View Full Version : RTCF Lite

06-15-2013, 06:59 PM
From Wyrom


So, Lite Entry will be going on sale Monday, at 8pm EDT. The run will be June 21st to June 28th. This run will have absolutely no merchant activity or services. You can complete the quest, shop, explore the grounds, and if you have any vouchers, turn them in to Arkford (me) to redeem them (I will be checking to see if anyone who has a voucher is attending, no need to contact me). Vouchers for discounts will be void for the Lite Entry, as there are no services to gain discounts with.

If you purchased a ticket to the full run, you will be able to purchase one for the Lite run. Please note, if you do buy a ticket for the Lite run, you will be blocked from completing the quest with the same character. So you will need to bring a different character.

Premium will have first crack at tickets. There will be 100 tickets for the first Lite run. Price I believe will be $19.95. We'll have another Lite run in August, and then in September, likely to be the 3rd Friday of each month, which tickets going on sale the week before in each case (this is subject to change if needed). The Lite Entry runs will be in Prime only.


06-17-2013, 12:48 PM
Anyone else find it ironic that the Lite event, is 1 batch of tickets, and premium first shot at all of them.

Not really fair to basic, now is it?

Then again, I don't know of that many people that are looking to shell out 20 bucks for the wisp and a little shopping.. that they could have asked someone else to do for them. It's basically 20 bucks for a wisp.

06-17-2013, 12:49 PM
What is the quest he is talking about? I went to the first one but I never heard about a quest.

06-17-2013, 12:50 PM
Some quest you could do to win a scripted willow pet.

06-17-2013, 12:52 PM
Oh is that the things they were talking about eat the lightning poop? I was wondering what that was.

06-17-2013, 12:52 PM
Anyone else find it ironic that the Lite event, is 1 batch of tickets, and premium first shot at all of them.

Not really fair to basic, now is it?

Then again, I don't know of that many people that are looking to shell out 20 bucks for the wisp and a little shopping.. that they could have asked someone else to do for them. It's basically 20 bucks for a wisp.

Not really. Like you said, I doubt many people care about spending $20 for the lite version.

06-17-2013, 12:52 PM

06-17-2013, 01:17 PM
Even back at $7 per million. The will-o'-wisp is 3m. That doesn't sound too bad to me. They're much more friendly than sand elementals.

06-17-2013, 01:46 PM
Why even limit the numbers? If 300 people want to buy a ticket to lite, let them.

06-17-2013, 01:48 PM
The only thing I can think of is to keep the pets rare and/or keep the numbers down who influence the quest.

06-17-2013, 01:51 PM
Why even limit the numbers? If 300 people want to buy a ticket to lite, let them.


Also, my 20k per unlock/charge on any RTCF scroll will stand until the end of the month, then it may go up or change depending on the scroll, a couple of them are not easy. PM me if you have some to do. Remember not to use them before I work on them if you want them unlocked at all.

06-17-2013, 01:52 PM
Why even limit the numbers? If 300 people want to buy a ticket to lite, let them.

Wyrom mentioned this awhile back. The quest can only handle a certain number of people.

06-17-2013, 05:37 PM
Wyrom mentioned this awhile back. The quest can only handle a certain number of people.

Which really means a failure in coding.

They could have coded it to allow as many people as possible. Granted, at first they only planned on 303 in prime, but still. All in all, you are paying 20 bucks for a pet.

I just find it ironic after the whole "We wanted basic to have a chance, and the premium perk doesn't mean all tickets" debacle, that the shopping trip for the same event is the exact opposite in a sense.

06-17-2013, 05:39 PM
Which really means a failure in coding.

They could have coded it to allow as many people as possible. Granted, at first they only planned on 303 in prime, but still. All in all, you are paying 20 bucks for a pet.

I just find it ironic after the whole "We wanted basic to have a chance, and the premium perk doesn't mean all tickets" debacle, that the shopping trip for the same event is the exact opposite in a sense.

Dude. Don't even try to compare a limited ticket event with rare item services and raffles with a small shopping event with no GM services. Complete apples and oranges.

06-18-2013, 08:33 AM
Dude. Don't even try to compare a limited ticket event with rare item services and raffles with a small shopping event with no GM services. Complete apples and oranges.

Dude. It really doesn't matter what the event type is. The fact that Simu (or individual GM's) are not consistent with pretty much anything is the problem. RtCF small batches and 50% prem perk. RtCF Lite one batch, 100% prem perk, lets see what the next paid event (Non EG) is like, wana bet it will be 1 batch and 100% Prem perk?

06-18-2013, 11:16 AM
It does matter.

06-18-2013, 11:39 AM
wana bet it will be 1 batch and 100% Prem perk?

Dude. Heaven-fucking-forbid the 'company' (a volunteer GM) tried to do something different based on years of feedback and complaining.


06-18-2013, 12:15 PM
That's Jarvan for you. He complains about ticket release methods saying it's not fair to premium members. Then he gets to attend anyways even though he didn't win a ticket and he complains that its not fair that he didn't win anything.


06-18-2013, 12:48 PM
So what should be expected from this event besides some gay pet? Overpriced 4x gear off the shelves, fluff makeup, and cookies?

06-18-2013, 01:02 PM
So what should be expected from this event besides some gay pet? Overpriced 4x gear off the shelves, fluff makeup, and cookies?

Pretty much. A few merchants might show up for GALD work but I wouldn't even count on that much.

06-18-2013, 01:06 PM
I think they made it clear there would be absolutely no merchants showing up. I was surprised of the lack of GALDS this most recent run compared to the first. Essentially it is paying to do your own shopping, and for a wisp.

06-18-2013, 01:07 PM
So what should be expected from this event besides some gay pet? Overpriced 4x gear off the shelves, fluff makeup, and cookies?


06-18-2013, 01:08 PM
I'm just surprised that people who went on the first run have to pay to attend this.

06-18-2013, 03:13 PM
I'm just surprised that people who went on the first run have to pay to attend this.

They already had a week to shop and do the quest thing. They need another? Maybe for an alt character to get the quest prize?

If someone who attended already buys a ticket to Lite I'd be surprised.

06-18-2013, 06:20 PM
They weren't originally planning to do the RtCF lite thing. Players requested it. A lot of people just want to do the quest and have money to burn. There are a lot of neat things to buy too, and not everyone likes using runners.

Nathala Crane
06-18-2013, 06:24 PM
I ended up buying a ticket. Not sure I'd want to spend the cash to go on any of the full runs, but I do have a character who would very much like the will-o'-wisp, which is worth the smaller entry fee to me.

06-19-2013, 11:38 AM
I ended up buying a ticket. Not sure I'd want to spend the cash to go on any of the full runs, but I do have a character who would very much like the will-o'-wisp, which is worth the smaller entry fee to me.

Much to my shock, I got VERY caught in the hype of the main event - despite knowing nothing about it 10 days before the tickets went on sale. The gap between the runs has been a blessing, resulting in a return to what passes for sanity in my head. :D Will definitely not be trying for a ticket in July or beyond.

HOWEVER Lite looks less stressful and the Godddess Nilandia has listed items that I definitely want to obtain. Going to stock up on 2 years of consumables and definitely gonna' need some locker kids!!!!

Uhhh shame there's no sipping ale there though. :(. :drink: :no:

06-19-2013, 01:12 PM
Uhhh shame there's no sipping ale there though. :(. :drink: :no:

Eh? There are ale based spell items.

Nathala Crane
06-19-2013, 01:15 PM
Eh? There are ale based spell items.

Yeah, but Brem wants to get roaring drunk and flirt with elves.

06-19-2013, 02:31 PM
Yeah, but Brem wants to get roaring drunk and flirt with elves.

Someone knows me too well... Replace 'elf' with 'Doughtman' and you've painted a perfect picture!

06-19-2013, 03:08 PM
Well 25 people have signed up so far. I can see paying the small fee to take a character there to grab a will-o-wisp, explore the grounds and the woods because the woods are actually very cool. There is also the feature pavillion with non-standard things as well as the automated sewing machine that can give you semi-custom items with plain sacks, backpacks, dresses etc. If you have young characters you could personalize them nicely.

I know if I had a shop and sold things I'd also use the Lite version to load up on some of the cool items they have there. Also if I was trying for one of the later runs and I was script savy I would use the lite version to map out the grounds, write scripts etc so I could run from one place to another for where the merchants are based on Nilandia's site.

06-22-2013, 10:02 AM
Well they may not have ale of the alcoholic variety but they certainly have a lot of Dwarven steins. If you know your clans you can get some nice drinking vessels.

I have a question for you ranged officiandos out there. I bought a ruic crossbow for use in about 2-3 years time, when I eventually go down that route. The bolts are sold in bundles of 50. I've hunted with colleagues who live with a certain percentage of loss of bolts when hunting. But if you wanted to stock up, how many would you realistically buy? Think i've bought 10 bundles of 50 of crimson and cobolt. Is that enough or should I go hell for leather and fill my boots?

Advice welcome. :smile:

06-22-2013, 10:15 AM
Over 9000.

06-22-2013, 11:11 AM
Over 9000.

Thanks. Will go a little nutso and buy some more later in the week.

06-22-2013, 11:28 AM
Well they may not have ale of the alcoholic variety but they certainly have a lot of Dwarven steins. If you know your clans you can get some nice drinking vessels.

I have a question for you ranged officiandos out there. I bought a ruic crossbow for use in about 2-3 years time, when I eventually go down that route. The bolts are sold in bundles of 50. I've hunted with colleagues who live with a certain percentage of loss of bolts when hunting. But if you wanted to stock up, how many would you realistically buy? Think i've bought 10 bundles of 50 of crimson and cobolt. Is that enough or should I go hell for leather and fill my boots?

Advice welcome. :smile:

Honestly... I really wouldn't even waste your time buying specialty bolts, it just ups your frustration when you manage to lose 15 a hunt. I'd stick with what you bought and when those run out just eblade bolts you can buy at the fletcher. Much cheaper, and less annoying when you lose or have to leave them behind. The only time I even bother with special arrows is when hunting undead even then it depends on if I care about losing the AS.

06-22-2013, 02:23 PM
Honestly... I really wouldn't even waste your time buying specialty bolts, it just ups your frustration when you manage to lose 15 a hunt. I'd stick with what you bought and when those run out just eblade bolts you can buy at the fletcher. Much cheaper, and less annoying when you lose or have to leave them behind. The only time I even bother with special arrows is when hunting undead even then it depends on if I care about losing the AS.

Thanks. Definitely not my area of expertise so I welcome the advice

06-22-2013, 02:53 PM
Glad to help, its really the biggest downside of archery IMO.

06-22-2013, 04:23 PM
Glad to help, its really the biggest downside of archery IMO.

People are killed every day by unloaded bows.

06-22-2013, 04:39 PM
I hate quests!

There I said it.

But since I paid to get in the Lite version I may as well try and complete this one. I've received some good advice as to how to go about it but feel free to look kindly on me if you see me tomorrow and I seem to be swearing, gnashing teeth or thrashing at trees.

Give me a good old invasion and some speciality ale any day of the week!

06-22-2013, 04:42 PM
Feel free to PM me here or IM me at LadyNilandia if you need any help, Bremerial. Offer's open to anyone else who needs help, too.


06-22-2013, 05:11 PM
Feel free to PM me here or IM me at LadyNilandia if you need any help, Bremerial. Offer's open to anyone else who needs help, too.


Thanks Gretchen. Will do that tomorrow if - as expected - I seem to be going down the forest trail signposted 'crash and burn.' :D


Didn't need to use any advice from Nilandia in the end. And trust me, if I can do this anyone can. I am rubbish at quests or pseudo-quests. I think knowing that I had Nilandia there if I needed support helped greatly. Just think of yourself as a rubber ring Nilandia..there to keep us buoyant if needed.