06-16-2013, 06:14 PM
Cleaned it up as best I could it a hurry. Only LNet comments I saved were directly related to the invasion. If anyone else has a log from outside the invasion area, showing how quickly we all dropped, I'd love to see it!
From the point I arrived, to Kaedra mass fogging us to Voln
[Melgorehn's Reach, Lake Eonak]
You are on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake that is fed by a waterfall gushing from the mountain side. There is a path which seems to actually lead up the side of the mountain. You also see the Avalera disk, the Berean disk, the Maags disk, a cheerful aurora spirit that is flying around, the Ortar disk, the Sareyna disk, a dismal badland spirit that is flying around, a rush lion, a forest wolf, the Jara disk, a dismal celestial spirit that is flying around, the Annelie disk, the earth brown Anticor disk, the Greycrown disk, a wood owl that is flying around, the earth brown Masrath disk, the Puptilian disk, a pocket mouse that is sitting, a sleek white-faced owl and a barely visible trail leading into a grove of ancient trees.
Also here: Earit, Drazio, Lady Jynai, Stahks, Lord Orsu, Avalera, Great Lord Berean, Maags, Ortar, Sareyna, Holymoon, High Lord Jara, Giogionni, Sarvia, Ravashaak, Great Lady Tottianna, Maltok, Lord Kamkor who is kneeling, Annelie, Greycrown, High Lord Anticor, Lady Tykeara who is sitting, Masrath, Mohana, Puptilian
Obvious paths: southwest
Masrath raises an eyebrow in Tykeara's direction.
Tykeara covers her ears.
Jara glances at you.
Orsu squints at a beautiful mountain lake.
Speaking softly to herself, Mohana says, "I have goosebumps."
Puptilian rubs Tykeara gently.
Ravashaak blinks.
Orsu glances at his brown bearskin loincloth.
Orsu glances at a beautiful mountain lake.
A forest wolf drools with ravenous hunger!
Speaking to a beautiful mountain lake, Orsu asks, "Want some more water?"
>peer jara
You peer quizzically at Jara.
Giogionni gently rests his hand on Tykeara's shoulder.
A rush lion snarls menacingly!
Orsu glances at his brown bearskin loincloth.
Earit put a City-States promissory note in his black pack.
Speaking to Tykeara, Puptilian says, "Tykeara. Sister. Focus."
Orsu cackles!
Earit removes a rune-etched pale platinum flute from in his black pack.
Speaking to you, Jara says, "I've never met you before."
The wood owl circles lazily above.
Tykeara blinks.
Jara removes a modwir-framed green slate chalkboard from his neck.
Jara shows you a modwir-framed green slate chalkboard, which he is holding in his right hand. There appears to be something written on the chalkboard. In the Common language, it reads: "The giant who stands before you is High Lord Jara the Master Healer from Wehnimer's Landing. Please let him know if you need a healing touch. Tips are not required but always appreciated. Safe travels to you."
Jara hangs a modwir-framed green slate chalkboard around his neck.
Speaking to Tykeara, Puptilian says, "Look up at me."
Holymoon traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Holymoon gestures.
There is a bright flash and a sugar-dusted travel biscuit appears in the air, then falls into Holymoon's left hand.
Jara shakes your hand.
The white-faced owl ruffles his feathers.
Holymoon tosses a sugar-dusted travel biscuit into the lake. It makes a loud splash and quickly sinks out of sight.
>bow jara
You bow to Jara.
Speaking to Puptilian, Sarvia says, "My advice get her away from the storm. I think it's feeding the chaos and breaking down the barrier Rav and I put up."
Jynai folds her hands behind her back.
With a sunny smile, Earit lifts his flute and strikes up a lilting tune.
Tykeara says, "My arm."
Speaking to Ravashaak, Sarvia says, "He's breaking down what we did with pure energy."
A rush lion emits a surprisingly deep growl!
Mohana glances between Sarvia and Tykeara.
>say ::jara haven't been adventuring in quite some time
Speaking to Jara, you say, "Haven't been adventuring in quite some time."
The dim aura fades from around Mohana.
The dim aura fades from around Puptilian.
Puptilian pulls Tykeara to her feet.
Jara nods to you.
Tykeara turns an inquisitive ear toward Sarvia.
Speaking to Tykeara, Puptilian says, "Look at me."
Ravashaak nods at Tykeara.
The white-faced owl ruffles his feathers.
Speaking to Ravashaak, Sarvia says, "Completely bipassing bloodmagic."
Berean glances around the area.
A forest wolf growls menacingly!
Earit glances around the area.
Greycrown shrugs at Berean.
Speaking softly to Sarvia, Mohana asks, "Back inside?"
Soulance just arrived.
Earit blows expertly across his flute, drawing forth a merry, joyful trill.
Speaking to Tykeara, Puptilian says, "This way Tykeara."
A capricious glacier spirit floats in, following Soulance.
Tykeara glances at Puptilian.
A sudden gust blows the rain at you in a stinging attack.
Puptilian nods at Tykeara.
Speaking to you, Jara says, "Be careful going near the lake, it is dangerous right now due to the lightning."
Tykeara says, "Pup."
Speaking to Tykeara, Puptilian says, "We are going inside."
Speaking to Ravashaak, Sarvia says, "This is a natural storm, it's simply doing what it does, following the focal point."
Sarvia points at Tykeara.
>nod jara
Speaking to Tykeara, Puptilian asks, "Yes?"
You nod at Jara.
A cold, heavy downpour obscures the night. The glistening rain briefly glows with each blast of lightning.
Mohana appears less secure.
Ravashaak nods.
Mohana begins to breathe less deeply.
Tykeara says, "Inside."
Sarvia says, "It won't stay natural long."
Berean frets.
The wood owl circles lazily above.
Puptilian nods slowly.
Tykeara nods.
Masrath blinks.
Sarvia says, "It'll open to the void."
Earit's fingers skip lightly along the length of his flute, conveying a cheery melody.
Berean quietly asks, "Inside insde?"
Sarvia says, "Through her."
Puptilian begins to breathe less deeply.
>say ::jara So I've heard... figured I'd take a look for myself
Speaking to Jara, you say, "So I've heard... figured I'd take a look for myself."
Speaking to Sarvia, Puptilian says, "We'll be back."
Puptilian appears less secure.
Speaking to Greycrown, Annelie asks, "Shall we head off to handle those minotaurs?"
Ortar sashays about in a circle with his head thrown back and arms wide.
Ravashaak frowns.
Puptilian just moved quietly southwest, with his group following closely.
The pocket mouse stands up.
The pocket mouse scurries off.
Jara nods to you.
Greycrown looks over at Annelie and shakes his head.
A forest wolf scrambles out of sight.
With a flap of his wings, the white-faced owl launches himself into the air.
The white-faced owl flies off.
Soulance traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Soulance gestures.
There is a bright flash and some golden brown elven waybread appears in the air, then falls into Soulance's right hand.
Speaking to you, Jara says, "Do not stand next to those two either."
Speaking to Annelie, Greycrown says, "I want to see if you get struck by lightning a third time."
Jara points at Annelie.
Soulance gobbles down a big bite of his brown elven waybread.
Soulance gobbles down his brown elven waybread in one enormous bite.
Jara points at Tottianna.
Speaking to Ravashaak, Sarvia says, "Not sure moving her will help but it's better than her staying here."
Annelie smirks.
You chuckle.
Ravashaak adopts an agreeable expression.
Earit blows expertly across his flute, drawing forth a merry, joyful trill.
The sky is full of rain-sodden clouds.
A shrill, ear-numbing shriek pierces the night!
Annelie says, "I'm sure I won't."
>'our designated lightning rods?
You ask, "Our designated lightning rods?"
Ortar blinks.
Jynai ducks her head.
Ravashaak blinks.
Maltok looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.
Soulance raises an eyebrow.
Jara agrees with you.
Ortar grips his vultite maul a little tighter.
Avalera says, "I'm sure that wasn't lightning."
Ravashaak frowns.
A shimmering aura surrounds Ortar.
You shudder.
Kamkor winces.
A faint blue glow surrounds Ortar's hands.
Ortar concentrates deeply for a moment.
Speaking to Sarvia, Maags says, "Good if she hass something else to uh."
(Jynai rubs her ears slowly.)
Jara nods in agreement to you.
Jynai glances up.
Maags asks, "Focus on?"
Maags frowns.
Sarvia says, "No that was a person."
A cheerful aurora spirit joyously throws its arms towards the sky and they rise into the air like great beacons.
The russet corona surrounding Sareyna's chestnut amulet rotates around in a circle.
Earit exclaims, "That was not the storm. That was a scream!"
Maags nods at Sarvia.
A light-hearted, lilting melody fills the air as Earit's fingers dance along the length of his flute.
Ortar asks, "Who's leading this group?"
Annelie points at Greycrown.
Avalera joins Greycrown's group.
Jara says, "Greycrown is leading."
A pocket mouse scurries in.
You join Greycrown.
A sleek white-faced owl flies in.
Berean joins Greycrown's group.
Soulance joins Greycrown's group.
Jara says, "Everyone join Greycrown."
Earit joins Greycrown's group.
Giogionni joins Greycrown's group.
Orsu joins Greycrown's group.
Stahks joins Greycrown's group.
In one blurring motion, Orsu snatches a superior blue mithril maul from his harness, brandishing it for all to see.
Earit says, "Greycrown is Leading Lord Ortar."
[LNet]-GSIV:Tottianna: "A shrill, ear-numbing shriek pierces the night!"
Greycrown asks, "Are we searching the area for the source of the scream?"
Maags gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Maags gestures into the air.
Maags momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.
Earit blows expertly across his flute, drawing forth a merry, joyful trill.
Berean nods at Ortar.
Ortar asks, "Lord?"
A huge boom of thunder ripples across the sky! Another blast of lightning, then another, a third! The black sky looks cracked, divided by jagged bolts of lightning streaking downward.
Tottianna joins Greycrown's group.
The heavy rainfall makes it difficult to see more than just a few feet ahead.
Greycrown gazes up into the heavens.
Annelie blinks.
The wood owl circles lazily above.
Maags takes a deep breath.
Jynai joins Greycrown's group.
Soulance ducks slightly and covers his head with his arms.
Speaking to Greycrown, Jara says, "Everything seems to be happening near the lake."
Greycrown asks, "Thunder? Before the lightning?"
Jara points at a beautiful mountain lake.
Drazio joins Greycrown's group.
Greycrown says, "Very strange indeed."
Dipping into a lazy dive, the white-faced owl glides to the ground and lands.
A sleek white-faced owl says, "Sarvia she is hearing screams."
Soulance ducks behind his vultite tower shield.
Earit's fingers skip lightly along the length of his flute, conveying a cheery melody.
Speaking to Greycrown, Giogionni says, "I was just thinkin' the same."
Ravashaak's group just went southwest.
A cheerful aurora spirit hurriedly flits out of sight.
Jara gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Jara gestures into the air.
Jara momentarily gets a faroff look in his eyes, and then returns to normal.
>'has anyone searched further up the Reach?
You ask, "Has anyone searched further up the Reach?"
Annelie says, "It's so dark out now who could find anything."
Lord Mogonis just arrived.
Ortar seems a bit weaker than before.
Strange forms move within the clouds above.
Soulance gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Soulance gestures into the air.
Soulance momentarily gets a faroff look in his eyes, and then returns to normal.
Jynai blinks.
Ortar growls ferociously!
Holymoon just wandered up a mountain path.
Stahks gazes up into the heavens.
Greycrown points up.
Kamkor blinks.
A light-hearted, lilting melody fills the air as Earit's fingers dance along the length of his flute.
Kamkor deeply says, ""
Berean quietly says, "What is moving in the clouds."
Giogionni's eyes scan the heavens.
Greycrown says, "There's something up there."
The sky is full of rain-sodden clouds.
Jynai quietly says, "Yea.... this storm is about to get ugly."
>peer up
You peer up but see nothing of interest.
The sense of peace and security begins to wane from the area.
Greycrown tightens his grip on his vultite handaxe.
Jara traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Jara gestures.
A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.
Annelie says, "I've been stuck by lightning twice. I't's going to get worse."
Jynai quietly asks, "No one has been to the top yet?"
Annelie frowns.
The pocket mouse glances around the area, its eyes gleaming intelligently.
Earit's fingers skip lightly along the length of his flute, conveying a cheery melody.
Annelie says, "Not that I know of."
Parts of the clouds begin to detach, soon taking on the form of winged shadows.
Annelie says, "We started but the storm...."
[LNet]-GSIV:Jara: "Parts of the clouds begin to detach, soon taking on the form of winged shadows."
Giogionni says, "Here we go."
Annelie traces a simple symbol as she reverently calls upon the power of her patron...
Ortar asks, "Who can bless?"
Annelie gestures.
Annelie appears to be unaffected.
Jynai quietly says, "Uuummm."
A shadow passes overhead as a shadowy black storm griffin soars into view!
Anticor says, "Oh snap."
A shadow passes overhead as a shadowy black storm griffin soars into view!
A shadow passes overhead as a shadowy black storm griffin soars into view!
A shimmering aura surrounds Annelie.
A faint blue glow surrounds Annelie's hands.
Ortar moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
A shadow passes overhead as a shadowy black storm griffin soars into view!
[LNet]-GSIV:Mogonis: "griffins!"
A shadow passes overhead as a shadowy black storm griffin soars into view!
Annelie traces a simple symbol as she reverently calls upon the power of her patron...
Annelie gestures.
Granules of cobalt light coalesce and dance around Annelie before seeping into her very form.
Jynai quietly says, "Crap."
Jara exclaims, "Oh no!"
Avalera traces a simple symbol as she reverently calls upon the power of her patron...
Avalera gestures.
Avalera appears to be unaffected.
A shrill screech pierces the air as a shadowy black storm griffin dives from above!
Soulance hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
A rush of fear rises in your stomach, and you freeze, struggling to regain your composure!
Roundtime: 20 sec.
Earit hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Drazio hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Jynai hesitates, her eyes wide with fear!
Stahks hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Orsu hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Avalera hesitates, her eyes wide with fear!
Berean hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Ortar hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Jara hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Giogionni hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Tottianna hesitates, her eyes wide with fear!
Maltok hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Kamkor hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Annelie hesitates, her eyes wide with fear!
Greycrown hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Anticor hesitates, his eyes wide with fear!
Holymoon just wandered down a mountain path.
A shadowy black storm griffin swoops down from high overhead!
Soulance looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Soulance with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +351 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +71 = +123
... and hits for 5 points of damage!
Hard blow, but deflected.
Not much damage.
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Soulance with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +351 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +4 = +56
A clean miss.
A shadowy black storm griffin swoops down from high overhead!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Anticor!
AS: +440 vs DS: +474 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +10 = +15
A clean miss.
A shadowy black storm griffin swoops down from high overhead!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Drazio!
AS: +440 vs DS: +83 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +43 = +434
... and hits for 185 points of damage!
Bloody slash to Drazio's side!
Instant death, due to lack of intestines.
* Drazio drops dead at your feet!
The black storm griffin lets out a piercing screech!
A shadow passes overhead as a shadowy black storm griffin soars into view!
Giogionni appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly...
Giogionni gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Giogionni concentrates intently on a shadowy black storm griffin, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +461 - TD: +401 + CvA: +25 + d100: +68 == +153
Warding failed!
The black storm griffin shudders with sporadic convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop its body.
The black storm griffin is smashed for 50 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Blow grazes left arm lightly.
... 25 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
A shadow passes overhead as a shadowy black storm griffin soars into view!
Holymoon joins Greycrown's group.
Earit blows expertly across his flute, drawing forth a merry, joyful trill.
A shadow passes overhead as a shadowy black storm griffin soars into view!
A shadow passes overhead as a shadowy black storm griffin soars into view!
A shadow passes overhead as a shadowy black storm griffin soars into view!
A shadowy black storm griffin tilts its head, its keen eyes scouring the surroundings.
A shadowy black storm griffin discovers Mogonis, who was hidden!
A shadowy black storm griffin swoops down from high overhead!
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Mogonis with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +648 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +73 = -182
A clean miss.
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Mogonis with a razor-sharp claw!
With extreme effort, Mogonis beats back the attack with his katana!
You mutter something better left unheard.
Giogionni appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly...
Giogionni gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Giogionni concentrates intently on a shadowy black storm griffin, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +461 - TD: +401 + CvA: +25 + d100: +17 == +102
Warding failed!
The black storm griffin shudders with mild convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop its body.
The black storm griffin is hit for 26 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Brushing blow to temple.
... 10 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
** Giogionni's silvery orase runestaff emits a searing bolt of lightning! **
The black storm griffin flickers for an instant, but is unharmed by the electricity!
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Teiana just arrived.
A blinding flash of lightning is quickly followed by a low rumble of thunder.
Earit becomes solid again.
Earit seems to lose some dexterity.
The air about Earit stops shimmering.
The light blue glow leaves Earit.
The deep blue glow leaves Earit.
Jynai leaps to the side as she tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
Jynai stumbles as she tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits her with a powerful jolt!
... 70 points of damage!
Hideously bright electrical bolt sends right leg into another universe. Happy traveling.
She is stunned!
Stahks leaps to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
The electrical charge is drawn to his grey mithglin breastplate!
Stahks stumbles as he tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits him with a powerful jolt!
... 40 points of damage!
Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes left leg to knee joint. Won't be using it for awhile.
He is stunned!
By sheer luck, none of the quickly scattering motes come near Orsu!
He must have paid extra at the temple this week!
Avalera leaps to the side as she tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
The electrical charge is drawn to her mithril-linked corselet!
Avalera stumbles as she tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits her with a powerful jolt!
... 95 points of damage!
Horrifying electrical shock converts head into blood-stained glass. Death is a step up.
* Avalera drops dead at your feet!
Avalera's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Avalera suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Avalera.
Avalera loses the flickering twilight grey energy surrounding her.
Avalera becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Avalera seems to lose some focus as her eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
The light blue glow leaves Avalera.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Avalera.
The wavering glow around Avalera fades away.
Avalera appears to lose some internal strength.
The deep blue glow leaves Avalera.
Avalera appears less confident and fearless.
The dim celadon wisps about Avalera's hands flare up once more and fade completely away.
Avalera returns to normal color.
Avalera becomes solid again.
The bright luminescence fades from around Avalera.
The powerful look leaves Avalera.
Avalera seems a bit less imposing.
A crimson mist bleeds out from Avalera's exposed skin.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Avalera begins to falter, then completely fades away.
Avalera appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form.
Berean leaps to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
The electrical charge is drawn to his grey mithglin breastplate!
Berean stumbles as he tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits him with a powerful jolt!
... 135 points of damage!
Massive electrical bolt burns a hole through the back and kidneys
* Berean drops dead at your feet!
The bright luminescence fades from around Berean.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Berean.
Berean seems to lose some dexterity.
Berean returns to normal color.
Berean seems a bit less imposing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Berean suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Berean.
The deep blue glow leaves Berean.
The light blue glow leaves Berean.
Berean becomes solid again.
The powerful look leaves Berean.
The air about Berean stops shimmering.
Ortar leaps to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
The electrical charge is drawn to his mithglin armor!
Ortar stumbles as he tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits him with a powerful jolt!
Some old vaalorn arm greaves partially deflect the onslaught of the shocking attack.
... 135 points of damage!
Hideously bright electrical bolt sends right hand into another universe. Happy traveling.
He is stunned!
By sheer luck, none of the quickly scattering motes come near Jara!
Giogionni leaps to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
A flickering ball of electricity passes harmlessly by Giogionni!
Tottianna leaps to the side as she tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
Tottianna stumbles as she tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits her with a powerful jolt!
... 65 points of damage!
Hideously bright electrical bolt sends left arm into another universe. Happy traveling.
She is stunned!
Maltok leaps to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
Maltok stumbles as he tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits him with a powerful jolt!
... 120 points of damage!
Immense electrical bolt finds left eye the perfect conductor to ground out in. A shocking death indeed.
* Maltok drops dead at your feet!
The silvery luminescence fades from around Maltok.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Maltok.
The white light leaves Maltok.
The very powerful look leaves Maltok.
For an instant, Maltok's wounds begin to knit, and it looks as though he will successfully cling to life. Then, the reality of death overcomes the influence of Troll's Blood.
Maltok appears to lose some internal strength.
Maltok becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The bright luminescence fades from around Maltok.
Maltok seems a bit less imposing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Maltok suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The light blue glow leaves Maltok.
The powerful look leaves Maltok.
The dim aura fades from around Maltok.
The air calms down around Maltok.
Maltok begins to breathe less deeply.
The deep blue glow leaves Maltok.
Maltok appears less confident.
The brilliant aura fades away from Maltok.
The opalescent aura fades from around Maltok.
Maltok appears less secure.
By sheer luck, none of the quickly scattering motes come near Kamkor!
By sheer luck, none of the quickly scattering motes come near Annelie!
Greycrown leaps to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
The electrical charge is drawn to his steel scale armor!
Greycrown stumbles as he tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits him with a powerful jolt!
... 50 points of damage!
Electrical charge toasts Greycrown. You get a sharp whiff of burning hair.
* Greycrown drops dead at your feet!
Greycrown appears to lose some internal strength.
Greycrown becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Greycrown returns to normal color.
The air about Greycrown stops shimmering.
Greycrown looks less aware of the surroundings.
Greycrown no longer appears to be listening intently.
Greycrown seems to lose some internal strength.
The misty halo fades from Greycrown.
Greycrown seems to lose an aura of confidence.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Greycrown.
Greycrown is no longer moving so silently.
The very powerful look leaves Greycrown.
The white light leaves Greycrown.
Greycrown seems to lose some dexterity.
Greycrown becomes solid again.
Greycrown seems a bit less imposing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Greycrown suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Greycrown loses a thorny barrier.
Greycrown appears less powerful.
The powerful look leaves Greycrown.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Greycrown.
The bright luminescence fades from around Greycrown.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Greycrown.
The deep blue glow leaves Greycrown.
The light blue glow leaves Greycrown.
A silver light faintly flickers around Greycrown, then fades.
The dim aura fades from around Greycrown.
Anticor leaps to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
Anticor stumbles as he tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits him with a powerful jolt!
... 50 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Anticor to a smoldering pile of ash!
* Anticor drops dead at your feet!
The air about Anticor stops shimmering.
The light blue glow leaves Anticor.
Anticor returns to normal color.
Anticor seems to lose some dexterity.
The dim aura fades from around Anticor.
The layer of stone surrounding Anticor crumbles away.
Anticor glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Anticor.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Anticor.
The bright luminescence fades from around Anticor.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around Anticor.
Anticor appears somehow different.
Anticor seems a bit less imposing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Anticor suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Anticor becomes solid again.
Anticor appears to lose some internal strength.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Anticor.
The deep blue glow leaves Anticor.
Anticor just arrived. Wait, wasn't he here already?
Anticor no longer bristles with energy.
Anticor appears less secure.
The powerful look leaves Anticor.
Anticor becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Anticor begins to breathe less deeply.
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a pocket mouse!
The pocket mouse is unable to avoid the flickering mote!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a wood owl!
The wood owl is unable to avoid the flickering mote!
A shadowy black storm griffin swoops down from high overhead!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to spear Mogonis with its beak!
With incredible finesse, Mogonis deflects the attack with his silver krodera heater!
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Tottianna with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +219 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +26 = +212
A layer of shifting stone absorbs 8 points of damage!
... and hits for 15 points of damage!
Cut over Tottianna's right eye.
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Tottianna with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +217 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +38 = +226
A layer of shifting stone shatters!
... and hits for 40 points of damage!
Blow to head!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Ortar!
AS: +440 vs DS: +220 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +64 = +291
... and hits for 28 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right leg.
A capricious glacier spirit's form whips up into a tiny blizzard, which whirls around Soulance's corpse before dematerializing within him. A large sheet of ice spreads outward along the ground beneath Soulance's body. The ice begins to shimmer, then gathers itself beside him as it reforms into the glacier spirit.
The Greycrown disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
A shadowy black storm griffin swoops down from high overhead!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Mogonis!
Mogonis skillfully interposes his heater between himself and the attack!
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Ortar with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +200 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +64 = +239
... and hits for 14 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right leg.
** Ortar's mithglin armor emits a searing bolt of lightning at the black storm griffin! **
The black storm griffin flickers for an instant, but is unharmed by the electricity!
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Ortar with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +181 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +84 = +278
... and hits for 15 points of damage!
Minor strike to the neck.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Lord Mogonis just went southwest.
The earth brown Anticor disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
The Berean disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
The Avalera disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
A shadowy black storm griffin swoops down from high overhead!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Ortar!
AS: +440 vs DS: +154 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +89 = +382
... and hits for 41 points of damage!
Glancing slash to Ortar's shield arm!
* Ortar drops dead at your feet!
The deep blue glow leaves Ortar.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Ortar and fade.
Ortar seems a bit less imposing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Ortar suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The light blue glow leaves Ortar.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Ortar.
The bright luminescence fades from around Ortar.
Ortar becomes solid again.
The air about Ortar stops shimmering.
The faint blue glow fades from around Ortar's hands.
Ortar returns to normal color.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Ortar.
The shimmering aura fades from around Ortar.
Ortar seems to lose some dexterity.
The black storm griffin lets out a piercing screech!
Giogionni gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Giogionni concentrates intently on a shadowy black storm griffin, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +461 - TD: +401 + CvA: +25 + d100: +85 == +170
Warding failed!
The black storm griffin shudders with sporadic convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop its body.
The black storm griffin is smashed for 50 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
... 25 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
Holymoon stands up.
A shadowy black storm griffin swoops down from high overhead!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Jynai!
AS: +430 vs DS: +304 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +97 = +255
... and hits for 88 points of damage!
Blow ruptures the stomach!
* Jynai drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant aura fades away from Jynai.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Jynai.
Jynai becomes solid again.
The opalescent aura fades from around Jynai.
The very powerful look leaves Jynai.
The white light leaves Jynai.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Jynai.
For an instant, Jynai's wounds begin to knit, and it looks as though she will successfully cling to life. Then, the reality of death overcomes the influence of Troll's Blood.
The light blue glow leaves Jynai.
The bright luminescence fades from around Jynai.
The deep blue glow leaves Jynai.
The dim aura fades from around Jynai.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Jynai suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The air calms down around Jynai.
The powerful look leaves Jynai.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Jynai.
Jynai appears less confident.
Jynai seems a bit less imposing.
The black storm griffin lets out a piercing screech!
A shadowy black storm griffin swoops down from high overhead!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Jara!
AS: +440 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +96 = +235
... and hits for 76 points of damage!
Vertebrae in neck disintegrate from impact!
Neck sinks into shoulders.
* Jara drops dead at your feet!
The light blue glow leaves Jara.
The brilliant aura fades away from Jara.
Jara begins to breathe less deeply.
The air about Jara stops shimmering.
The air calms down around Jara.
The opalescent aura fades from around Jara.
Jara seems to lose some dexterity.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Jara.
The powerful look leaves Jara.
The deep blue glow leaves Jara.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Jara and fade.
Jara appears less confident.
The dim aura fades from around Jara.
For an instant, Jara's wounds begin to knit, and it looks as though he will successfully cling to life. Then, the reality of death overcomes the influence of Troll's Blood.
The very powerful look leaves Jara.
The white light leaves Jara.
The black storm griffin lets out a piercing screech!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to spear Orsu with its beak!
AS: +844 vs DS: +490 with AvD: +13 + d100 roll: +72 = +439
... and hits for 45 points of damage!
Shot pierces a wrist!
He is stunned!
** The black storm griffin's beak crackles with energy! **
... 5 points of damage!
Light shock to left hand. Fingers tingle.
The Ortar disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
A dismal celestial spirit's body turns completely translucent and the star formations found within begin to glow brightly. The spirit dives towards Jara and superimposes its body upon his, while the stars inside the spirit glitter even stronger than before. Within a few moments the spirit returns to its normal color and launches itself into a hovering position over Jara's corpse.
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to spear Tottianna with its beak!
AS: +844 vs DS: +213 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +68 = +741
... and hits for 212 points of damage!
Tottianna's hand injured grasping for support.
* Tottianna drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Tottianna.
The powerful look leaves Tottianna.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Tottianna.
The bright luminescence fades from around Tottianna.
The light blue glow leaves Tottianna.
Tottianna no longer bristles with energy.
The deep blue glow leaves Tottianna.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Tottianna.
Tottianna seems a bit less imposing.
The dim aura fades from around Tottianna.
Tottianna becomes solid again.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Tottianna suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Tottianna glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around Tottianna.
Tottianna appears somehow different.
The black storm griffin lets out a piercing screech!
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Giogionni appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly...
Giogionni gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Giogionni concentrates intently on a shadowy black storm griffin, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +461 - TD: +401 + CvA: +25 + d100: +13 == +98
Warded off!
The Jara disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
With a terrible shriek, a shadowy black storm griffin spits a wave of crackling motes into the air!
Teiana leaps to the side as she tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
What agility! A flickering ball of electricity passes harmlessly by Teiana!
By sheer luck, none of the quickly scattering motes come near Holymoon!
Stahks rolls to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
The electrical charge is drawn to his grey mithglin breastplate!
Stahks rolls to try to avoid a sparkling mote, but to no avail. The flickering ball strikes with a sharp snapping sound!
... 120 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Stahks to a smoldering pile of ash!
* Stahks drops dead at your feet!
The air about Stahks stops shimmering.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Stahks.
Stahks seems to lose some dexterity.
The dim aura fades from around Stahks.
The powerful look leaves Stahks.
The deep blue glow leaves Stahks.
The light blue glow leaves Stahks.
Stahks seems a bit less imposing.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Stahks.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Stahks suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The bright luminescence fades from around Stahks.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Stahks.
Orsu leaps to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
The electrical charge is drawn to his imflass full plate!
Orsu stumbles as he tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits him with a powerful jolt!
... 82 points of damage!
Surprisingly large electrical arc destroys neck and moves up around head making a flashy halo. Rather classical death occurs.
* Orsu drops dead at your feet!
Orsu becomes solid again.
The deep blue glow leaves Orsu.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Orsu.
The bright luminescence fades from around Orsu.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Orsu suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The light blue glow leaves Orsu.
Orsu seems a bit less imposing.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Orsu.
Giogionni leaps to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
What agility! A flickering ball of electricity passes harmlessly by Giogionni!
By sheer luck, none of the quickly scattering motes come near Kamkor!
Annelie leaps to the side as she tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
The electrical charge is drawn to her imflass metal breastplate!
Annelie stumbles as she tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits her with a powerful jolt!
... 45 points of damage!
Hideously bright electrical bolt sends right hand into another universe. Happy traveling.
She is stunned!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin is unable to avoid the flickering mote!
The black storm griffin flickers for an instant, but is unharmed by the electricity!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a sleek white-faced owl!
The white-faced owl is unable to avoid the flickering mote!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a pocket mouse!
The pocket mouse is unable to avoid the flickering mote!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Annelie!
AS: +428 vs DS: +296 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +75 = +232
... and hits for 33 points of damage!
Strike pierces thigh!
A shadowy black storm griffin swoops down from high overhead!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Teiana!
AS: +422 vs DS: +481 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +88 = +61
A clean miss.
Lord Kamkor just crawled southwest.
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Annelie!
AS: +440 vs DS: +291 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +74 = +248
... and hits for 37 points of damage!
Mighty blow cracks several ribs.
Holymoon grabs a holy krodera shield from inside his leather haversack.
Giogionni appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly...
Giogionni gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Giogionni concentrates intently on a shadowy black storm griffin, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +461 - TD: +401 + CvA: +25 + d100: +16 == +101
Warding failed!
The black storm griffin shudders with mild convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop its body.
The black storm griffin is hit for 25 points of damage!
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
... 10 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
Teiana traces a sign that contorts in the air while she forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Teiana gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Teiana hurls a ball of greenish-black flame at a shadowy black storm griffin!
AS: +386 vs DS: +302 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +8 = +131
... and hits for 17 points of damage!
Blistering strike to leg shrivels skin and causes excruciating pain.
The black storm griffin crashes to the ground, motionless.
The ball of greenish-black flame strikes a shadowy black storm griffin, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
A burst of flame from Teiana's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a shadowy black storm griffin.
... 25 points of damage!
Glaring burst to the black storm griffin's chest dances across skin leaving smoking holes
A burst of flame from Teiana's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a shadowy black storm griffin.
... 15 points of damage!
Searing strike to back causes the black storm griffin to grunt in pain.
A burst of flame from Teiana's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a shadowy black storm griffin.
... 15 points of damage!
Plasma scorches a hole in the black storm griffin's shield arm!
A burst of flame from Teiana's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a shadowy black storm griffin.
... 10 points of damage!
Pinpoint strike sears the black storm griffin's chest.
A burst of flame from Teiana's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a shadowy black storm griffin.
... 20 points of damage!
Powerful burst to the black storm griffin's back causes excruciating pain.
A burst of flame from Teiana's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a shadowy black storm griffin.
... 20 points of damage!
Powerful burst to the black storm griffin's back causes excruciating pain.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Giogionni!
With no room to spare, Giogionni manages to parry the blow with his silvery orase runestaff!
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Giogionni with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +437 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +37 = +3
A clean miss.
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Giogionni with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +437 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +85 = +51
A clean miss.
Holymoon chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Holymoon gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Nothing happens.
Giogionni appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly...
Giogionni gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Giogionni concentrates intently on a shadowy black storm griffin, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +461 - TD: +374 + CvA: +25 + d100: +66 == +178
Warding failed!
The black storm griffin shudders with sporadic convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop its body.
The black storm griffin is crushed for 50 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Hard strike to right leg breaking tendons and bone!
... 20 points of damage!
Good blow to left hand!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Annelie!
AS: +440 vs DS: +286 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +6 = +185
... and hits for 21 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the abdomen.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Annelie beseeches her deity for some divine assistance.
The night comes alive with the thousand shrieks of griffins descending from the clouds above Lake Eonak!
Holymoon chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Holymoon gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Holymoon looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.
Particles of dust and soot rise from the ground at Holymoon's feet as he releases a pulsating, platinum ripple of energy toward a shadowy black storm griffin!
CS: +488 - TD: +383 + CvA: +25 + d100: +14 == +144
Warding failed!
The black storm griffin is cloaked in a blinding platinum light and assailed for 68 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Awesome lash of plasma severs the black storm griffin's arm completely!
The black storm griffin screeches loudly as it cradles its mangled right front leg!
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left leg blackens kneecap.
... 10 points of damage!
The black storm griffin just got the cold shoulder!
Teiana traces a sign that contorts in the air while she forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Teiana gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Teiana hurls a ball of greenish-black flame at a shadowy black storm griffin!
AS: +386 vs DS: +257 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +42 = +210
... and hits for 56 points of damage!
Intense arc of energy flays the black storm griffin's arm to the bone!
The black storm griffin crashes to the ground, motionless.
The ball of greenish-black flame strikes a shadowy black storm griffin, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
A burst of flame from Teiana's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a shadowy black storm griffin.
... 10 points of damage!
Searing strike to back causes the black storm griffin to grunt in pain.
Giogionni appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly...
Giogionni gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Giogionni concentrates intently on a shadowy black storm griffin, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +461 - TD: +389 + CvA: +25 + d100: +99 == +196
Warding failed!
The black storm griffin shudders with severe convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop its body.
The black storm griffin is crushed for 50 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Strong blow to left arm breaks it!
... 20 points of damage!
Light blow to right arm.
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Annelie!
AS: +430 vs DS: +391 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +60 = +124
... and hits for 5 points of damage!
Close shave!
Annelie takes a quick step back.
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Annelie!
AS: +428 vs DS: +347 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +49 = +155
... and hits for 15 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the chest.
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Annelie with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +347 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +39 = +85
A clean miss.
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Annelie with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +347 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +36 = +82
A clean miss.
Lord Mogonis just arrived.
Mogonis grabs Anticor's body and drags it southwest.
With a terrible shriek, a shadowy black storm griffin spits a wave of crackling motes into the air!
Teiana leaps to the side as she tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
A flickering ball of electricity passes harmlessly by Teiana!
Holymoon leaps to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
The electrical charge is drawn to his brown linen robe!
Holymoon stumbles as he tries to avoid a sparkling mote, falling to the ground just as it hits him with a powerful jolt!
... 20 points of damage!
Heavy shock to right eye bursts a few blood vessels. Sick.
He is stunned!
Giogionni leaps to the side as he tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
A crackling mote strikes Giogionni solidly with a powerful jolt that knocks Giogionni to the ground!
... 15 points of damage!
Visible wisps of electricity shoot up right arm. Youch!
He is stunned!
Annelie rolls to the side as she tries to avoid the effulgent volley!
The electrical charge is drawn to her imflass metal breastplate!
Annelie rolls to try to avoid a sparkling mote, but to no avail. The flickering ball strikes with a sharp snapping sound!
... 65 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Annelie to a smoldering pile of ash!
* Annelie drops dead at your feet!
Annelie loses the flickering deep mahogany energy surrounding her.
Annelie seems to lose some focus as her eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
Annelie becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Annelie seems to lose some dexterity.
The air about Annelie stops shimmering.
Annelie returns to normal color.
Annelie becomes solid again.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Annelie.
Annelie appears to lose some internal strength.
Annelie appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around her form.
The wavering glow around Annelie fades away.
Cobalt light separates itself from Annelie and scatters into oblivion.
The warm glow fades from around Annelie.
Annelie appears less confident and fearless.
The shimmering aura fades from around Annelie.
The faint blue glow fades from around Annelie's hands.
A crimson mist bleeds out from Annelie's exposed skin.
Annelie's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Annelie suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Annelie seems a bit less imposing.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Annelie begins to falter, then completely fades away.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Annelie.
The misty halo fades from Annelie.
The bright luminescence fades from around Annelie.
The powerful look leaves Annelie.
The deep blue glow leaves Annelie.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Annelie.
The dim celadon wisps about Annelie's hands flare up once more and fade completely away.
The light blue glow leaves Annelie.
The very powerful look leaves Annelie.
The white light leaves Annelie.
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a shadowy black storm griffin!
The black storm griffin avoids the flickering mote at the last moment!
One of the crackling motes heads right for a pocket mouse!
The pocket mouse is unable to avoid the flickering mote!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to spear Holymoon with its beak!
AS: +844 vs DS: +511 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +18 = +378
... and hits for 100 points of damage!
Waves of nausea spread from stomach, incapacitating Holymoon.
A capricious glacier spirit flits out of the room quickly.
A whirling snowstorm approaches you from a distance. As it gets closer it becomes evident that the snowstorm is really a spirit. Tiny hailstones drop from the core of the spirit and fall to the ground in a pattern that spells out the name "Soulance."
A shadowy black storm griffin's eyes flash brightly as it opens its mouth and spits forth a crackling bolt of lightning!
A shadowy black storm griffin hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Giogionni!
AS: +404 vs DS: +399 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +32 = +74
A clean miss.
The Annelie disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
Teiana traces a sign that contorts in the air while she forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Teiana gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
Teiana hurls a ball of greenish-black flame at a shadowy black storm griffin!
AS: +386 vs DS: +332 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +13 = +106
... and hits for 2 points of damage!
The black storm griffin's leg hair is singed off, smooth shave!
The ball of greenish-black flame strikes a shadowy black storm griffin, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 10 points of damage!
Plasma scalds the black storm griffin's stomach leaving painful red streaks.
A burst of flame from Teiana's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a shadowy black storm griffin.
... 10 points of damage!
Powerful burst to the black storm griffin's back causes excruciating pain.
A burst of flame from Teiana's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a shadowy black storm griffin.
... 5 points of damage!
Pinpoint strike sears the black storm griffin's chest.
A burst of flame from Teiana's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits a shadowy black storm griffin.
... 7 points of damage!
Light burns to the black storm griffin's leg
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Teiana with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +488 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +17 = -68
A clean miss.
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Teiana with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +488 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +49 = -36
A clean miss.
Teiana searches a shadowy black storm griffin.
The black storm griffin decays into a pile of feathers and fur.
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to spear Teiana with its beak!
AS: +835 vs DS: +454 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +63 = +484
... and hits for 145 points of damage!
Spun counterclockwise, Teiana falls in a heap.
She is knocked to the ground!
She is stunned!
Dark shadowy tendrils swirl languidly around Teiana.
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to bite Giogionni!
AS: +440 vs DS: +464 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +13 = +21
A clean miss.
A shadowy black storm griffin rakes at Teiana with a razor-sharp claw!
AS: +368 vs DS: +347 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +73 = +129
... and hits for 9 points of damage!
Weak slash to Teiana's lower back!
* Teiana drops dead at your feet!
The air calms down around Teiana.
The powerful look leaves Teiana.
The white light leaves Teiana.
The very powerful look leaves Teiana.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Teiana.
The deep blue glow leaves Teiana.
Teiana returns to normal color.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Teiana's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
Teiana becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Teiana appears to lose some internal strength.
The light blue glow leaves Teiana.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Teiana.
Teiana glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Teiana.
The bright luminescence fades from around Teiana.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Teiana.
The black storm griffin lets out a piercing screech!
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to spear Holymoon with its beak!
AS: +844 vs DS: +503 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +21 = +389
... and hits for 121 points of damage!
Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!
* Holymoon drops dead at your feet!
Holymoon appears to lose some internal strength.
Holymoon appears less confident.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Holymoon.
The bright luminescence fades from around Holymoon.
The misty halo fades from Holymoon.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Holymoon.
The air calms down around Holymoon.
The deep blue glow leaves Holymoon.
Holymoon becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Holymoon returns to normal color.
The white light leaves Holymoon.
The very powerful look leaves Holymoon.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Holymoon.
The dim aura fades from around Holymoon.
Holymoon begins to breathe less deeply.
Holymoon seems hesitant.
The air shivers about Holymoon, glistening faintly before stilling to normalcy.
An ethereal golden collection bowl drifts out of Holymoon, then vanishes.
A subtle light fades from Holymoon's eyes.
The brilliant aura fades away from Holymoon.
The light blue glow leaves Holymoon.
The opalescent aura fades from around Holymoon.
A white glow rushes away from Holymoon.
Holymoon seems slightly different.
The powerful look leaves Holymoon.
The black storm griffin lets out a piercing screech!
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Giogionni shudders violently before visibly recovering from his stunned state.
A dismal badland spirit dematerializes into a fiercly hot tempest of wind and sand that whirls over towards Holymoon. The spirit begins to lift Holymoon's corpse into its vortex, causing his body to hover for several seconds. A hot gusty wind seems to caress his face before the spirit sets his body back down.
A shadowy black storm griffin tries to spear Giogionni with its beak!
AS: +844 vs DS: +422 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +18 = +480
... and hits for 184 points of damage!
Incredible smash to what used to be a stomach!
* Giogionni drops dead at your feet!
Giogionni appears less secure.
The bright luminescence fades from around Giogionni.
Giogionni becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Giogionni appears to lose some internal strength.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Giogionni.
Giogionni returns to normal color.
The very powerful look leaves Giogionni.
The white light leaves Giogionni.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Giogionni.
For an instant, Giogionni's wounds begin to knit, and it looks as though he will successfully cling to life. Then, the reality of death overcomes the influence of Troll's Blood.
Giogionni appears less confident.
The light blue glow leaves Giogionni.
The powerful look leaves Giogionni.
The deep blue glow leaves Giogionni.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Giogionni and fade.
The dim aura fades from around Giogionni.
The air calms down around Giogionni.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Giogionni.
The brilliant aura fades away from Giogionni.
The opalescent aura fades from around Giogionni.
The black storm griffin lets out a piercing screech!
A shadowy black storm griffin flies southwest.
A shadowy black storm griffin flies southwest.
Lord Mogonis just arrived.
Mogonis grabs Maltok's body and drags it southwest.
A shadowy black storm griffin squawks uneasily.
A shadowy black storm griffin flies southwest.
A shadowy black storm griffin flies southwest.
A shadowy black storm griffin flies southwest.
A shadowy black storm griffin flies southwest.
A shadowy black storm griffin swoops slowly southwest.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
A shadowy black storm griffin flies southwest.
The black storm griffin decays into a pile of feathers and fur.
The ghostly voice of Annelie says, "It got worse."
A shadowy black storm griffin soars in.
The ghostly voice of Tottianna says, "Ouch."
A vivid white light briefly appears around the body of Soulance.
A dismal badland spirit flits out of the room quickly.
A whirling sandstorm approaches you from a distance. As it gets closer it becomes evident that the sandstorm is really a spirit. Granules of sand split off of the spirit and fall to the ground in a pattern that spells out the name "Holymoon."
The pocket mouse glances around the area, its eyes gleaming intelligently.
Lord Mogonis just arrived.
The pocket mouse glances around the area, its eyes gleaming intelligently.
Lord Mogonis just went southwest.
The ghostly voice of Giogionni says, "A lot worse."
Lord Mogonis just arrived.
Lord Mogonis just went southwest.
A dismal celestial spirit flits out of the room quickly.
A dismal celestial spirit zooms into the area and flits past you. As it does, a small but bright star detaches itself from the spirit's midsection and explodes in front of you. The explosion causes thin trailing streams of light to linger in the air, spelling out the words, "Jara needs help in the nearby area".
A shadowy black storm griffin soars in.
A shadowy black storm griffin flies southwest.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
A shadowy black storm griffin flies southwest.
[Melgorehn's Reach, Lake Eonak]
You are on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake that is fed by a waterfall gushing from the mountain side. There is a path which seems to actually lead up the side of the mountain. You also see a smoky topaz, a plain tanik box, a sleek white-faced owl, a pocket mouse, a rush lion, a wood owl that is flying around and a barely visible trail leading into a grove of ancient trees.
Also here: the body of Teiana who is lying down, the body of Holymoon who is lying down, the body of Soulance who is lying down, the body of Earit who is lying down, the body of Drazio who is lying down, the body of Lady Jynai who is lying down, the body of Stahks who is lying down, the body of Lord Orsu who is lying down, the body of Avalera who is lying down, the body of Great Lord Berean who is lying down, the body of Ortar who is lying down, the body of High Lord Jara who is lying down, the body of Giogionni who is lying down, the body of Great Lady Tottianna who is lying down, the body of Annelie who is lying down, the body of Greycrown who is lying down
Obvious paths: southwest
The white-faced owl glances around the area, its eyes gleaming intelligently.
Teiana's body decays into compost.
A rush lion hisses loudly!
The ghostly voice of Greycrown says, "That happened very fast."
Drazio's body decays into compost.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
A capricious glacier spirit floats in and hovers over Soulance's corpse.
Pale, swirling mist begins to billow out from nothingness before you, and quickly coalesces into a small orb of shifting essence. Suddenly, the orb expands and forms an elliptical portal of swirling blues and blacks, its edges shrouded in dancing blue-white mist.
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Kaedra.
A mirthful forest spirit floats in, following Kaedra.
Masrath steps out of the shifting portal.
The shifting portal shimmers slightly, the haze within its glowing outline growing opaque as it contracts to a pinpoint of blue-grey mist and vanishes.
Kaedra traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Kaedra gestures.
A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.
Masrath intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
The ghostly laughter of Greycrown echoes through the room, sending a shiver down your spine.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Annelie's lifeless hand in hers.
The ghostly voice of Jara says, "Hello Kaedra."
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Greycrown's lifeless hand in hers.
A shadowy black storm griffin soars in.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Masrath gestures at a shadowy black storm griffin.
CS: +551 - TD: +437 + CvA: +25 + d100: +93 == +232
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around a shadowy black storm griffin and it bursts into flame!
... 50 points of damage!
Skin and some muscle burnt off chest.
... 35 points of damage!
Abdomen bursts into flames. Would be funny without the blood.
... 40 points of damage!
Head explodes in flames! Grab some marshmallows.
The black storm griffin crashes to the ground, motionless.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Giogionni's lifeless hand in hers.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Tottianna's lifeless hand in hers.
The ghostly voice of Berean quietly says, "Hello Keadra."
Masrath just went southwest.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Orsu's lifeless hand in hers.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles your lifeless hand in hers.
The wood owl circles lazily above.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Soulance's lifeless hand in hers.
Masrath just arrived.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Holymoon's lifeless hand in hers.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Jynai's lifeless hand in hers.
Masrath gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Earit's lifeless hand in hers.
Masrath searches a shadowy black storm griffin.
The black storm griffin decays into a pile of feathers and fur.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Stahks's lifeless hand in hers.
A dismal badland spirit floats in and hovers over Holymoon's corpse.
Masrath just went southwest.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Berean's lifeless hand in hers.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Avalera's lifeless hand in hers.
The ghostly voice of Giogionni says, "I can help with the healin' as soon as I'm up."
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Ortar's lifeless hand in hers.
A dismal celestial spirit floats in and hovers over Jara's corpse.
Masrath just arrived, dragging the body of Maltok with him.
The sky is full of rain-sodden clouds.
Kaedra reaches down and tenderly cradles Maltok's lifeless hand in hers.
The ghostly voice of Annelie says, "Yes, the metal breastplate was a bad choice today."
Masrath says, "Dont forget maltok."
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
[Melgorehn's Reach, Lake Eonak]
You are on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake that is fed by a waterfall gushing from the mountain side. There is a path which seems to actually lead up the side of the mountain. You also see the earth brown Masrath disk, a dismal celestial spirit that is flying around, a dismal badland spirit that is flying around, the Kaedra disk, a mirthful forest spirit that is flying around, a capricious glacier spirit that is flying around, a smoky topaz, a plain tanik box, a sleek white-faced owl, a pocket mouse, a rush lion, a wood owl that is flying around and a barely visible trail leading into a grove of ancient trees.
Also here: the body of Maltok who is lying down, Masrath, Kaedra, the body of Holymoon who is lying down, the body of Soulance who is lying down, the body of Earit who is lying down, the body of Lady Jynai who is lying down, the body of Stahks who is lying down, the body of Lord Orsu who is lying down, the body of Avalera who is lying down, the body of Great Lord Berean who is lying down, the body of Ortar who is lying down, the body of High Lord Jara who is lying down, the body of Giogionni who is lying down, the body of Great Lady Tottianna who is lying down, the body of Annelie who is lying down, the body of Greycrown who is lying down
Obvious paths: southwest
The ghostly voice of Tottianna says, "Drop us hard."
Your surroundings blur into a white fog . . .
A well maintained and healthy garden occupies the entirety of the courtyard. The air here is cool and crisp, but the bulk of the monastery shelters you from wind and makes the air bracing instead of chilling. In the center of the garden is a natural spring bubbling up several inches above the surface of the encircling pool of crystal clear water. A large stone and iron gate blocks the entrance to the monastery flanked by a statue of a woman carrying a crystal staff and a set of crystalline keys facing a second statue of a kneeling young man bedecked in battle-worn black chain armor. You also see a polished marble bench with some stuff on it and a large fel tree.
Also here: the body of Greycrown who is lying down, the body of Annelie who is lying down, the body of Great Lady Tottianna who is lying down, the body of Giogionni who is lying down, the body of Ortar who is lying down, the body of Great Lord Berean who is lying down, the body of Avalera who is lying down, the body of Lord Orsu who is lying down, the body of Stahks who is lying down, the body of Lady Jynai who is lying down, the body of Earit who is lying down, the body of Soulance who is lying down, the body of Holymoon who is lying down, Kaedra, the body of Maltok who is lying down
Obvious paths: west
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