View Full Version : Oh Wezas..

Weedmage Princess
08-16-2004, 02:30 PM
Did you ever finish that program? The pickpocket one?

08-16-2004, 02:53 PM

If he did, I'll be pissed, because he never gave it to me.

08-16-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Did you ever finish that program? The pickpocket one?


I was thinking about starting on it again - trying to keep the data in something other then a MS Access database. The database part seemed to be what was hiccuping last time around.

There been any changes to stealing in the past few months? (new things you can steal, new ways of getting caught, etc?)

I know about the amulets, wands, etc. and the whole "grabbing your hand" thing.

08-16-2004, 03:12 PM
You can also steal some box found pieces of jewelry or trinkets.

08-16-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
You can also steal some box found pieces of jewelry or trinkets.

Yeah, no way I could code for all those - they'd have to go in as misc. until the user updates the category (jewelry) and value

08-16-2004, 03:16 PM
I still have an old copy you sent me.. and a new computer. You think it will work on that or should I not even bother trying?

08-16-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I still have an old copy you sent me.. and a new computer. You think it will work on that or should I not even bother trying?

You can try if you want, but it's definately got bugs.

08-16-2004, 04:04 PM
You may try talking with Jamus on the best way to program that. Don't like ask him to do it for you, but I'm sure he can help you think of a better/easier way to get what you want done.

08-16-2004, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
You may try talking with Jamus on the best way to program that. Don't like ask him to do it for you, but I'm sure he can help you think of a better/easier way to get what you want done.

I've spoken with him a bit on advice for disclaimers and such - but I'm not sure I want to bug him with such a little program like this.

08-16-2004, 04:10 PM
Actually if you work with him he'd probably impliment it in Psinet, if you wanted. I'm sure if you did the grunt work as far as programming he'd slip it in there somewhere. You would then be the first major contributor to Psinet as far as coding.

On the other hand, if you want to keep it a sort of private program, he'd probably help anyway. There's certainly a demand for it and it could probably grow to be something quite useful as far as rogues go.

08-16-2004, 04:50 PM
Right now it's taking about 3.5 minutes to run 1300 log files - 300mb (basically 9 months worth for me).

My last change was to summaries:

Broad Summary:

Date Range: 4/1/2003 - 12/30/2003
Total Silvers Pocketed: 1249685
Total Pocketed (incl gems): 2231201
Botch %: 3.29%
Average Silvers Per Grab: 89.80
amulet: 6
crystal: 12
gem: 445
gems: 5
herb: 12
misc: 1668
wand: 55

Regular Summary:

Date Range: 4/1/2003 - 12/30/2003
Total Silvers Pocketed: 1249685
Total Pocketed (incl gems): 2231201
Botch %: 3.29%
Average Silvers Per Grab: 89.80
amulet: 6
crystal: 12
beryl: 1
blazestar: 1
bloodjewel: 1
crystal: 7
diamond: 13
doomstone: 6
dreamstone: 4
emerald: 21
feystone: 1
glimaerstone: 6
jacinth: 1
moonstone: 4
opal: 47
pearl: 43
quartz: 2
ruby: 89
sapphire: 195
starstone: 2
topaz: 1
herb: 12
wand: 55
-------Misc Items------
Misc: 1668

And Detailed Summary:

Date Range: 4/1/2003 - 12/30/2003
Total Silvers Pocketed: 1249685
Total Pocketed (incl gems): 2231201
Botch %: 3.29%
Average Silvers Per Grab: 89.80
crystal amulet: 6
black crystal: 1
blue crystal: 8
white crystal: 3
honey beryl: 1
crimson blazestar: 1
selanthan bloodjewel: 1
tigerfang crystal: 7
dwarf-cut diamond: 1
uncut diamond: 12
glossy doomstone: 6
blue dreamstone: 1
pink dreamstone: 1
red dreamstone: 1
white dreamstone: 1
dragonfire emerald: 1
dragons-tear emerald: 2
emerald: 17
star emerald: 1
periwinkle feystone: 1
cerulean glimaerstone: 1
clear glimaerstone: 2
lilac glimaerstone: 1
smoky glimaerstone: 2
fiery jacinth: 1
green moonstone: 1
silvery moonstone: 3
black opal: 6
frost opal: 1
moonglae opal: 2
purple opal: 1
white opal: 37
black pearl: 11
fire pearl: 4
grey pearl: 8
iridescent pearl: 1
pink pearl: 8
white pearl: 11
asterfire quartz: 1
obvlivion quartz: 1
dragons-tear ruby: 1
dwarf-cut ruby: 1
ruby: 12
star ruby: 70
sylvarraend ruby: 5
blue sapphire: 8
dragonseye sapphire: 1
green sapphire: 40
mermaids-tear sapphire: 2
pink sapphire: 11
star sapphire: 40
violet sapphire: 47
water sapphire: 2
yellow sapphire: 44
green starstone: 2
lute-painted topaz: 1
acantha leaf: 5
aloeas stem: 1
ambrominas leaf: 4
wolifrew lichen: 2
aquamarine wand: 4
clear glass wand: 4
crystal wand: 4
golden wand: 12
iron wand: 2
metal wand: 2
oaken wand: 2
polished bloodwood wand: 5
slender blue wand: 2
smooth bone wand: 4
thanot wand: 2
twisted wand: 12
-------Misc Items------
Misc: 1668

It's a shame text isn't easier to format. I'll try working on the data storing aspect of it soon.

08-16-2004, 06:31 PM
drew said slip it in. :lol2:

Weedmage Princess
08-17-2004, 02:49 AM
The only recent (and I'm not even sure it's that recent) is you can target containers now...I heard that was EXTREMELY risky though. Don't know how true that is cause I've never actually tried it...due to hearing that. My goal is to NOT get caught ;)

Weedmage Princess
08-17-2004, 02:50 AM
Oh if you need more pulls or anything let me know, I'll get them over to you.

08-17-2004, 02:59 AM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
I heard that was EXTREMELY risky though. Don't know how true that is cause I've never actually tried it...due to hearing that. My goal is to NOT get caught ;)

Is this true? I always target gems/wands from containers because I can't stand herbs and small coin pulls.

Would be useful to know for sure :)

08-17-2004, 03:02 AM
Damn, I really need to steal more.

Weedmage Princess
08-17-2004, 03:02 AM
Heh, like I said I don't know for certain...but if you do it and have no troubles..then I guess not?

How many pickpocket ranks do you have?

08-17-2004, 03:06 AM
I have 86 ranks...

I can't say whether I have more trouble or not because I rarely steal the regular way. I sit and wait for people to put stuff away, or the second I get anything randomly I target that container.

I dunno, thanks for the heads up though.

08-20-2004, 12:50 AM
Program is currently coded and being beta tested right now.

It will be about 10mb initial download (for Data Access Components). Updates will be 50k or less.

08-20-2004, 12:55 AM
Targetting containers is not extremely risky at all.

Weedmage Princess
08-20-2004, 11:36 AM
Yeah that's why I said "I heard" and said things like "I don't know how true it is" and all that...cause I didn't know myself.

08-20-2004, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Yeah that's why I said "I heard" and said things like "I don't know how true it is" and all that...cause I didn't know myself.

Falgrin has been caught about 100 times more than he was caught in GS3. Things I believe:

The more you target one individual, the higher the chance is you will get caught. There must be a counter of sorts worked into the formula. If I dip in one mark's pocket more than 5 times, my chances of getting caught seem to go up exponentially on every pull.

The more you specify which item you are looking for the higher the chance is you will get caught.

The more you hide the better your chances are of not getting caught.

The 'donation' message does not necessarily mean they are empty.

The verb WATCH is a thief’s worst enemy.

Weedmage Princess
08-20-2004, 01:19 PM
What PB said. See below for details:

>steal help targets
A mark who catches a thief by a high enough margin will have their item automatically returned.

When an item is placed into a container, there is a brief period during which the thief's chance of being caught is greatly increased if trying to take that item, or somewhat increased when trying to take anything else from that container. This is to simulate the mark's attention being focused on that container.

The more often a thief steals from the same mark within a given time frame, the more likely they are to be caught.

A mark can WATCH a thief for a significant bonus to catch that player stealing from them. However, they might potentially be at a penalty to catch a different thief stealing from them.

Crowd size makes a big difference. Stealing from someone when there are no other players around is almost impossible. A small crowd will make it difficult, and a large crowd will make it easier for the thief.

Type STEAL HELP in the game for more information.

[Edited on 8-20-2004 by Weedmage Princess]

08-20-2004, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage PrincessWhen an item is placed into a container, there is a brief period during which the thief's chance of being caught is greatly increased if trying to take that item, or somewhat increased when trying to take anything else from that container. This is to simulate the mark's attention being focused on that container.

Damn, I didn't realize this... :(

Weedmage Princess
08-20-2004, 01:27 PM
Me neither...I wonder how long the period of time is...?

08-20-2004, 06:03 PM
Looks like it's working perfectly Wezas.. here's a partial list of only 3K worth of logs.

Date Range: 2/6/2002 - 5/30/2004
Total Silvers Pocketed: 592904
Total Pocketed (incl gems): 1643812
Botch %: 0.10%
Average Silvers Per Grab: 118.34
crystal amulet: 174
black crystal: 31
blue crystal: 62
white crystal: 13
selanthan bloodjewel: 2
tigerfang crystal: 1
uncut diamond: 14
yellow diamond: 2
glossy doomstone: 1
white dreamstone: 1
emerald: 12
periwinkle feystone: 1
silvery moonstone: 1
black opal: 7
moonglae opal: 1
white opal: 14
black pearl: 11
grey pearl: 4
iridescent pearl: 2
pink pearl: 6
white pearl: 6
asterfire quartz: 2
obvlivion quartz: 4
violet riftstone: 1
ruby: 2
star ruby: 30
blue sapphire: 8
green sapphire: 19
pink sapphire: 4
star sapphire: 19
violet sapphire: 19
yellow sapphire: 20
green starstone: 2
acantha leaf: 70
aloeas stem: 27
ambrominas leaf: 29
basal moss: 23
cactacae spine: 7
cothinar flower: 2
ephlox moss: 36
pothinir grass: 24
wolifrew lichen: 30
torban leaf: 12
ring: 1
aquamarine wand: 47
clear glass wand: 8
crystal wand: 58
golden wand: 47
iron wand: 20
metal wand: 26
oaken wand: 23
polished bloodwood wand: 23
silver wand: 21
slender blue wand: 28
smooth bone wand: 26
thanot wand: 7
twisted wand: 36
-------Misc Items------
Misc: 629

Fucking herbs. :(

Weedmage Princess
08-21-2004, 05:44 AM
Crowd size makes a big difference. Stealing from someone when there are no other players around is almost impossible. Not necessarily.

A small crowd will make it difficult, Not really.

and a large crowd will make it easier for the thief. <333 mass spells.

Type STEAL HELP in the game for more information.

[Edited on 8-20-2004 by Weedmage Princess] [/quote]

08-21-2004, 02:41 PM
Are you quoting and contradicting yourself?

By the way, crowd makes a huge difference.

Weedmage Princess
08-21-2004, 05:25 PM
Technically, I'm quoting what you see when you type STEAL HELP in the game.

Also, I'm not contradicting myself, as I was using that to initially point out that it can be risky stealing from specific containers on a mark...that is, if they've just put something in the container.

The other stuff is just comments based on my experiences.

Thank you for your time.