07-07-2013, 11:47 PM
***Since DR doesn't have any forums with a lich section, and people might wanna learn how to code for lich better over in DR (and this is the place to do that), I'll be posting the how-to for my KillerTofu script here.
KillerTofu is a DragonRealms hunting script, designed mainly for barbarians. It will train a weapon for roughly 60 seconds (depending on your personal rt for each weapon) and check experience gained. It will repeat this process 5 times, and if not enthralled or higher, will move on to the next weapon automatically.
KT uses a series of switches which are found at the beginning of the script to discern which weapons you wish to train. Set these variables to 1 for on, and 0 for off.
To set these switches, open the KillerTofu script in notepad (or even better notepad++) and change the variables accordingly.
The same is true for different skills which can be trained during combat such as hiding, outdoorsmanship, appraisal and perception.
***EXAMPLE se = "1" will train Small Edged weapons, app = "1" will train appraisal.
The script currently supports 11 different weapons/styles. You must set each type of weapon/shield within the Train1 - Train10 sections of the script under the lefthand/righthand variables (IE lefthand = "shield" righthand = "sword"). Attack types (IE combo1 = "jab" and combo2 = "slice") stance, combat maneuver and round-times (combo1p and combo2p) may be set in these sections as well. The order of weapons/styles are listed in the same order of the variables set in the beginning, meaning tactics combos and roundtime must set under the train1 section, small edged under train2 etc.
Hunting room variables must be set with the corresponding lich room id, which can be found by typing ;whereami while in your preferred hunting room, or shift+clicking the room in narost. Your "resting/retreat to" spot must be set in KTretreater. Common spots, as well as the rank specific creatures will train to, will be listed in a following post.
Will also switch helms in order to train multiple armors. Set hs to 1 to activate this, and set names of your helms.
***This script also requires KTsearcher, KTretreater, Allpurpose, and KTlooter which will all be available on the repo (eventually). These scripts all have their own variables which need to be set.
***Tactics portion written by: Zadrix
Any questions, get in touch with Nanotok or Nanotek IG, or post here. More to come soon.
KillerTofu is a DragonRealms hunting script, designed mainly for barbarians. It will train a weapon for roughly 60 seconds (depending on your personal rt for each weapon) and check experience gained. It will repeat this process 5 times, and if not enthralled or higher, will move on to the next weapon automatically.
KT uses a series of switches which are found at the beginning of the script to discern which weapons you wish to train. Set these variables to 1 for on, and 0 for off.
To set these switches, open the KillerTofu script in notepad (or even better notepad++) and change the variables accordingly.
The same is true for different skills which can be trained during combat such as hiding, outdoorsmanship, appraisal and perception.
***EXAMPLE se = "1" will train Small Edged weapons, app = "1" will train appraisal.
The script currently supports 11 different weapons/styles. You must set each type of weapon/shield within the Train1 - Train10 sections of the script under the lefthand/righthand variables (IE lefthand = "shield" righthand = "sword"). Attack types (IE combo1 = "jab" and combo2 = "slice") stance, combat maneuver and round-times (combo1p and combo2p) may be set in these sections as well. The order of weapons/styles are listed in the same order of the variables set in the beginning, meaning tactics combos and roundtime must set under the train1 section, small edged under train2 etc.
Hunting room variables must be set with the corresponding lich room id, which can be found by typing ;whereami while in your preferred hunting room, or shift+clicking the room in narost. Your "resting/retreat to" spot must be set in KTretreater. Common spots, as well as the rank specific creatures will train to, will be listed in a following post.
Will also switch helms in order to train multiple armors. Set hs to 1 to activate this, and set names of your helms.
***This script also requires KTsearcher, KTretreater, Allpurpose, and KTlooter which will all be available on the repo (eventually). These scripts all have their own variables which need to be set.
***Tactics portion written by: Zadrix
Any questions, get in touch with Nanotok or Nanotek IG, or post here. More to come soon.