View Full Version : Thank you Chris Weidman

07-07-2013, 01:34 AM
LOL Anderson Silva.

07-07-2013, 01:40 AM
Yeah. I made a thread about it too. His clowning finally got him dropped and ktfo'd. But I mean, he don't even want a rematch and is done being the champ just like that? He put zero effort into that fight. What a miserable last title fight.

07-07-2013, 01:42 AM
I literally jumped and hurt my hand hitting the ceiling when that happened.

07-07-2013, 01:46 AM
He showed him zero respect. That was crazy.

07-07-2013, 01:58 AM
He showed him zero respect. That was crazy.

Yeah. I'm not an Anderson Silva fan for that reason, but I realize how fucking good he is. He got EXACTLY what was coming to him, but I feel cheated in a way. I wanted to see him lose in a fucking war.

07-07-2013, 02:07 AM
Yeah. I made a thread about it too. His clowning finally got him dropped and ktfo'd. But I mean, he don't even want a rematch and is done being the champ just like that? He put zero effort into that fight. What a miserable last title fight.

I dunno man, I think he was rattled after the beginning of round 1, and resorted to trying to get into Weidman's head. It was definitely a bad way to go out though. He's like 38 and had the best run in MMA history, and probably is tired as shit of practicing. Besides, I think he knows he'd lose a rematch.