View Full Version : Wenchi jabbins

07-16-2013, 03:06 PM
I wrote a script that keeps track of how many of my opening (tier 1) jab tier up. I've been running it against zombies (23) from 18 to 24, and thought I'd pass along the results and maybe get some feedback from other open UAC users. So each result is from at least 300 opening jabs. Aimed jabs were all to the head. I'm 1x ambushing and somewhere around 1.5x CM. I haven't been able to figure out how to capture and store the end-rolls from these jabs. If someone wants to give me a magic lich line, I'd be appreciative. Then someone who's good with the maths might be able to look a little deeper into these numbers.

unaimed - 60.02%
aimed -64.42%

unaimed - 60.02%
aimed - 65.28%

unaimed - 70.88%
aimed - 70.29%

unaimed - 70.66%
aimed - 74.44%

unaimed - 80.93%
aimed - 80.00%

Some observations: I tried to pay particular attention to what happened when I had an and eye hand or arm injury. It seems minor injuries have no impact the chance to tier up. Knocking over the zombie with Force Projection (1207) also didn't seem to make any difference. As you can see, whatever mechanic controlling jabs seems to change in 5% increments. Probably the most interesting thing I noticed was that the rank 4 jab critical to the head (Minor strike to head puts the [target] momentarily off-balance) tiered up more than the rank 3 or the rank 5 critical.

Questions: Does the jab tier based merely on the end-roll or is there a level component? Why do aimed jabs tier more often, but not consistently? Would aiming at another body part tier more often?

Any ideas or impressions?

07-16-2013, 03:10 PM
If the critter you're attacking is higher level than you then you get a penalty to tier up.

07-16-2013, 04:01 PM
That was probably obvious to everyone but me. So I wonder what the base rate is and how much it changes based on level. Maybe this info is out there but I haven't run across it so I apologize for being dim. So if tiering doesn't depend on end-roll maybe I should bust out the brawling gear for the opening shot to do more damage, not that it would be a big difference considering jabbing damage factor.

07-16-2013, 04:04 PM
I've heard that penalty doesn't kick in until they're 10 levels or higher but I've found that to be incorrect. Sometimes even on critters 6 or 7 levels higher than me I've ended up jabbing 5+ times just for an opening.

07-16-2013, 06:18 PM
Just a broad generalization but if you average the 70% from level 22 and the 80% from level 24 against level 23 zombies gives you 75%. I know critters gen +/- their base level, but it averages out as well. That's about right for what I've found with jabs, around 75% of the time you get an opening with a jab against like level critters. It needs to be higher, especially for monks. 1/4 chance for no tier up with a jab can lead to several 2x, a few 3x and not unknown to see 4 jabs until a tier up. Its annoying, no other combat system has that problem .. certainly not the critters you are fighting.

07-17-2013, 05:08 AM
Question, does the 300 sample size apply to aimed and unaimed separately or is that combined?