View Full Version : Solhaven Festival Merchant and Item List

05-20-2013, 02:50 PM
Here's what I have. Post updates and I'll update the list.

[Trader Rise] - Lich id: 9306

>read sign

- Crystals -
Blue Bravery, 10 charges
Peach Prayer of Protection, 20 charges
Green Elemental Deflection, 20 charges
Cherry Elemental Bias, 20 charges
Blackberry Blink, 10 charges

- Runestaffs -
Faewood 4x/4x Acuity
Orase 4x/2x Mana

- Runestones -
Blank, prepared runestones

On the ebonwood cart:
a faceted blushed peach crystal - 16k prayer of protection
a faceted rich blackberry crystal - 12k blink
a faceted fog-swept blue crystal - 20k
a faceted black cherry crystal - 17k elemental bias
a faceted dark moss green crystal - 15k elemental deflection
a spiraled orase runestaff - 750k 4x/2x mana flares
a helical faewood runestaff - 1.5m 4x/4x acuity flares (+20 AS/+12 CS) + Zests
a velvet-backed smoky glaes runestone - 5k
a silver-haloed polished onyx runestone - 5k
a gold-haloed smooth quartz runestone - 5k

[Old Market Plaza] - Lich id: 1524

go wagon - >

On the pine rack:
a short vanilla silk robe - 50k
a ruffle-hemmed gridelin silk robe - 50k
a tone-on-tone malachite silk robe - 50k
a cream and apricot silk robe - 50k
a white silk robe - 50k

On the pine hook:
some cross-strapped black suede gloves buckled at the wrists - 50k 4x
some arm-length pale kidskin gloves clawed in rhimar - 100k, 4x, cold flare
some razern-studded fingerless garnet leather gloves - 100k 4x earth flare
a pair of arm-length glistening silver lace gloves - 100k, 4x, lightning flare
some lacquered leather gauntlets with gold filigree joints - 100k 4x fire flare

In the cedar-lined trunk:
some high-heeled boots of sectioned green reptilian leather - 75k 4x
some ankle-strapped leather boots with silver flame toecaps - 100k 4x, fire flare
some calf-high patinated dark leather boots scaled in rhimar - 100k 4x cold flare
some tall-heeled leather knee boots scaled in lucent zorchar - 100k 4x lightning flare
some marbled grey leather boots perched on smoky glaes heels - 100k 4x, earth flare

go nook -> [Shadowy Nook, Pyndyl's Pushcart]

>read board
NO REFUNDS! If you become ill from my things, TOO BAD! There is no cure for stupid! Or, you can buy what's in the yellow pouch. The stuff in the sock is lethal! It can be POURed into the hilts of the weapons I'm selling, or on unspecial weapons, arrows or bolts; magic properties are fine. Once POURed, RUB, then TOUCH it. Nothing lasts forever, so stock up! MEASURE your bottle to see how many applications are left if POURing ON your weapon. Weapons I sell, you MEASURE. ~Pyndyl the Prickly

In the golden yellow pouch:
a thick cap of ochre-colored fungus - 6.3k
a moldy bit of ochre-hued toadstool - 600

In the drawstring purse:
some marinated hollyhock leaves - 3k

In the old blue sock:
a clouded blue bottle - 25k
a slender bamboo sliver - 1k

On the swathe of oilskin:
a decorated vaalorn kidney dagger - 55k
a chipped vultite main gauche - 57k
an imflass vine-engraved kris - 62k
a long vaalorn bastard sword - 58k
a slender-bladed jitte - 51k
a steel broadsword - 50k
a cracked footman's hammer - 125k
a knicked horseman's hammer - 96k
a slender claw-shaped hook-knife - 64k
a three-pointed pitchfork - 118k
a massive sledgehammer - 56k

go house -> [Caravan Consignments]

In the glass display case:
a teardrop of mirror-polished obsidian - 2.5k
a ruched vanilla silk pouch - 10k
a cabochon of pale steel blue chalcedony - 2.5k
a silver-veined marine blue cordierite - 2.5k
a spiral of pale celadon dreamstone 2.5k
a faceted smoky absinthe emerald - 2.5k
an apricot and hibiscus-hued sunstone - 2.5k

In the tall cubbyholes:
a steel-bladed ironwood lance - 50k
a steel-bladed faewood lance - 50k
a steel-tipped faewood spear - 25k
a steel-tipped ironwood spear - 25k
a pale ironwood staff - 150k
a white faewood staff - 100k
a steel-bladed ebonwood lance - 50k
a steel-tipped ebonwood spear - 25k
a polished ebonwood staff - 150k

house -> go arch -> [Caravan Consignments, Alcove]

In the tall closet:
a jet-on-cream organza silk pouch - 15k
a pair of oxblood leather sandals - 50k
a muted lilac silk satchel - 25k
an ebon-veined statue of Voln - 15k
a large vial of pure potion - 36k

house -> climb ladder -> [Caravan Consignments, Loft]

On the overturned crates:
some alabaster dice - 1k
a large sterling silver pitcher - free water

[B][South Market NW] - Lich id: 1551

On the dark walnut cart:
a skein of ebon silk yarn - 5k
a skein of periwinkle yarn - 5k
a skein of pale lemon yarn - 5k
a skein of dark cerise yarn - 5k
a skein of malachite silk yarn - 5k
a skein of smoky violet yarn - 5k
a skein of dusky rose yarn - 5k
a skein of deep blueberry yarn - 5k
a skein of mint green yarn - 5k
a skein of muted aubergine yarn - 5k
a skein of burnt umber yarn - 5k
a skein of silver silk yarn - 5k
a skein of faded olivine yarn - 5k
a skein of tonal ivory yarn - 5k
a skein of copper silk yarn - 5k
a skein of faded lilac yarn - 5k
a skein of deep claret yarn - 5k
a skein of slate blue yarn - 5k
a skein of bronzed sorrel yarn - 5k
a skein of pristine white yarn - 5k

go wagon -> [The Drifting Oasis, Interior]

>read sign

In the Common language, it reads:
The chains are able to store rings and keys of most any type.

Items in the chest are powered by gold rings for teleportation.

In the glass jewelry case:
a thin electrum-linked neckchain - 45k
a delicate gold necklace - 45k
a dark silver and bloodjewel necklace - 45k
a thin sterling silver chain - 45k - Neckworn
a heavy gold chain - 45k
a leather knotwork chain - 45k
a faded linen cord - 45k
a glossy black satin cord - 45k
a long beaded strand - 45k
a multi-hued imflass neckchain - 45k
a glossy glaes-linked neckchain - 45k

In the copper-banded chest:
a thick gold armband - 50k
an onyx-veined blue sapphire anklet - 50k
an intricate dark silver brooch - 75k
a thick tarnished brass buckle - 75k
a black opal pendant - 65k
a glossy black glaes vambrace - 50k
a gold filigree wristcuff - 50k
a thin glaes anklet - 50k
a pale blue mithril-link bracelet - 50k
an interwoven glaes and ora bracelet - 50k

[Solhaven, Bayside Road] - Lich id: 1436

In the writing case:
a piece of pale lilac paper - 250
a piece of ecru paper -250
a piece of ivory parchment - 250
a piece of ecru parchment - 250
a narrow ebon quill - 500
a slender copped-hued quill - 500
a thick crimson quill - 500
a piece of white stationary - 250
a piece of alabaster stationary - 250
an indigo stick of wax - 1k
an alabaster stick of wax - 1k
a mulberry stick of wax - 1k
a tangerine stick of wax - 1k
a beryl gold stick of wax - 1k
a malachite stick of wax - 1k
a roseate stick of wax - 1k

In the jewelry box:
a golden signet band - 25k
a jade signet ring - 25k
an amethyst signet ring - 25k
a silver thumb signet - 25k
an ironwood signet band - 25k

On the raffle table you see:
a warning sign
a raffle ticket barrel
some raffle tickets

>look ticket
The raffle is for "Calepher will customize a signet ring kit.".
The tickets sell for 25,000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 6 hours and 5 minutes for 1 winner (May 20th at 9:00 Eastern)

[Solhaven, Bayside Road] - Lich id: 1435

go wagon -> [Weave and Wear]

In the wooden crate:
a smooth doeskin belt - 15.5K
a slender mithril awl - 25K
a small mithril-tipped lathe - 25K
a pair of narrow mithril scissors - 25K
a pair of mithril shears - 25K
a pair of small mithril snips - 25K

go door -> [Weave and Wear]

On the short rafter:
a dried sagebrush blossom - 1k
a cluster of dried baby's breath - 1k
a dried mustard flower - 1k

On the top shelf:
a wide mithglin wire - 1k
a thin vaalorn wire - 1k
a fine vultite wire - 1k
a twisted faenor wire - 1k
a narrow bronze wire - 1k
a slender mithril wire - 1k
a braided silver wire - 1k
a twisted copper wire - 1k

On the middle shelf:
a sheer lace ribbon - 1k
a narrow peach lace ribbon - 1k
a shimmering cobalt satin ribbon - 1k
a gold-edged ebon silk ribbon - 1k
a thin royal blue silk ribbon - 1k
some braided hemp - 1k
a woven doeskin thong - 1k
a strand of crude twine - 1k

On the bottom shelf:
an olive vireo feather - 1k
a blue scrub-jay feather - 1k
a white egret feather - 1k
a blue heron feather - 1k
a black anhinga feather - 1k
a grey stonechat feather - 1k
a water ash bead - 1k
a tiny juniper bead - 1k
a small cypress bead - 1k

go arch -> [Weave and Wear]

>read chalkboard

In the Common language, it reads:
~~ Welcome ~~
To my place of fragrance and beauty!
I will be about to customize your purchases as well as the finished items.
Finished pieces can have a detailed description
as well as something one can see easily from far away.
~~ Blodau ~~"

[Solhaven, Bayside Road] - Lich id: 1437

On the linden stand:
a lily-carved glossy teak fan - 15k bone shatter
a smoky green lace fan - 15k major acid
a stiff scarlet damask fan - 15k major fire
a green and white silk fan - 10k disintegrate
a tangerine watered silk fan - 15k arcane decoy
a lupine blue brocade fan - 15k major cold
a haon-slatted fan - 15k minor shock
a darkened sterling silver mirror - 5k
a creamy alabaster mirror - 5k
a rose-blushed gold mirror - 5k

>look ticket
The raffle is for "The winner of this raffle is entitled to their choice of the special fans located on the table. The winner is expected to present themselves within five minutes of their name being drawn, a failure to do so resulting in the loss of their win.".
The tickets sell for 5,000 silvers each.

[Solhaven, Bayside Road] - Lich id: 1476

In the menagerie wagon:
an emerald-eyed white feline statue - 10k
a large white pelican statue - 10k
a ragged peg-legged cat statue - 10k
a rotund barn owl statue - 10k
a detailed alabaster swan statue - 10k
a lifelike dirty rat statue - 10k
an jet-eyed lobster statue - 10k

05-20-2013, 02:59 PM
The runestones have been said to be pre-prepared for things like Scroll Infusion and Minor Summoning. Meaning you can draw any rune you want on them without first using a store-bought potion.

05-20-2013, 03:04 PM
The statues in the wagon by Gertie's cast 1712 and are MR for 10k a pop.

a rotund barn owl statue dotted with stylized crumbs
an emerald-eyed white feline statue cradling a ball of yarn
a jet-eyed lobster statue wearing a miniature chalkboard (Endae <3)
a lifelike dirty rat statue with a long scarred tail
a ragged peg-legged cat statue with a single green eye
a large white pelican statue with a fish-filled gullet
a detailed alabaster swan statue with upstretched wings


The UAC Gear

some high-heeled boots of sectioned green reptilian leather - 75k 4x
some ankle-strapped leather boots with silver flame toecaps - 100k 4x, fire flare
some calf-high patinated dark leather boots scaled in rhimar - 100k 4x cold flare
some tall-heeled leather knee boots scaled in lucent zorchar - 100k 4x lightning flare
some marbled grey leather boots perched on smoky glaes heels - 100k 4x, earth flare

some cross-strapped black suede gloves buckled at the wrists - 4x 50k
some arm-length pale kidskin gloves clawed in rhimar - 100k, 4x, cold flare
some razern-studded fingerless garnet leather gloves - 100k 4x earth flare
a pair of arm-length glistening silver lace gloves - 100k, 4x, lightning flare
some lacquered leather gauntlets with gold filigree joints - 4x fire flare 100k

I'll assume that those are sung prices. I can buy the flaring boots and gloves for 125k, the non-flaring boots for 75K and the non-flaring gloves for 50K.

05-20-2013, 03:21 PM
Where's the UAC gear located?

05-20-2013, 03:31 PM
Where's the UAC gear located?

that's bare necessities

05-20-2013, 03:33 PM
a spiraled orase runestaff - 750k

This is 4x/2x mana flares, I believe.

05-20-2013, 03:37 PM
Reidyn just posted about the caravan:

Discover Solhaven: Caravan Consignments! on 05/20/2013 03:34 PM EDT

Taeliryn and her tiny house on wheels got stuck in the mud on the way to Solhaven, but they have now arrived. Better late than never! She brings with her new inventory, including items that should be of particular interest to Solhaven citizens.

The staffs, lances, and spears in the cubbyhole are designed specifically for citizens of Solhaven. In the hands of a citizen of some lesser town (yeah, I said it!) they will not have the same special actions.


>wave my staff
As you wave your ironwood staff through the air, a banner of undulating blue effulgence streams out behind it. The waves of azuline light swell and crest into the likeness of a tumultuous sea, brilliant but for the baleful shadow lurking within its ephemeral depths. Within this shadowed undercurrent, darkened silver motes coalesce and give rise to twisting, writhing tentacles that breach the liquid surface and grasp at the air with furious intent before being drawn below once more. After a moment, the banner fades away.

>point my staff
You brandish your ironwood staff. Lines of undulating blue effulgence flow from the tip of the staff to spell out "Beware the Kraken." The lettering hangs briefly in midair before fading away.


>wave my staff
As you wave your faewood staff through the air, a banner of brilliant green incandescence streams out behind it. Ephemeral motes of crystalline, white light dance across the surface of the luminous banner and take the form of a regal swan. The tiny pinpricks of radiance swirl furiously as the image of the majestic bird unfurls its wings, ready to take flight. After a moment, the banner fades away

>point my staff
You brandish your faewood staff. Lines of brilliant green incandescence flow from the tip of the staff to spell out "What Can't We Face When We're Together?" The lettering hangs briefly in midair before fading away.


>wave my staff
As you wave your ebonwood staff through the air, a banner of swirling, white resplendence streams out behind it. Dark, horrible silhouettes flit across the surface of the brilliant banner, their form nearly lost in the frenetic pace. Kraken, elemental, and oculoth, each one more terrible then the last, blur together before receding into the luminous background. After a moment, the banner fades away.

>point my staff
You brandish your ebonwood staff. Lines of swirling, white resplendence flow from the tip of the staff to spell out "We're Gonna Die." The lettering hangs briefly in midair before fading away.

05-20-2013, 03:42 PM
Location of Caravan Consignments?

05-20-2013, 03:47 PM
Location of Caravan Consignments?

Lich #1524, it's right next to the UAC shop.

a tiny cedar-plank house lofted on four golden wheels

05-20-2013, 04:09 PM
[Solhaven, Bayside Road] - Lich id: 1437

On the linden stand:
a lily-carved glossy teak fan - Raffle only
a smoky green lace fan - Raffle only
a stiff scarlet damask fan - Raffle only
a green and white silk fan - Raffle only
a tangerine watered silk fan - Raffle only
a lupine blue brocade fan - Raffle only
a haon-slatted fan - Raffle only

These aren't raffle only, you can buy them and they contain waveable spells.
haon-slatted: minor shock
lupine blue: major cold
glossy teak: bone shatter
watered silk: arcane decoy
scarlet damask: major fire
smoky green: major acid

05-20-2013, 04:29 PM
How much are they?

05-20-2013, 05:02 PM
Those acuity staffs are pricey. Are they worth it? I'm thinking not, but what do I know?

05-20-2013, 05:04 PM
Sorry, all the fans are 15k except the green and white one which is 10k for some reason and casts Disintegrate.

05-20-2013, 05:05 PM
The runestones have been said to be pre-prepared for things like Scroll Infusion and Minor Summoning. Meaning you can draw any rune you want on them without first using a store-bought potion.

If you buy your aishvrak potions at the alchemist, instead of making them yourself, then those are a good deal.

05-20-2013, 05:09 PM
Those acuity staffs are pricey. Are they worth it? I'm thinking not, but what do I know?

I picked one up because I think it might be cool with a 5x ensorcell. I'm honestly surprised they would release 4x acuity off the shelf

05-20-2013, 05:12 PM
Personally not real big on acuity flares. What's the most extra damage you're going to get from +20 AS? 10-15 at the very tops? And if you're depending on a flare to give you a high enough CS to get a good hit on what you're hunting, you're doing it wrong. The way I look at it, best case scenario is you roll just right on the flare attack for it to bump you up to the next higher crit level. Whoopee. I'll take a straight damage flare any time over acuity.


05-20-2013, 06:01 PM
Can't acuity flares go all the way up to 10x? If you get it up that high, I think it would be worthwhile. You can turn a whiff into a killshot.

05-20-2013, 06:53 PM
Personally not real big on acuity flares. What's the most extra damage you're going to get from +20 AS? 10-15 at the very tops? And if you're depending on a flare to give you a high enough CS to get a good hit on what you're hunting, you're doing it wrong. The way I look at it, best case scenario is you roll just right on the flare attack for it to bump you up to the next higher crit level. Whoopee. I'll take a straight damage flare any time over acuity.

I prefer to think about it in terms of the average increase to my CS from an acuity. For example, a 4x acuity runestaff adds 12 to CS when it flares. Assuming it flares every eight casts on average (just a guess), then it adds an average of 1.5 to CS.

If Allereli ensorcells hers to 5x, then she will get an additional boost of 15 to CS from the ensorcellment when it flares. Divide that by the average flare rate of ensorcell flares of 7 and you get an average additional 2 CS. Add that to the 1.5 CS from acuity, and her 5x ensorcelled 4x acuity runestaff will boost CS by 3.5 on average. Not bad if you're a sorcerer. But unless you're maxed on enhancives, then you may be better off with a fusion or regular enhacive runestaff.

If you're a sorcerer, then you need to increase your aura or wisdom stat by 16 to get an additional 4 CS on every cast. That's the comparison point.

I ignored the other types of ensorcell flares (empowerment, rejuvenation, healing) because I'm not smart enough to do the math on those.

Furthermore, when and if the eagerly awaited tempering potions are released, you should be able to add ensorcell flares to your fusion or enhancive runestaff.

I'm buying one anyway! I plan to use it in places where I would not dare risk taking my fusion runestaff.

05-20-2013, 07:28 PM
There is still a usage cost. For instance, not using a fusion runestaff. Now, getting Acuity flares on a fusion runestaff? Yes, please. I imagine that they wont do that, though.

05-20-2013, 08:06 PM
There is still a usage cost. For instance, not using a fusion runestaff. Now, getting Acuity flares on a fusion runestaff? Yes, please. I imagine that they wont do that, though.

Wizards can enchant fusion weapons. An enchant adds +5 to every swing. Ensorcelling, by contrast, would add +5 to every fifth swing, ignoring the other types of ensorcell flares (stamina, spirit, healing).

05-20-2013, 09:05 PM
Fan prices added.

What else am I missing and what more do we know about the items listed?

05-20-2013, 10:01 PM
a faceted fog-swept blue crystal - 20k (10 charges of Bravery)

05-20-2013, 10:03 PM

05-20-2013, 10:05 PM
I don't think so. The loresong didn't seem to indicate that. It also disintegrated after final charge.

05-20-2013, 10:10 PM
The crystals on the polished ebonwood cart [9306]:

You rub the blushed peach crystal in your hand.
A pure white aura sparkles around you.
[Prayer of Protection]

You rub the rich blackberry crystal in your hand.
A momentary eruption of starlit darkness engulfs you. As the shadow thins, double images of the world sway dizzyingly around you before regaining solidity.

You rub the fog-swept blue crystal in your hand.
You feel more confident.

You rub the black cherry crystal in your hand.
You feel more magically aware.
[Elemental Bias]

You rub the dark moss green crystal in your hand.
You are surrounded by a shimmering field of energy.
[Elemental Deflection]

05-21-2013, 12:22 AM
Updated. Thanks.

05-21-2013, 12:32 AM
is stationary and their supplies something you can only get at these type of things? I'm having fun with it, seems like a great RP tool, writing notes, but I can't find anywhere else that sells paper/wax

05-21-2013, 12:49 AM
Paper is sold in Ta'Illistim permanently. On narost it is marked as "clothier".

05-21-2013, 02:03 AM
Paper is sold in Ta'Illistim permanently. On narost it is marked as "clothier".
awesome, thanks

05-21-2013, 07:21 AM
lich ID 1524 go nook

[Shadowy Nook, Pyndyl's Pushcart]
A small oak cart, which is equipped with two large grass-stained wooden wheels, stands in the shadows. The front of the pushcart is currently propped up with a thick faewood block. The slatted panels have several containers, which are filled with various stuffs, hanging over the side. In the handbarrow's tray is an unrolled swathe of oilskin with an assortment of items on display. A board hangs from the front of the cart, centered between a pair of protruding horizontal leather-wrapped poles. The street is a few short steps away.
Obvious paths: none

>read board
In the Common language, it reads:
NO REFUNDS! If you become ill from my things, TOO BAD! There is no cure for stupid! Or, you can buy what's in the yellow pouch. The stuff in the sock is lethal! It can be POURed into the hilts of the weapons I'm selling, or on unspecial weapons, arrows or bolts; magic properties are fine. Once POURed, RUB, then TOUCH it. Nothing lasts forever, so stock up! MEASURE your bottle to see how many applications are left if POURing ON your weapon. Weapons I sell, you MEASURE. ~Pyndyl the Prickly

On the panel slat:
a golden yellow pouch, Inside the pouch is
A thick cap of ochre-colored fungus sells for 6330 silvers.
A moldy bit of ochre-hued toadstool sells for 633 silvers.
a dark green drawstring purse, inside the purse is
Some marinated hollyhock leaves sells for 3000 silvers.
an old blue sock patched with dark oilskin at the toe and heel, inside the sock is
A clouded blue bottle sells for 25000 silvers.
A slender bamboo sliver sells for 1000 silvers.

On the oilskin

You take a closer look at a decorated vaalorn kidney dagger with a vine-embossed hilt.
A small stud is imbedded into the base of the vaalorn kidney dagger. 55300

You take a closer look at a chipped vultite main gauche with a tattered leather hilt.
A small stud is imbedded into the base of the vultite main gauche.57000

You take a closer look at an imflass kris with ivy vines etched along the blade.
A small stud is imbedded into the base of the vine-engraved kris.62000

You take a closer look at a long vaalorn bastard sword with notches marring the hilt.
A small stud is imbedded into the base of the vaalorn bastard sword.58500

You take a closer look at a slender-bladed jitte with honed ornate mithril tines.
A small stud is imbedded into the base of the slender-bladed jitte.51000

You take a closer look at a steel broadsword etched with images of dancing thraks.
A small stud is imbedded into the base of the steel broadsword.50100

You take a closer look at a cracked footman's hammer with a tapered vultite spike.
A small stud is imbedded into the base of the footman's hammer.125000

You take a closer look at a knicked horseman's hammer fitted with a long vultite spike.
A small stud is imbedded into the base of the horseman's hammer.96000

You take a closer look at a slender claw-shaped hook-knife with a polished vultite edge.
A small stud is imbedded into the base of the claw-shaped hook-knife.64000

You take a closer look at a three-pointed pitchfork with gleaming vultite tines.
A small stud is imbedded into the base of the three-pointed pitchfork.118000

You take a closer look at a massive sledgehammer with a cracked carmiln handle.
A small stud is imbedded into the base of the massive sledgehammer.56000

05-21-2013, 09:04 AM

05-21-2013, 10:08 AM
where is "Trader Rise" in Solhaven. I don't have lich.

05-21-2013, 10:19 AM
where is "Trader Rise" in Solhaven. I don't have lich.
From the center of the South Market (node), go southwest and then go catwalk and you'll be there.

05-21-2013, 11:06 AM
From the center of the South Market (node), go southwest and then go catwalk and you'll be there.

05-21-2013, 11:49 PM
Anyone have a guess how to activate the items that store a gold ring?

>rub brooch

You brush your fingers over the surface of your brooch and feel a little pulse in it.

>touch brooch

You place your hand on your dark silver brooch.
You feel a faint pulse course through the brooch.