View Full Version : The Many Verbs of HSN 4

08-13-2004, 08:46 PM
The idea of this series of posts is to list all of the RP verbs released for HSN, and to give an example of each one. I am going ask that players submit their race specific verb actions in detail, and if possible, how they appear to others.


Halfling Verb - Wiggle *

WIGGLE [MY] (area) - Wiggle (area).
WIGGLE [MY] (area) {target} - Wiggle (area) at {target}.

Where (area) is one of the following:
ARMS - You tuck in your arms and flap them like a bird as you glance at a burnt table.
EARS - You wiggle your ears at a burnt table.
EYEBROWS - You wiggle your eyebrows at a burnt table.
FACE - You vigorously shake your head at a burnt table.
FINGERS - You wiggle your fingers at a burnt table.
HEAD - You vigorously shake your head at a burnt table. (same as face)
KNEES - Your knees begin to shake as you glance at a burnt table.
NOSE - You wiggle your nose at a burnt table.
TOES - You wiggle your toes a bit inside your narrow leather shoes.


Giant Verb - Pound *

POUND {target} - Pound something with your fist
POUND {self} - Pound your fists on your chest

Pound object - You pound a burnt table with your fist, but it doesn't seem to care. Typical table!

Pound (self) - You pound both your fists against your chest.


Dwarven Verb - Belch*

Belch - You belch softly, the tips of your ears turning pink with embarrassment.


Gnomish Verb - Tinker*

Tinker - You look for something to tinker with.

Tinker (Self) - You tinker with your appearance.

Tinker object - You try to tinker with your leather cloak.


Halfbreed Verb - Fidget*

FIDGET - Fidget
FIDGET {target} - Fidget at something

Fidget - You fidget.

Fidget object - You fidget, glancing at a burnt table.


Human Verb - Bow

BOW - Bow
BOW {target} - Bow to someone or something.

Bow - You bow.

Bow object - In a strange gesture, you bow to a burnt table.


bow contemptuously
You make a contemptuous half-bow.

bow grandly
Sweeping your arm outward, you bow low in a grand fashion.

bow mockingly
You bow mockingly, your every move a grotesque exaggeration.

bow respectfully
Fixing your eyes firmly on the ground, you bow respectfully.

bow submissively
You bow low, abasing yourself before all.


Elven Verb - Disdain*

Disdain - You look around, a disdained expression on your face.


Aelotoi Verbs - Flap and Flutter*

flap - You flap your arms wildly in an attempt at flight.

Flutter - You flutter your eyelashes.


Half-Krol Verb - Bristle*

Bristle - Try as you might, you lack the small muscle coordination necessary to bristle.


Half-Krol Verb - Bark*

BARK {target} - Bark at someone or something.
BARK SELF - Bark at yourself.

Bark - You bark loudly!

Bark object - You bark wildly at a table!

Bark (self) - You bark happily to yourself!


Aelotoi/Erithian Verb - Stretch*

>stretch help
STRETCH - You stretch
STRETCH [style]

Where style is one of the following:

UP - Interlocking your fingers, you slowly extend your arms up over your head in a long, satisfying stretch.

DOWN - Bending forward at the waist, you reach down with your hands and gently stretch your fingers towards your feet.

LEFT - Slowly turning your shoulders to the left, you stretch the muscles in your lower back.

RIGHT - Slowly turning your shoulders to the right, you stretch the muscles in your lower back.

FORWARD - Stretching your arms out in front of you, you rotate your shoulders forward and roll your neck in an attempt to loosen the tension in your neck and shoulders.

BACK - Raising your arms slightly, you arch your back and gently let your head rock back in a relaxing stretch.


Aelotoi Verb - Twitch and Preen*

TWITCH - You twitch.
TWITCH {target} - You twitch at the {target}.

PREEN - You preen.
PREEN {target} - You preen at the {target}.


Aelotoi Verb - Fold*

FOLD - Folds your arms.
FOLD {target} - Folds your arms at {target}.
FOLD (style) - Folds with (style).
FOLD (style) {target} - Folds with (style) at {target}.

Where (style) is one of the following:
ANGRY - You glance at the table and thrust your chest out, angrily folding your arms over it.

ANNOY - You glance at the table and fold your arms tightly across your chest, annoyed.

ARMS - You glance at the table and cross your arms, grasping your shoulders.

BACK - You glance at the table and fold your hands behind your back, waiting patiently.

BORED - You glance at the table and fold your arms over your chest, your eyes glazing over with boredom.

HANDS - You glance at the table and fold your hands in your lap.

HAUGHTY - You glance at the table and fold your arms over your chest with an air of superiority.

HEAD - You glance at the table and fold your arms behind your head.

IMPATIENT - You glance at the table and fold your arms across your chest, tapping your foot impatiently.

LAZY - You glance at the table and fold your arms over your chest with a lazy yawn.

PRAYER - You glance at the table and clasp your hands in a reverent gesture.

STUBBORN - You glance at the table and sit there stubbornly, folding your arms over your chest.

WAIST - You glance at the table and fold your arms, grasping your waist.


Dark Elf Verb - Steeple

STEEPLE - Steeple your fingers.
STEEPLE (target) - Steeple your fingers while glancing at (target).
STEEPLE (option) - Steeple your fingers.
Some are only available to dark elves.
STEEPLE (target) (option) - Steeple your fingers while glancing at (target).
Some are only available to dark elves.

Where (option) is one of the following:
GOOD - With a serene smile, you glance at a table and lace your fingers together in quiet repose.

SHY - You lower your head shyly as you glance at a table, lacing your fingers behind your back and scuffing the ground with your foot.

NOSE - With exaggerated slowness you glance at a table, take a deep breath, then pinch the bridge of your nose.

EVIL (Dark Elf only) - You steeple your fingers slowly and glance at a table as a smirk plays across your lips.

ANGER (Dark Elf only) - You lace your fingers before you, your knuckles turning white as you glance at a table and try to control your rage.

PONDER (Dark Elf only) - Deep in thought, you absently stare at a table and lace your fingers before you.

HEAD (Dark Elf only) - You lace your fingers together and place them behind your head, raising one eyebrow as you glance at a table in slight annoyance.

ARROGANT (Dark Elf only) - Grinning arrogantly, you glance at a table and lace your fingers together, squaring your shoulders in righteous indignation.

LISTEN (Dark Elf only) - Tensing your body, you lace your fingers together as you quietly listen to a table.

BACK (Dark Elf only) - Glancing at a table, you lace your fingers behind your back and stand at rigid attention.


Sylph Verb - Observe

OBSERVE [target] - Observe your surroundings or an optional [target]

Observe - You casually observe your surroundings.

Observe object - You take a moment to observe everything you can about a table, storing the details away for possible future use.


OBSERVE [target] - Observe your surroundings or an optional [target]
OBSERVE [style] - Observe your surroundings with optional [style]

Where [style] is one of the following:

>observe air
You observe every detail of the air, from its scent to its direction to its ambient temperature.

>observe doubt
Looking around, you can't help but feel that something is wrong with your surroundings.

>observe enemy
You look around, every sense on the alert for possible foes.
>observe environment
You observe the details of your environment and do your best to adapt.

>observe escape
You look around for possible escape routes.

>observe ground
You observe the ground, searching for tracks.

>observe life
You look around, taking note of all the signs of life nearby.

>observe quick
You quickly scan your surroundings, taking keen note of the flora and fauna in the area.

>observe sky
Your eyes scan the heavens, reading stories in the stars.

>observe slow
You observe your surroundings very slowly, not wanting to miss a single detail.

Non-Specific Verb - Sit Near

Sit near (self) - Beside yourself again, are you?

Sit near (object) - You sit down near a South Gate guard.


Non-Specific Verb - Gaze

GAZE [style] - Gaze at your surroundings, in optional [style]
GAZE [style] {target} - Gaze at someone or something, in optional [style]
GAZE {self} - Wrinkle your nose
GAZE UP - Gaze into the heavens
GAZE DOWN - Hang your head
GAZE MY FEET - Check your footing
GAZE MY HANDS - Examine your fingernails

Where [style] is one of the following:
AMAZEMENT - You gaze in amazement at a table.
AMUSEMENT - You gaze in amusement at a table.
AWE - You gaze with awe at a table.
CONFIDENT - You gaze confidently at a table.
DAZED - You gaze dazedly at a table.
DREAD - You gaze with dread at a table.
FEAR - You gaze fearfully at a table.
FONDNESS - You gaze fondly at a table.
GREED - You gaze greedily at a table.
INTEREST - You gaze with interest at a table.
NORMAL - You gaze at a table.
PROUD - You gaze proudly at a table.
STUPID - You gaze stupidly at a table.
WONDER - You gaze in wonder at a table.

08-13-2004, 08:47 PM
Verbs with asterisk by them are those that need race specific actions. I ask that those with the appropriate characters contribute by pulling up the verb help messaging, then list the separate messaging for every aspect of the verb.

I need the Following from each Race

Halflings - Wiggle Verb (Toes)

Giant - Pound

Dwarf - Belch

Gnome - Tinker

Halfbreeds - Fidget

Elves - Disdain

Aelotoi - Flap, Flutter, Fold, Stretch, Twitch, Preen

Half-Krol - Bristle and Bark

Erithian - Stretch

Urinal Poops
08-13-2004, 09:23 PM
>belch loud
You belch lustily, reeking of garlic and ale.

>belch long
You release a long, drawn out belch. Impressive.

>belch vomit
You belch forcefully, giving a quick swallow as you feel your gorge rise.

>belch soft
You belch softly.

08-13-2004, 09:34 PM
Could I get a copy of the Belch help messaging as well?

Anyone else care to help with the remaining verbs?

08-13-2004, 09:42 PM
>preen sangreal
You glance at Sangreal and preen your wings.

>fold wings
You fold your wings across your back.

>fold wings sangreal
You glance at Sangreal and fold your wings across your back.

>bow wings
You bow low, spreading your wings for all to see.

>bow wings sangreal
You turn to Sangreal and bow low, spreading your wings for all to see.

>stretch wings
You stretch, flexing your wings.

>twitch sangreal
As you glance at Sangreal you begin to twitch your wings with agitation.

As xxx glances at you, you notice a faint twitch of his wings.

You twitch your wings ever so slightly.

xxx begins to twitch his wings.

08-13-2004, 09:54 PM
Thanks for all the help so far.

I am still looking for the Krolvin Bristle and Bark verbs, the Disdain messaging, the Erithian Stretch, Halfelf Fidget, and Giant Pound.

08-13-2004, 10:17 PM
Got Disdain, here it is for any who have not seen it yet....

DISDAIN [style] - Disdain at your surroundings with optional [style]

Where [style] is one of the following:

>disdain gaze
You gaze around the room, a haughty expression on your face.

>disdain glance
You glance around the room, running a finger up and over the point of your ear, purposely trying to draw attention to it.

>disdain glare
You stare around the room, one eyebrow arched in an arrogant, but quizzical, expression.

>disdain stare
You stare down your nose, haughtily surveying the room.

>disdain blank
You stare blankly around the room, your face utterly devoid of emotion.

08-13-2004, 10:18 PM
I am still looking for the Krolvin Bristle and Bark verbs, the Erithian Stretch, Halfbreed Fidget, and Giant Pound.

08-13-2004, 10:26 PM
From my halfling:

>wiggle toes
You wiggle your toes, feeling the silky smooth foot hair in between them.

From others perspective:

XXX wiggles his/her toes in a fanciful display of his/her well-groomed feet.

[Edited on 8-14-2004 by Snapp]

08-14-2004, 06:44 AM
Verbs. WTF!)@#(*#$)*#@

08-14-2004, 09:57 AM
FIDGET - Fidget
FIDGET {target} - Fidget at something
FIDGET {style} - Fidget in a particular manner
FIDGET {style} {target} - Fidget at someone in a particular manner

Where {style} is one of the following:

>fidget annoyed
You fidget while glancing back and forth quickly, trying to look annoyed.
>fidget annoyed table
You fidget and glance at a glaes mosaic table, trying to look annoyed.
>fidget excited
You fidget excitedly, rubbing your hands together.
>fidget excited table
You fidget excitedly, rubbing your hands together at a glaes mosaic table.
You feel more refreshed.
>fidget anxious
You fidget anxiously, glancing around with a troubled look on your face.
>fidget anxious table
You fidget anxiously, glancing at a glaes mosaic table with a troubled look on your face.
>fidget nervous
You fidget nervously as beads of sweat begin to form on your brow.
>fidget nervous table
You fidget nervously, glancing apprehensively at a glaes mosaic table.
>fidget concerned
You fidget uneasily, looking around with concern.
>fidget concerned table
You fidget uneasily, glancing at a glaes mosaic table with concern.

And from someone else's point of view:

Aiya fidgets agitatedly, an annoyed look on her face.
Aiya fidgets and glances at a glaes mosaic table, an annoyed look on her face.
Aiya fidgets excitedly, rubbing her hands together.
Aiya fidgets excitedly, rubbing her hands together at .
Aiya fidgets agitatedly, an annoyed look on her face.
Aiya fidgets and glances at a glaes mosaic table, an annoyed look on her face.
Aiya fidgets excitedly, rubbing her hands together.
Aiya fidgets excitedly, rubbing her hands together at .
Aiya fidgets anxiously, a troubled look on her face.
Aiya fidgets anxiously, glancing at a glaes mosaic table with a troubled look on her face.
Aiya fidgets nervously, beads of sweat forming on her brow.
Aiya fidgets nervously, glancing apprehensively at a glaes mosaic table.
Aiya fidgets uneasily, a concerned look on her face.
Aiya fidgets uneasily, glancing at a glaes mosaic table with a concerned look on her face.


08-14-2004, 12:59 PM

BRISTLE SELF - Bristle at yourself.
BRISTLE {option} - Bristle with the following options.
BRISTLE {target} - Bristle at someone or something.

Where {option} is one of the following:


You turn your head slightly and tense up, forcing the hair on your body to go stiff.

XX turns his head slightly and tenses up, bristling.


You bristle at Person.

XX bristles at you.

bristle anxious
You glance around, bristling with anxiety.

XX glances around, bristling with anxiety.

bristle excited
You bristle with excitement!

XX bristles with excitement!

bristle happy
You give a bright yelp of laughter and bristle with happiness.

XX gives a bright yelp of laughter, bristling with happiness.

bristle impatient
You bristle impatiently.

XX bristles impatiently.

bristle nervous
You bristle nervously.

XX bristles nervously.

bristle proud
You hold yourself in dignified silence, bristling with pride.

XX hold himself in dignified silence, bristling with pride.

bristle satisfied
You stretch slowly, bristling with satisfaction.

XX stretches slowly, bristling with satisfaction.

bristle sleepy
You stretch lazily, bristling as you suppress a yawn.

XX stretches lazily, bristling as he suppresses a yawn.

bristle smug
You bristle smugly.

XX bristles smugly.

08-14-2004, 01:09 PM
BARK {target} - Bark at someone or something.
BARK SELF - Bark at yourself.
BARK {option} - Bark with the following options.

Where {option} is one of the following:

Self (oddly the same messaging as bristle self):
You turn your head slightly and tense up, forcing the hair on your body to go stiff.

XX turns his head slightly and tenses up, bristling.

You bark at Person.

bark angry
You pull back your upper lip revealing your sharp incisors and give an angry snarl.

XX pulls back his upper lip revealing his sharp incisors, giving an angry snarl.

bark bye
You bark an abrupt goodbye.

XX barks an abrupt goodbye.

bark fear
You release a high-pitched yelp of fear!

XX releases a high-pitched yelp of fear!

bark hello
You give a sharp bark of greeting.

XX gives a sharp bark of greeting.

bark joy
You give a piercing bark of pure joy!

XX gives a piercing bark of pure joy!

bark laugh
You let loose a wild yowl of laughter.

XX lets loose a wild yowl of laughter.

bark loud
You release an abrupt, ear-piercing bark!

XX abruptly releases an ear-piercing bark!

bark no
You bark loudly in disagreement.

XX hold heself in dignified silence, bristling with pride. (Big time bug there!)

bark pain
You let out a sharp yelp of pain!

XX lets out a sharp yelp of pain!

bark pleasure
You tilt back your head and give a great yowlp of pleasure!

XX tilts back his head and gives a great yowlp of pleasure!

bark proud
You draw yourself up proudly and give a deep, guttural bark full of dignity.

XX draws heself up proudly and gives a deep, guttural bark full of dignity.

bark yes
You bark loudly in agreement.

XX barks loudly in agreement.

08-15-2004, 12:28 PM
ROAR - Roar.
ROAR {target} - Roar at someone or something.
ROAR (style) - Roar in a particular manner
Only available to Half Krolvins.
ROAR (style) {target} - Roar at something in a particular manner
Only available to Half Krolvins.

Where (style) is one of the following:
ANGRY (Half-Krolvin Only)
HUNGRY (Half-Krolvin Only)
LOUDLY (Half-Krolvin Only)
PAIN (Half-Krolvin Only)
TRIUMPH (Half-Krolvin Only)
FEAR (Half-Krolvin Only)

roar angry
You bare your fangs and roar angrily!

XX Bares his fangs and roars angrily! (Typo)

roar hungry
Pointing to your mouth, you roar hungrily!

Pointing to his mouth, XX lets out a roar of hunger!

roar loudly
You take a deep breath and level a deafening roar!

XX takes a deep breath and levels a deafening roar!

roar pain
Wincing with pain, you let out a roar!

XX winces with pain as he lets out a roar!

roar triumph
You throw back your head and let loose with a roar of triumph!

XX throws back his head and lets loose with a roar of triumph!

roar fear
Quivering in fear, you let out a tentative roar!

XX quivers fearfully as he lets out a tentative roar!

XX bares his fangs and roars angrily at you!

Pointing to his mouth, XX roars hungrily at you!

XX takes a deep breath, then levels a deafening roar at you!

Wincing with pain, XX roars at you!

XX throws back his head and roars at you triumphantly!

XX quivers fearfully as he lets out a tentative roar at you!

08-16-2004, 12:27 PM
I am so very close to having them all. I still need Giant Pound and Erithian Stretch.

Anyone want to help me out with these last two so I can finish the verb list?

08-16-2004, 05:15 PM

>stretch help
STRETCH [style]

Where style is one of the following:

sitting only: HAWK DIAMOND
standing only: MOUNTAIN TREE
STRETCH [style]

Where style is one of the following:

sitting only: HAWK DIAMOND
standing only: MOUNTAIN TREE
laying only: WAVE MOON

STRETCH HELP brings up this message.

>stretch mountain
Gracefully bending at the waist, you place your palms and wrists on the ground in front of you, extending the pose forward until your body forms a perfect mountain peak

>stretch tree
Extending your arms straight up over your head, you draw one leg up towards the center of your body, balancing lightly on your remaining leg.

s>stretch hawk
You fold your left leg beneath you, extending your right leg behind you fully. Raising your arms overhead you arch your back, easing the tension in your spine.

s>stretch diamond
Drawing your legs together in front of you, you position your heels and toes against each other, forming a diamond.

P>stretch wave
You fold your hands deliberately over your chest and then arch your back until your neck and spine form a perfect arch. Elevating your legs evenly, you perform the precise wave posture.

P>stretch moon
Balancing on your stomach you extend your arms above and behind you, grasping your ankles. Drawing your limbs upward, your body forms a complete circle.

I don't know what they look like to other people though.

[Edited on 8-16-2004 by Artha]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-16-2004, 05:31 PM
So who's going to start roleplaying the Yoga instructor?

08-16-2004, 05:44 PM
POUND {target} - Pound something with your fist
POUND {self} - Pound your fists on your chest
POUND {style} - Pound one fist into the other in a particular manner
POUND {style} {target} - Pound your fist at something in a particular manner

Where {style} is one of the following:

You pound XX with your fist.

Snapp pounds you with his fist.

You heavily pound both your fists against your chest and bow your head slightly.

Snapp heavily pounds both his fists against his chest and bows his head slightly.

pound angrily
You glance around angrily, then pound one fist into the other a few times for good measure.

Snapp glances around, looking angry, then pounds one of his fists into the other a few times.

pound loudly
You heavily pound one fist into the other, producing a loud clap.

Snapp heavily pounds one of his fists into the other, producing a loud clap.

pound contemptuously
You pound one fist into the other, then shake your head in contempt.

Snapp pounds one of his fists into the other, then shakes his head contemptuously.

pound nervously
You nervously glance over one shoulder, then the next, and silently pound one fist into the other.

Snapp glances over his shoulders nervously, then silently pounds one fist into the other.

pound halfheartedly
You lightly pound one fist into the other, but can't seem to get excited about it.

Snapp lightly pounds one of his fists into the other. Not very threatening.

pound slowly
You slowly and deliberately pound one fist into the other.

Snapp slowly and deliberately pounds one of his fists into the other.

Pound Style Target (LOVE these):
Snapp glances at you, looking angry, then pounds one of his fists into the other a few times.

Snapp heavily pounds one of his fists into the other, producing a loud clap. With a grin, he glances at you.

Snapp pounds one of his fists into the other, then shakes his head contemptuously at you.

Snapp glances over his shoulders nervously, then silently pounds one fist into the other as he stares at you.

Snapp lightly pounds one of his fists into the other. You think he is looking at you, but you can't be certain.

Snapp slowly and deliberately pounds one of his fists into the other as he stares at you.
You glance angrily at XX, then pound one fist into the other a few times for good measure.

You heavily pound one fist into the other, producing a loud clap. With a grin, you glance at XX.

You pound one fist into the other, then shake your head at XX in contempt.

You nervously glance over one shoulder, then the next. Then, staring straight at XX, you silently pound one fist into the other.

You lightly pound one fist into the other while glancing idly at XX.

You slowly and deliberately pound one fist into the other as you stare at XX.

08-16-2004, 07:04 PM
Thanks you guys. Between the SR and PC boards I have all of them. I will go ahead and compile a full list and repost it. Should be a good one to jot down.