View Full Version : storm grey mithglin flail +8 to logic, +12 to magic item use bonus

06-12-2013, 11:11 PM
Just trying to find out the value of this weapon, any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks!

storm grey mithglin flail

This flail is three full enchants which is natural for mithglin, it also has two enhancive properties."

"+12 to magic item use bonus (63 trains to use) and +8 to logic (15 trains)."

"Has alot of charges remaining.

06-13-2013, 11:53 AM
if you were to orb the logic out I think there is someone lookin for low level logic items... the MIU might not be a bad route to go either if someone were to make some robes for enchanting, ensorc (does miu help this?), etc.. I'd say 1m would be on the very high end of things regardless of what you did with it tho. These days I doubt you'd get more than 2-300k for it tho. If it gives you any perspective I've got a +4 logic bonus pin for sale at the moment with a CB of 1m

06-13-2013, 02:00 PM
I'd give you 15k for it as-is, if I could get it today, so that I can orb it myself. Save you the orb-ing cost.

06-13-2013, 04:26 PM
Thanks for the info on this. Got a bunch of offers in pm with a wide range. I'm just gonna post it as an auction in a bit.

06-13-2013, 04:48 PM
I meant 150k. Tiny phone keyboards don't speak Gemstone.