View Full Version : Slit-Eye's 2 Mil flat price sale

05-04-2013, 02:38 AM
Everything here, two mil flat price each.

1. a floor-length shadowy ebon surcoat
Armor Concealer, full.

2. an elegant maoral-handled mithril forging-hammer
Attune and go.

3. a veil iron yierka-spur
+25, UAC compatible, true veil iron for cmans.

4. a snake-marked hoarfrost white orb
+9 to Dodge

5. a bear-marked dark indigo orb
+16 to HPs

6. a gold maul head-glyph/a gold maul shaft-glyph
Both unused, as a set.

7. a gold lance head-glyph/a gold lance shaft-glyph
Both unused, as a set.

8. a gold rapier blade-glyph/a gold rapier hilt-glyph
Both unused, as a set.

9. a gold tiger-claw blade-glyph/a gold tiger-claw grip-glyph
Both unused, as a set.

No bidding. Just tell me what you want here or in PM.

05-06-2013, 07:35 AM