View Full Version : Fun at work.

08-17-2004, 12:20 PM
Just got an E-mail from our Lan-Ops guy. Basically saying that all requests and issues need to go through a corporate helpdesk e-mail address with him CC'd (instead of just sending it straight to him).

So I decided to have a little fun.

I created a contact in my local Outlook. The contact's e-mail address was invalid (nowhere@nobody.xwa or something like that) - but the display name was the e-mail address of the helpdesk. And I made sure to put him as a CC.

The message read as follows:

"Mark XXXXX and I are still awaiting the DVD burners we’ve requested. It has been a few weeks since you had approved them. Your promptness will be greatly appreciated."

He's a nice guy, so I went over and told him just as he got the E-mail. He decided to play a trick on Mark (the other one requesting the DVD burner). He replied and made it look like he had copied the helpdesk again - saying that he now has to send an E-mail stating that the request was not approved - to his boss.

I'll have to edit this post once I see Mark's response.

08-17-2004, 02:01 PM

08-17-2004, 02:08 PM

08-17-2004, 02:11 PM
Dude guy, That is fucking pwning.

...until you become one of the many who are haunted upon opening their e-mails with shipment notice verifications ending with "solicitation" in fine print :flamed:

08-17-2004, 02:20 PM
Mark called me up and said "Did you see the E-mail? I think he took it seriously". I played dumb, had him freak out for a few seconds before I let him in on it.