View Full Version : Your Worst Dining Experience

08-20-2004, 11:24 PM
Talk about the time you ate the seven pound burritto at the Mexian place where if you finish said burritto, you get your polaroid picture on the wall, except on the last inch you realized you had just bitten into a cockroach.

Or other interesting tales. Discuss.

08-20-2004, 11:26 PM
How about, the time my friend and I sat down in a local restaraunt... And sat, and sat, for an hour and a half, in a busy restaraunt... and no one even gave us something to drink. I didn't realize how fast the time went by until I was dying of thirst and we walked out. Luckily they caught us on our way out and we got shitty service then, but a dirt cheap meal.

There was this time we went to Roy Rogers and I got a salad that looked good, until I realized the 'blue cheese' was actually blue and fuzzy...

08-20-2004, 11:30 PM
I had a buffalo chicken sandwich. I forget where, but it was the most orgasmic experience ever. It quickly turned into the worst experience ever when I realized there was no more buffalo chicken to eat.

08-20-2004, 11:31 PM
Heh, I have had a similar experience at Friendly's. Waited a good hour before we walked out. But we had gotten water and had ordered. They just didn't bring us the food!

The blue cheese thing is disguesting. Next time have ranch (indicating my sig)

08-20-2004, 11:32 PM
i was in nathan's and saw some dumpy motherfucker rolling the hotdogs with his bare hands on the grease before frying it up on the rollers.

Haven't eaten at a nathan's again.

08-21-2004, 12:09 AM
I got some chicken from Browns the other day, opened up the box and the fuckin thing was fried with it's feathers. When I went back they hassled me about getting a refund. They told me I could get store credit and I said there is no fucking way I'm ever eating here again. I got my money back.

08-21-2004, 12:39 AM
I found part of a talon/claw in a chicken mcnugget once, and have not eaten mcnuggets since.

08-21-2004, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by Meos
I got some chicken from Browns the other day, opened up the box and the fuckin thing was fried with it's feathers. When I went back they hassled me about getting a refund. They told me I could get store credit and I said there is no fucking way I'm ever eating here again. I got my money back.

Holy crap, I thought I was the only person who ever ate at browns? Where was this? I didn't know it was a big chain at all.

Oh yeah, as far as finding feathers, talons, whatever in the food, that's just gonna happen every once in a while, nothing you can do really.

08-21-2004, 01:08 AM
Dude, this thing was like fully feathered, I was uphauled that someone could pick it up and put in it in a box for someone to eat.

This browns was at like California and i-90 in chicago.

08-21-2004, 01:31 AM
Dude the chicken with feathers thing would freak me out, really.

The talon thing probably would too.


08-21-2004, 01:33 AM
I got others... I had a maggot in a italian beef sandwich I got once.. That was pretty bad too.

08-21-2004, 02:01 AM
These stories are so disgusting. I'm happy to say I don't have any to share, that I can recall...


Urinal Poops
08-21-2004, 07:27 AM
I went to a nasty ass "Shoney's" and got a burger that needed a fucking comb for it. After pulling the first hair out and trying to be brave I got yet another hair on my second bite.

No more Shoneys for me

08-21-2004, 07:36 AM
Ugh, hair is always disguesting on food. ESPECIALLY if its curly.

08-21-2004, 08:59 AM
Red Lobster. We got to one that was across the street from a movie theater. We wanted to eat quickly (gave ourselves a very generous 2 and a half hours before the movie started to eat). It took us about an hour to get appetizers. Hour 2 started rolling by and we were getting very pissed off. About 10 minutes before the movie started they brought our food out, which we promptly asked for doggie bags and left them in the car to watch the movie. Nobody in my family has been to a Red Lobster since.

08-21-2004, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Red Lobster. We got to one that was across the street from a movie theater. We wanted to eat quickly (gave ourselves a very generous 2 and a half hours before the movie started to eat). It took us about an hour to get appetizers. Hour 2 started rolling by and we were getting very pissed off. About 10 minutes before the movie started they brought our food out, which we promptly asked for doggie bags and left them in the car to watch the movie. Nobody in my family has been to a Red Lobster since.

That's a shame. Red Lobster is usually pretty good. I've enjoyed many decent meals there.

Killer Kitten
08-21-2004, 11:43 AM
It wasn't a restaurant, or even people food but...

We were offloading a truckload of baled hay for our animals. One of the guys reached in for a bale and his hand punched through something soft and squishy. Turns out a deer got caught in the hay baler and we had a deer/hay cube. Pretty ripe, too.


08-21-2004, 11:56 AM
That happens. I've seen plenty of animals enter a combine or a baler. Bad thing about farm fresh eggs, every once and awhile you pop one open and there is a little chicken in it. You get used to things like that. Just remember if you're using eggs straight off the farm you can candle them or just crack them into a seperate bowl that way you don't ruin the pancake mix or whatever if there is a liquid chicken in it.

08-21-2004, 02:40 PM
>>I was *uphauled*... -Meos

That's "appalled". =(


08-21-2004, 02:51 PM
A week before we graduated, my fraternity brother got real drunk and pissed in the houses Pitco Frialator (the deep fryer in our kitchen). I had meant to wake up early the next morning and change the oil before the chef made lunch, but I slept through the alarm. Imagine my horror as I walked downstairs and watched 45 men eating chicken fingers. Ah well, that made a great Senior Dinner story.

Another time, we were eating Manwiches for dinner, and two guys got into an argument. The first guy went to take a leak, and the second guy pulled a really nasty bloody booger out of his nose, put it into the first guys sandwich, and watched him down it when he got back. I vomited inside my mouth.

08-21-2004, 02:57 PM
Wow. My worst dining experience is that I didn’t want to have sex afterwards. No bugs or hairs or freaky chicken parts... yet.

Call me lucky, or unlucky.

08-21-2004, 02:59 PM
Unlucky. For sure.:hug:

08-21-2004, 03:01 PM
You must not know me too well. LOLZ

08-21-2004, 03:03 PM
I'd rather have a bad dining experience than loss of sex drive!