View Full Version : RTCF: Self knowledge 303, Chrism Holder (self-chrism), Holy Symbol (340) mb:40m

06-12-2013, 03:01 AM
a black vaalorn medal inlaid with a white ora shield

Self Knowledge 303: Prayer of Protection provides a base +10 Defensive Strength to melee, ranged and bolt attacks.

It's pretty funny to just pass this item around and everyone take 4 hours of 303, BTW.

Auction quality Chrism holder and self-chrism's. Meaning when you look at it, it automatically applies the chrism effect to your corpse instead of dropping a gem for someone to pick up. A note with this though, I did test it out with the town cleric and the chrism effect did not matter.

Re: Auction Quality Chrism Holders 11/13/2012 05:59 PM CST
Well, I have some good news and some bad news about the auction-quality chrism holders.

The bad news is, they will not work with the NPC clerics as stated by Brother Balbaroy. This is my fault, as I needed to look a little deeper than I did when I made the update. They will still work for cleric, paladin, magic item, and scroll raises though. You still get the bypass the need to have a cleric WAVE them.

The good news is, the auction-quality setting will now have a 25% chance to retain the chrism gem and not shatter, allowing the possibility of multiple uses. The messaging and loresong reflect this change.

Holy symbol of Koar (340):

The symbol can then be worn and activated via CHANT<ITEM NOUN> to provide a bonus to the user's next attack. The bonus is a modifier to Spiritual Casting Strength or Bolt Attack Strength. If the attack is made against a target of the cleric's deity's opposing alignment, an additional bonus based on the cleric's Wisdom bonus is applied. Also, when an attack is made, it will have a truehand effect. The use of the symbols is available to ALL characters. Each CHANT<ITEM NOUN> command will deplete 1 charge from the symbol.

+5 bonus to Spiritual CS
+5 bonus to Bolt spell AS
Truehand effect
Spiritual CS/Bolt AS bonus equal the caster's Influence bonus / 2 (round down).
An additional Spiritual CS or Bolt AS bonus equal to the caster's Wisdom bonus / 3 (round down) when used against opposite aligned targets of the caster's patron Deity. E.g, the wisdom bonus is activated with Lorminstra symbols for attacks against the Undead. As a generalization, the bonus applies to smite aligned deity symbols with attacks against undead targets and bane aligned with attacks vs living targets.

Note: The influence and wisdom bonuses are based on the stats of the cleric who imbues the symbol/item with spell 340. If the cleric has enhanced INF and/or WIS stats when the spell is cast, then the enhanced stats are used to calculate the CS/AS bonus.

I had a cleric cast 340 at it, gave me 6 charges and about +10 CS against regular critters. The other bonuses would apply against undead and those types.

CB: 33m Buckwheat
BO: 60m

Also accept cash at an exchange of 12.5 per 1m!

Lord Orbstar
06-12-2013, 06:27 AM
Those are nice items. You only put the price on the last item though. Are you looking for open offers on the others? THe Symbol of Koar has to have a cleric cast at it to recharge or how does that work?

06-12-2013, 06:49 AM
They aren't different items, it is one item that has all those features.

06-12-2013, 09:43 AM
I assume the chrism is destroyed when you look at it? The only difference here is that nobody has to pick it up to use it on you.

06-12-2013, 10:03 AM
The Self-Knowledge is permanent? It's not considered an enhancive that needs recharging?

Lord Orbstar
06-12-2013, 10:09 AM
More details on how it is charged, etc please

06-12-2013, 12:09 PM
I was under the impression the self knowledge worked in the same way enhancives did.

edit: At leas the ones released at RTCF anyway.

06-12-2013, 12:46 PM
I wonder if the 340 will only work for Koar clerics now.

06-12-2013, 01:00 PM
It's an enhancive I thought... degrades with time, not permanent. Can it be recharged perhaps though? :)

06-12-2013, 01:04 PM
Yes,has to be charged

06-12-2013, 01:37 PM
Permanent, but has to be charged.

06-12-2013, 01:43 PM
Those are nice items. You only put the price on the last item though. Are you looking for open offers on the others? THe Symbol of Koar has to have a cleric cast at it to recharge or how does that work?

Yes, it has to be a cleric of Koar to recharge. I asked for opinions of which deity I should use when I had it made, but there is no good choice that a lot of people use.

I assume the chrism is destroyed when you look at it? The only difference here is that nobody has to pick it up to use it on you.

Yeah, same concept as a chrism holder.

The Self-Knowledge is permanent? It's not considered an enhancive that needs recharging?

This I am not too sure about. While the self knowledge is permanent, I have used it myself for a few days and been passing it around to others so they can grab 4 hours off it. We have used it quite a bit. I checked at the guild last night about recharging and it said it was maxed.

If it needs to be charged it sure as hell is gonna take a looooooong time to empty the charges it has.

06-12-2013, 01:55 PM
For anyone else interested in making this item for the next RTCF runs that isn't a cleric, please review the following article:


Notice Koar does lightning damage? Well you can't use Koar as a cleric for 317/319 in places like Bowels or Nelemar with out some significant drawbacks and you can't use plasma or fire either. This was also my somewhat negative remark about the Voln armor in that the two classes with the lowest amount of problems hunting undead are being forced to choose a flare type that will give them significant problems during some of the hardest(in my opinion) leveling areas.

Kai with crush damage is going to be totally neutral and is a good choice for critical damage. I believe that if you use grapple or unbalance that the target will not incur round time with 1615/1630 whereas if they take damage and have their leg crushed they still do. I can not 100% confirm this however. TheLastShamurai probably can however.

Great item none the less.

06-12-2013, 01:57 PM
But isn't Koar the only deity that 319 works equally on Undead and Living? All the others get the half reduction Smite/Bane restriction to their 319.

EDITED: what I'm saying is that mechanically some people may favor Koar over other deities and then choosing Koar was a good choice here, not that it's even really a huge value if this item matches up to your deity. In fact, it really shouldn't matter at all, a nice little stroke of luck if it matches.

06-12-2013, 02:00 PM
But isn't Koar the only deity that 319 works equally on Undead and Living? All the others get the half reduction Smite/Bane restriction to their 319.

EDITED: what I'm saying is that mechanically some people may favor Koar over other deities and then choosing Koar was a good choice here, not that it's even really a huge value if this item matches up to your deity. In fact, it really shouldn't matter at all, a nice little stroke of luck if it matches.

Yes that is true. The problem is that I wouldn't want lightning damage because of Nelemar or Bowels even if my damage was not neutered.

06-12-2013, 02:02 PM
So just to make sure, I double checked the guild just now. I don't know about the other self knowledge items and how they work, but we've used this thing for 3 days now nonstop hundreds of times and this is what the guild says on re-charging:

Helswrite takes your medal and peers at it through a large green crystal lens. Helswrite says, "I believe your medal is already fully charged."

06-12-2013, 02:08 PM
So just to make sure, I double checked the guild just now. I don't know about the other self knowledge items and how they work, but we've used this thing for 3 days now nonstop hundreds of times and this is what the guild says on re-charging:

Helswrite takes your medal and peers at it through a large green crystal lens. Helswrite says, "I believe your medal is already fully charged."

They last for a very long time as long as you don't use them to imbed items.

06-12-2013, 02:12 PM
They last for a very long time as long as you don't use them to imbed items.

Copy that, thanks for the info.

06-12-2013, 02:35 PM
Ok, I ma still pretty new to the world of cool spell items. To summarize what this give you:

Self Knowledge 303 & 340
Chrism holder ability to self chrism while using up the chrism inside the necklace

06-12-2013, 02:47 PM
Ok, I ma still pretty new to the world of cool spell items. To summarize what this give you:

Self Knowledge 303 & 340
Chrism holder ability to self chrism while using up the chrism inside the necklace

Symbol of the Proselyte (340): Clerics are called upon to convert new followers to their flock and to punish the unrepentant. By using a portion of their spirit (2 spirit points per cast), a cleric is able to imbue (add charges to) a holy symbol with the blessing of their patron deity. The symbol can then be worn and activated via CHANT<ITEM NOUN> to provide a bonus to the user's next attack. The bonus is a modifier to Spiritual Casting Strength or Bolt Attack Strength. If the attack is made against a target of the cleric's deity's opposing alignment, an additional bonus based on the cleric's Wisdom bonus is applied. Also, when an attack is made, it will have a truehand effect. The use of the symbols is available to ALL characters. Each CHANT<ITEM NOUN> command will deplete 1 charge from the symbol.

No self knowledge 340.

You get a the bolded part.

edit: It's a symbol that can take charges of 340. You still need the proper cleric to recharge it.

06-13-2013, 01:04 PM
Thank you for the trade offers guys, but unless its something pretty cool, I have everything I need.

06-13-2013, 04:18 PM
The awesome thing with the self-use chrism holders is that they have a 25% chance to save your chrism. That means it'll crack and chrism you up and then check to see if it will fix the chrism so that you don't lose it.

06-13-2013, 04:52 PM
The awesome thing with the self-use chrism holders is that they have a 25% chance to save your chrism. That means it'll crack and chrism you up and then check to see if it will fix the chrism so that you don't lose it.

Hey, thanks for the info! I did some more digging and apparently IT WILL WORK FOR PALADIN RAISES.

Re: Auction Quality Chrism Holders 11/13/2012 05:59 PM CST
Well, I have some good news and some bad news about the auction-quality chrism holders.

The bad news is, they will not work with the NPC clerics as stated by Brother Balbaroy. This is my fault, as I needed to look a little deeper than I did when I made the update. They will still work for cleric, paladin, magic item, and scroll raises though. You still get the bypass the need to have a cleric WAVE them.

The good news is, the auction-quality setting will now have a 25% chance to retain the chrism gem and not shatter, allowing the possibility of multiple uses. The messaging and loresong reflect this change.

06-13-2013, 05:34 PM
So just to make sure, I double checked the guild just now. I don't know about the other self knowledge items and how they work, but we've used this thing for 3 days now nonstop hundreds of times and this is what the guild says on re-charging:

Helswrite takes your medal and peers at it through a large green crystal lens. Helswrite says, "I believe your medal is already fully charged."

Like Buck said, as long as you don't imbed with it, it will last a really long time. The charges will drain just from wearing your item, by the way.. not necessarily just from casting the spell.

06-13-2013, 06:20 PM
Awesome, the fact that scroll/pali raises work with this and the I was confused on the 340 part. I was thinking every use was 1 charge on the item, but its 1 of the charges the cleric put into it.

06-13-2013, 06:21 PM
Last question, is it possible to change the deity that it is attuned to now?

06-13-2013, 06:58 PM
Last question, is it possible to change the deity that it is attuned to now?

It is not no. I had my choice when I had it made so I chose a deity I could get a cleric for fairly easily. But the 340 should really just be considered a perk of this item. I use the 340 when I am mobbed by a lot and need an extra ooomph for 1630. Other than that its a nice little feature of an already awesome item.

06-14-2013, 09:45 AM
Hit the medal!

06-14-2013, 06:08 PM
Have a few private bids. I will be selling this on Monday but will still entertain offers. Remember cash is 12.5 per million so you actually save a bit of money that way.

06-14-2013, 06:11 PM
Well, what's the CB? There's no use in bidding if I don't know what I'm bidding against. And keeping the bids secret just means you can play people off of each other without any evidence on which the buyer may rely.

06-14-2013, 06:12 PM
Post the bids if you're going to accept them. Some people don't want to be the first to bid, but will bid if they see that the item is indeed going to sell. If you don't post bids till it's sold you're selling yourself short.

06-14-2013, 06:42 PM
Post the bids if you're going to accept them. Some people don't want to be the first to bid, but will bid if they see that the item is indeed going to sell. If you don't post bids till it's sold you're selling yourself short.

Ah okay. I don't sell much, appreciate the points.

Current bid is 32.5m.

06-14-2013, 06:50 PM

06-16-2013, 04:59 AM
Bump. When I wake up Monday morning this is sold to whoever has the highest bid.

06-16-2013, 10:54 PM
Last night bump. Sold tomorrow morning.