View Full Version : computer guru needed

08-20-2004, 11:07 PM
OK, I have a fisrt gen Vaio=1.3 py with RD fucking ram, i upgraded it to 512 mb which is the most it can handle/geforce 6800gt vid card/audigy sound card, winxp and misc other stuff, and well it every app i try to load it says corrupt file yadayada fried, but, when i take out the new ram it is fine, should I A:try different style ram(ram is bad?) B:buy new mother board and prcessor? or c:leave it how it is and say fuck it? Also if get a new mother board, I am wanting to go with the amd fx chip but or osmething ver close, will i have to change all kinds of thing to get this to work? ie.power source dvd drives etet....oh and if there are any dealers HOOK me up!!!!! if you want to see exactally what i have it is a sony pcv-rx370ds

all help needed I want doom without laggs and freezes bah

08-20-2004, 11:16 PM
Take out the old RAM, put in only the new. If you're still getting the corrupt error (which I'm guessing you will) it's the RAM. Chances are you need to either change the speed in the bios or get a different speed of RAM.

Old school way to fix it, save all your files to CD or D drive, format C(or whichever has your MBS) reload the OS then copy the files over. It should treat itself as a fresh system and auto correct for the RAM diff.

I normally see errors like what you describe when someone tosses PC133 into a computer with PC100 RAM and they haven't tweaked (that's a technical term) bios.

08-20-2004, 11:16 PM
um. Take it to a store and have them fix it?

08-20-2004, 11:29 PM
The problem is that you have a Vaio.

08-21-2004, 12:14 AM
Could be a few things:

a. Incompatible RAM. Use crucial.com to pinpoint specifically what RAM you need.

b. Could be a faulty RAM slot on your motherboard, in which case you should try moving the RAM around, but only to appropriate slots.

c. You may need to tinker with your BIOS to make sure it's even detecting the RAM.

d. It could be faulty RAM, which is more common than you'd think. Most of the worlds RAM is made in Taiwan, so you should expect Taiwan quality. The best way to check is to do what Anticor said; take out your old RAM, stick in only the new chip, and see what happens.

Oh, and you should definitely back up anything you want backed up first.

08-21-2004, 12:34 AM
i would check them individually but...being RD ram you have to mput them in in matched pairs, 512= 2x 256 sticks and 2x jumper sticks..... all the ram in pc800 samsung, i have my normal 4x 64meb sticks in and it runs fine.....i have totally reformatted my comp and it still does the dam errors, how can i update the bios? i have no clue about flashing it aand all that jargon. I am ready to take out my vid card.sound card.power suppy etc and trash this fucking rdram shit.......and PS Vaio rock both the desktop(until now) and my laptop

08-21-2004, 12:44 AM
If you're still getting the errors, chances are that updating the BIOS won't fix anything.

Chances are it's corrupt memory. Exchange it for a fresh stick. Or, download a memory testing utility (you can probably find a free one off download.com,) and run that, if your computer even lets you.

And PS, Vaio's suck both worlds with equal fervor. They're fucking nightmares to troubleshoot.

08-21-2004, 06:39 AM
Id vote for upgradeing your MotherBoard so you can run non ram into larger amounts but being as its a crate PC Im doubting the likelyhood of your computer allowing it. Might think of getting a barebones systems and just moving over stuff like HD, Vid, and Sound...

That all being said it sounds like a bad or mismatched ram stick.

[Edited on 8-26-2004 by Tsa`ah]