04-25-2013, 01:19 AM
I uploaded sexual-favors-test to the repository. It has a number of improvements over the previous version. For starters, it actually bothers to tell the difference between spectator favor and kill favor. It also tries to figure out if you're using symbol of blessing on a magic or non-magic weapon.
It has a new favor scale, which I believe is much more accurate. I defined 1 favor as the amount of favor it takes a capped character to do "sym thought ab". This works out to be (creature_level*(20/3.0)).ceil.
The script seems to be exactly accurate unless:
You're reading the favor needed to rank.
You use symbol of blessing on a weapon with an unfortunate name.
You kill undead with a variable level.
You're not level 100.
The problem with symbol of blessing is really just an assumed problem at the moment. The script looks for a magic metal or wood in the weapon name that isn't followed by a dash. It needs testing to see if that's good enough.
There's mostly nothing I can do about undead with a variable level. Hopefully it just averages out to be mostly correct. It may be possible to figure out the creature level using fame, but that's a lot of effort to only work some of the time. At any rate, I'm not going to bother with it until everything else is done.
As for the requirement that you're level 100, that's why I'm starting this thread. I have a level 3 character that's mastering voln right now without leveling. I'll get all the symbol costs for level 3 and work my way up, but I'm going to get tired of this character very fast. I may not get past level 20. So, I'm hoping you people can help.
If you're level 21-99, in Voln, and hate your favor, you can help me fill in the blanks by seeing how much your symbols cost and posting it here.
There are a few things that make it difficult to get an exact favor cost. For starters, it appears that favor can go negative for no apparent reason. You may or may not be able to use a symbol if you have between zero and the required amount of favor. Once you go negative, you'll find you have to kill enough undead to get back up to zero, and then some more to use even the cheapest symbol.
At level 100, it's easy to avoid this. The cost of "sym thought ab" for a capped character appears to be the smallest unit of favor, and probably matches the game's scale. If you do a successful "sym thought ab" followed by one that fails because of lack of favor, then you can be sure you're at 0 favor, rather than negative. Then kill one undead (without a variable level) at a time and try to use the symbol you're measureing. Then try "sym thought ab" again. You may or may not be able to use it. If you can't use it, keep killing undead until you can. Depsite being able to use the symbol 7 times per level 1 undead, you may have to kill several of them before you can use the symbol once. Once you can use it, keep using it until you can't. Take the favor gained from all the undead, before and after the symbol you're measuring, and that gives you the cost of the symbol plus however many "sym thought ab"s you did after using the symbol.
Easy enough, right? Well, you can't do that... Probably for a couple reasons. Symbol of thought appears to become less expensive as you gain levels, while the other symbols become more expensive as you gain levels. The other problem is, most of you are probably playing Prime, and someone might notice if you spam "sym thought ab".
The next best thing... really large numbers. Do your best to get down to zero favor. The easy way is to spam sym courage, then finish up with non-magic sym blessings. Use sexual-favors-test to track your favor gain. Do not use sexual-favors and sexual-favors-test at the same time. Typing "favor clear" with the script running will reset the symbol favor counter to 0. Hunt low enough level undead that their level is not variable. Get as much favor as you can stand, and see how many times you can use one symbol. Also try to use non-magic symbol of blessing after you don't have enough favor for the symbol you're measuring, unless that's the one you're measuring. Come back here and report your level, how much favor you gained, the symbol you measured, how many times you used it, and how many symbol of blessings you did if any.
Not every symbol needs to be measured. Symbols increase in cost between levels at different rates, but symbols that cost the same at one level will cost the same at another level. Only one symbol from each of 8 groups need to be measured:
1. sym blessings (non-magic)
2. sym courage, sym protection
3. sym blessings (magic), sym sleep
4. sym diminish, sym submission, sym holiness, sym recall, sym mana, sym sight, sym retribution, sym disruption, sym turning
5. sym restoration, sym need
6. sym supremacy, sym renewal
7. sym transcend, sym dreams, sym preservation
8. sym return
I know krakii has formulas. They are either inaccurate or completely wrong, or in the case of low levels, missing.
I can't believe you just jumped to the end without reading the whole post. Jerk!
It has a new favor scale, which I believe is much more accurate. I defined 1 favor as the amount of favor it takes a capped character to do "sym thought ab". This works out to be (creature_level*(20/3.0)).ceil.
The script seems to be exactly accurate unless:
You're reading the favor needed to rank.
You use symbol of blessing on a weapon with an unfortunate name.
You kill undead with a variable level.
You're not level 100.
The problem with symbol of blessing is really just an assumed problem at the moment. The script looks for a magic metal or wood in the weapon name that isn't followed by a dash. It needs testing to see if that's good enough.
There's mostly nothing I can do about undead with a variable level. Hopefully it just averages out to be mostly correct. It may be possible to figure out the creature level using fame, but that's a lot of effort to only work some of the time. At any rate, I'm not going to bother with it until everything else is done.
As for the requirement that you're level 100, that's why I'm starting this thread. I have a level 3 character that's mastering voln right now without leveling. I'll get all the symbol costs for level 3 and work my way up, but I'm going to get tired of this character very fast. I may not get past level 20. So, I'm hoping you people can help.
If you're level 21-99, in Voln, and hate your favor, you can help me fill in the blanks by seeing how much your symbols cost and posting it here.
There are a few things that make it difficult to get an exact favor cost. For starters, it appears that favor can go negative for no apparent reason. You may or may not be able to use a symbol if you have between zero and the required amount of favor. Once you go negative, you'll find you have to kill enough undead to get back up to zero, and then some more to use even the cheapest symbol.
At level 100, it's easy to avoid this. The cost of "sym thought ab" for a capped character appears to be the smallest unit of favor, and probably matches the game's scale. If you do a successful "sym thought ab" followed by one that fails because of lack of favor, then you can be sure you're at 0 favor, rather than negative. Then kill one undead (without a variable level) at a time and try to use the symbol you're measureing. Then try "sym thought ab" again. You may or may not be able to use it. If you can't use it, keep killing undead until you can. Depsite being able to use the symbol 7 times per level 1 undead, you may have to kill several of them before you can use the symbol once. Once you can use it, keep using it until you can't. Take the favor gained from all the undead, before and after the symbol you're measuring, and that gives you the cost of the symbol plus however many "sym thought ab"s you did after using the symbol.
Easy enough, right? Well, you can't do that... Probably for a couple reasons. Symbol of thought appears to become less expensive as you gain levels, while the other symbols become more expensive as you gain levels. The other problem is, most of you are probably playing Prime, and someone might notice if you spam "sym thought ab".
The next best thing... really large numbers. Do your best to get down to zero favor. The easy way is to spam sym courage, then finish up with non-magic sym blessings. Use sexual-favors-test to track your favor gain. Do not use sexual-favors and sexual-favors-test at the same time. Typing "favor clear" with the script running will reset the symbol favor counter to 0. Hunt low enough level undead that their level is not variable. Get as much favor as you can stand, and see how many times you can use one symbol. Also try to use non-magic symbol of blessing after you don't have enough favor for the symbol you're measuring, unless that's the one you're measuring. Come back here and report your level, how much favor you gained, the symbol you measured, how many times you used it, and how many symbol of blessings you did if any.
Not every symbol needs to be measured. Symbols increase in cost between levels at different rates, but symbols that cost the same at one level will cost the same at another level. Only one symbol from each of 8 groups need to be measured:
1. sym blessings (non-magic)
2. sym courage, sym protection
3. sym blessings (magic), sym sleep
4. sym diminish, sym submission, sym holiness, sym recall, sym mana, sym sight, sym retribution, sym disruption, sym turning
5. sym restoration, sym need
6. sym supremacy, sym renewal
7. sym transcend, sym dreams, sym preservation
8. sym return
I know krakii has formulas. They are either inaccurate or completely wrong, or in the case of low levels, missing.
I can't believe you just jumped to the end without reading the whole post. Jerk!