View Full Version : Obsidian Tower's Gem Roulette - Co-hosted with House Paupers Sat 07/20/13

07-14-2013, 05:10 PM
We're giving this a go again, people seemed to enjoy it the last time. We'll be meeting in Landing's Small Park at 9 Eastern and will begin the game shortly after that.

Due to Paupers helping to sponsor the event, the grand prize will be doubled to 2 million silver. Runner up will get 750k, and there will be a random gem pulling for a prize of 500k.

Be prepared to lose a limb or four, and almost definitely your life. There will be a healer and cleric on hand with full chrisms.

Hope to see you there!


07-16-2013, 11:27 AM
You know whats gonna be kickass? This event.

You should go. That's a ton of money to win. More than you could make by hunting.

07-16-2013, 12:45 PM
Oh come on, full disclosure, dude. It will be a kickass event because I will be there.

07-16-2013, 01:01 PM
Everytime I see your avatar, I think you're flirting with me.

07-16-2013, 01:02 PM
Maybe I am. Will it increase my chances of winning something Saturday?

07-16-2013, 01:04 PM
Ohh, you'll win Something alright.

07-16-2013, 01:07 PM
My male dwarf will be pleased. He's equal opportunity.

07-16-2013, 01:15 PM
Wait, this is at the same time as the Nalea fights?


07-16-2013, 01:15 PM
30 minutes earlier.

07-16-2013, 01:27 PM
This sounds like a great event. Everyone come with lots of silvers and gems in their containers. Pretty please?

07-16-2013, 01:28 PM
This sounds like a great event. Everyone come with lots of silvers and gems in their containers. Pretty please?

Come try and steal. That should be fun ;)

07-16-2013, 01:31 PM
How does that work in town anyway, deaths don't trigger the justice system at house hosted events?

07-16-2013, 01:35 PM
We host it in the Tower. No escape, no justice.

Also the orgy begins shortly after.

07-16-2013, 01:36 PM
Man, I wish it wasn't so close to the start time for the Nalea brawl!

07-16-2013, 01:38 PM
Man, I wish it wasn't so close to the start time for the Nalea brawl!

I see where your priorities lie.

07-16-2013, 01:42 PM
Like that was ever a mystery.

I love fluff.

07-16-2013, 01:48 PM
Like that was ever a mystery.

I love fluff.

How about fluffing?

07-16-2013, 01:53 PM
How about fluffing?

I hear she's a master fluffer.

Also Tisket means fluffer in Japanese. Translation Chi-su-ke-to (fluffer of many).

07-16-2013, 02:14 PM
lol, bastards.

07-16-2013, 10:53 PM
Come try and steal. That should be fun ;)

And I'll be sure to let them know YOU invited me.

07-16-2013, 10:56 PM
And I'll be sure to let them know YOU invited me.

Candor says, "Hey guys. Tyrant-201 from PC invited me to come here and try to steal from you."

07-17-2013, 11:23 AM
Hmmm. "Try"?


07-20-2013, 08:46 PM
This is tonight, in 15 minutes. Get your tails to the small park if you're masochists and want a beating, or greedy and want silver and gems.

07-20-2013, 10:47 PM
You made me miss the dress fight. Bastard.

07-21-2013, 08:10 AM
Totally worth it. And even if grumpy Dhe'nar didn't appreciate your presence there, I did, highly amusing.

Tsk Tsk
07-21-2013, 11:36 AM
Was a lot of fun, thanks for hosting it!

07-21-2013, 06:54 PM
Belated thanks to everyone who attended and played or watched. Special thanks to Traiva and Paupers for their support in running the game, Kaedra for being the resurrection Queen and Kelestra for expertly de-limbing.

Congratulations to the winners of our second installment, Neelin came in first and won two million. Second was Brezlak and he won 750k. Third was Inurtia, who found the random prize in the bag of gems and won 500k.

It's an event we're going to try and run every two months, so keep an eye on the calendar and/or event thread on the PC. Thanks all.