View Full Version : Iron Man 3 (Some light spoilers)

05-04-2013, 10:25 AM
Seen it opening night. I enjoyed the movie, but I felt it is the weakest one of the franchise.

Might be that after the Avengers its hard to do a movie like that where none of the Avengers show up to help. I also felt the twist with the Mandarin was weak. While it was funny, it squandered a great opportunity to do a proper Mandarin with the Infinity Rings to tie into the next Avengers movie with Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet.

If you haven't seen it yet, I still recommend you do. I seen it in IMAX 3D, while the 3D part is subtile and don't really add much to the movie, the bigger screen and sound was nice, though, I'm sure a standard non 3D theater would be good for it.

Also true to Marvel Fashion, there was a teaser clip after the credits. I couldn't find the significance in the scene to link to other films.

05-04-2013, 05:10 PM
Do we see the space-capable armor at all?

05-04-2013, 05:39 PM
The movie was terrible.

It should be renamed: Tony Stark, with an appearance by Iron man!

By far the worst of the franchise.... it was absolutely terrible.

05-04-2013, 05:56 PM
Do we see the space-capable armor at all?

Nope, they basically water down his suits, make them not work when he needs them to. Have him drag a broken suit around for awhile.

They use a very obscure villain who was only really ever used in an alternate universe a few times. In fact he isn't even a villain in the comics.

All in all, I hope this director never gets another comic book movie shot. It was probably worse then X Men 3.

05-04-2013, 05:59 PM
It's Shane black. He was in predator, guy with the glasses who gets killed first

A buddy of mine said it was bad too. Him and I generally agree on movies.

05-04-2013, 06:15 PM
The twist made me feel ripped off though. Movie was passable up until that point.

05-04-2013, 08:11 PM
I know they have to create a sense of danger but going from Iron Man in The Avengers fighting Thor and comically shaking off being punched by Hulk to having "hot people" totally ruin his suits was a bit annoying. Overall the weakest entry in the series but I was not disappointed by it.

05-04-2013, 08:33 PM
Nope, they basically water down his suits, make them not work when he needs them to. Have him drag a broken suit around for awhile.

They use a very obscure villain who was only really ever used in an alternate universe a few times. In fact he isn't even a villain in the comics.

All in all, I hope this director never gets another comic book movie shot. It was probably worse then X Men 3.

He's to Iron Man as Lex Luthor is to Superman. Sinestro to Green Lantern. Joker to Batman.

FAR from obscure... he's his arch enemy.

05-04-2013, 08:48 PM
I thought Sile was referring to Guy Pearce's character. Yeah, The Mandarin is it for Iron Man. Him and Fin Fang Foom.

05-04-2013, 08:58 PM
I thought Sile was referring to Guy Pearce's character. Yeah, The Mandarin is it for Iron Man. Him and Fin Fang Foom.

Yeah that's what I thought as well.

05-04-2013, 08:58 PM
Yeah I was referring to Guy Pearce's chacter. Dr. Aldrich what ever his name is... he was in earth 616 in the comics. Only reference I could find belong to him, and he commited suicide after 2 comics or something.

I know who Mandarin is. This isn't the Mandarin I wanted, but there is a theory that Mandarin is still Mandarin, he just put on a show to make him look like an idiot when he knew he was caught.

05-04-2013, 09:26 PM

05-04-2013, 10:31 PM
Yeah I was referring to Guy Pearce's chacter. Dr. Aldrich what ever his name is... he was in earth 616 in the comics. Only reference I could find belong to him, and he commited suicide after 2 comics or something.

I know who Mandarin is. This isn't the Mandarin I wanted, but there is a theory that Mandarin is still Mandarin, he just put on a show to make him look like an idiot when he knew he was caught.

Ah gotcha.

I was extremely irritated on how bad this movie was... and my expectations were already low.

05-05-2013, 01:10 AM
Funny article in the Chattanooga paper here about the movie. Apparently there's a scene where he's in Chattanooga and can't get enough internet bandwidth, yet its the only city in the US that offers gigabit speed internet via the city electric utility EPB. Great research. :)

05-05-2013, 01:23 AM
Big fan of Shane Black, but this was a bit weak. Not enough funny moments as I'd like, and thought the Mandarin twist and Super Pepper at the end were lame. The stinger was also really poor. Still better than Iron Man 2 tho...

05-05-2013, 03:03 AM
Funny article in the Chattanooga paper here about the movie. Apparently there's a scene where he's in Chattanooga and can't get enough internet bandwidth, yet its the only city in the US that offers gigabit speed internet via the city electric utility EPB. Great research. :)

He can't get enough bandwidth on a sattelite uplink though... it had nothing to do with being plugged in.

05-06-2013, 01:55 AM
Horrible. Might as well call it Tony Stark. Too much humor, hated the mandarin twist, pepper gets powers too? Only person that needs a suit or powers now is Happy.

You had all these sweet armors and they never focused on them. I saw the space suit, heartbreaker, shotgun, hulk buster.... At least he got to use the centurion for a bit.

Yeah wasn't a fan.

05-06-2013, 07:52 AM
I'm by no means a comic book purist, but I enjoyed the movie. So did everyone I saw it with. Honestly, the hardest part I had with it was that once I realized who Guy Pierce was, I kept seeing him sword fighting with Jim Caviezel in my mind.

05-06-2013, 09:22 AM
I've thought all of the Iron Man movies were pretty weak, but took my son because he is really into superheroes, and the fact that is was...

It should be renamed: Tony Stark, with an appearance by Iron man!

Made me feel a little ripped off.

On The Big Bang Theory recently Sheldon opined on the topic of show cancellations and said that "With Heroes the writers gradually lowered the quality season after season until we didn't care that it was cancelled." That could perhaps sum up Iron Man as well. Though, in my opinion, none of these recent marvel movies have been well written. Perhaps I'm just spoiled by the good writing now being displayed on cable dramas on the small screen, it is like all the good writers work TV now.

05-06-2013, 01:47 PM
The Avengers was fantastic. I loved every second of it. The Avengers set the bar very high for all Marvel movies to come and Iron Man 3 did not live up to it. Not even close.

I got home from seeing IM3 and IM2 was on and found myself enjoying IM2 so much more. The part in IM2 where Tony and Rhodes duke it out in the suits was more enjoyable than the entirety of IM3. Even the scene with all the suits fighting the extremis soldiers sucked. Just a bunch of generic villains fighting a quick glimpse of an IM suit.

05-06-2013, 03:13 PM
The Avengers was fantastic. I loved every second of it. The Avengers set the bar very high for all Marvel movies to come and Iron Man 3 did not live up to it. Not even close.

I got home from seeing IM3 and IM2 was on and found myself enjoying IM2 so much more. The part in IM2 where Tony and Rhodes duke it out in the suits was more enjoyable than the entirety of IM3. Even the scene with all the suits fighting the extremis soldiers sucked. Just a bunch of generic villains fighting a quick glimpse of an IM suit.

Haha.. I did the same thing. I went from not liking IM2 to actually being entertained. Maybe once IM4 comes out and it's even WORSE than IM3.. I'll look at IM3 and say "It wasn't as bad as I remember..."

05-06-2013, 03:18 PM
I really enjoyed watching the movie, but when it got to the scene after the ending credits, I couldn't help thinking that Tony and Bruce talking for 2 hours might have been an even better movie.

05-06-2013, 07:13 PM
I really enjoyed watching the movie, but when it got to the scene after the ending credits, I couldn't help thinking that Tony and Bruce talking for 2 hours might have been an even better movie.

Loved the after sceen. I'm not that kind of doctor.

05-07-2013, 09:35 AM
Loved the after sceen. I'm not that kind of doctor.

You know, they changed Bruce so many times in the last few years, I didn't even notice who it was at the final scene.

Over all I love Robert Downey Jr. I think he is a large part of the success of the Iron Man movies, and all the other Marvel movies that came afterwards, even if he wasn't in the movie.

I'm curious if he will be back for the Avengers 2, and future installments of Iron man 3. They are not afraid of casting new characters or doing reboots, but is it the right way to go. I'm sure Robert Downey Jr would be probably the highest paid actor in Hollywood if he continues (if he isn't now).

The movies are weak in writing, so it's even more risky to take an untested actor with them. Right now I want him back as Iron man, but if they could do a better script I'd like to see a new guy.

Also I hope Spiderman cameos in Avengers 2. He was in at least one of the Thanos story lines before.

All in all, its a good time to be a comic book nerd with all the movies coming out. I really hope Man of Steel knocks it out of the park.

05-07-2013, 11:08 AM
All in all, its a good time to be a comic book nerd with all the movies coming out. I really hope Man of Steel knocks it out of the park.

Me too. I think the Marvel Movies have all been a little too childish for me really to get into 100% (though I did love IM1). I'm hoping for something a bit grittier like they did with Batman, from the new Supes movie.

05-07-2013, 11:31 AM
I really enjoyed watching the movie, but when it got to the scene after the ending credits, I couldn't help thinking that Tony and Bruce talking for 2 hours might have been an even better movie.

New HBO series: Tony and Bruce talking in the office + Littlefinger and Varys talking in the throne room.

05-07-2013, 11:33 AM
Me too. I think the Marvel Movies have all been a little too childish for me really to get into 100% (though I did love IM1). I'm hoping for something a bit grittier like they did with Batman, from the new Supes movie.

I actually enjoyed the last superman. I know I am not in a majority but it ties into the superman 3 Richard Donner cut. It your a fan of the original 2 I advise you check it out. Not too get into too many details. But Donner was the original director who was canned after his vision was different. In mid 2000 they made a cut with just his material. Makes more sense when tied in with the last superman.

05-07-2013, 11:37 AM
I think not reading the comic books lets me enjoy the movies more. I have no expectation of how any character should be. I loved the Mandarin twist, the last thing they needed was another stereotypical terrorist.

05-07-2013, 11:40 AM
I actually enjoyed the last superman. I know I am not in a majority but it ties into the superman 3 Richard Donner cut. It your a fan of the original 2 I advise you check it out. Not too get into too many details. But Donner was the original director who was canned after his vision was different. In mid 2000 they made a cut with just his material. Makes more sense when tied in with the last superman.

I really liked Superman Returns as well. I thought I was the only one.

05-07-2013, 03:55 PM
Me too. Really enjoyed how they kept it family friendly, but made it a bit darker.

I'm actually an even bigger fan of the original Hulk too.

05-07-2013, 05:33 PM

05-07-2013, 05:54 PM
I'm seeing this tonight with friends. I hope it's better than everyone's been indicating.

Speaking of the degeneration of franchise sequels. One movie I'm not ashamed to say I'm looking forward to: Fast and Furious 6. Caught the preview, can't remember where but I saw a tank, I saw some muscle, I saw some guns. Oh yes. I will be there.

05-07-2013, 06:05 PM
I'm seeing this tonight with friends. I hope it's better than everyone's been indicating.

Speaking of the degeneration of franchise sequels. One movie I'm not ashamed to say I'm looking forward to: Fast and Furious 6. Caught the preview, can't remember where but I saw a tank, I saw some muscle, I saw some guns. Oh yes. I will be there.

Except for 2 Fast 2 Furious I think I enjoyed all of those.

05-07-2013, 06:07 PM
I did not. At all. With extreme prejudice.

05-07-2013, 06:10 PM
Fast and furious uses a great guy flick formula that almost always works. Awesome cars, hot women, violence and more hot women. They also put good looking guys in there for women and the other persuasion.

All in all even with a bad script. It's hard to fail.

05-08-2013, 02:10 AM
Saw the movie earlier today. Thought overall it was soso, about on par with the other iron man movies for me. I guess I havent been that much of an iron man fan per se, so that may have something to do with it. I do like downey in the role ok, just not the series maybe.

Avengers I liked a lot. Thor was ok, and captain america i liked. I'll be interested to see how thor 2 and capt america 2 pan out. I guess I've always been more of an xmen type person/fan. Looking forward to wolverine this summer. They did have the new superman preview on this movie. This makes what? The 5th or 6th iteration of it now?

Anyway IM3 i'd rate a C.

05-08-2013, 02:27 AM
Just saw IM3 tonight. I really enjoyed it, actually. Nice interweaving of several plot lines brought to one conclusion, good use of humor, nice avoidance of "the God problem," great dialogue with the kid, interesting villains (IM needs a volcano suit), and I even liked the psychological angle, though it fell a bit hollow with the "it's a cocoon" line, though the point was reasonable enough. I also liked Tony Stark having panic attacks. Nothing like humanizing a superhero.