View Full Version : 12,800 Premium Points

04-27-2013, 11:48 AM
So, I have a huge pile of points that I've only ever used about 1200 of, and I figure at this point I'm better off just selling them than pretending I'll ever feel like using them. No idea what the going rate for them is these days, though.

04-27-2013, 12:35 PM
Should sell them after rtcf for people who didn't get all their work done. I think some items cap out at merchants and are only points after that (depending) but you might find someone now looking to get some things done prior to the event. Guess it depends on buyer and timing a lot more atm.

04-27-2013, 12:46 PM
Gotcha. Guess I may hold off for a few more months, then.

04-27-2013, 04:45 PM
10k per point, probably have to find 2 buyers I think, but 10k per point right now is about standard, especially for that size. I would also think they'd be MORE sought after now so people could get their 8-10x items ready for RtCF since PP enchants are more expensive the more padding you have.

04-27-2013, 04:48 PM
If you can get 10k per point than good luck to you. Last few premium point deals I've done were in the 7500-8500 per range. That is a nice chunk though. I'm sure there is someone who needs some armor worked on prior to rtcf.

04-27-2013, 04:48 PM
10k per point, probably have to find 2 buyers I think, but 10k per point right now is about standard, especially for that size. I would also think they'd be MORE sought after now so people could get their 8-10x items ready for RtCF since PP enchants are more expensive the more padding you have.

Considering the huge increase in price to get things worked on at CCF based on enchant, combined with the big increase in dollar value for a million silvers, I'd say the opposite is true. Why would you spend 120 million on PPS, just so you can pay more to get work done at CCF? Much cheaper to do it the other way around.

04-27-2013, 04:54 PM
Considering the huge increase in price to get things worked on at CCF based on enchant, combined with the big increase in dollar value for a million silvers, I'd say the opposite is true. Why would you spend 120 million on PPS, just so you can pay more to get work done at CCF? Much cheaper to do it the other way around.

The only reason to really would be to get armor to HCP prior to CCF since its one of those rare once-a-century times when you can take padding over HCP.

04-27-2013, 05:00 PM
Just because silvers are up does not mean pp are up in value. It's a silver event not a pp event I sold 6200 for 50 mil give you a good idea

04-27-2013, 05:01 PM
I was leaning more towards wanting the points to further enchant your 7x armor. It would cost (weighting/padding level x 2) additional PP cost PER enchant level if you get it padded at RtCF first. That's an additional 6000 PP to go from 7x to 10x. I would also go with SHAFT's per point appraisal over mine. I don't deal readily in this stuff.

ETA: And silvers are much more readily available then large blocks of PP.

04-27-2013, 06:52 PM
I would be interested in enough points to pad 5x armor.

04-27-2013, 07:09 PM
You'll likely have to break up that batch. I've not had any problems finding points for my projects, and each and every set of points I've purchased have been at just below 7k per point. I would expect that price to continue to drop the smaller your batches get. I would personally sell two blocks of 5900-6k each (enough to get initial padding on 7x fusion armor) before RtCF. You should be able to squeeze 45 mil per block from that. Then you can spend the remaining on a alteration scrolls at your convenience to sell at 2 mil each for a total of 94 mil for your points in their entirety. That's 7300 per point - which is really good turn around at current rates.