View Full Version : sammu for the masses

05-14-2013, 09:15 PM
Yes, the fletching script Sammu is <adjective>.

;repo download sammu
;repo download slib
;trust sammu
;trust slib
;set add sack $Sack_Name (where $Sack_Name actually is whatever the heck you're using)

;sammu setup (will pop open a new window)


Knife = knife (or dagger/stiletto)
Axe = axe (handaxe, whatever)
Cap = sack (fletching container.. this is the bit that is a "feature")


wood/shafts = (container where your stowing your shafts)
waste = (container for "garbage" arrows)
axe = (container for your axe)
knife = (container for your knife)


Specific to each person, where you want your toon to do his/her fletching, where the trashcan is, and where the fletcher is in your town (;go2 fletcher). So, for someone in WL using TSSE to fletch, and the wastebasket in front of Moot Hall:

Ordering = 8719
Fletching = 282
Shaft discard = 229 (haven't really tested this out)


Again, specific to each town/person. Assuming WL and 5 pieces for each run:

Wood order: 40
Woof count: 5


Specific to you. Tweak as you see fit.

05-18-2013, 10:36 AM
I had some issues with sammu which were kindly helped by the people in lnet.

First was that the suggested options in the mind tab caused me an error, which were fixed by amending them to -1 and 150 (i.e. so sammu never stops ). If I used bigshot and 100% as the sammu setup tip suggested, it wouldnt run, for some reason.

The second problem I had was related to the "cap" option in setup. I left it blank because I wasnt using caps and that caused the script to try and put my knife into my bow when stowing it. Apparently, if the option for cap is left blank it defaults to everything, which caused the problem somehow. I forget the kind person who took the time to figure out the errors for me, but I thank them greatly. Hopefully this may help anyone else who has similar issues.

05-18-2013, 11:07 AM
I've used ;fletching with no issue at all.. except if you kill the script, it can't pick back up again.

05-18-2013, 05:04 PM
;fletching is good ;sammu is better

06-07-2013, 12:15 PM
I've been having trouble with Sammu and it seems to be getting worse. First of all it's a fantastic script and I've used it a lot to make painted arrows.

The first problem I encountered was trying to make crossbow bolts. The script hung up because it would attempt to cut nocks in my bolt. I don't use too many bolts so I just made them by hand.

Second problem was that one day it would not longer paint the arrow shafts. It just skipped that completely. I've tried as many different descriptors as I can think of to get the script to recognize the vials of paint in my container but it's not working.

Third problem is that ;sammu rank will no longer buy wood. The script just exits, even if I have limbs of wood in my container.

Has anyone else run into any of these issues?

06-07-2013, 12:46 PM
I had a problem getting ;sammu rank to work at first. I ended up having to set every container up, even ones I wouldn't be using. I would suggest trying that.

06-07-2013, 01:42 PM
Well it has worked in the past. I set it up and when I want to fletch for ranks type ;sammu rank. That worked for 450+ ranks. Then one day last week, I got home from work, logged in, typed ;sammu rank and it does not work because of the wood thing. I changed no settings. It just doesn't work anymore.

06-07-2013, 05:55 PM
But do you have all the containers filled in? Even one you aren't using.

Snoopy Dogg
06-13-2013, 11:08 AM
im running into a problem of sammu refusing to put arrows in the finished container.. it was fine the other day, not sure what happened

Snoopy Dogg
06-13-2013, 05:13 PM
im running into a problem of sammu refusing to put arrows in the finished container.. it was fine the other day, not sure what happened

after much deliberating and messing around with stuff by 3 people.. something is wrong with the cap part in the case in the empty_hand definition. i commented it out and its back working fine, but it might just be for me i dont know.. scripts are going retarded on me lately

07-21-2013, 10:50 PM
If someone could hit me up ingame (Cotilion) or on here. I'm just trying to figure out what to put in some of the Buying tabs.

07-22-2013, 09:14 AM
Which town are you in?

07-24-2014, 04:26 PM
mine wont paint arrows either, but the rest works beautifully.