View Full Version : Ad by Kerry Campaign
08-22-2004, 07:50 PM
I know it's on the Kerry site, but I liked the ad. It will come up with the petition, if you click on the right hand side, you can watch the ad. It's interesting.
Seems he really hasn't changed his old tricks.
[Edited on 8-23-2004 by Ilvane]
First I will say I have been equally critical of Bush and Kerry.
Kerry is really coming off as a whiny suck. He had no problem when ran ads comparing Bush to Hitler. Neither did he have a problem when ran an Anti-Bush commercial contest. But he has a problem with the Swift Boat Veteran commercials and wants them taken off the air. First off any veteran has earned the right to be heard on air or off. Secondly the First Amendment guarantees every US citizen the right to free speech. Thirdly John Kerry made his Vietnam Service an election issue. Character is an issue be it Bush's or Kerry's
John Kerry against free speech?
08-22-2004, 08:50 PM
John Kerry = :penis:
08-22-2004, 08:59 PM
Kerry is taking a beating in the polls due to his crying over the Swiftmud commercials. His constant crying on how it's not fair.. yet saying nothing against the 60 some organizations who are making commercials against Bush makes him almost worse than Gore in my eyes.
He wants his cake and he wants to eat it as well. Boo fucking hoo. :sniffle:
08-22-2004, 09:05 PM
Actually Kerry came out and condemned the adds attacking Bush. Bush meanwhile is sneaking around and refused to condemn the ad by the Swift Boat Veterans, who by the way have been proven liars, and proved to be connected to Bush.
It's sad that Bush had to resort to attacks like that. It's the same thing he did to McCain.
08-22-2004, 09:08 PM
You know, this election would be so much easier if McCain or Nader were candidates.
08-22-2004, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane
Actually Kerry came out and condemned the adds attacking Bush. Bush meanwhile is sneaking around and refused to condemn the ad by the Swift Boat Veterans, who by the way have been proven liars, and proved to be connected to Bush.
It's sad that Bush had to resort to attacks like that. It's the same thing he did to McCain.
I don't think there is much to learn about Kerry from either his band of brothers or from the swiftvets.
as for 'proven liars', today's washington post (in a news article, not an op-ed) reaches a slightly different conclusion - I would post a link but the site requires registration - they conclude that it was a long time ago and both sides have holes in their stories.
both Kerry and Bush are deeply connected to the 527's (anti-bush and anti-kerry) that have NO CHOICE under McCain/Feigold other than to run negative ads - because to run an ad supporting their candidate would be 'proof' of co-ordination (the thing that is illegal) - classic unintended consequence of legislation.
C/Valth - wondering how I am ever going to choose between Kerry and Bush - leaning towards a coin toss at the moment
08-22-2004, 10:50 PM
Yeah. McCain and Nader actually stand for admirable things.
08-22-2004, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane
Actually Kerry came out and condemned the adds attacking Bush. Bush meanwhile is sneaking around and refused to condemn the ad by the Swift Boat Veterans, who by the way have been proven liars, and proved to be connected to Bush.
It's sad that Bush had to resort to attacks like that. It's the same thing he did to McCain.
Your so called proof has been offered up by the Democratic Party. That's like me posting something good to say about Bush and using Rush Limbaugh as a reference.
Get a new source for your information instead of Air America.
08-23-2004, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
You know, this election would be so much easier if McCain or Nader were candidates. Yep.
Out of curiosity, has anyone else actually read the book "Unfit for Command", or is everyone just repeating the Kerry Campaign's talking points?
08-23-2004, 01:30 AM
Actually it wasn't the Democratic party that put out the information, it was the New York times, as well as the Washington Post.
Oh, and Jack..that book is written by the same guy as the Swift Boats veterans(for Bush..hehe)
It was written by John O'Niel, but really he's more of an editor than an author. The book takes Kerry's version from his own words, and his biography, then compares the same events to the men who served with him. Over sixty eye-witness accounts. And I really like how everyone has changed the name of the Organization to Swift Boat Vetrans for Bush, maybe we should change Fahrenheit 9-11 to John Kerrinheit 9-11.....
08-23-2004, 01:51 AM
Farenheit 9/11 was not financed by a major campaign donor to John Kerry's campaign. The Swift Boat Veterans was funded by a major Bush and Republican campaign donor, Bob Perry. Perry gave $100,000 of the $158,750 received by the Swift Boat group through the end of June.
From the Washington Post article:
On Aug. 22 the Washington Post quoted a new eyewitness in support of Kerry's version. The Post said it had independently contacted Wayne D. Langhofer, who manned a machine gun aboard PCF-43, the boat directly behind Kerry's, and that Langhofer said he distinctly remembered the "clack, clack, clack" of enemy AK-47 assault rifles.
Also, take a look at the citation of Larry Thurlow, one of the men now saying Kerry lied.
There's lots of proof out there, but you don't seem to want to read it, or accept that these guys are not telling the truth.
Anyway, I at least feel educated on the subject. I'm not just buying what my candidate says, I'm well aware about what he says, and what the proof is, unlike many Bush supporters.
Both medal citations were based off of the after action report. You see, everything in the military has to match up. So any medal write up that doesn't match the after action report is kicked back to be rewritten. Guess who wrote the after action report..... I'll give you a hint, it was the same guy who ordered his boat flee the scene after the mine explosion.... You know, all the crap people threw out there about how you had to see Michael Moore's movie before you could comment, you'd think they'd apply the same standards when the shoe is on the other foot.
08-23-2004, 11:24 AM
Fahrenheit 911 was a the truth.
Swiftvets were lies spread by Bush supporters. is financed independendly of any Democratic supporters.
Swiftvets were financed solely by Republicans.
Nice :spin:
08-23-2004, 11:30 AM
See.. others can play connect the dots like Kerry does:
ps - I find this connection as stupid as I do the Bush / Swiftvets... but 60 million is a FAR cry from 100K. For those that are math challenged:
100,000 < 60,000,000
08-23-2004, 02:40 PM
Im sure you have either gotten this, will get this, or its been posted but I find it funny all the same: Who would you rather have running your country?
08-23-2004, 02:51 PM
It's pretty funny.. but I'm sure there has to be some goofy pictures of Bush that could be done in the same manner.
I'd rather stick with the their stances and promises.
08-23-2004, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
It's pretty funny.. but I'm sure there has to be some goofy pictures of Bush that could be done in the same manner.
I'd rather stick with the their stances and promises.
It shows, with that photoshopped middle finger waving Kerry in your sig.
08-23-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Parkbandit
It's pretty funny.. but I'm sure there has to be some goofy pictures of Bush that could be done in the same manner.
I'd rather stick with the their stances and promises.
It shows, with that photoshopped middle finger waving Kerry in your sig.
I didn't realize it was photoshopped.. prove it.
Bush > Kerry
08-23-2004, 03:13 PM
08-23-2004, 03:28 PM
I started to look - but looking for "Kerry" and "Finger" in google image search has brought up other images that have distracted me. I'll get back to you.
08-23-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
I started to look - but looking for "Kerry" and "Finger" in google image search has brought up other images that have distracted me. I'll get back to you.
LMAO... I looked up chicken because I needed a picture for chicken today at work.. and it had a lesbian getting eaten out.. with the caption "Tastes like chicken"
Getting hot lesbian pics when looking for chicken = good surprise.
Originally posted by Parkbandit
prove it.
First off, the flesh tones don't even match.
Second, I can clearly see clone repeates up the middle finger to extend it and at the wrist to remove a cuff possiblly.
Third giveaway is the chunk missing out of the lower left part of the hand. Who ever did this is a lousy photoshopper.
Look at it one channel (R, G, or B) at a time and its easier to see the mistakes.
It is a funny picture real or not.
Kerry is whiny cry baby who is getting what he deserves.
08-23-2004, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by xtc
who is getting what he deserves.
We can only hope.
<I'm probably being watched by the government now because I searched for a picture of the White House. Patriot Act what?
lol I may hate Bush but I think he will win again, God save us all
I found proof Bush served in the Air National Guard.
[Edited on 8-24-2004 by Backlash]
08-24-2004, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Backlash
Originally posted by Wezas
Seems that republicans aren't the only ones with BBcode issues.
Jeez, give a guy half a second to fix an error.
Better? :P
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