View Full Version : Eve Online
07-08-2013, 07:36 PM
I thought we could use a new thread to talk Eve Online shit.
If anyone wants to do a trial for this game, feel free to use the name Narthsin as your trial referral.
Doing this gets you 7 extra trial days and gets me a month of play if you do end up subscribing later. If you PM me your character name to let me know, I'll send you some starter money and will be glad to help you out as a thank you.
I just saw this: a Revenant got killed today.
Basically, that's a pirate faction supercarrier that is thought to be 1 of 3 total in game, that just got killed today. It took 50+ dreadnaughts(another capital ship designed purely to do seige tank style damage) to take it down...with 50 other ships alongside them.
Unless my math is off, its value was worth around 9k-10k dollars? It looks like 9 other supercarriers were killed within 15 minutes of this one going down, and the fleet that killed it jumped from 100 people to 200 people in the same amount of time. Pretty insane.
On that note, how goes the Fountain war Drew?
07-08-2013, 08:19 PM
EVE sent me this in my feed today, write up on that kill...
07-08-2013, 08:56 PM
"let's just go play chivalry or somethin'"
07-08-2013, 10:24 PM
That recording is epic. I have to give kudos to that guy though, he stayed calm almost the entire time.
07-08-2013, 10:30 PM
I always hated losing shit to PvP in that game, but only because I'm a carebear ratter and miner. This would have had me shitting my pants.
On that note, how goes the Fountain war Drew?
Goons are winning (slowly), Test is broke and asking for donations. If N3 and PL weren't propping them up this would be a roll-over. As it is I imagine that the Test line membership is really wishing BoodaBooda had been just a bit more reasonable with Goons/CFC. A Goon spy flipped Sov on the N3 renter alliance and de-sov'd 211 systems then stole 450 billion isk, that got N3s super fleet out of hair for the time being. We had basically the entire Test carrier fleet bubbled in Z9PP and could have won the war in one day but CCP fat fingered a command to help with the lag and crashed the whole region. We only got 30+ carriers instead of the the 130 we were going to get, it was a disappointment to be sure. Here's a screen cap from the middle of the battle, there were a lot of people on the field:
EVE sent me this in my feed today, write up on that kill...
BTW, it totally was a trap. The FC for that fleet was a spy and set the whole thing up with Black Legion.
07-09-2013, 02:58 AM
That looks like a total clusterfuck. I keep staying away from this game from fear of being sucked in.
Lord Orbstar
07-09-2013, 05:35 AM
I havent played it, but it sounds like a nasty version of Shadowbane.
07-09-2013, 08:26 AM
I've actually barely logged in in about two weeks. Just enough to set up skill queues. I actually really like that part of the game- if I don't feel like playing, I can still progress somewhat.
Essentially I did enough mining that I had more money than sense and was basically losing battlecruisers left and right by not having sufficient skills to fit them in a way that didn't blow. The corp I got into educated me, so I've basically just been training up recently.
Lord Orbstar
07-09-2013, 08:42 AM
I am thinking about being an minmatar guy and use shields. I thought I would get a mining ship first, then get the combat stuff later. I wish to be strong enough to defend myself and still make good money.
Lord Orbstar
07-09-2013, 08:54 AM
is it worth it to buy this? only 10 bucks...but i dont want useless fluff i will grow out of in a week
is it worth it to buy this? only 10 bucks...but i dont want useless fluff i will grow out of in a week
Other than the skill booster, no. Everything else is worth like a million isk total.
07-09-2013, 11:17 AM
I'm just still trying to up my combat guys skills so I can join a semi decent corp and have some fun.
You guys looking for a corp know about Red vs Blue right?
07-09-2013, 11:34 AM
Not this red v. blue, I assume?
07-09-2013, 12:02 PM
You guys looking for a corp know about Red vs Blue right?
Nope. Been YEARS since I really really played. My combat guy is only like 6.5 mill or so exp I think.
Lord Orbstar
07-09-2013, 12:13 PM
same. what is that? red is enemy I figure and blue are carebears?
07-09-2013, 12:31 PM
I believe he means
They're a corp that accepts anyone wanting to learn, from what I understand. I had asked Drew for a suggestion on a newbie corp before as well and he suggested these guys:
Instead of following his advice I ended up joining a smaller corp who play late nights instead of getting involved in a bigger newbie corp like these. My corp typically wants you to have 5mil sp first, but they let me in when I had around 2mil and have helped train me up on a lot of things so far. We have a C1 wormhole we use as a secondary home base for PI (Planetary Interaction) and to train new corp members on watching your ass with d-scan, and running combat sites. We are currently moving assets to null sec and are getting setup down there with more of our alliance members. I rather like the setup, I got a jump clone down in null and I can jump down and play in null for a few days, and then jump up to hi sec and visit our wormhole and do some PI and other stuff.
A few of my corp members are wanting to put up a research pos(player owned station) in our wormhole soon to start researching some blueprints and stuff. All in all I've been enjoying myself so far and have stayed busy.
I've only been blown up once, and that was by getting stealth bombed in our wormhole a few weeks ago in my salvager. The good thing was I was paying attention and managed to warp away without getting podded and my insurance covered almost all of it. I'm sure I'll start getting blown up more as I begin easing into PvP on a more regular basis.
edit: Holy crap Drew, those screen shots are impressive.
07-09-2013, 12:51 PM
I am thinking about being an minmatar guy and use shields. I thought I would get a mining ship first, then get the combat stuff later. I wish to be strong enough to defend myself and still make good money.
I went this route as well to begin with.
Are you done with the tutorial missions? If not, I'd definitely run those first, you get a bunch of cheap free ships to start off with and about three Ventures which are great for starting out mining.
From there you can start saving up some money and getting your skill points up to get into a mining barge. You'll be relatively safe so long as you have some drone skills to defend you from NPC pirates, and if you stay in hi sec for now.
07-09-2013, 01:08 PM
Quoted from the other thread...
I am reading every post in this thread and seriously considering playing. It looks SO fucking complicated... like an Avalon Hill Bookcase game (for any of you other old gamers out there). This post really captured it for me. I have a star trek online account I play(ed), but it lost me after a while. I hate starting out helpless like a fish, though. Is there not a "gemstone player" guild or something? I do not want to get fucked over. When I played Shadowbane, I had an awesome city that never fell, until the entire server rose against my guild. Epic/Fuckers. I want to be that guy in outerspace too. I am sure i will post more as I trundle through the posts here.
Also, how good an internet connection do I need? It will take me days probably to download the game and get the patches. Ugh.
Just noticed this post on the other thread. I'm glad you liked my little story, it really does get your adrenaline going. Just last night I was involved in a cat/mouse game with an small enemy cruiser fleet that wandered into our territory looking for trouble. Our defense fleet managed to take out a pair of their fleet issue stabbers before they ran away, but we lost a stealth bomber to them right at the start of the encounter. Overall we came out on top.
The thing about Eve is that no matter how powerful you are, or how well equipped you are, if you're by yourself you're screwed and even with a huge fleet you're always mortal. (See the recent revenant kill?) That's not to say you can't become pretty powerful and wealthy.
As for internet connection, I just have standard DSL and haven't ever had any lag or connection issues though I sure could use a better graphics card in my stock vanilla PC to appreciate the graphics the game offers.
Lord Orbstar
07-09-2013, 01:15 PM
Thanks Narthsin. I havent done anything yet except read. I am still downloading. i found some online .pdf guide that is 409 pages long. 409. pages. long. For a starter guide! When you say you went that route to begin with (minmater) does that mean their balanced ships suck in the end so you changed?
07-09-2013, 01:36 PM
Thanks Narthsin. I havent done anything yet except read. I am still downloading. i found some online .pdf guide that is 409 pages long. 409. pages. long. For a starter guide! When you say you went that route to begin with (minmater) does that mean their balanced ships suck in the end so you changed?
lol there is a TON of information out there as there's so many different aspects to Eve. That's why I suggest definitely going through the tutorial missions, they cover a lot and have some nice perks starting out, and you end up with a few million ISK too.
And no, your starting race actually doesn't matter much. If you want to fly any type of ship, you can, but you just have to spend the time to level up those skills for that race's ships. I started Minmatar because they tended to have the fastest ships, use projectile weapons, and shields most often, all of which appealed to me starting out. Not every Mimatar ship follows that theme, but a majority of them do.
I havn't changed much since then, but I have trained into some Amarr ships now as well because some pirate faction ships require you to train in two races to fly them.
In the end there's PvP in null and low security space, PvE with missions/combat sites/incursions, Mining, Refining, Salvaging, Hacking, Manufacturing, Trading, Research, Planetary Interaction, Moon stuff(I've yet to mess with) and I'm probably missing a few but there's no shortage of stuff to learn and do. It really is a sandbox when you get down to the foundation of the game.
Edited to add: One of the most impressive and amazing things to me about Eve is that practically EVERYTHING in game you can buy is made or gathered by another player. You want to buy a new shiny ship? Well, someone had to make that and put it up on the market for sale. It has an economy that puts other MMOs to shame, and is entirely player driven. There's people who play soley for the trade aspect of the game, and their 'PvP' is manipulating the markets on certain goods, or undercutting their competitors.
Not this red v. blue, I assume?
"Red versus Blue (or RvB) is a straight-forward institution. There are two high-sec corporations, the Red Federation and the Blue Republic, with a permanent war declaration between them. Any player may join either side as they wish and indulge in target-rich PvP, the focus of which is on inexpensive frigate and cruiser combat. It really is that simple: Apply to one of the corps, the application will be accepted, jump in a ship, start PvPing."
It's a great corp to join for some fun and cheap PvP. PvP is the best part of Eve, and RvB is a great place to learn it.
They're a corp that accepts anyone wanting to learn, from what I understand. I had asked Drew for a suggestion on a newbie corp before as well and he suggested these guys:
I'm glad you found your own corp to join. There are a lot of good corps that are small out there, there are just a ton of bad ones too that will stunt your growth. Basically the rule of thumb is that if they never want to fight they are a bad corp and you will get bored. Brave Newbies aligned with Test during this war, and although they haven't actually done anything I still wouldn't want to blow up people from this board.
Lord Orbstar
07-10-2013, 01:29 AM
Dartaghan Darkstar of the Minmatar just broke free of the shell and was hatched this morning. That was all I got to do before I had to head over to work, so I will begin the tutorials around 2000 my time.
07-10-2013, 02:13 AM
If anyone doesn't have a corp and is interested, the one I'm in is pretty fresh but working on expanding and training new players. Send me a message and I'll give you the info. It's a decent place to learn some small fleet teamwork.
I've always wanted to try eve, but it seems like there's way to much going on that I would never catch up. Are you always vunerable to pvp, or is it a flag you can turn off?
07-10-2013, 02:18 AM
I've always wanted to try eve, but it seems like there's way to much going on that I would never catch up. Are you always vunerable to pvp, or is it a flag you can turn off?
You can get taken out anywhere in the game, but there are "safer" areas where you generally won't.
Lord Orbstar
07-10-2013, 02:26 AM
I came in under Drew for the buddy system so he could get a free month, but I do not have a corporation since I am level 0 and trying to find the Cliffs to hunt Sea Nymphs still (or whatever the eve version of that is). I have half day on friday off, so I plan on playing it alot. I do have to fly out to Kabul over the weekend though, so that will put a damper on my video gaming. Damn war interfering with my pretend war...
From what I have read this game is fucking epic.
Eve Online ship worth 309 billion ISK goes up in flames, comms goes wild
A week ago, an Eve spy disbanded a major alliance ( from the inside and made off with up to 400 billion ISK. Meticulous planning, months of deception and the advice of GoonSwarm’s finest espionage experts all contributed to what seemed like the crime of the century.
Well, here’s another. On Sunday night, a spy embedded within Pandemic Legion led a fleet of supercarriers into an ambush in Odamia space. A 309 billion ISK Revenant (, one of only three in existence, was destroyed so quickly that it made alliance figurehead Jeffraider “kind of giddy”.
Pandemic Legion were responding to what they thought was a player pinging for help. But the man they’d tasked with leading their fleet, Bandwidthh - a man who’d gained their trust after numerous successful operations over the course of several months - instead led them to a much larger, waiting fleet of Black Legion dreadnaughts and supercarriers.
The ambush saw representatives from corps including Black Legion, Urine Alliance and Bandwidthh’s spymasters Verge of Collapse sticking the boot in, destroying the Revenant and nine other supercarriers.
Lord Orbstar
07-10-2013, 02:45 AM
I would love it if the owner of that Revenant and the heads of the betrayed alliances actually posted their thoughts and feelings. I think I would almost cry...
07-10-2013, 02:56 AM
I would love it if the owner of that Revenant and the heads of the betrayed alliances actually posted their thoughts and feelings. I think I would almost cry...
What goes around comes around.
So I'm listening to the aftermath recording, and I'm you control one ship, or a fleet?
07-10-2013, 05:52 AM
You only control one ship, but the Fleet Commander is able to give limited commands to their fleet, like having them all warp together to a location. I imagine Drew could give more details on that as I've only been in very small fleets so far.
So, to put into perspective the screen shot that Drew posted, that's literally thousands of players are locked into one massive clusterfuck of a battle. Rather epic.
On that note, I updated my original post regarding this, but if anyone wants to do a trial you can put down 'Narthsin' as the referral account and it'll get you 21 trial days instead of 14. If you do end up subscribing afterward I end up getting a free month. Anyone who uses my name, feel free to PM me your character's name and I'll be glad to send you some start up ISK as a thank you if you decide you want to stick around. :)
Lord Orbstar
07-10-2013, 08:40 AM
So if you have more than one ship, you have to leave the other ones behind somewhere? ARent they just sitting ducks?
I put my guy on skill training while I am at work and hit apply, so the skills will be improved by the time I get off work. That is a way cool feature. One thing though: all my attributes are like 20 across to board. I know I can "remap" or change them, but I am afraid to do that and screw up since I can only do it twice. Should I try to get ISK to buy an implant from the market? or is there a way to improve your attributes. 20 seems low compared to Gemstone's 100s in all by cap. hehe.
07-10-2013, 08:42 AM
So if you have more than one ship, you have to leave the other ones behind somewhere? ARent they just sitting ducks?
I put my guy on skill training while I am at work and hit apply, so the skills will be improved by the time I get off work. That is a way cool feature. One thing though: all my attributes are like 20 across to board. I know I can "remap" or change them, but I am afraid to do that and screw up since I can only do it twice. Should I try to get ISK to buy an implant from the market? or is there a way to improve your attributes. 20 seems low compared to Gemstone's 100s in all by cap. hehe.
You leave your other ships docked in space stations.
Also, if you do the tutorial missions in your first space station, I believe you get some low level implants out of it. Or maybe I got those running shit missions for astral mining or something like that. Anyway, you can get some low level ones as mission rewards.
07-10-2013, 12:13 PM
I would recommend leaving your attributes at 20 unless you are FOR SURE on what you want to do. Even then, have an all around good set makes training easier and doesn't really dramatically cut time off training. Maybe a few days, but also could increase others a few days.
07-10-2013, 12:13 PM
Also, you do get implants. Check your redeem items list.
07-10-2013, 12:46 PM
I've read and enjoyed some Eve Fiction pieces out there and I wanted to take a crack at it myself for fun.
So, the following is an in-character perspective of my first day trying out Eve. I hope you find it entertaining or somewhat interesting if you choose to read it.
Staring out at the infinite expanse of stars stretching about the station I felt the familiar sense of awe, wonder, and excitement. However, today there was something new and cold in the pit of my stomach. Fear.
I forced the feeling down and steeled myself, I couldn't allow fear to rule my decisions now. In my hand I held a small tungsten alloy cylinder, a hologram that would display my credentials and degree at request, proving that I had recently graduated from the Minmatar Fleet Academy. My blood had been drawn and processed for my first clone and I was now officially licensed as a capsuleer, or as the commoners called us... an ‘Immortal’. I had worked for this moment my entire life, and now, staring at the infinite space before me I was beginning to realize that my life was only now about to begin. Perhaps the fear was justified.
I punched a few commands into my command console and looked over my meager assets. A fresh capsule and the Reaper provided me upon my arrival at the station equipped with a few basic autocannons and limited ammunition.
An even, digital voice crackled through the com-link, bringing me out of my thoughts. “Mr. Sypher, your capsuleer training missions have been prepared. The agents will be expecting you.” The bald head of the computer’s AI floated in midair amid the hologram before flickering out. I glanced over the pale display as it outlined my objectives and admitted to myself that I was grateful for some direction to start off with.
Turning I walked down the long corridor of twisted alloys, the color of rust and blood, the beams bound together with massive bolts thicker than my waist. Tiny nanobots scurried along the walls occasionally, making minute repairs at random intervals. They kept the ancient structure from corroding and breaking up amid the relentless solar winds of space, and kept the station from aging. My boots clopped against the metal sheeting of the floor and lights flickered on before me as the scanners picked up my heat signature, and faded once again shortly after I had passed. Power wasn’t in infinite supply on these stations, the massive capacitors handled everything from shields, docking equipment, tractor beams, guns, and every piece of computer hardware on the station. Power wouldn’t be wasted on keeping empty corridors lit.
A few minutes later I was stepping into my capsule, being nestled within the soft biogel as it surrounded my body and attuned itself to my nerve structure. Data began to flow. My thoughts and will became that of my ship, the ship’s sensors becoming my eyes and ears; the thrusters my legs, the cannons my fists. Flashes of light scrolled across my mind’s eye in an array of numbers, graphs and charts that were accessible with only a thought. Likewise, the ship now respond to my command and will, allowing me to control its every movement like a great carapace to my own tiny body held safely within its hulls. It was just like the training simulators, only this time it was real.
I held my breath for a moment before giving the command to undock. My Reaper spurted out into the void leaving me feeling exposed and unprotected to the raw expanse of space as the massive station began to shrink in my rear sensor arrays. A checkpoint flicked on my display and pointing my Reaper in that direction, the massive station faded to another spec in the infinite void of space as I aligned my Reaper and entered the warp bubble. Stars and systems streaked by in a blur as the sharp lurch of jumping into warp settled me back into the biogel of my capsule snuggly for a few moments.
Moments later I fell out of warp before a line of drones setup as target practice. I sighed, but followed the AI’s instructions that flashed across my display. Targeting each drone as they hovered in space and allowed the autocannons to shred them into scrap metal.
Though I had graduated, it seemed that my education had only just begun.
07-10-2013, 12:47 PM
Also, you do get implants. Check your redeem items list.
I'm not sure you get these on a trial account. Once you do subscribe you get a bunch of things though, I can't remember exactly what now. Even so, you get some starter implants with the tutorial missions that work just fine for now.
07-10-2013, 12:55 PM
I'm not sure you get these on a trial account. Once you do subscribe you get a bunch of things though, I can't remember exactly what now. Even so, you get some starter implants with the tutorial missions that work just fine for now.
When I paid up I got a couple of implants, some fluffy bits, and a gnossis... which I find useless as I refuse to fly a ship I can't insure.
Lord Orbstar
07-10-2013, 01:07 PM
I will lose my 21 days of free play if I sign up and get a regular account I think... I would do it, but why waste a free month of play. Or does it tack on to the end of my trial time?
07-10-2013, 01:11 PM
When I did my trial I waited until the end for that same reason, so I'm not sure but I didn't want to chance it and I wasn't sure I would keep playing. I'm hooked now, go figure.
07-10-2013, 01:27 PM
I will lose my 21 days of free play if I sign up and get a regular account I think... I would do it, but why waste a free month of play. Or does it tack on to the end of my trial time?
It will stack.
07-10-2013, 05:38 PM
Yeah, each subscription of game time (or redemption of plex) just adds days to your account time. The trial should be a set number of days which you're adding to, but you'll also be able to train some additional skills they lock you out of on trials.
07-10-2013, 06:00 PM
I am kinda looking to find a corp that does null sec mining, so I can mine ABC again.. almost can use an Exhumer.
My fighting guy is Drone heavy. But he is getting up there and should be decently skilled in a month.
I've always wanted to try eve, but it seems like there's way to much going on that I would never catch up. Are you always vunerable to pvp, or is it a flag you can turn off?
My corp has a group called The Ministry of Love (miniluv) that is dedicated solely to blowing up people even in high security areas. This is almost strictly high value targets like freighters and other loot pinatas. We get ships with high alpha strikes that are cheap because in high security NPC police will destroy your ship in ~5 seconds after you aggress someone. This is almost always ships transporting lots of goods or more rarely some empire mission running ship that has billions worth of isk that the pilot would never wager in PvP. A newbie mission runner is much less likely to be attacked in high security space.
07-10-2013, 09:28 PM
Not sure if EVE or Windows screen saver...
Lord Orbstar
07-11-2013, 01:43 AM
I bought the game time and ship special...and it is a Gallentan destroyer. yay. I am Minmatar and do not have the credits/isk to buy the book i need to train gallentan ships. Fuck me. If anyone has a little isk to spare... Drew?
I am doing the newbie missions now to try and learn the game/earn ISK. It takes like 16 hours plus to get training on skills. i wish I could hit the fast forward button somehow!
07-11-2013, 02:10 AM
Yeah there's benefits and drawbacks on the training system. Overall I think it's my favorite of MMO's I've played, but sometimes you really want to get moving on a skill and not having the option to hardcore grind can be frustrating.
07-11-2013, 08:35 AM
I bought the game time and ship special...and it is a Gallentan destroyer. yay. I am Minmatar and do not have the credits/isk to buy the book i need to train gallentan ships. Fuck me. If anyone has a little isk to spare... Drew?
I am doing the newbie missions now to try and learn the game/earn ISK. It takes like 16 hours plus to get training on skills. i wish I could hit the fast forward button somehow!
Pretty broke right now but sent you a little bit of ISK, enough to pick up the low level skill books you need, I should think.
07-11-2013, 11:21 AM
Send me your IG name and I can hook you up with some ISK.
07-11-2013, 11:22 AM
I bought the game time and ship special...and it is a Gallentan destroyer. yay. I am Minmatar and do not have the credits/isk to buy the book i need to train gallentan ships. Fuck me. If anyone has a little isk to spare... Drew?
I am doing the newbie missions now to try and learn the game/earn ISK. It takes like 16 hours plus to get training on skills. i wish I could hit the fast forward button somehow!
Be wary of buying game time from people other than CCP. There has been a few occasions where Amazon has retracted payment and people have gotten banned. Only to find a nightmare waiting bickering between Amazon and CCP.
07-11-2013, 02:35 PM
Sent up 20mil for some starter cash, do something stupid with it. :)
07-11-2013, 04:06 PM
Sent up 20mil for some starter cash, do something stupid with it. :)
Look at mr. richy mc"didn't blow up three of his own battlecruisers in four days"pants.
07-11-2013, 04:10 PM
Man, are you flying around trying to shoot the CONCORD police ships or something?
07-11-2013, 04:12 PM
Look at mr. richy mc"didn't blow up three of his own battlecruisers in four days"pants.
I had to pad my karma so maybe I don't get blapped the first time I take out recon ships next week.
07-11-2013, 04:15 PM
Man, are you flying around trying to shoot the CONCORD police ships or something?
No, I just had more money than sense and lacked the skills to properly fit my ships, level 2 missions were easy so I tried moving to level 3 and discovered I sucked at them. I managed to take out a bunch of ships in a serpentis fleet or whatever but then it was like 8 cruisers just hanging out and waiting. I kept trying to jump in, single one out, and jump out. My skills and ship fittings were insufficient. I've spent the last week or so doing nothing but gaining skills and getting advice from corp-mates, so hopefully this brutix will last a little longer.
Are any of you guys in low or null-sec?
07-11-2013, 04:21 PM
I'm in null, as part of a renter alliance in INK space. (STAY AWAY GOON BOI. ;) Kidding) Fortunately we're on the other side of the game from Fountain, though I have seen some of your people from "Verge of Collapse" runnning roams and scouting in our territory, we blew a few of them up but I'm sure they'll be back for more fun.
We also have a heavily fortified WH for our corp as a backup incase the shit hits the fan in null, we always have a place to call home. We train newbies in there on sleeper sites and do a little mining/baiting/wh roaming, and we run low sec roams sometimes for kicks too.
07-11-2013, 04:21 PM
No, I just had more money than sense and lacked the skills to properly fit my ships, level 2 missions were easy so I tried moving to level 3 and discovered I sucked at them. I managed to take out a bunch of ships in a serpentis fleet or whatever but then it was like 8 cruisers just hanging out and waiting. I kept trying to jump in, single one out, and jump out. My skills and ship fittings were insufficient. I've spent the last week or so doing nothing but gaining skills and getting advice from corp-mates, so hopefully this brutix will last a little longer.
It's amazing what a weeks worth of skill and an updated fitting can do. I'm sure they've already gone over it, but make sure to check what faction ships you're fighting and swap your dps and tank modules accordingly.
07-11-2013, 04:22 PM
Are any of you guys in low or null-sec?
I am mostly doing missions for the federation navy in like .4 to .8, so still based pretty much in high-sec. I believe my little corp has both low and null sec bases, but I want to work on not blowing up so much before I move to low-sec.
07-11-2013, 04:26 PM
Are any of you guys in low or null-sec?
Not right at the moment, I took off straight into null a couple weeks into the game and built up standing and a clone with bloods, but then went back to high to train for the summer ships. My current corp has been doing some training fleet roams into null and our ally is based in a wormhole. I've yet to get out there much though.
07-11-2013, 04:34 PM
I'm just sitting in High sec mining and training skills myself. Going to have to find a corp soon tho, as high sec ores are boring.
I'm in null, as part of a renter alliance in INK space. (STAY AWAY GOON BOI. ;) Kidding) Fortunately we're on the other side of the game from Fountain, though I have seen some of your people from "Verge of Collapse" runnning roams and scouting in our territory, we blew a few of them up but I'm sure they'll be back for more fun.
I don't know who Verge of Collapse is, I'm pretty sure they're not in the CFC. But yeah, we're pretty busy fighting a war right now and occasionally messing with 4O1k so I don't we'll be flying over INK's way, we're not interested in Wicked Creek/Detroid/etc. but watch out for those Russians.
07-11-2013, 07:01 PM
They have loose ties to Black Legion I thought. They had some ships in on the Revenent kill, but I could be wrong. I was chasing some Russian player around last night who was in a scanning frigate, they're watching us!
07-11-2013, 07:11 PM
I vote we form a super secret club with a badass secret handshake.
07-11-2013, 07:17 PM
Secret GS awoxers unite! Shhhh, don't let our corps see!
(Awoxer is Eve speak for 'spy' apparently. I havn't figured out what the hell it actually stands for...)
07-11-2013, 08:24 PM
Found this online. In the full sized version here: you can see everything in much better detail.
07-11-2013, 08:49 PM
And I just found this article about the recent Revenant kill. It's a bit biased in some places, and the Rev had 18-19mil ehp not 10, but it's still an interesting read.
Secret GS awoxers unite! Shhhh, don't let our corps see!
(Awoxer is Eve speak for 'spy' apparently. I havn't figured out what the hell it actually stands for...)
Awox was an original awoxer. It's a player name.
07-12-2013, 12:06 AM
LOL @the Amarr's Galactic Dildo
Lord Orbstar
07-12-2013, 06:45 AM
So far, so good. I will hve my first Cruiser tomorrow! Not bad for three days. At least I am happy. Some dude private messaged me he was going to put a 5m bounty on me because I was getting a cruiser. LoL. I have my reaper, a galentan destroyer, a minmatar destroyer and 2 ventures with a mining drone and upgraded lasers. Having fun. Whenever I do a run into another system doing a newbie quest, I fill my hold with Ore. That has really helped with my industry quests since I almost always have the materials on hand.
It is amazing the amount of different weaponry, ammunition, modules, etc. I may not have enough to buy the cruiser and outfit it with weapons and stuff. I think flying an unarmed boat around would be bad in light of my supposed bounty.
Delias helped me out with 5m ISK and I made the most of it! Thank you again
07-12-2013, 10:19 AM
I sent 50m Isk Orb, If anyone else is in need of a little isk I got some to spare. Or if you are looking for a starter corp let me know, we aren't badass, just a place to be social I guess. And you can move on if you obviously want to do something else..
07-12-2013, 12:22 PM
So you with gewnz then drew? I'm back with NCdot...again.
I'd join goons for Vee, but I'd ragequit the second boat started speaking.
07-12-2013, 01:28 PM
I sent 50m Isk Orb, If anyone else is in need of a little isk I got some to spare. Or if you are looking for a starter corp let me know, we aren't badass, just a place to be social I guess. And you can move on if you obviously want to do something else..
Where were you three weeks ago when I was corp-shopping? heh.
07-12-2013, 01:57 PM
Well you are still welcome to come and hangout! I've been bankrolling the corp for some pvp ops. But I'm still a newb too!
07-12-2013, 02:04 PM
Well you are still welcome to come and hangout! I've been bankrolling the corp for some pvp ops. But I'm still a newb too!
I'm mostly out in gallente space at the moment. You?
07-12-2013, 02:12 PM
Clearly we just need to form a PC alliance.
07-12-2013, 02:12 PM
Amarr here. But I do cover freight costs ;)
07-12-2013, 02:13 PM
Clearly we just need to form a PC alliance.
+1, or a PC corp, even more +1. I'll bankroll!
07-12-2013, 02:14 PM
Clearly we just need to form a PC alliance.
I agree, but not sure any senior players would want to leave their alliances to lead us. That's why I recommended a super secret best friends club with an awesome handshake.
07-12-2013, 02:21 PM
I agree, but not sure any senior players would want to leave their alliances to lead us. That's why I recommended a super secret best friends club with an awesome handshake.
I've pretty much learned everything about eve from reading and experience. Learned a little from some people, a ton from the forums, more from the wiki, and lots from experience. But anyone interested coming and rocking out let me know, I do supply all frigates atm for any roams that we do. Working on supplying all mods and ammo also. We just need some moar blood!
07-12-2013, 02:23 PM
And at least when we get blown up like newbs we don't have some guy that's gotta buy 150m+ SP clones getting all bumhurt
07-12-2013, 02:24 PM
And at least when we get blown up like newbs we don't have some guy that's gotta buy 150m+ SP clones getting all bumhurt
I don't know why, but this reminded me I need to buy a new mic.
07-12-2013, 02:28 PM
I don't know why, but this reminded me I need to buy a new mic.
How else would we get to enjoy each others tears, rage, and orgasms?
(PS. I do have a TS3 Server Available)
(P.S. It generally goes in that order)
07-12-2013, 02:29 PM
How else would we get to enjoy each others tears, rage, and orgasms?
(PS. I do have a TS3 Server Available)
(P.S. It generally goes in that order)
You don't have to tell me how sex works.
07-12-2013, 03:26 PM
I've pretty much learned everything about eve from reading and experience. Learned a little from some people, a ton from the forums, more from the wiki, and lots from experience. But anyone interested coming and rocking out let me know, I do supply all frigates atm for any roams that we do. Working on supplying all mods and ammo also. We just need some moar blood!
I know myself and perhaps a few others would be interested in getting a little bloodier. The corp I'm in is still pretty fresh, as is the little alliance we've formed. We're working on more organized roams and free ship programs but it does take a little time.
Who can I contact in-game to possibly set up some damage? I'm most easily mailed/chatted on the character Kallisti Illicita. That's actually my station trader and not a combat character at all, but I am online with that one the most recently.
Lord Orbstar
07-12-2013, 03:32 PM
i would do it too. I am in Glitchs lil corp now
07-12-2013, 04:39 PM
Null PvP story for today.
Last night I was bored and ratting when we got word that there were a few neutrals (People not in our alliance or corp) moving through our space a few jumps out. This isn't too unusual, but we kept an eye on it.
A few minutes later one of our alliance members posted a killmail, he'd tried to take them both on and gotten killed. My CEO was online and on TS with us, and in about 2 minutes we had a 8 man fleet formed from several of us in the surrounding systems. The CEO was scouting them and had eyes on them at a jump gate, while the guy who was killed got into a new ship, basically a copy of the one he just lost.
Everyone got into position, and for some unexplicable reason, the two neutrals just sat by the jump gate waiting. We figured they must be waiting to see if the first guy killed would try to come back for revenge, so we made a quick plan. Our CEO told us to hold and not jump in yet, and we sent in the same guy who died first at 10km off the jumpgate.
Sure enough, the bait worked and once they engaged him and were off the gate, we all jumped in, 3 through the other side of the gate they'd been sitting at, and another three from various locations in the system. A crazy little swarm of a dogfight ensued as all of us jumped in on them at different angles from around the system. They were scrammed and webbed them, and boom! Down they went.
Sweet revenge.
After this we spent the next hour hunting down two of their friends who were somewhere in the neighboring systems, but sadly we didn't manage to catch them, they bugged out pretty quick after that.
This incident kept me up a good 2 hours past when I had meant to be asleep. Oops.
07-12-2013, 04:41 PM
8 on 2 sick skills.
07-12-2013, 04:42 PM
Null PvP story for today.
Last night I was bored and ratting when we got word that there were a few neutrals (People not in our alliance or corp) moving through our space a few jumps out. This isn't too unusual, but we kept an eye on it.
A few minutes later one of our alliance members posted a killmail, he'd tried to take them both on and gotten killed. My CEO was online and on TS with us, and in about 2 minutes we had a 8 man fleet formed from several of us in the surrounding systems. The CEO was scouting them and had eyes on them at a jump gate, while the guy who was killed got into a new ship, basically a copy of the one he just lost.
Everyone got into position, and for some unexplicable reason, the two neutrals just sat by the jump gate waiting. We figured they must be waiting to see if the first guy killed would try to come back for revenge, so we made a quick plan. Our CEO told us to hold and not jump in yet, and we sent in the same guy who died first at 10km off the jumpgate.
Sure enough, the bait worked and once they engaged him and were off the gate, we all jumped in, 3 through the other side of the gate they'd been sitting at, and another three from various locations in the system. A crazy little swarm of a dogfight ensued as all of us jumped in on them at different angles from around the system. They were scrammed and webbed them, and boom! Down they went.
Sweet revenge.
After this we spent the next hour hunting down two of their friends who were somewhere in the neighboring systems, but sadly we didn't manage to catch them, they bugged out pretty quick after that.
This incident kept me up a good 2 hours past when I had meant to be asleep. Oops.
Wouldn't revenge have been "two guys jumped my teammate and so we hunted them down" and not "My teammate bit off more than he could chew, got his ass kicked, so he gathered up some boys and went back like a punk bitch"?
07-12-2013, 04:43 PM
Yup. It's not revenge when you instigate the pvp. It's just trying to save some ego.
07-12-2013, 04:50 PM
They were invading our space looking for trouble in very PvP fit ships. Soooo, in eveland, that's them initiating pvp first.
Also if they'd been paying attention to their scanners, they'd have known trouble was coming beyond what they could handle, but they got greedy.
07-12-2013, 04:54 PM
They were invading our space looking for trouble in very PvP fit ships. Soooo, in eveland, that's them initiating pvp first.
Also if they'd been paying attention to their scanners, they'd have known trouble was coming beyond what they could handle, but they got greedy.
So what you are saying is she shouldn't have been walking through a bad neighborhood wearing a short skirt at night.
07-12-2013, 04:54 PM
Exactly! ... I think.
07-12-2013, 05:26 PM
Jumping out of hisec is basically asking for it, regardless of skirt length or time of day.
And it's never fair...
Course, your buddy should have grabbed a couple more friends to begin with and then you wouldn't have had to go avenge his little suicide run.
07-12-2013, 05:45 PM
He's from a different corp and is typically a really good PvPer but obviously, nobody is untouchable in Eve. I like it that way.
Imagine if Gemstone were setup to where you could steal people's equipment if you killed them outside of town, but if you attacked someone inside of town the guards would kill you and take leave your gear to the masses a few moments later.
Now imagine Gemstone had balanced PvP. People would only use 4x-5x gear on average, and would travel in groups or by stealth more and the game would be a hell of a lot different.
My point is that the mentality of PvP in Eve vs. Gemstone could not be more opposite and so my little story isn't us being bitches out for petty revenge, but a story about how we ambushed a pair of invaders and took them down before they knew what hit them. It was a shit ton of fun too! But I'm okay with being called a little bitch too for our tactics too I guess. In the end we won the skirmish.
07-12-2013, 05:47 PM
I took a break from the boards and missed all the action! On another note I will be on when I get off work around 6pm CST. If you want add me to your contacts, my ig name is Courath Al'Viendi. Maybe we can all shoot the shit in TS or something.
07-12-2013, 05:49 PM
Imagine if Gemstone were setup to where you could steal people's equipment if you killed them outside of town, but if you attacked someone inside of town the guards would kill you and take leave your gear to the masses a few moments later.
Now imagine Gemstone had balanced PvP. People would only use 4x-5x gear on average, and would travel in groups or by stealth more and the game would be a hell of a lot more fun.
07-12-2013, 05:59 PM
If GS were setup to where people could jack your gear, most of us wouldn't leave town without an entourage .
07-12-2013, 06:03 PM
And completely eliminate AFK scripting. But true, it would be blob warfare, 525!!!!!!!!!
07-12-2013, 06:12 PM
If GS were setup to where people could jack your gear, most of us wouldn't leave town without an entourage .
True, and in Eve most people don't leave high security space without a fleet, corp and alliance support, or at least one other buddy. There's exceptions to this of course, but I make the comparison so that Gemstone players can kind of see the difference between hi security and null space and the different mentalities involved in this game.
It is a completely different environment that what you get used to in GS.
Admittedly, this works a lot better than GS could ever pull off because you literally can play Eve and never have to leave high security space if you don't want to. Never leaving town in GS would suck.
07-12-2013, 06:13 PM
haha Gate camping OTF!!!!
07-12-2013, 06:17 PM
haha Gate camping OTF!!!!
Didn't they trap some dude in there in Shattered for like a week? They should totally make corpses lootable in Shattered. THAT would be interesting.
07-12-2013, 06:33 PM
Back to the matter at hand, what frigates can people here fly?
07-12-2013, 06:48 PM
My current goal is getting my skills up to fly my new and way too expensive cynabal well, and then to work my way up to tech II guns and a Loki.
07-12-2013, 07:33 PM
And completely eliminate AFK scripting. But true, it would be blob warfare, 525!!!!!!!!!
this is untrue. Major Mud was a BBS based game very similar to GS in a lot of respects, but if someone died, their gear dropped. Level 5 guys could gang-rape a level 50 guy (most would die, but you might still kill him). People just kept a second set of shitty gear for AFK scripting.
07-12-2013, 10:25 PM
Back to the matter at hand, what frigates can people here fly?
One that can only fly basic frigs, trained into t2 auto/arty and shield tanked... and a second that just got into Amarr assault frig and can use T2 pulse/beam and armor tank.
07-12-2013, 11:20 PM
Sounds good glitch, you seem like you have a good foothold, if you need any isk let me know. I seem to be supplying all the GS converts hah.
07-13-2013, 09:41 AM
I posted this into the wrong thread on accident yesterday, so here goes:
I've been playing Eve since 2003, run 10 accounts, and havn't paid for the game for the last 9 years. Have flown for most of the top end pvp alliances, NCdot, Black Legion, Verge of Collapse, Pandemic Legion, etc. Currently operate 2x supercarriers (aeons), a titan(erebus), and a lot of supporting alts (in and out of alliance) with carriers, dreads, jump freighters, t3 fleet boosters, cov recon fishing. My primary focus is on tactical warfare in nullsec/lowsec and wormhole space.
I'm on a sort of break from Eve at the moment after a very long campaign, but if there are players from GS who need any sort of assistance or advice in Eve I'd be happy to help.
I'd point out as well that I didn't gain any of the isk required to operate 5 bil a month in plex's and over a half trillion in capital assets by playing market games. I'm not saying there isn't money to be made there, but industry and station trading aren't neccisarily the best ways to make money in Eve. Having a good understanding of the game, playing on the SiSi test server, and paying attention to the changes being made is the fastest way to build a fortune in Eve.
Aside from that, playing the metagame gets you rich as well, I recently netted 28 billion from a toon I bought for 4 bil, used as a spy for 4 months then robbed the logistics department on the way out. Awoxed a few dreads for giggles that were in a passworded pos while they tried to boot me from corp. Then sold the toon for 8b because I'd specialized the training a bit more.
If you notice a region of nullsec has suddenly dropped sov because of a director spy or a dumbshit not paying sov bills, you can buy up the tcu's from market hubs and jack the price up. Or find a way into a coalition attacking another coalition when one side is decidedly winning, get in and buy up the firesales from the losing side, take it to highsec and sell for 2-3x the price.
Be creative and you can do whatever the fuck you want in Eve.
But I should say, having all the toys and the isk to buy anything, I usually end up flying dictors and interceptors when it's not strat ops. T1 cruisers now are really good with proper fitting. The small cheap shit is just more fun, and people will actually enagage you without you having to force it through sov/station/pos timers.
Here's some stats on one of my primary PvP toons:
Oh and a highlight reel of our team from Tribute fighting 2:1 or 3:1 outnumbered by Goons+CFC and obliterating them with comments from goon FC's as it happening, finishing up with Mittens sounding pretty pissed off ^_^:
Yeah we lost the war but fuck it, they had 10x our numbers. One year on and once again we're sitting on all the isk moons and goons forced into fighting us again, and they don't have 10x our numbers this time :D
07-13-2013, 08:55 PM
Lost another Brutix today. This time to piracy. I don't really like flying the brutix anyway, I need to find something else to pilot.
Lord Orbstar
07-14-2013, 04:55 AM
^sorry. I bought a Fleet Stabber (Minmatar Cruiser, navy faction) and am loving it.
07-14-2013, 07:49 AM
Lost another Brutix today. This time to piracy. I don't really like flying the brutix anyway, I need to find something else to pilot.
Brutix takes a lot of SP to fit and fly, it's always been a tight squeeze to try and make it viable. Hybrids also took a bit of a nerf recently with the reduced effectiveness of tracking enhancers and reduced optimal/falloff. If you are wanting a BC that does hybrid go with Talos. If you want a BC that you can possibly solo and do alright go with the navy hurricane.
For anyone new to the game I always tell them to skill minmatar, autocannon falloff and tracking is amazing and artillary alpha strike is equally amazing. You can't lose dumping sp into projectiles. And minmatar are equally good for pve and pvp. Plop a faction fitted machariel into a haven or sanctum and you can easily make 30 mil a tick.
Caldari are generally better for PvE then PvP because of missile flight time and vulnerability to firewall.
Gallente are generally pretty shit for PvE but good for PvP if you have a lot of SP.
Amarr can be good for either, but again take a lot of SP into fitting and core skills to support the cap needs of lasers.
Minmatar good for either, low sp requirements to be effective, no cap needed for guns, fastest ships and both the long and short range projectiles are very good.
Lord Orbstar
07-14-2013, 11:09 AM
THAT is an excellent link that will help plan out training. My current way was to just buy whatever I could train in and get it up to level 1. I am going to focus Dartaghan on ship to ship combat and started a second guy to be my industry/miner support toon.
07-14-2013, 12:26 PM
I just love Drones.. I am Gallente heavy myself. Actually, only Gallente skilled currently.
07-14-2013, 01:28 PM
The problem with drones, like missiles, is the delayed damage. They can also be quite easily killed. I'm not saying they are bad but they are more like an extra. Platforms like the Dominix are mostly using sentry drones now with omni directional tracking links and drone damage amplifiers. Because you can just scoop them up if the enemies start shooting them, then redeploy, and the damage is instant from the sentries because there is no travel time.
I'm not saying don't skill gallente or drones, play however you want, it's just not very effective compared to other ways of accomplishing the same thing. You can spend 20 hours killing missions with a dominix and 5 ogre 1's, or you could do twice as many missions in half the time with an autocannon BS. Also with drones you need to specialize into and then buy different sets of racial drones based on the enemy's resist weakpoint. Whereas with autocannons you just load the ammo with correct damage type and you're good to go, projectiles have a wide range of ammo with all damage types.
Also, all races will have drones to some extent, it's just that gallente has some ships with specific bonus towards their use.
07-14-2013, 02:00 PM
THAT is an excellent link that will help plan out training. My current way was to just buy whatever I could train in and get it up to level 1. I am going to focus Dartaghan on ship to ship combat and started a second guy to be my industry/miner support toon.
For combat pilots the main thing you will want to work on is core fitting cert skills. Every ship you fly for the rest of your Eve career will benefit from training those skills. They help with squeezing a more powerful fit onto the same hull by lowering the PG/CPU needs of your mods or boosting your hull's total output, faster acceleration, turning, top speed, better capacitor regen, etc. The difference between a noob and a vet in Eve is not the ship you fly, it's entirely the fit. The vet will have the core fittings maxxed out and thus his fit will allow him to obliterate the same hull piloted by someone who hasn't trained these and can't fit the better setup because he lacks PG/CPU.
Some of these skills are a pain in the ass, like advanced weapon upgrades 5. But once you have them, you will wonder how you ever fit anything worthwhile without them.
Also, do yourself a favor and pick up a genolution implant set and a +2 or +3% pg or cpu implant. They are a godsend to young players who don't have good fitting skills.
07-14-2013, 02:16 PM
I don't know if it's been mentioned in the thread yet, but in case it hasn't:
Don't buy bling shit as a new eve player. You will lose it.
Every month you see another noob who's gone and bought 40 bil worth of PLEX, officer fitted out a nightmare thinking this ship will make him invincible, after all how could it not when he's spent 1200$ on it? And then gets killed by a T1 frig costing less then a million isk because he doesn't understand weapon tracking or aggression mechanics.
Don't be that guy.
In Eve the pilot makes the ship. The ship is simply a tool. The better you understand the tool, how and when to use it, the more effective you will be. However, literally every ship, fitting, and doctrine in Eve has a counter which will easily destroy it.
Lord Orbstar
07-14-2013, 03:09 PM
Ya I bought the best autocannons for my cruiser and best artillery. and one light missle launcher. when i was doing the npc missions, my cannons and artillery literallly missed EVERY shot. every one. it was my missles that never missed and did all the killing. the NPCs could not hurt me since i was in a cruiser, but..sheesh.
So i did a little reading and made a 21 jump shopping trip. i know have the support skills i was lacking to let my weapons actually, you know, HIT something. lol. I also put on some implants to raise my stats so i train faster. I am gonna focus on fleshing out skills instead of racing to battlecruisers.
07-14-2013, 03:34 PM
Ya I bought the best autocannons for my cruiser and best artillery. and one light missle launcher. when i was doing the npc missions, my cannons and artillery literallly missed EVERY shot. every one. it was my missles that never missed and did all the killing. the NPCs could not hurt me since i was in a cruiser, but..sheesh.
So i did a little reading and made a 21 jump shopping trip. i know have the support skills i was lacking to let my weapons actually, you know, HIT something. lol. I also put on some implants to raise my stats so i train faster. I am gonna focus on fleshing out skills instead of racing to battlecruisers.
Yeah, well just from reading that I kinda cringed bud. First, don't mix weapon types. You shouldnt have autocannons and artillary fitted at the same time. And you definitely don't need a missile launcher of any kind on a fleet stabber.
Here's your basic fit for the stabber for PvE:
Highslots: 5x 220mm autocannons (leave last slot empty for now)
Midslots: Afterburner(meta3), 2x large shield extenders (meta if you cant fit t2), adaptive invulnerability field
Lowslots: Damage control 2, tracking enhancer, 2x gyrostabilizer, nanofiber internal structure
Rigs: Medium anti-em screen reinforcer, 2x medium field extenders
That will murder any mission not level 4 or above.
When it comes to gunnery in Eve this is what you need to know, if you are using long range weaponry like beam lasers, artillary, rail guns, you will not hit stuff that is small and fast, especially if it is close to you. Your weapons tracking must be faster than the transversal velocity of your target, signature radius of the target ship also plays into this. Think of trying to use a tank to track and shoot a bird flying around it in circles... not gunna happen.
The reason you would use an afterburner for this PvE setup is for very much the same reason. An afterburner will not bloom your ships signature radius, a microwarp drive will. So this setup is called a sig tank. You cant rep damage beyond your passive shield regen, but you mitigate the damage taken by being too difficult for the larger enemy ships to hit you, provided you arent doing something dumb like flying directly at them or away from them. Kill the small stuff first which can track you or web you down and just pick off the big stuff once the tackle is out of the way.
07-14-2013, 03:43 PM
Brutix I was flying had this fitting:
6x Heavy Electron Blaster I
2x Medium 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I
2x Medium Brief Capacitor Overcharge I
Armor Thermic Hardener I
Armor Kinetic Hardener I
Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I
Omnidirectional Tracking Link I
2x Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
10MN Afterburner I
with a bunch of Cap Booster 800 in my hold and a bunch of hobgoblin drones. This was for missions in federation space and was doing alright, but one mission had me crossing into low-sec. I'd thought I'd be alright, but it turns out, I was not alright.
07-14-2013, 04:20 PM
That fit looks alright, personally I would shield tank the brutix and use 2x TE's and 2x Mag field stabs on the lows to really beef the dps and range.
It's hard for me to judge whats fittable and what isn't because I don't know your exact skills.
It's pretty strange but I actually feel much safer in lowsec or null than in highsec, you just have to operate under the assumption that everyone wants to fuck you. If you don't have eyes on the other side of that gate you are about to jump through, you have to assume theres 50 dudes camping with instalock proteii on the other side. This doesn't mean don't go to lowsec/null, on the contrary I would say join faction warfare or nullsec entity as soon as possible and get out there in the real game. With faction warfare you can make good cash as a noob with just a t1 frigate, and get some good pvp experience while you're at it for almost no cost. This makes it a good stepping stone to nullsec or kspace. There's also Red Vs Blue which is pretty awesome.
Also don't try to go for the biggest ship class possible as soon as possible, it's a recipe for disaster. I could take a t1 frig and easily complete anything up to a level 4 mission, hop into a cruiser and easily do level 4's. What you want to do is build on your core skills which makes all ships better that you will ever fly, and slowly build up the skills required to T2 fit your ship.
For example, a shitfit battleship with mismatched meta guns and a weak tank is going to get obliterated by pretty much any other ship. It will take several months, but over time you build your skills until you can fly a BS with all t2 fittings, only then will that big ship be effective.
If I were you I would ditch the brutix and move down to a thorax. Actually here ya go, this is my thorax fit:
highs: 5x heavy ion blaster II's
mids: 10mn microwarp (meta), meta webifier, meta warp scrambler, large ancillary shield booster (navy cap booster 200's)
lows: meta damage control, 2x tracking enhancers, 2x mag field stabs
rigs: medium anti-em screen reinforcer, 2x medium field extenders
drones: 5x hammerhead II's
736 DPS, web, scram, 2.2km/sec speed with skirmish links going.
And this kill shows how a ship worth 40m beats a ship worth 500m.
This is a PVP fit but shit I could decimate missions with it if I had to.
It's pretty strange but I actually feel much safer in lowsec or null than in highsec, you just have to operate under the assumption that everyone wants to fuck you.
Yeah I feel exactly the same way. High-sec is just full of people who could target you and encourages you to sit right next to them. In null sec I'd never be sitting near a neut without either shooting him or running away. I always get creeped out on my Jita alt by the number of people there.
07-14-2013, 05:04 PM
That fit looks alright, personally I would shield tank the brutix and use 2x TE's and 2x Mag field stabs on the lows to really beef the dps and range.
It's hard for me to judge whats fittable and what isn't because I don't know your exact skills.
It's pretty strange but I actually feel much safer in lowsec or null than in highsec, you just have to operate under the assumption that everyone wants to fuck you. If you don't have eyes on the other side of that gate you are about to jump through, you have to assume theres 50 dudes camping with instalock proteii on the other side. This doesn't mean don't go to lowsec/null, on the contrary I would say join faction warfare or nullsec entity as soon as possible and get out there in the real game. With faction warfare you can make good cash as a noob with just a t1 frigate, and get some good pvp experience while you're at it for almost no cost. This makes it a good stepping stone to nullsec or kspace. There's also Red Vs Blue which is pretty awesome.
Also don't try to go for the biggest ship class possible as soon as possible, it's a recipe for disaster. I could take a t1 frig and easily complete anything up to a level 4 mission, hop into a cruiser and easily do level 4's. What you want to do is build on your core skills which makes all ships better that you will ever fly, and slowly build up the skills required to T2 fit your ship.
For example, a shitfit battleship with mismatched meta guns and a weak tank is going to get obliterated by pretty much any other ship. It will take several months, but over time you build your skills until you can fly a BS with all t2 fittings, only then will that big ship be effective.
If I were you I would ditch the brutix and move down to a thorax. Actually here ya go, this is my thorax fit:
highs: 5x heavy ion blaster II's
mids: 10mn microwarp (meta), meta webifier, meta warp scrambler, large ancillary shield booster (navy cap booster 200's)
lows: meta damage control, 2x tracking enhancers, 2x mag field stabs
rigs: medium anti-em screen reinforcer, 2x medium field extenders
drones: 5x hammerhead II's
736 DPS, web, scram, 2.2km/sec speed with skirmish links going.
And this kill shows how a ship worth 40m beats a ship worth 500m.
This is a PVP fit but shit I could decimate missions with it if I had to.
Thanks, I appreciate the help. Initially I thought I would just become a badass frigate pilot because I like the speed of the smaller ships, but I was told that wasn't really viable. So now apparently I am told it is viable. Well damnit, wish I hadn't trained into the larger ships.
My skills are unfortunately pretty split between mining and combat, but I have maxed out a few skills like spaceship command, electronics, engineering, drones, energy systems operations but then I have like industry maxed, also. I basically consider mining the shitty day job I have in order to pay for my expensive and reckless combat piloting.
07-14-2013, 05:05 PM
Yeah I feel exactly the same way. High-sec is just full of people who could target you and encourages you to sit right next to them. In null sec I'd never be sitting near a neut without either shooting him or running away. I always get creeped out on my Jita alt by the number of people there.
The mistake I made here was thinking that the person near me wouldn't be interested in me as I didn't have anything particularly worth taking. I asked them after they destroyed me if I was just a moment of sport or if I had managed to offend someone. I was momentary sport. I'm cool with it- I understand the risks and that I will be losing a lot of ships throughout my eve career. Still fun.
07-14-2013, 05:31 PM
The mistake I made here was thinking that the person near me wouldn't be interested in me as I didn't have anything particularly worth taking. I asked them after they destroyed me if I was just a moment of sport or if I had managed to offend someone. I was momentary sport. I'm cool with it- I understand the risks and that I will be losing a lot of ships throughout my eve career. Still fun.
Yeah, sport and people do compete to see who can get the best kill ratio or best kill board. So, while you maybe thinking, "Don't mind me! I'm a newbie with a crappy fit and nothing of interest..." They're actually thinking, "Target practice!"
The above is definitely some solid advice from Light.
07-14-2013, 06:34 PM
Yeah, sport and people do compete to see who can get the best kill ratio or best kill board. So, while you maybe thinking, "Don't mind me! I'm a newbie with a crappy fit and nothing of interest..." They're actually thinking, "Target practice!"
In most cases, your first thought is about what's on the other side of the gate and if it's bait. You make a decision based on what intel you have available and either engage or bolt. Or if you're like me you are sitting there high as fuck in a sabre chucking up bubbles shooting anything that comes through the gate yolo style ^_^ (I lose a lot of sabres)
Assault frigate fleet sitting on a titan.
I bounced off the sun, I was going MUCH faster than this but didn't get the screenshot in time.
07-14-2013, 07:30 PM
My skills are unfortunately pretty split between mining and combat, but I have maxed out a few skills like spaceship command, electronics, engineering, drones, energy systems operations but then I have like industry maxed, also. I basically consider mining the shitty day job I have in order to pay for my expensive and reckless combat piloting.
Most new players think they need to go into mining to support their pvp, which isn't really true. Sometimes it can be okay, with recent changes in null to grav sites it's gotten a bit better as well. At one point, when I was saving for big toys I was running 8 ice miners and 2 orca's with ISboxer. But short of doing stuff with maxxed out macks/hulks with boosts it's really not anywhere near what you can make doing other things. I've long since sold off all the mining toons I had.
Some examples:
Join a faction warfare team which is building momentum and going for level 5 control, save up as much LP and cash as you can, cash out into high value bp's or implants when your team hits 4 or 5 and you will make some serious bank.
Train into logistics 5 and fly a basilisk or guardian for Incursion blitz fleets.
Learn to scan, hop into a cov ops frig, scan down empty wormholes in kspace and sell the entrance route to people via eve-o forums.
Watch for big fights happening on evekill and your IG map, take a fast t1 frig with a salvager fitted and salvage all the t2 wrecks and try to scoop loot after the brawl.
The list goes on, theres millions of ways to make isk in eve that are more engaging then mining an asteroid.
07-14-2013, 07:47 PM
Assault frigate fleet sitting on a titan.
Artywolf fleet is amazing. I'd been pitching it to people on our side for months, since before tribute, then Vee used it and absolutely dunked on nulli's t3 bc fleets. Great doctrine.
Artywolf fleet is amazing. I'd been pitching it to people on our side for months, since before tribute, then Vee used it and absolutely dunked on nulli's t3 bc fleets. Great doctrine.
Yeah I have a comp I've been pitching for a few months but it's hard to break institutional traction, mostly it's hard to get enough people to test your idea when the doctrine isn't established, especially if you aren't a Mister Vee or SUAS. Kind of a chicken and egg problem.
I was in fleet a few weeks ago when Suas sang "Little Bees" over comms, it was awesome (the GoonSwarm logo is a bee). Stuff like this is what makes goons awesome to me:
When you find yourself inside a bubble, hold your cloak and wait for me.
Always follow orders, little bees
And in your hour of darkness, you will hear instructions come from Mister Vee.
Always follow orders, little bees
Little bees, little bees, little bees, little bees, wait for your instructions, little bees.
And when the op has gotten started, people in the fleet agree.
In gang chat we will answer to Mister Vee
And though we may be podded, just go to the gate and you will see.
All your corp mates waiting, little bees
Little bees, little bees, little bees, little bees, X for iHub destruction little bees.
And when the systems lagging, you can lay the blame on CCP.
Whine until tomorrow little bees
I wake up to the sound of music, Uncle Suas sings to me.
Drunken words of wisdom, little bees
Little bees, little bees, little bees, little bees,
Little bees, little bees, little bees, little bees, everybody loves you little bees.
Lord Orbstar
07-15-2013, 01:10 AM
Most new players think they need to go into mining to support their pvp, which isn't really true. Sometimes it can be okay, with recent changes in null to grav sites it's gotten a bit better as well. At one point, when I was saving for big toys I was running 8 ice miners and 2 orca's with ISboxer. But short of doing stuff with maxxed out macks/hulks with boosts it's really not anywhere near what you can make doing other things. I've long since sold off all the mining toons I had.
Some examples:
Join a faction warfare team which is building momentum and going for level 5 control, save up as much LP and cash as you can, cash out into high value bp's or implants when your team hits 4 or 5 and you will make some serious bank.
Train into logistics 5 and fly a basilisk or guardian for Incursion blitz fleets.
Learn to scan, hop into a cov ops frig, scan down empty wormholes in kspace and sell the entrance route to people via eve-o forums.
Watch for big fights happening on evekill and your IG map, take a fast t1 frig with a salvager fitted and salvage all the t2 wrecks and try to scoop loot after the brawl.
The list goes on, theres millions of ways to make isk in eve that are more engaging then mining an asteroid.
I have no idea what you are talking about except for the salvaging part. what is an incursion blitz fleet? I havent seen a worm hole other than the normal gates or ever heard of one. What do they do? Fighting a PvE incursion sounds like fun since you know the NPCs will not shoot your pod. I just bought some very expensive implants and have ZERO desire to get podded, ever. I take it that you will get good loot from these pVE battles you can then sell? Where do i go to join "faction warfare"? I assume that is navy vs pirates? I bought a nice navy faction cruiser (fleet stabber) so I guess I am ready to fight on the Navy side. Is that something a corp is supposed to do or can I join an random group (sort of like a random dungeon/raid group in other MMOs although I havent seen a "raid finder" feature in game yet)?
What expensive implants did you buy?
07-15-2013, 03:46 AM
What size monitor do you guys use for eve?
07-15-2013, 03:53 AM
What size monitor do you guys use for eve?
I use my TV when I'm not planning to watch TV while playing. Otherwise I just use my regular 23" monitor.
Lord Orbstar
07-15-2013, 05:01 AM
crystal ones that give shield bonuses
07-15-2013, 05:23 AM
I use a 28" monitor myself.
07-15-2013, 07:10 AM
I have no idea what you are talking about except for the salvaging part. what is an incursion blitz fleet? I havent seen a worm hole other than the normal gates or ever heard of one. What do they do? Fighting a PvE incursion sounds like fun since you know the NPCs will not shoot your pod. I just bought some very expensive implants and have ZERO desire to get podded, ever. I take it that you will get good loot from these pVE battles you can then sell? Where do i go to join "faction warfare"? I assume that is navy vs pirates? I bought a nice navy faction cruiser (fleet stabber) so I guess I am ready to fight on the Navy side. Is that something a corp is supposed to do or can I join an random group (sort of like a random dungeon/raid group in other MMOs although I havent seen a "raid finder" feature in game yet)?
I really recommend you do some serious reading into the eve university wiki as all of your questions are answered there. But I'll break it down a little bit here.
Incursions: There are highsec incursions, lowsec, and nullsec, they can spawn anywhere in normal space. The sansha incursion rats(what we call enemy npcs in Eve), are programmed with a fairly good AI. They work together, they warp scramble, they put out about as much dps and tank as well as normal capsuleers. When an incursion happens it will span over a constellation or two, the sansha rats will camp the gates like people would. You accidently go through an incursion zone you will end up getting pointed by a niarja and killed probably faster then a player would.
The way the incursions are "beaten" is by people running the sites to decrease sansha's influence on the system, this usually is done with a team of 7 or so pimp fitted high dps shield battleships supported by a webber, and 2 basilisks feeding each other cap and repping the incoming damage. Generally a mistake in an incursion blitz fleet means a few battleships worth 2-3 bil a pop die. So it's not exactly newbie friendly but it can be done. I trained a toon from scratch for 1.5 months and had um doing blitz fleets as a logi.
You don't get loot per say from incursions, until you are ready to take down the mothership. You simply kill the rats and as you kill them you get bounty payments which is split between the team doing the site. If you have 10 people it's split 10 ways. On average you make about 35m every 10 minutes in an incursion blitz fleet.
Okay so faction warfare:
Read that and if you still have questions feel free to ask. No you don't need to use your shiny fleet stabber for faction war, use a t1 frigate.
And FYI, unless you are flying a basilisk or scimi, you really have zero need for that crystal set. The "Don't buy expensive shit as a newbie" extends to implants as well. As a general rule, dont buy anything more expensive than a plex or battleship for your first year of play. You really shouldn't lose your pod in highsec or lowsec as the mechanics allow you to always get away (there are no interdiction bubbles in lowsec or highsec), but you don't have any jump clones yet so you can't switch out of that crystal clone and keep it safe yet.
Crystal sets will mainly boost your local and remote shield repairs in damage repaired, cycle time, and cap needs. Generally speaking they are not used outside of wormholes and incursion fleets. As a new player you absolutely do not need those, in fact because you've put those in you cannot replace them now with much cheaper and more beneficial implants without destroying them. (Pro tip, get into a corp with someone who has a rorqual with a clone vat bay and get them to make you some clones, then hop out of that crystal clone and into the empty one, put +5 learning implants in it, and a +3% slot 6 powergrid implant eg-603 or whatever it's called.)
The closest thing Eve has to a random pick up group is incursion fleets, they operate through in game channels to pull people together to complete the sites. But, similar to WoW, you don't wanna go into blackwing lair with a pick up group of people with green gear and no idea how to play, you'll get smashed. So you need to build up a bit of a reputation before you will get constant incursion work.
In lowsec and 0.0 there are a lot of what are called cosmic anomalies. By fitting an expanded probe launcher onto a cov ops scanning frig you can go out and launch probes in a system, which is a whole minigame in and of itself, but basically you can pinpoint DED complex's which have rankings 1/10 - 10/10 with increasingly good loot prospects and difficulty. From a bloodraiders 10/10 in the south you'll most likely pull an A-type eanm, bhaalgorn blueprint, etc. Generally I net 2-3b from doing one of the 10/10's, however you have to have a team which can survive 100k damage torp volleys, be able to rep it and have enough dps to break the difficult bits. These scanned out ded sites are high value but somewhat difficult to find and complete, sometimes you even need to use capitals (dreads/carriers) to break the site.
However in normal 0.0 there is a system of determining the value of the space. Space is rated from -1.0 (this is called truesec) to +1.0 (Jita, amarr, dodixie, etc). In nullsec the lower the number the better, it means if an alliance takes sov there they can put in infrastructure upgrades like entrapment arrays which boosts the number of sites. These standard anoms is what most people in 0.0 make money from, you simply undock and do a d-scan, find a forsaken hub or haven, warp to it and start killing. You make your isk from the bounties on the rats, not the loot. The only thing you loot is if a faction rat spawns which can drop faction gear.
Forgot about the wormholes. Okay so wormholes are found using probes like DED sites. kspace is the wild west of Eve, it's even more difficult then 0.0 for a lot of reasons. Once you scan down a wormhole entrance you can enter the wormhole, think of it like a sort of 4th dimensional space, it exists outside of normal space but can potentially connect to anywhere. So let's say I found a wormhole in venal, it may go directly to dodixie or rens, or some system close to there, or it could go to a 0.0 system on the other side of the universe. Alternatively it can go into a k-space system, inside wormhole space there is no local. So you can't even know if someone else is in there with you if they are cloaked up, because you can't see them in local, and can't scan them. Each wormhole is different and they are seperated into classes 1-6, they have various effects on your ships systems, some can make your targetting range super small, some can make armor tanks useless, some can boost your hybrid weapon damage, etc etc etc. The sleeper drones which occupy wormholes are extremely deadly with very fucking good AI. In a class 6 wormhole with a large capfleet you can easily net 300 billion a week. Easily. Also from inside that wormhole, you can scan down exits to other wormholes and systems all over the universe. Which means you have the ability to hit anyone, anywhere in the universe, from seemingly out of nowhere and then vanish again. So basically wormholes attract extremely good pvpers who want to make lots of isk, and so when fights happen in wormholes between class 5-6 corps and alliances, it's pretty fucking brutal.
tldr: Avoid wormholes probably until you understand scanning a lot better.
07-15-2013, 09:33 AM
Steps to success in Eve:
Join Eve university for at least a month, learn everything you can. Join Red vs Blue for a month, doesn't matter which side. Join into faction warfare for a month, whichever faction is pushing for complete control so you maximize your profit.
Then join a 0.0 alliance for a while.
After that you will have a fairly good grasp on the basics of Eve.
Recognise as well that while a lot of people may be well meaning and offer advice; a lot of people are also idiots and/or inexperienced and the advice will be terrible. At least this was the case when I was learning, and I doubt it's changed. Do your own research on areas of the game that interest you.
07-15-2013, 01:28 PM
Quote from Goons Fountain war update found here for those of you with nudge nudge wink wink access.
"My first act as FC-key holder is to demote DBRB to battlecruiser fleets or below, until he manages to beat another N3 fleet 1v1 (TEST does not count, for they are complete and utter shit and our SCs can already beat them). His broadcasting privileges are also suspended until he gets those wins as well. This means you, dear goons, should join his battlecruiser/caracal/frigate gangs and go murder the shit out of some dudes and help boat in his quest to re-climb FC Mountain."
I love you little bee's drew, but that fat fuck can die in a god damn fire and I'd laugh.
07-15-2013, 02:35 PM
FC-Key holder?
How exactly tho do you limit someone to BC's and below? tell them they are not allowed to use bigger ships? Do you spank them if they get into a battleship or something?
07-15-2013, 02:50 PM
FC-Key holder?
How exactly tho do you limit someone to BC's and below? tell them they are not allowed to use bigger ships? Do you spank them if they get into a battleship or something?
Goons operate under a very top down compartmentalised structure. They select a military commander for a campaign and that person attempts to coordinate the FC's to specific goals and oversee the team. We are talking about fleet commanders here which means he is saying that DBRB (DaBigRedBoat) is not currently allowed to take out expensive goon fleets because they don't want to reimburse them when he dies. If he takes out a fleet of 200 tempest fleet issues and loses them because he sucks it costs the alliance hundreds of billions of isk, a huge morale loss to their war effort, and they aren't easily replaced because you need to aquire them with LP from minmatar navy. There is only so much supply, which is not enough to meet the demand for large welps.
When alliances like NCdot and Goons go to war, we replace the ships lost by our pilots provided they are fit correctly and it was a strategic operation commanded by an authorized fleet commander. So in a nutshell, the new goon military commander is saying that he won't allow a shit FC to take out fleets, welp them, and cost the alliance billions in reimbursals.
The post was more of a tongue in cheek sorta thing for Drew, I didn't expect anyone else to "get it".
07-15-2013, 03:57 PM
Well, I understand the concept, just didnt understand the context.
In all the times (yes plural) I have played eve, I never got involved with Alliances. Corps yes, but never Alliances. I don't mind PvP, but I prefer PvE, simply cause I usually don't wana put up with all the crap people generally demand for PvP, I am referring to major wars, not single small action. I hate VOIP, and I usually don't check websites for info.
07-15-2013, 04:23 PM
Well, I understand the concept, just didnt understand the context.
In all the times (yes plural) I have played eve, I never got involved with Alliances. Corps yes, but never Alliances. I don't mind PvP, but I prefer PvE, simply cause I usually don't wana put up with all the crap people generally demand for PvP, I am referring to major wars, not single small action. I hate VOIP, and I usually don't check websites for info.
Then unfortunately you will never really get to experience what Eve has to offer. It's a true multiplayer game, it forces interaction between people to accomplish goals. It requires teamwork on a large scale. If you havn't been in a situation where you've got 300 people online in your alliance, fleets going out with different FC's all the time doing fun stuff, you really havn't played the same game. There are a lot of fantastic and interesting people who play Eve, and a lot of idiotic sperglords too. In Eve people are drawn together by personalities. FC's who are extremely funny and entertaining draw numbers to their fleets. Likewise FC's who are very skilled and effective draw others to them who want to take part. You can chose who you want to play with, and what you want to do.
If you really just want to PvE in highsec and build up a pilot playing solo and casual, that's cool, a lot of people chose to do that.
I simply point out that Eve offers a LOT of opportunities for gameplay that most people never even consider because the game is so different from anything they've played before.
Forgot to mention, I also picked up and dropped Eve three times. When I first started I thought the game felt very linear and single player'ish. The missions were repetitive, and at the time there wasn't anything end game'ish in content like incursions. It wasn't until I accidently got invited into a corp of semi decent lowsec players that I started to participate and understand how the game is played. You have to constantly push yourself outside of your comfort zone and try new things, you will be suprised how much there really is to do in Eve if you're willing to play with others.
07-15-2013, 05:38 PM
Can I name my guy Ender?!
07-15-2013, 08:06 PM
Can I name my guy Ender?!
Only if its full name is Ender Ound.
07-15-2013, 10:21 PM
I'm looking for a new game and not sure about Eve. The learning curve seems ridiculous and quite daunting.
I would like some details on game time though. If I start playing and put in 1-2 hours a night, or every other, how long could I expect to go before I can play for free every month.
In games tradeskills and levelling tend to be what I like to do the most. I don't like "end game" per se, I always start new alts soon after I reach maximum level. Is there a finite maximum you can take your character? Smaller fast ship seems most interesting to me, I want to be lost in a crowd, no FC for me, ever.
07-15-2013, 11:09 PM
K-Space, or W-Space as some call it is the feature of EvE that continually draws me back. Scanning down wormholes and either exploiting them with my corp, or selling locales is probably one of the most rewarding experiences for me in game. The scanning process isn't all that intuitive, but something about using probes of various sizes and proximity to find sites is the epitome of exploration for me.
07-16-2013, 06:53 AM
I'm looking for a new game and not sure about Eve. The learning curve seems ridiculous and quite daunting.
I would like some details on game time though. If I start playing and put in 1-2 hours a night, or every other, how long could I expect to go before I can play for free every month.
In games tradeskills and levelling tend to be what I like to do the most. I don't like "end game" per se, I always start new alts soon after I reach maximum level. Is there a finite maximum you can take your character? Smaller fast ship seems most interesting to me, I want to be lost in a crowd, no FC for me, ever.
You don't really level up in the traditional way, you queue up skills and they tick down whether you're logged in or not. Some skills take 10 minutes, some more than a month. Starting additional alt accounts is pretty common, but you'll never want to stop your older character from training. There are enough skills in the game to queue up and never be done.
There are plenty of different options for creating things in-game, but they're different and a bit more complex than your average MMO crafting system.
There isn't really an end-game... You could have specific goals for your character like "I want to fly this ship", "I want to make x bilion monies", "I want to kill 100 miners", or whatever. It's very much a sandbox though, and the most exciting content comes from player driven events. Small groups out roaming around looking for trouble, the big wars people have been talking about, etc.
I realize I didn't provide a whole lot of detail there, but it's late and I just stopped by on my way off the interwebs.
07-16-2013, 09:50 AM
I'm looking for a new game and not sure about Eve. The learning curve seems ridiculous and quite daunting.
It's probably better to not realise just how rediculous the learning curve is. It took me 2 years of play before I could honestly say I had a good grasp on most aspects of the game. And at that point where you think you understand Eve, it all goes out the window because you realise the game itself isn't the end game. The metagame of politics, espionage, propaganda, manipulation, that is the end game. And to play that game requires not only an excellent understanding of Eve mechanics, but also of psychology, history, philosophy. It also requires you to be socially adept and charismatic, because no one is going to follow someone and put in work for them if they don't genuinely like and believe in that person. Consider trying to run a nations military with 100% volunteers who are unpaid and do it in their spare time.
At a certain point the spaceships don't even matter. The leader of Goonswarm logs into Eve MAYBE twice a year, he's a retired lawyer who runs the largest coalition in Eve (16000+ people) through skype and jabber.
I would like some details on game time though. If I start playing and put in 1-2 hours a night, or every other, how long could I expect to go before I can play for free every month.
Impossible to answer this question. Your ability to earn isk in Eve is entirely on you. How creative are you? How ruthless are you willing to be? How good are you at logistics and spreadsheets? How quickly do you learn new things? The limitation on your earning potential in Eve is always you.
Smaller fast ship seems most interesting to me, I want to be lost in a crowd, no FC for me, ever.
A somewhat unknown little secret, no one likes to FC. It's possibly the most stressful activity you can imagine. The professional FC's of Eve have been pushed into those positions because they have the sort of mind required to perform the task. No one goes into Eve thinking I want to multi account 6 toons at the same time, listen to 3 voip conversations simultaniously, and still have enough situational awareness on grid in game to call target and position the fleet, give orders, watch intel streams, etc.
If Eve had an endgame, it would be as a senior coalition fleet commander. The burnout rate is pretty incredible for FC's, which is why you need a LOT of them to be a successful PVP alliance. When one burns out you need to have another equally good person to step in and take over, or your war is lost. And truth be told there is less then 20 people playing Eve currently who can do it at that level.
07-16-2013, 10:20 AM
Starting additional alt accounts is pretty common, but you'll never want to stop your older character from training.
You can now add an additional PLEX to your account which allows you to train a second toon at the same time. In most cases you are still better off just using a second account as it costs the same but gives you the added functionality of being able to log in both at the same time, but if you just want to train up a cyno alt or market toon or something, it allows you to do that without stopping your mains training. The other benefit is that you can keep that secondary toon on your account without having to continually pay the plex of the 2nd account to access the toon.
Also I've found that around 140 million SP you do start running pretty thin on what you can train and actually benefit from. For a combat toon.
A lot of people also train up alts to do specific things, then stop. For example I have a maxxed out fleet booster, fc5 and all races commandships/t3's. That is all I use him for, so his training stopped at 60m or so. Supercarrier pilot I have stopped at 80m sp, literally nothing else I can train that will benefit that toon because once you're in a super or titan with a toon, it's a space coffin. You can't ever dock so that toon lives in that ship forever.
Lord Orbstar
07-16-2013, 11:10 AM
Wait, what? So if you get a big ship you just have to hang in space? AFK seems like death to me. Also, I just now moved up to a Fleet Issue Hurricane fully outfitted. I need an alliance for this character, a corporation where I can learn to fight my ship in relative safety because it will not be easily replaced. I have about a billion ISK and now need to start earning some.
My Hurricane Fleet fit:
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II (or another Gyro Stab)
Damage Control II
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I (Afterburner for me since i dont have MWD)
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II (or Adaptive Invuln Field II)
Warp Disruptor II
425mm AutoCannon II, Barrage M or maybe longer range ammo in the first two cannons only
425mm AutoCannon II, Barrage M or maybe longer range ammo in the first two cannons only
425mm AutoCannon II, Barrage M
425mm AutoCannon II, Barrage M
425mm AutoCannon II, Barrage M
425mm AutoCannon II, Barrage M
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I (or Arbalest light missle launcher to kill frigates and little ship.)
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Lord Orbstar
07-16-2013, 11:19 AM
Oh, I can only use Warrior I drones right now though. I am bringing Navigation up to 5 (about 1 day left), then I will work on drones. My goal is to fly a Sleipner and know how to use it. I thought I would like to be a dreadnaught pilot, but that seems a long way off. The Sleipner is really a cool boat.
07-16-2013, 11:39 AM
Wait, what? So if you get a big ship you just have to hang in space? AFK seems like death to me.
Okay so how to explain this. Right so, at a certain point in your Eve career you will begin to recognize ships as specific tools for a specific purpose. In games like world of warcraft or gemstone, you build an identity around your char and your gear. You have to completely stop thinking in this way when it comes to Eve. You wouldn't cry if your wrench broke would you? It's just a tool, you can buy another.
Anyway, the further progression on from that is not just viewing ships as tools in a box, you view toons and accounts in this way as well. Each toon serves a specific purpose.
Eventually, if you want to fly capital ships, you really need a minimum of 2-3 accounts. You can't move a capital ship through a gate like subcaps, you move by using a jump drive to jump to a cynosaural beacon lit by another player (or alt of yours). So you can't really have a carrier and only one account because how the fuck are you gunna move it anywhere? A JDC 5 carrier can jump like 30~ systems in one jump.
So carriers, dreads, these can dock in a station. When you go bigger to supercarriers/motherships and titans, they are too large to dock in a station.
This means that you need to have a dedicated toon which sits in that ship ALL the time. But that doesn't mean you do nothing all the time, you just don't have that toon logged in when you aren't using it. On that account you might have another subcap toon, or a cyno toon, or a fleet booster, or mission running alt. You try to make the most out of the accounts you run by putting complementary toons onto accounts together.
Cane fit looks good, if you have any problems with tracking just use 220mm vulcan autocannons instead of the 450mm's, on paper you lose dps but that dps is more then compensated for by the improved tracking on smaller targets which means more damage actually applied.
07-16-2013, 09:40 PM
Undocked from VFK today and saw that someone had erected a memorial to the player Vile Rat using bubbles:
Vile Rat was a well known Goon diplomat in Eve and worked for the State Department in real life. He was one of the four people killed in the Benghazi attacks.
09-12-2013, 10:24 PM
Pretty awesome.
09-12-2013, 10:36 PM
So what is there to do as a returning player anymore? I've a mining / industry aligned toon but can ride through level 4 missions pretty easily with a drone outfitted Dominix.
So what is there to do as a returning player anymore? I've a mining / industry aligned toon but can ride through level 4 missions pretty easily with a drone outfitted Dominix.
Eve is all about corporations. Find one you like. Do faction warfare or null sec PvP. Try Red vs Blue for some anytime fun frigate combat. Flying Eve solo is the best way to hate the game.
09-13-2013, 12:05 AM
Yeah, I learned that early on. The carebear corp I joined up with did a month long op in w-space that netted me my dominix, a couple of t2 frigs and about 600m isk. Not a whole lot I know, but I hear with faction warfare not a lot is going on in w-space anymore.
09-27-2013, 04:48 PM
Funny story, last night I was hauling about 300mil worth of PI, which I do fairly often without incident. I was in the process of jumping to the next gate when suddenly I was getting shot at. Before I could do anything one ship was instantly CONCORDONKEN!!@#@ on the gate and as I warped away a second ship was already taking damage. I got out with about 10-20% armor left
It all happened in under 2-3 seconds, so I didn't even get to see what they were shooting at me with. However, it made my night to know they both lost their ships for nothing because they underestimated my resistances, +2 warp strength and that I would be able to warp away so quickly in an indy ship. I guess they thought they could alpha me without an issue.
Now I have kill rights on them both.
09-27-2013, 05:21 PM
I've been noticing a lot more highsec ganking lately with the factional warfare.
09-30-2013, 10:51 AM
Incorrect, you are more than likely being targetted by NWO people or just plain griefers. FW pilots tend to kill eachother and leave carebears in highsec alone.
What is NWO in this context?
10-01-2013, 11:28 AM
Miner bumpers and transport ship griefers. Try and make you buy a "Permit".
Even when the fleet is boring I always enjoy how pretty this game is.
Here we see the giant space potato leaving its natural habitat in search of very slow prey.
Also aren't one of you guys in N3 or an ally? I'm interested in your take on the Halloween war if so.
Johnny Five
11-22-2013, 06:46 PM
Also aren't one of you guys in N3 or an ally? I'm interested in your take on the Halloween war if so.
To whom do you speak?
(Bryft is my old account, thought it best not to use that name since I sold that character.)
To whom do you speak?
(Bryft is my old account, thought it best not to use that name since I sold that character.)
Yeah aren't you in N3?
Johnny Five
11-26-2013, 10:21 AM
Naw, I'm not Nullsec. Gal Mil FW. Due to winter through I haven't had much time to spank Test lately. God they are terrible.
12-02-2013, 05:41 PM
Okay, I started playing a bit more lately and am curious. What is/was the halloween war over? Who won? Is it still ongoing?
Okay, I started playing a bit more lately and am curious. What is/was the halloween war over? Who won? Is it still ongoing?
Russians/Black Legion/Stainwagon vs N3/Pandemic Legion/Insidious Empire (EMP)
Third party allies: CFC allied with the Russians.
The war is still ongoing, the Russians are trying to take back their homeland in drone space they have held since time immemorial. N3 drove them out over 2 years ago. The war is still ongoing with N3 being pushed back slowly. The russians finally have a counter to the N3 slowcat carrier fleet, they just drop hundreds of dreads. N3 is currently mostly only willing to fight with their slowcat fleet when they are outside a station they can dock up in.
Here's an in-depth wrap up of what happened last month if you're interested:
12-03-2013, 04:27 PM
Interesting. It always amazes me how much actually goes on, and how much strategy the big players put into this crazy game.
Btw, FERAL my old alliance pretty much has fallen apart after my corp left. It's interesting to see the Deteroid area we used to rent from Unthinkables is now under the control of Northern Associates. I guess it's a good thing we cleared out when we did.
12-03-2013, 04:40 PM
The war is still ongoing, the Russians are trying to take back their homeland in drone space they have held since time immemorial.
Not old alliance built the first three outposts in drone space, we were the original inhabitants...until we got completely fucked over by the Russians, who helped us get out there, let us build the initial infrastructure, then said "haha, thanks guys, now go fuck yourselves."
I hate Russians. If I ever did come back to Eve, it would be just to hang out in Russian nullsec and ambush ratters.
Johnny Five
12-03-2013, 05:40 PM
I have yet to make any attempt doing nullsec stuff. I find FW a comfortable medium in the ability to find a fight in about 5 seconds. I'm all about the PVP. Plus F1 monkeying doesn't seem to be something I would enjoy. Maybe some day when I want to retire I'll go to nullsec.
12-04-2013, 03:27 PM
Maybe it's just me, but nullsec kinda seems like the opposite of a peaceful retirement spot.
12-04-2013, 03:44 PM
I tried Eve for a few months.. I was hanging out in Nullsec with a corp but my god it was boring. Not enough interaction with your ship for me. If I could be flying with a controller instead of clicking around the game would be amazing. The concepts of economy with everything getting destroyed and being remade and having to go out and mine and etc etc is amazing. I hate when things don't get destroyed. Ruins the economy. Hopefully one day they will make a game with most of Eve's concepts but allow you to be a pilot, then I would be all over it.
12-04-2013, 03:58 PM
Eve is rather amazing for its economy, I don't think I've ever seen a game that comes close to it. Eve could have its own stock market. It kind of does in some respects...
I do agree that they could use some improvements on ship control and dog fighting, but the times I've been in small fleet PvP, it's been very intense and fun. I just suck at it.
Quick story, we had a pair of enemy cruisers come into our system and they managed to kill an alliance member who had been on the gate. I think they were in a Scythe and Harbringer? Anyhow, our CEO and about 3 others including myself spent the next 15-20 minutes playing cat/mouse with them. They kept jumping between planets and other points trying to catch one of us out.
We spotted them on a gate, waiting to jump through if we all came at them. So our CEO went in solo, warping in about 20-30km off the gate to draw them out. They took the bait and engaged him, and the rest of us warped in from various areas around the system.
I warped in just in time to see three other ships warp in from different angles to engage them since we'd been at various planets trying to cut them off. It was a pretty cool scene. They'd let themselves be caught by being greedy and between all of use we managed to take them out. I wasn't all that helpful, but I did managed to scram/web and get a little damage on the scythe, but for most of first part of the fight I had some ECM drones on me, jamming my targeting so I couldn't do shit.
Those moments are very fun for me.
12-04-2013, 04:10 PM
My experience was a big fleet cause we were at war so I could only leave the base late at night or get ripped instantly. I wanted to fly interceptors so I got up to be able to fly them (needed some more L5's to be optimal but whatever) but things were just too boring most of the time. We would find some people sometimes but I had no clue what was going on and rarely even got to fire a shot, not that I needed to. Most of the time was just spent scouting and looking for something to do. I would end up jumping in my Dom and using Sentry drones doing anoms all day when we werent at war which was EXTREMELY boring. Target fire orbit drone and go take a nap. Come back and spend 2 hours cleaning up the wrecks.
Now let me jump into an Ares with my xbox controller and try orbitting around a capital ship manually while dodging laser fire and I wouldn't be bored out of my mind. I just want control over watching a movie play out. I mean if you know whats going on it's a bad ass movie but it's just too slow. I do really like the offline training though so I don't feel like I'm falling behind when I don't play like you do with every other MMO out there.
My experience was a big fleet cause we were at war so I could only leave the base late at night or get ripped instantly. I wanted to fly interceptors so I got up to be able to fly them (needed some more L5's to be optimal but whatever) but things were just too boring most of the time. We would find some people sometimes but I had no clue what was going on and rarely even got to fire a shot, not that I needed to. Most of the time was just spent scouting and looking for something to do. I would end up jumping in my Dom and using Sentry drones doing anoms all day when we werent at war which was EXTREMELY boring. Target fire orbit drone and go take a nap. Come back and spend 2 hours cleaning up the wrecks.
Now let me jump into an Ares with my xbox controller and try orbitting around a capital ship manually while dodging laser fire and I wouldn't be bored out of my mind. I just want control over watching a movie play out. I mean if you know whats going on it's a bad ass movie but it's just too slow. I do really like the offline training though so I don't feel like I'm falling behind when I don't play like you do with every other MMO out there.
Vendetta Online is twitchy. I used to play a few years ago. Pretty fun game.
Johnny Five
12-05-2013, 11:59 AM
My experience was a big fleet cause we were at war so I could only leave the base late at night or get ripped instantly. I wanted to fly interceptors so I got up to be able to fly them (needed some more L5's to be optimal but whatever) but things were just too boring most of the time. We would find some people sometimes but I had no clue what was going on and rarely even got to fire a shot, not that I needed to. Most of the time was just spent scouting and looking for something to do. I would end up jumping in my Dom and using Sentry drones doing anoms all day when we werent at war which was EXTREMELY boring. Target fire orbit drone and go take a nap. Come back and spend 2 hours cleaning up the wrecks.
Now let me jump into an Ares with my xbox controller and try orbitting around a capital ship manually while dodging laser fire and I wouldn't be bored out of my mind. I just want control over watching a movie play out. I mean if you know whats going on it's a bad ass movie but it's just too slow. I do really like the offline training though so I don't feel like I'm falling behind when I don't play like you do with every other MMO out there.
Bro if you decide to come back come play with me and my corp in FW. FW is extremely intense. You can find a fight in literally minutes. And the Gal Mil have no problem with new bros. My corp is personally a really good one but we only do selective recruiting. Hit me up if you are ever interested in getting in a fight. Fly a 2m derptron and hero tackle is some of the best times I've ever had!
12-05-2013, 01:07 PM
Im sure I will give it another shot at some point. No clue when that might be. Maybe if ESO is a failure but I foresee that sucking up my extra MMO cash.
Johnny Five
12-05-2013, 03:58 PM
Its pretty easy in FW to plex out your account with minimal effort. At least that's what I do.
I resubbed to this terrible game (that people are telling me is less terrible) and am back among the swarm.
I resubbed to this terrible game (that people are telling me is less terrible) and am back among the swarm.
Which corp, what's your name?
'Waffe, and Venomire.
So much has changed in this game I feel new all over again.
'Waffe, and Venomire.
So much has changed in this game I feel new all over again.
Me too and we have another GS player in 'waffe too. I added you to my contact list, I'll help you out with whatever you need.
02-22-2014, 01:24 AM
Me too and we have another GS player in 'waffe too. I added you to my contact list, I'll help you out with whatever you need.
You've forsaken GS. Don't you dare show your face in Elanthia. I'll cut you son.
You've forsaken GS. Don't you dare show your face in Elanthia. I'll cut you son.
I'll come back, I always do.
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