View Full Version : Odd morning star

06-14-2013, 04:18 PM
a white ora morning star

Bard was getting some odd readings, like no enchant but it seems like it might be. Anyhow, I'll need another bard to verify enchant but here what it is so far:

+4 blunt ranks, +4 perception ranks
Very Heavily Crit Weighted
Incredible amount of charges, degrades on successful hit

Thoughts on worth assuming it's standard +10 of white ora?


06-14-2013, 04:31 PM
Hard to say Jim. I bet it hits like a ton of bricks. Weighted blunts of any sort are pretty rare, but on the other hand, how long is temp weighting going to last? I'd guess 200k.

06-14-2013, 04:34 PM
I've noticed lately that my bard sometimes doesn't pick up the enchant, even on really easy weapons/armor. Usually he can get it by singing to it again.

06-14-2013, 04:41 PM
Thanks. Not sure what the scale is in terms of "incredible amount of uses" but if nothing else, the orb that comes from it after the weighting is gone could be useful. Anyone know what "incredible" is in terms of actual hits?

06-14-2013, 04:59 PM
Temp weighting doesn't last to long for someone doing multiple strikes per kill. Doing a lot of mstriking I took a temp VHCW star down to SWCW in 4 days. They were 4 rather long days of playing but still.

I'm not positive on the number of charges it had to start I'll dig through my logs and see if I can find out what charge level it started it.

I do echo Arch though about weighted blunts (even more so stars), they are pretty darn hard to find anything over SWCW.