View Full Version : Official: New Ta'Vaalor Story Teaser

05-21-2013, 12:49 AM
Tiope stood for a moment, confused. What had just happened? She remembered stepping through the portal but where had it led? She should have never trusted Vargesh. Taking a moment to get her bearings, Tiope looked around the place where she was. Crumbled walls and a broken down tower gatehouse dominated her view. She still had no idea where, or what, this place was but it somehow felt familiar. Deciding to look around a bit, she picked her way through the rubble northward.

A dilapidated cathedral stood before her. Though broken in many places, its former grandeur was obvious. It was still imposing. A low moan drifted on the breeze, or maybe it was just the breeze. Inspecting the walls of the cathedral, Tiope determined the craftsmanship was definitely elven. It had been a very long time since her people had built such shrines to the Arkati. Wherever she was, the place was old, very old. As she walked around the area, Tiope realized the cathedral had once been part of an enormous keep. A memory slowly bubbled to the surface of her mind of sitting on her Nana’s knee, hearing stories of heroism and glory, of warriors standing against hopeless odds and overwhelming numbers. She had never been here before but she was certain she knew this place from the stories. Could that even be possible? The thought was staggering. The memories of those stories, what they meant to her as a child, and what this place stood for warred with the memories of her recent actions. Her knees trembled and she sat heavily upon a fallen stone. What had she done?

