View Full Version : Political correction?

08-24-2004, 04:23 PM
For a long time, I've maintained a fairly loose policy on racially/sexually charged words being used on PsiNet. To quote directly from the policy:

"Intentionally disruptive" is taken to include but should not be interpreted as limited to:

- Scrolling unwanted text on another person's screen
- Being unnecessarily and repeatedly combative
- Making *non-satirical* discriminatory statements; bigotry
- Abuse or damage to the PsiNet system

It should not include:

- Making derogatory comments about a particular person. (Note that this can fall under unnecessarily and repeatedly combative)
- Voicing a conservative- that is, right-wing- opinion on a social topic. Political and even moral debate is encouraged in the form of civilized conversation.

It's always been my approach to give the least amount of power to terminology as possible. I think that as long as n-words and f-words aren't used in a way that's derogatory, that they shouldn't be prohibited.

In a way, using these words outside their negative connotations strips them of their power over their victims. It also tends to shock the sensitivities of the more PC people that hear it.

it also drives people to infer that I'm a hypocrite, which is the last thing I want to do here. I want chat to be free and civilized.

I should note that I do not support bigotry in any way. When terms or statements are made which AREN'T meant as humor or satire, it IS punished. But this is generally up to the interpretation of me and my moderators.

[OOC]-Someone: "Hi!"
[OOC]-Someoneelse: "Sup nigga? :)"
[OOC]-Third: "I've been a bad faggot, I missed the last four episodes of Will and Grace. :-p"

[OOC]-Asswipe: "You stupid fucking faggot, you should rot in hell"

As you can (hopefully) see, there's some context involved.

And then when this happens:

--my position is generally to say, "That's unfortunate, I don't think he meant to offend you, but you can PSINET IGNORE him if you want."

My question is this. Should I completely ban all such language, even if it's not meant negatively? Or should I continue to enforce it as I do, depending on the situation?

Please post your thoughts along with your vote!

08-24-2004, 04:26 PM
Do what you're already doing. I don't think you're ever going to have civilized chat (what with the nature of the media) but you seem to have a handle on free.

08-24-2004, 04:26 PM
I think a case by case basis is the best way to go

08-24-2004, 04:27 PM
Don't be a chat-nazi, Jamus. Keep it the way it is now, and if people are like "OMFG YOU SUXOR I NO USE J00R PROGRAM" be like "Don't let the door hit you."


You're still my bitch. :)

08-24-2004, 04:27 PM
Leave it as it is. Some people talk like that. Ever see a black or homosexual comedian on tv, making jokes about 'niggas' and 'gays'? If you don't like it, you can mute it or turn it off. Same should go with Psinet. Ignore the person, or untune.

08-24-2004, 04:46 PM
I'm considering this more because it's very disappointing that only 68/207 of the people (right now) using PsiNet contribute to the community in any way. PsiNet was always SUPPOSED to be a communication tool, not a game playing tool, necessarily.

There's this nasty reputation that OOC chat has gotten, and I think most people don't realize that OOC isn't as stupid and immature as some people would like to think. The vast majority of the time, the OOC channel is a friendly, helpful place, and a place where just about any question about GS can be answered.

But the 'loud' moments- the ones that get logged and mailed, posted, etc., tend to be the ones that are most entertaining and dramatic- the times when OOC is more edgy.

I don't know what to do to dispel that.

08-24-2004, 05:04 PM
Seriously Jamus, as I said on OOC just a bit ago. I really don't think that you... or anyone is going to get the general OOC people to change the way they use that channel, period.

There are times when OOC gets on my nerves sure, but I'm not a child, easy enough to just ignore my thought window, or ignore the conversation in general. Simply put the OOC channel is the way it is, everyone there is generally laid back and can deal with it. At least a major portion of the regulars.

The point in getting more people involved with the chat aspect of the PsiNet, I have no clue, aside from making it mandetory, how you would even consider it. I feel for you on that end of things.

Whatever you decide, is your choice. Can't hurt to try to implement new methods, you know I'll back you on that.

08-24-2004, 05:05 PM
I'd post logs of the boring stuff, but people would just be like 'wtf?'

I like it how it is now. PsiNet and the PC both offer something GS doesn't, a very loose restriction on what you can and can not say. I, and I think many others, like that which is why both are so successful.

08-24-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by JamusPsi
I'm considering this more because it's very disappointing that only 68/207 of the people (right now) using PsiNet contribute to the community in any way.



08-24-2004, 05:12 PM

Also, Chadj, that's not a good comparison. The black comedians that can't shut the fuck up about how they're black are not funny. Except Chris Rock sometimes.

08-24-2004, 05:35 PM
This is a hard choice. Personally, I'm not offended by all harsh language and where to draw the line is best left ambiguous in my opnion and my experience as a ChanOp and Board Moderator for a couple of RPG sites. I wouldn't mind certain words being gone, can I use them? Nigger, fag, gay (as a derogatory like, Dude, your katana is gay), Oh, a whole list of racial religous slurs... but it comes down to context for the most part. And while someone saying "Nigga Plz" to someone else may be offensive to me, I have to keep in mind that some folks are just... unenlightened and at nearly 31 years of age, I'm tired of trying to stamp out ignorance since for every person I seem to educate, 10 more idiotic wanna-be gangsta jackasses pop up. Meh. Apathy kills, and you're next.

08-26-2004, 04:46 AM
Unless the use of the word has any justification in the context of the post, those words are usually removed by me.

Some people do not understand why and want to argue about it, and this is not surprising.

I look at it this way. When you use the word "gay" as an insult, that perpetuates the notion that being gay is bad, wrong, heinous etc. Any word that is used in a derogatory manner towards sexuality, race, religion, or anything that isn't acceptable to one intolerant person should be addressed by anyone with a conscience.

While the younger crowd thinks it is cool to call their friends "fag" in jest as an insult, I see it only adding to the problem.

It is of course your program and your domain to govern, but here I don't tolerate it. It's tacky, low-brow, juvenile, and distasteful.

08-26-2004, 08:56 AM
I'd stick with what you're doing, Jamus, if it were me. Be sure your moderators know what you expect, and that they follow through with your wishes for your chat. Those who can't seem to get the message (the "uncivilized" bunch) may need to be banned for a bit in order to understand what it is you wish them to do, and not to do. Those who are TOO politically correct, and are offended by just about anything, need to either get a grip, or untune. :shrug:


*Edited to add that you should also be very careful about the people you choose to moderate your chat. Remember, to moderate well, one must be relatively moderate oneself. Those who are likely to fly off the handle, or to indulge themselves in the questionable goings-on, do not make good moderators. ;)*

[Edited on 8-26-2004 by HarmNone]

08-29-2004, 04:08 PM
I'm just wondering why Coinner and Sillvento haven't been banned from PsiNet yet.