View Full Version : Bergraham Original 5x/7x undead bane fusion sledgehammer

06-11-2013, 08:24 PM
an inlaid white eonake sledgehammer: Wrought from eonake as white as sunlight shining off a fresh snowfall, the head of the maul is massive and ornate, bearing mithril-gilded bas-reliefs on either side. One relief features a stylized fist wreathed in blue flames, and the other a pale golden key. A massive haft holds the hammer's head aloft, carved of silvery illthorn and inlaid with mother-of-pearl bands that lend resplendent color to the silvery wood beneath. Two spherical depressions adorn the white eonake sledgehammer, approximately the size and shape of a small gem. All of the gem chambers are currently empty.

5x/7x undead (undead bane), sanctified and fusion(2 slots), 4lbs and max light

Came with a belt worn weapon displayer,

a pearlescent mithril-bound loop: You glance at the loop. Dazzling displays of color lurk just beneath the pale surface of the mother-of-pearl plating abounding the hardened white leather loop. While clearly the product of nature rather than craft, the rainbowed hues of the material seem to conceal the dim outline of a fist wreathed in blue flames. Bands of blued mithril border the mother-of-pearl on top and bottom, etched with a pattern of interlocking keys so subtle that it might be imagined.

You have an inlaid sledgehammer hanging from your your loop.

Not saying I'm selling it, per say. I love Bergraham's design, but I don't have a personal use for it. Trying to get an idea of what it might go for. I'd love to trade it for a lance Bergraham or.. oodles of coins.

06-11-2013, 09:09 PM
Nevermind, I forgot about it being eonake. Does that mean it will still be blessed for anyone since it has undead bane even though it's sanctified?

06-11-2013, 09:10 PM
Define oodles?

06-11-2013, 09:12 PM
Sancted cause this one was made from eonake so it's natural... Just the metal the GM went with for it's look

06-11-2013, 10:23 PM
got a few offers via PM, so I put it up for auction