-2013, 10:18 AM
Still want it despite the negative rep of someone saying newb.

Jace Solo
08-12-2013, 10:29 AM
Grab Buck's 7x. It's waaaaay under prices!

08-12-2013, 10:47 AM
Tempting. I figure at some point I'll get close enough to the 8x as my coin starts to stockpile up a bit

08-12-2013, 10:58 AM
The enchanting potion to take something from 7x to 8x tends to be around 20m alone. Usually the cost to make something IS more than the value of the end product but I think 8x perfect would be more than 20, generally.

Jace Solo
08-12-2013, 11:04 AM
Maybe, by what are you planning on doing with that extra 5 AS? Are you jus trying to hit demons with a bless?
If you're just tired of 4x gear, that 7x is your best bet...otherwise you may as well save for a 10x and just wait it out. There's some on the PC in the 50m range I believe. I will expect those silver prices to rise once RtCF is over as well.

Finding a 7x perfect for less than 12-15m right now is gonna be bear impossible, let alone the MB on the one that Buck has at 8m. You'd have a nice little chunk to be saving towards your next upgrade and be getting that one for, essentially, half price.

Jace Solo
08-12-2013, 11:04 AM
The enchanting potion to take something from 7x to 8x tends to be around 20m alone. Usually the cost to make something IS more than the value of the end product but I think 8x perfect would be more than 20, generally.

Happy to see you didn't rage quit Kit.

08-12-2013, 11:16 AM
Yea there is a thread with 8x perfect handaxes for sale for 35m. I think that is a good price, too.

08-12-2013, 11:58 AM
Definitely really good points. I think I want the 8x more for being able to hit a demon. Which is a rare thing to begin with. I have it in my mind that I could possibly save enough for those 35 mil 8x's. I'm not gaining much ground on terms of savings though... Currently at 21m. Those 8x ones seem to be sitting though. I saw the price of that 7-8x potion sell. People get attached to weapons and would rather pay high for an upgrade potion rather than buy a whole new weapon and have to sell their current one.

I don't know... Definitely considering the 7x perfect now... I am currently wielding a 4x

08-12-2013, 12:01 PM
The other thing is that I don't see much movement on a lot of items on here.

08-12-2013, 02:16 PM
Just looked it up. That 7x to 8x potion is at 18 mil with no bids for a bit now. If I bought buckweet's axe for 8 and got a potion like that I could have an 8x perfect for 26m. Just a though... But I have 21m :(

08-12-2013, 02:37 PM
Buckwheet's axe is an excellent buy. If you're premium I think Felthrop has an enchanting raffle every other month that can take something to a maximum of 8x. But if the appeal of a perfect weapon is the planning and preparation..by all means wait til you can buy what you really want.

Jace Solo
08-15-2013, 11:23 AM
You should also take into account that as soon as RtCF is over and people aren't hoarding silvers anymore, the market will start to flow as usual again but also with an influx of these higher teir weapons and armors.

08-16-2013, 12:15 AM
Just looked it up. That 7x to 8x potion is at 18 mil with no bids for a bit now. If I bought buckweet's axe for 8 and got a potion like that I could have an 8x perfect for 26m. Just a though... But I have 21m :(

Takes me ~84 days to do a 6-7x enchant; I assume a 7-8x would be closer to 5 months.

So you could get that 7x-8x potion for 18m and the 7x perfect axe for 8m and have an 8x perfect for 26m... in like 5 months.... if you have a capped wizard...
Otherwise it'd be 26m, 5 months, AND whatever a wizard would charge to do a 7-8x enchant, if you could find one.

If it was me, I'd just grab the 7x for now and keep saving silvers for the future. It's not like you're losing the silvers you're paying for the 7x; when the time comes to upgrade, you'll recoup your investment by reselling. Just my two cents anway.

08-16-2013, 07:57 AM
Thanks for the info everyone! I appreciate it!

08-18-2013, 10:51 PM
I now have my 8x perfect handaxe! Thanks everyone this thread can be closed. Wasn't 20m, a bit more than that... thanks to never-ending cake for getting my perfect axe!