View Full Version : I hate shopping!

08-24-2004, 09:05 PM
Could someone PLEASE sell me some nice full leathers. I have been looking for 3+ weeks and have found nothing except over priced junk. High enchants and or crit padding preferred. Spending up to 20 mil or so i guess, but some 8x masterful padded ones for 2 mil i would not pass up;)

08-25-2004, 02:02 AM
ok i see no one cares........

08-25-2004, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Marluxian
Could someone PLEASE sell me some nice full leathers. I have been looking for 3+ weeks and have found nothing except over priced junk. High enchants and or crit padding preferred. Spending up to 20 mil or so i guess, but some 8x masterful padded ones for 2 mil i would not pass up;)

Depends on how fast you want the stuff, and if you want padding. But if you got ahold of a set of 4x non-padded leathers that you like, I could get them to 7x for you for fairly cheap (compaired to most other prices I've seen.)