View Full Version : Obsidian Tower's Auction and Storytelling

06-21-2013, 01:27 AM
Auctioning off a set of 5x golvern fire flaring full plate, close to max light (36 pounds I believe), at the small park (Calendar says Land's End. My bad yo.) 06/21/13.

The plate will come with an alter scroll, with an alteration designed by Laphrael which the Tower purchased. Should the buyer not want this, or prefer something else, they can use my scroll or get it altered themselves. All proceeds go to the Tower coffers and fun events in the future.

Afterwards Altaric will be taking those interested to the Tower to tell a Story. I won't be there, but I hope to hear some of you attended! Thanks.


06-21-2013, 01:36 AM
38lbs is min weight for full plate, it'd be rather rare to be below that.

06-21-2013, 01:41 AM
38lbs is min weight for full plate, it'd be rather rare to be below that.

Looks like it might be more like 38. Weight gives me a range of 35-41. Either way, I'll have a bard sing to it before tomorrow to be certain.

06-21-2013, 10:52 PM
Thanks to all who came out. Special thanks to Altaric for giving what I heard was an awesome Storytelling, and thank you to Corvane for purchasing the armor for 16.66million. We'll put it to good use.